Calling all food network addicts and just plain people who like to eat! We are THRILLED to announce the upcoming release of a healthy cooking show from the creators of 21 Day Fix.

Introducing Fixate.

21 Day Fix

21 Day Fix Cooking Show

Celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese has partnered with her brother, Chef Bobby Calabrese, to bring the first ever healthy, portion-conscious cooking show to the masses. Available to Beachbody OnDemand members (which, for those of you unfamiliar, is essentially Netflix for workouts), this show is going to change the game when it comes to best preparing your heathy meals for the week, preparing for programs like the 21 Day Fix, and even just for the creation of party-worthy foods in their healthy variation.

Check this out:

What exactly is involved in the show? Weekly recipes, that are all 21 Day Fix approved (which, if you’re familiar with all Beachbody programs, you know that these recipes will also be perfect for ANY of our programs that correspond to the container system, which is most of them).

Why does this matter? Because steadily, you’re going to see Beachbody OnDemand grow in value. You’ll see us move from being a dominantly fitness platform (Have I mentioned lately how awesome it is to stream workouts when traveling?), to a more well-rounded platform with magazine value-like access to knowledge on all fronts.

But that’s not all.

In addition to the new cooking show, we’re also releasing 3 Week Yoga Retreat, a 21 day yoga program intended to be low impact and a great introduction to yoga for beginners.

21 Day Fix

We love this, because most folks who participate in our programs despise yoga day, thinking they’re simply not good at it or not flexible enough to enjoy it. 3 Week Yoga Retreat will show them how to gain more flexibility and build strength the steady way. This is great for those of us Coaches because this equips us with a program that nearly anyone can do, even those with former injuries and ailments. We’re excited for this one.

While many other products and programs were released at Summit this year, these two will add exceptional value to our OnDemand library… making it a no-brainer for folks to subscribe to our BOD membership for literally $3 per week.

I mean, let’s get real: How much do you spend on Netflix and movie rentals? Now, fitness really can be that inexpensive… and possibly just as entertaining.

But how do you know where to begin, and what program is right for you? Because while these things are incredible, they’re not necessarily the place to start, but are pretty kick-@$$ additions to your overall program. Here’s what we suggest: Complete our Soul Mate Workout Form, which will put you in touch with your Coach with all of the answers they need to ensure you’re starting with the right program and accountability group. And yes, we have a corresponding accountability group for EVERY program we offer.

Regardless of whether you’re a beginner or advanced, we’re excited to be extending our library to help you in areas of weakness, which, in our experience, is dominantly existent in the wide world of the kitchen and the yoga mat. Cheers to dominating what was once difficult, and what will now be much, much easier and more enjoyable.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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