This is how excited I am to begin Insanity Max:30.


Last week, Team Beachbody released the newest of our elite programs… Insanity Max: 30. You’ve probably seen my posts about it, or maybe even watched the promo trailer, but you may be wondering:

Is this program for me?

What does it mean to max out?

Will I survive?

My short answers to those questions:


To push to failure.

I’m not sure.


Is this program for me?

In all seriousness, I am 100% confident that this is a program you should consider. In THIS particular blog post, I’d like to call attention to the fact that most people see Shaun T.’s programs (Insanity, The Asylum, T25, and now Max:30) and think, “Ha! Yeah right! Those workouts are for athletes only. Only the super fit can do those.”

I’m here to tell you, Max: 30 is in an entirely new category. While it’s marketed to be extreme and in the Insanity family of crazy workouts, Beachbody has done a superb job of creating something that will work for everyone. I’ve done a Max:30 workout live myself, and I can tell you that every single move not only CAN be modified, but absolutely kicks your ass in modified form.

What does it mean to max out?

Maxing out simply means that for the first time in the workout, your body is reaching a point of what we call “failure,” meaning you literally have to stop moving in order to resupply oxygen to the muscle. And while you might think that the idea is to max out LATER in the workout, Shaun T. himself says that the idea is, in fact, the opposite: to max out SOONER in the workout so as to maximize burn potential through the rest of the workout.

Oh, and by the way… “maxing out” likely won’t happen only once. Maxing out multiple times in the workout is inevitable, and that’s OK. It’s similar to the science of Insanity. Think of it this way:

Let’s say it’s a 90 degree day in central Indiana, and you drive your car to the grocery store. The car gets hot under the hood, given that its engine is running and in high heat. When you get back home with your groceries, your car will likely crackle, pop, and remain hot for hours after your venture. THIS is how metabolism works in the human body after a max interval, high intensity workout. While your HRM might read “850 calories burned” immediately after the workout, your body will likely continue to burn calories and remain at a heightened state of metabolism for hours afterward.

To clarify: This is why Insanity works. This is why Max:30 works, and is about to rock the socks off of fitness training worldwide. Because if you can MAX OUT early in a workout, continue the burn for the remainder of the 30 minutes at high intensity, and then keep your metabolism up for the rest of the day, you’re going to shred that body over the course of 60 days.

Will I survive?

I can tell you this: there are no guarantees. But for many of us, there are also no guarantees for surviving the way we live now: on fast food, slurping coffee like it’s water, and sitting at a desk 8 hours a day. I can also tell you that with my Team backing you up with accountability and daily motivation, you’re better destined for success with the program.

Team Beachbody creates the BEST home workout programs on the market, and according to one Los Angeles-based doctor, “Max:30 is about to revolutionize home fitness.” In my opinion, it may be just the thing to help you uncover your inner athlete.

Last Call!


My Insanity Max: 30 Challenge group begins January 2nd and is already full of people brimming with excitement (and nervousness)! This group will be led by not only myself, but my rockstar Team of Coaches, some of whom are Insanity Certified Instructors. If you are interested in hearing more about what this group has to offer, message me at, or email me at Let’s MAX OUT together!

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