More often than not, spouses or significant others aren’t so supportive when it comes to losing weight and seeking a healthier lifestyle. In fact, we’d have to say that it is one of the top excuses we hear for why people can’t stay on track with a program.

“How do I cook meals for my family when I’m trying to eat healthy?” is the most common question, followed by a close second, “My husband isn’t supportive of what I’m doing, which makes this thing so much harder.”

The truth of the matter is that, like any form of change, seeking a healthier lifestyle is an individual decision, so when your lifestyle involves others (i.e., your spouse and/or kids), making wise choices and pursuing the effort can seem daunting. Here are our top 5 tips for encouraging support from your mate:

  1. Tell him/her WHY you’re doing this. Most of the time, when we ask a client who is feeling stuck in this regard if they have shared why this matters to them with their spouse, they say No. Don’t skip this very important step. People can argue with what you do or a conflict of opinion, but they can’t argue how you feel. Tell him or her how you feel, and why this is so important to you.
  2. Ask him/her to help you learn the program, or to do it with you. Even if he/she isn’t interested in the nutrition component right away, getting them to exercise with you is a great first step.
  3. Keep them clued into your progress. Are you feeling stronger? Losing inches or pounds? Tell them! Let them have a chance to be proud of you. And remember that if they offer sarcasm as an answer, they may just still be feeling insecure about the changes you’re making.
  4. Sneak healthy foods into your meals as a family. Mashed cauliflower or cauliflower crust pizza anyone? May sound gross, but we doubt you (or your stubborn children) would notice. Oh, and as a sidenote: Don’t feel you have to prepare separate meals for your kids than you do for yourself. If you value embracing a new diet of green vegetables and lean proteins, you’ll also understand the value in your family consuming the same diet. Kids only know what we teach and show them, so be mindful that phrases like, “My kid only likes chicken nuggets,” may be a crutch. #donthateus #wejustloveyou #alwayskeepingitreal
  5. Thank him/her for letting you pursue this healthier lifestyle. Even if they’re grouchy or complain about it, keep an attitude of gratitude. We have a feeling it will catch on.

The bottom line is: patience is a virtue. Our guess is that your newfound love for the way your body feels when you exercise and eat right will inspire your family to get healthy right alongside you. And even if it doesn’t, you’ll now be well equipped to be your best you for them and in everything you do.

Your health matters. And as much as we can want others to recognize this, at the end of the day, you can only control what you do. If you share your beliefs and your reasons for doing it, and you stay consistent in your endeavor despite the taunting, you’ll inspire change. You’ll demand greater respect. And perhaps best of all, there will come a day when your spouse says, “Damn. You got hot.”

Until then, press on, my friend.

You’re doing the right thing.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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