If you only knew how often we’ve heard the words,

“I wish I had your motivation.”

Yeah. We do, too. If we’re being completely honest, we DO wish you had our motivation, our drive, our passion, and our good feels. We DO wish you could feel what it feels like to have natural energy, to be completely physically able to do everything your body was meant to do, and to have something that excites you about your overall health. We wish that for you.

But unfortunately, our wishes for you are just that… wishes.

And doubly unfortunate, your wishes for you are also just that… wishes.

If we could somehow share our drive, our passion, our motivation for fitness and health, we would. We would roll up our sleeves, insert our own IV, and drip ounces of our motivation into a bag to be transferred to you.

That’s how much we wish this for you.

So we continue to exist this way: You watching us and all of our workout videos, healthy lunches, Shakeology, and excitement for life. And us watching you and your constant complaining of tiredness, lack of focus, blood pressure whoas, and wishing. And yes, we mean that with sincerest love. We, as Coaches, share our journeys so as to inspire you to begin your own. And if there’s one thing that a Coach literally loses sleep over, it has to be the fact that we want this so badly for you that we’ll do anything, including share our sweaty, makeup-less selfies, to encourage you to reach out.

Because truth be told… We feel freaking awesome. We see the results our customers have. We get Thank You notes from people daily thanking us for inviting them to our accountability groups. For sharing the 21 Day Fix with them. This happens DAILY, which fuels our fire to find MORE people to motivate, inspire, and help change. This fuels our fire to find you.

Coaches are agents for change. Our credibility is in our stories, and our proof is in our newfound relationships.

So how can we motivate you to take the next step?

Ah, the age old question.

We wish we knew.

So we try different things.

We share our journeys, both physical and emotional.

We reach out, to connect and let others know how deeply we believe in them.

Because ultimately, all we can do is be a constant voice in your ear and photo in your newsfeed, a constant, consistent agent for the change we know is possible for you, and a friend. In the end, there comes a point where a picture we share, or a sentence we say, or a hug we give, opens your heart to us. There is this moment, this precious moment, when you decide that rather than WISHING we could somehow open up our veins of motivation and feed yours, you opt instead to work for it. We can just show you how to EARN the good feels.

We have a way that’s working for literally thousands of people. Thousands of people who have seen our posts, who have become our friends, who have wondered if this is for them. And slowly but surely, we will get your attention. It will start with a comment such as, “I wish I had your motivation,” and because of our consistency, our relentless will to be that agent of change, it will transform to, “What do I need to do to get healthy?”

We’re here.

We’re always here.

Motivating. Inspiring. Educating. Believing. Waiting.

Waiting for a chance to help be the change you need, want, and undoubtedly can accomplish.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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