5 Reasons Shakeology Cafe Latte Should Be Your Next Love

Lose Weight With a Latte

Can I be really honest with you? I REALLY love my coffee.

Like, don’t ever ask me to give it up.

I like the taste, the warmth, the feel of the mug in my hands, and the alertness my latte gives me each and every morning. I used to be a latte hater… One of those people who just enjoyed the smell but never wanted anything to do with a bad habit. Until one day, while serial podcasting, I came across Bulletproof Radio podcasts and my man Dave Asprey talking about Bulletproof Coffee and its advantages for your health.

Bulletproof Coffee

Never heard of Bulletproof coffee? OK, let’s start there.

Bulletproof Coffee is this crazy phenomenon happening right now, with backed science, for blending mycotoxin-free coffee in a blender with 1-2 Tbsp. of grass-fed butter and 1 Tbsp. of MCT oil (or coconut oil).

I know what you’re thinking. You think this sounds absolutely crazy. Why would ANYONE drink butter in their latte?

Again, I understand. The first time I heard it, I thought these podcasters were off the deep end. But as I kept listening, particularly to the science and experience they had with the ketogenic diet, the more I became intrigued. Intrigue led to trial, and trial to obsession.

So for the last nearly 2 years, I have made Bulletproof coffee each and every morning and I have absolutely LOVED the way this latte makes me feel. I feel more alert, I have greater focus, and most importantly, I DON’T have that fuzzy, foggy feeling in my brain. I feel energized from my latte all day long, which I know comes as a result of kicking my day off Bulletproof style, and with fueling myself with proper whole foods.

Every day since 2013, I have blended my Bulletproof coffee, trusting Dave Asprey’s words of advice regarding allowing your body to enter a state of ketosis (fat-burning state), and typically don’t consume whole food until AFTER my mid-morning workout. At that time, my go-to staple is Shakeology®, a superfood-dense nutritious shake loaded with over 70 plant-based ingredients. It’s an instant blast of protein after my body has entered fat-burning zone naturally, and is an amazing compliment to my day.

Then, at lunchtime, around 1pm, I eat.

You could say I am the fittest and healthiest I have ever been. My blood pressure, cholesterol, EVERYTHING is where it should be, and my workouts are 100% on target.

Excitement Discovering Shakeology Cafe Latte

So imagine my excitement when I discovered this fall that Beachbody was going to create Shakeology Cafe Latte …. Shakeology made from the plant of the coffee bean. A latte everyone can enjoy and also receive energy. Also, you do not have to go to cafe to buy this.

My mind. Was blown.

TWO of my favorite things in the world, coffee and Shakeology, were about to be united into one to create Shakeology Cafe Latte.  The increased energy and focus, along with regularity from BOTH were about to become one amazing start to my day.

And now, it’s official.

Shakeology Cafe Latte is Now Available

Shakeology Cafe Latte is OFFICIALLY available, and it is flying HOT off the shelves. Why? Because latte lovers everywhere want a taste of this superfood-dense shake that can help them become healthier, all while feeling like their drinking an iced vanilla latte from Starbucks. But again, you do not have to leave your home or go to a cafe to enjoy this. 

HOW can Shakeology help you with your health?

Let thee count the ways:

Improved regularity. Nearly EVERYONE who drinks Shakeology on a daily basis, as it’s intended, sees remarkable improvement in their bowel habits. Why? Because it’s chock-full of probiotics, prebiotics, and digestive enzymes to clean out your gut and prepare your body for appropriate nutrient absorption.

Increased energy and mental focus. Trust me, go without your shake for a day and see how you feel. You’ll notice an incredible difference in your focus! Combine the fact that ALL flavors of Shakeology offer this in conjunction with the release of Cafe Latte and WHAM… You have a fantastic way to mentally jumpstart your day with this latte.

Shakeology Helps with Weight Maintenance

Weight loss and healthy weight maintenance. Shakeology is by no means a diet shake, or a deprivation supplement. It is intended to fuel your body with the nutrients it is missing, and to give you your daily fruits and vegetables in much tastier form. Go ahead, read the back of the label. You have our word that every ingredient is real, all-natural, and good for you. 

Multivitamin in food form. What’s better than a multivitamin pill? Consuming all of your daily vitamins in ONE shake. Yep, nutrients in FOOD absorb better than pill form.

Acts as an immune system defender. In 3 years since drinking Shakeology daily, I have NOT been to the doctor for a cold or flu. I believe it’s because I have a daily defense mechanism AGAINST the bad stuff in my shake!

So what does this mean for you? It means that if you’re looking to get healthy… to lose weight, gain mental focus, and improve your energy and regularity… Shakeology is absolutely your best bet. Combine that with the fact that you are a coffee lover and the new release of Shakeology Cafe Latte and you are GOLDEN. Take a look at some of the Cafe Latte recipes.

Contact One of Our Coaches Today to Enjoy Your Next Cafe Latte!

Reach out to get in touch with a Coach about how Shakeology Cafe Latte can work in your diet. Trust us, you’ll be hooked! And healthier for it. Plus you do not need to go to a cafe to try this latte!

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