
Today, I heard something interesting. In my obsessive podcast listening (I listen to at least one per day, and I’ve found it helps me stay focused, motivated, and on a higher level mentally), I heard the interviewee say something ridiculously intelligent:

“Your level of success will never exceed your level of personal development.”

He went on to tell his life story, which involved a horrific car accident, leaving him told he’d never walk again. Now, years later, he recently ran an ultramarathon. A truly inspiring story! But what he said really resonated with me, to the point that I rewinded and listened to it over and over again.

So often, folks tell me, “I wish I had your motivation.” Well crap. I do, too! I wish everyone was intrinsically motivated! What they don’t understand is that it IS within them, but they have to be willing to seek it. People aren’t just born naturally motivated. In fact, let me clarify exactly what I mean for you…

Often, I don’t WANT to work out. But I do it.

Often, I don’t WANT to eat a field green salad when friends order pizza. But I do it.

Often, I’m not in the mood to motivate folks in their state of “Oh poor me.” But I do it.

It wasn’t until today, until listening to this podcast with this particular quote, that it all hit me.

You see, this man talked about how when he was at his lowest point, he had two options: remain depressed, or to Google what successful people do. Interestingly, he chose to go to Google. What he found is not surprising, at least to me. He found that successful people do these 6 things:

1) Meditate.

2) Get enough sleep.

3) Eat clean.

4) Exercise regularly.

5) Surround themselves with other successful people.

6) Have an intentional growth plan.

Funny, because as I have found success in my business and in my life, I can say that I honestly have learned on my own to do at least 5 of those things, and do them well. (Still working on my meditation habits… It’s my New Year’s Resolution!) That said, when I look at the person who says to me, “I wish I had your motivation,” I have to reflect back on my own self being in that position just 5 years ago.

I wasn’t born with a Success gene.

I wasn’t born with internal motivation.

I created it, all on my own, and I’m 100% confident that YOU can do the same. And the cool thing? I’m living proof that you can pursue success just one step at a time. No need to hit it all hard on Day 1. Like I said, I’ve learned through the wisdom life has brought thus far in 30 years that these 6 things are, in fact, what leads to success. But you know what else?

There’s a big space between the eyes reading this page right now and the mind that has to make a decision, along with the body that has to pursue the effort. 

So what does it really take?

I say it starts with your mind. When I reflect on my journey, I can tell you that this (to keep it short) is how it has happened for me:

1) I started with an intentional growth plan. John Maxwell talks about this in excess. Once I got over my fear of being seen in the Self Help section of Barnes & Noble, I realized that I was standing there with folks who earn 6 figures, who are fit, and who have their shit together. Sign me up.

What does a personal growth plan involve? Setting a new habit to listen to some form of personal development podcast or read some form of personal development (book or magazine) each and every day. Set triggers! For example, when I grab the leash to walk my dog, I instantly open my phone and download a podcast to listen to on our walk.

2) Start to move your body. 

Science now shoes we don’t have to work out for 60 minutes to get a great workout and change our body. Science also shows that exercise releases endorphins, which helps you FEEL BETTER! Who doesn’t want to feel better? Stop letting time be your excuse.

3) Once you start feeling better from moving each day, you will crave the feeling! And what’s really cool? You can feel even better once you change your eating. Once you’ve nailed a personal growth plan and are pursuing it (and most likely, addicted), and once you’ve started moving, you’re ready to make small changes in your diet.

4) Surround yourself with people who lift you higher. Always wanted to write a book? Surround yourself with authors. As my husband says, it’s important to “practice with the big kids.” Get out of mediocre! Disclaimer: You may have to limit your time with those who bring you down. And sometimes, these people can be members of your family or longtime friends.

5) I can almost guarantee that once you get plugged into your inner potential (a.k.a., your inner self-motivation), and once you start to feel better physically, the next step will be perfecting the parts of your life that went completely unrecognized in your previous life: your mental self. This is where you start to make not only a mind-body connection, but a this-is-how-my-mind-affects-everything connection. With this will come a desire to seek mental peace, whether in the form of meditation or otherwise.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that THIS is the way to success. I’m not saying that this is the order it has to be, or the route you take. What I can say is that this is what I have seen, time and again, through Coaching hundreds of clients. Often, folks pursue ONE thing to better themselves and give up before moving on. They start an exercise program and then give up when they don’t get instant results. They try yoga and meditation and then give up too soon.

I will tell you this:

Your life will not change until you embrace a growth plan for yourself, intentionally. It can’t be a passive pursuit. You have to tell yourself exactly what YOU are going to do, each day, to grow yourself. With that comes a world of knowledge, and with knowledge of yourself comes intrinsic motivation, which IS the key to success.

What drives you? I can tell you what drives me, and it’s not just one thing:

I’m driven by by husband. My endless quest to prove to him that dreamers are achievers, and that we CAN live the life we imagine.

I’m driven by my clients. Seeing and hearing from them daily gives me purpose. Changing lives fulfills me.

I’m driven by the future. I know that as long as I have another day, I have another chance to pursue happiness and success.

I’m driven by other successful people. I believe there is nothing special about these people, and I consider myself one of them.

I’m driven by my friends, and the people who lift me higher.

YOU have things that drive you, but I think for some, you’re allowing this to somehow get washed away with the mundane priorities of life. It’s hard enough just to eat, work, sleep, and survive, right? What if your life held more purpose? What if your story could inspire someone else? What if you set a new expectation of success for yourself?

Because success is more than money. Success if achieving your life’s purpose.

I KNOW you can.

Successful people put their pants on the same way I do: one leg at a time.

They also exercise, eat right, commit to an intentional growth plan, meditate, sleep well, and surround themselves with positive people. Those are ACTUAL things they do. Because of that, and because they are constantly expanding their personal development, their potential for success also grows.

What ONE thing will you commit to today that will help you break through and find your intrinsic motivation, which in turn will help you fulfill your purpose?

I’d love for you to share! Post on my Wall over at



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