It’s time again for our annual Body Electric Super Bowl workout!

We should start by saying that EVERYONE who participates in this activity will be entered to win a FREE copy of the 21 Day Fix Fixate cookbook. Yeah. Boom.


This year, it’s all about the commercials. And yes, we know that for most of us, the commercials are the best part. We also know that you may be surrounded by your friends, in which case we tell you: The more the merrier! Why not ask them to join you in your weirdness and do some crunches and push-ups right alongside you?

So here are the challenge details:

You must post a video to your Facebook page of YOU doing at least 20 seconds of a move indicated below, tagging your Body Electric Coach AND 2 of your friends (challenging THEM to take the challenge), using the hashtag “BEStrongerEveryDay.” This video MUST be posted between kickoff and game end. 

Doing this automatically enters your name into the drawing for the Fixate cookbook, to be mailed to you within 7-10 days after the Super Bowl along with a sample of Cafe Latte Shakeology.

Double boom.

OK, so what’s the workout? Here you go!

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Every time you see puppies in a commercial, do 5 push-ups. 

Every time you see a beer commercial, do 10 crunches. 

Every time you see a commercial promoting a junk food (Doritos, Pepsi, etc.), do 15 jumping jacks. 

Every time you see a commercial promoting vehicles, do 10 squats. 

And just for added benefit, every time a commercial break begins, take a sip of water to keep yourself hydrated through the game.

At the end of the game, if you find yourself exhausted and sweaty, know this:

If commercials promoted fruit and veggies, exercise programs and water consumption, you’d be quite rested. 😉

May you find this fun, challenging, and a great way to get your family and friends active on Super Bowl Sunday! Share away!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Body Electric

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