A great go-to resource!
A great go-to resource!

It goes without saying that having a social life involving dates, hangouts, and parties can take quite a toll on our pocketbooks AND our waistlines. According to CNBC, the AVERAGE amount of sodium of all items across the biggest chains in 2014 was over 1,200 milligrams. U.S. dietary guidelines call for no more than 2,300 milligrams per day so yeah…. Whoa.

Not to mention all of the tempting, not-so-good-for-you foods we find in America at restaurants everywhere. (The fact that French fries are offered at most establishments validates this point.)

So how do you stay on track with your nutrition goals and still have a social life? We thought we’d tackle this one head on for you, as the Coaches on our Team are becoming well-versed in answering this question. Here are our top tips for eating out while still staying on track with your goals:

  1. Know before you go. Most restaurants nowadays have their menu available on their website or Facebook page. Take 5 minutes to take a look at it (in a moment when you’re NOT hungry), to decide on the best option for you. Look for lean meats, nothing fried, green vegetables, and avoid the temptations such as French fries and chips.
  2. Don’t be afraid to order OFF the menu, or sans marinades. In some cases, you might find that a restaurant is quite limited in what they have to offer in the realm of healthy choices. If this is the case, take a look at the ingredients that are listed IN their menu items. Do they have chicken? Ground beef? What about lettuce or spinach? Tomatoes? Throw something together yourself! Don’t be ashamed to ask the wait staff for “a big bowl of veggies and shredded chicken.” If they look at you funny, that’s OK… That just means we can now welcome you to the Healthy People Club, where we get weird looks daily for our choices but are rewarded with longer life and energy. 😉
  3. The Low-Cal menu (often deemed the “Healthy Choices” isn’t always the best option.) So many restaurants these days have a page set aside for “Healthy Choices,” though don’t be fooled. If something says “Low-Cal” or “Fat-Free,” chances are, it’s full of stuff your body won’t recognize, such as artificial sweeteners and other gunk. You’re better off to resort to #2 and order off the menu based on the ingredients the restaurant has on hand. Choose quality ingredients over lower calories.
  4. Eat a snack (or drink your Shakeology) before you go. Fight off temptations by filling your belly a bit before you leave the house. Shakeology is the perfect option to help you feel satisfied and curb cravings, though healthy snacks like an apple and peanut butter or handful of almonds is a great secondary option.
  5. Have an eyeball for proper portion sizes (Thank you, 21 Day Fix!) Sometimes people think they can’t do the 21 Day Fix meal plan because of their busy travel schedule or business lunch appointments when in reality, you truly get an eye for the “containers” (i.e., proper portions) by using them when you can. So many of our Body Electric customers have raved about how eating out is so much easier now that they know what their portions and proportions should look like.
  6. If eating out is just a common response to your method of hanging out with friends, consider suggesting something different: like a walk in the park or shopping. It’s easy to resort to lunch out with a girlfriend, or brunch with your man, though making something at home and spending time being active or productive may be more worthwhile.
  7. Skip the alcohol, or limit yourself to one beverage for the meal. Alcohol contains way too many calories to be worth the indulgence on a regular basis. Choose wisely.
  8. Be OK with being weird. As we mentioned previously, you may get a weird look or two from the waiter/waitress, or even the friend you’re meeting. That’s OK. These are YOUR goals, and this is YOUR life. You’re making the wise choices. Be OK with being weird.

The bottom line is that once you take control of your choices and your actions once, it gets easier. Creating the habit of meal prepping at home, perhaps on the weekends, and having snacks handy (as well as a plan for what to order), you’ll be rockin’ the healthy lifestyle in no time.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric

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