It’s here. Memorial Day weekend. That long, three-day weekend when the weather turns for the better, the sun is out, the neighborhood pool is open, and brats and beer call your name.

You work hard. You deserve a break. You deserve a few brews over the weekend, and you’re ready to unwind. So you stop by the store and you pick up ingredients to make that cheesy, hearty dip you like. And a box of those iced cookies, because your daughter likes those. And a 24-pack of Bud Light for the hubby.

YOU went to the gym today. You worked out. You burned a ton of calories. You’ve been drinking water all day long. You DESERVE a break.


Leave it to Body Electric to play devil’s advocate, and tell you you’re in the wrong for thinking you can do what you want with your nutrition this weekend. But we think you’ll like what we have to say. It’s based on keeping it real, because we know that telling you to go sans alcohol and burgers ain’t gonna happen. So we’ve compromised. HERE is what you can do to keep yourself on track, yet relaxed, this holiday weekend.

Commitment #1. Do not skip your workout.

It sucks, fitting it all in… We know. The cookouts, the pool opening, the yard work. But the workout is non-negotiable. Don’t skip it.

Commitment #2. Drink lots of water.

At least half of your body weight, in ounces. Knock it down BEFORE you hit up that party. Also, consider supplying some fruit-infused water for the picnic you’re attending! Here’s how (along with other awesome Memorial Day BBQ recipes: CLICK HERE.)

Commitment #3. After every alcoholic beverage, you will consume 12 oz. of water.

For every hydration depleting beverage, you replace it with a hydrating one. NOT doing this results in that dreaded hangover the next day. You will thank us!

Commitment #4. You will choose between one of the two options at your family cookout: 
1) Consume whatever you want on a dessert-size plate (portion control, people).
2) You will consume veggies and fruits, filling 80% of your dinner plate with them and 20% with whatever you want.

Commitment #5. You will inspire someone else to make a healthy choice.

Often, people are afraid to go for the fruits and veggies in fear of their friends who will ridicule them for such choices. Sure, that could happen, but don’t think for once that those friends aren’t also a bit jealous of your willpower, and will likely make at least one “healthier” decision because of your decision. What you’re doing is not for someone else. It’s for you.

Life is about enjoyment and happiness. We’re not asking you to go vegan at Sunday’s firepit. We’re asking you to think about your decisions before you make them, remember these commitments, and if nothing else, KEEP MOVING.

And always, always, get back on the wagon when the fun is over and Tuesday morning rolls around. We’re here for you!

Yours in Health & Fitness,
The Body Electric Team

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