Ever wondered why it’s so hard to stop eating out of a big tub of movie theatre popcorn? Or why “the fun don’t stop” after you pop the top of a Pringles can? Why is it that some foods taste so dang good that we can’t put them down, and even when we finish the container, we’re still hungry?

I’m here to tell you.

If I handed you an apple and asked you to eat it, you probably would. What if, right after polishing off that apple, I handed you another? Would you eat it? Maybe. What about a third apple? Would you consume 3 apples in one sitting? Or 6, or 10? Likely not. Though if I handed you a Biggie fry from McDonald’s, would you eat more than one French fry? More than 3? More than 10?

So let’s get this straight. Some foods are addicting (i.e., movie theatre popcorn) to the point we can’t stop eating them, and others we enjoy but only in moderation, almost naturally. Who wants to eat 3 apples? Or 4 bananas? That’s just whacked.

The answer is simple. Some foods satisfy you nutritionally, and some do not. In other words, some serve a purpose in your body aside from merely filling up your belly (their nutrient-packed fibers are utilized by your body upon consumption), while others simply fill you up and satiate a craving.

Seth Godin, well-known author and marketing mastermind, did a study on why certain foods taste so dang good. He went “undercover” at corporations such as Frito-Lay and Coca Cola to figure out what, if anything, they are adding to our food to make us consume so much of it. What he found was quite interesting. He found that executives and employees of these companies would have weekly meetings intended to discuss how they could increase the salt and/or sugar in their foods in order for the consumer to consume more of it, and therefore buy more of it. Brilliant marketing, not-so-brilliant outcome (ahem, introduce American obesity epidemic).

Interesting. Last I checked, God doesn’t add anything to apples and bananas. And I’m pretty sure he’s the manufacturer.

This blog post exists to help you realize that if you’re still hungry, it’s because you’re not nutritionally satisfied. It’s because most likely, you’re not consuming the foods that are adding value to your body and its functionality. You’re trying to feed your face something that’s tasty and what you perceive to be filling, thanks to various marketing tactics, food additives, and a trained, learned behavioral habit on your part.

When customers of mine participate in the 21-Day Fix, or the Ultimate Reset, or even start to drink Shakeology, the first thing I hear is always, “Wow. It’s hard for me to eat that much!”

Why? Because the food in the meal plans for our programs are real foods. The ingredients in Shakeology are real foods. Whole foods. Foods that fill you up, and satisfy you. And guess what else? They give you energy, keep you from feeling bloated, and increase your quality of life.

Food is important. While we certainly deserve to live a little (Note: I am NOT saying live without movie theatre popcorn), our bodies also deserve to be treated with care. Now, go have an apple or 3 and let me know how you feel.

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