“This Challenge group has been life-changing for me! Dieting and exercise is not easy to do, especially when you have to do it in your own! This group provided me with the support that I needed to reach my goals. Each day we would be asked, “What was your workout today?” “What’s for dinner?” “How much water have you had today?” All of this holds you accountable and helps you achieve great success!”

– Shawna

“So proud of how far I’ve come! Just completed Jenny’s PiYo Challenge group and I feel fantastic. Can’t believe I’m doing this!”

– April

“I have completed the P90 Challenge group!!! Overall, this has been a great experience. I lost 20 pounds. My blood pressure went from 120/80 to 110/68. My butt fits into clothes better — even had to go buy two new pair of jeans. I am more aware of what I’m eating, and have found a new appreciation for exercise!!! Thank you all for the encouragement along the way…. and a shout out to Jenny for introducing me to this program and Shakeology! Next for me T25!”

– Becky

“We have gotten stronger and a little more flexible (hope to get more with PiYo). I’ve gone down a size. Dave has gone down a couple of sizes and lost about 14 lbs.!”

– Kim and Dave

“There is nothing better than feeling more energy throughout the day! Plus, I’m loving the muscle definition. Thank you Jenny for being an amazing Coach, and Shaun T. for kicking my butt every damn day!”

– Amanda

“I had to share this with you…today, I’m wearing a shirt that I bought a few years ago but could never wear because it was too small. Even after I lost weight, the sleeves were too tight. I decided to try it on once I switched out my winter clothes for the spring ones, and voila, it fits perfectly. Happy girl! THANK YOU!”

– Hilari

“In the past six months, I’ve lost nearly eight pounds and several inches. Although I personally achieved my fitness and nutrition goals, I attribute my success to having Jenny’s committed support and accountability. Whether she gave me a push intentionally, or shared an inspirational quote unprovoked, Jenny’s attitude and passion for living healthy is highly motivating and contagious!”

– Abby

“Down 7 inches and lost 6.4% body fat. I am officially in the best shape of my life and loving my first 6 pack EVER! Thank you for bringing PiYo and TBB into my life!”

– Melissa

“Hey Jenny! I just wanted to send you a thanks in what has been a huge turn around in my life. I have committed to clean, nonprocessed eating, and a whole new outlook on health and fitness. I read my results from when I worked with you at 230 at the end. I am now less than 5 lbs from being under 200, and what’s more important… I have all body chemicals back to healthy levels, and improving at each visit. Thanks again for being my starting push!”

– Heather

“Jenny and Chris — Thank YOU for your fire and for truly making a difference. You are well on your way to success!”

– Julie

“I am so grateful for getting to know you and watch you become the vibrant alive person you are! It is such a joy to watch you shine and help so many others.”

– Jen

“Here is a belief story. I moved to Indiana with no job lined up and no idea s to what I wanted or was going to do. I was in debt and worried about paying my bills and most importantly taking care of my kids’ financial needs. At the time (January) I was in the worst shape of my life! I came across Jenny and she led me to be so much more than I thought I could be. She showed me that I had the ability to be a leader, mentor, Coach, motivator, entrepreneur, value creator and so much more. When I made that commitment to becoming a Coach I had no idea how fast I would be changing lives for the better and still working on myself at the same time. Money problems started going away. I started asking people to believe in themselves, in me, and in the Beachbody programs to get into the best shape — physically and financially — and people started doing it!

Today, I am in the best physical shape, the best mental shape, and the best financial shape I have ever been in IN MY LIFE.

I cannot thank you enough, Jenny! Through you, I saw a better me. You gave me a link to a website that has revolutionized my life completely. You know that I could take it to the next level and trusted me in your studio and with your time. This has been my best year ever. Thank you for that! You have touched my heart!”

– Andrew




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