For some reason, there is this common misconception that in order to be a health and fitness Coach, you have to have a perfect body and perfect lifestyle habits.

“I can hardly keep my own habits on track, let alone be some kind of Coach!”

Oh, if you only knew how often we hear that.

But the truth is, nobody’s perfect.


What’s even more powerful is that imperfection is actually what is most inspiring.

A woman with stretch marks who works hard to do her best and forget the rest is, well, inspiring.

A man who squeezes his workout in while traveling for work is, well, inspiring.

A college student who religiously consumes her Shakeology so as to set the example for her sorority sisters despite what they might initially say about her is, well, inspiring.

It is in our imperfections that we inspire others.

All the people out there toting high and tight glutes and 6-pack abs, or even their 100% on-point diet, inspire noone but themselves. Sure, a ripped body can be motivating for many, but when it comes to truly sparking that fire in someone to get them to seek a healthier lifestyle, bikini models simply aren’t going to keep them going when times get tough.

Wanna know who and what IS going to keep them going?

People like you.

People who are human, and who share their imperfections. Who are vulnerable, yet who are trying the best they can every day.

As a personal trainer, the #1 compliment I hear is “Thank you for being so real.” Often times, folks have an experience with a trainer who is into shaming or tough love, or who pushes them to go from zero to hero, which puts a bad taste in their mouth. That bad taste is the taste of perfection. Blech. My goal, as both a trainer and online health coach, is to simply help you stay accountable, and to help you do your best and forget the rest.

You see, it’s those Instagram bootylicious physique models who have us fitness Coaches pegged as perfect. 

So let’s set the record straight.

We are the online Coaches who will be available via text, Facebook, or phone to have your back when you need it.

We’re the online Coaches who will push you out of your comfort zone, but who will encourage you just the same.

We’re the online Coaches who you see sharing our own journeys so as to inspire you to begin, or continue, yours.

We’re the online Coaches who have proven programs and proven nutrition to help you stay on track. We leave that to the pros.

We’re your Jillian Michaels and your Bob, your accountability and your support, your know how and your “we’ll help you figure it out.”

But most importantly, we’re people… just like you.

We know where you are, because we’ve been there, or we ARE there.

We want to be your friend first, your inspiration, and your resource for doing this thing, once and for all.

And best of all? We want you to set your preconceptions aside and consider what it might be like to become an online Coach like us… One who inspires others by simply sharing what you’re doing, and who, thank goodness, is imperfectly perfect for the job.

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