21 Day Fix Meal Plan

Let’s set the record straight. There are multiple myths out there about the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan, and as is the case with myths, they are established by folks who don’t have the expertise or experience to truly know.

Trust us when we say we have experience and expertise in the world of the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan. Our Team has helped literally THOUSANDS of clients complete the program with great success, not to mention we live by the lifestyle identified in the program each and every day. On our Team, we have Certified Nutritionists and trainers, but most importantly, we have people who have been “in the trenches” for years. We’re confident in what we offer because it truly works. But often, we find we must dispel the myths surrounding the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan program in order for people to truly buy in and commit.

So let’s dive in.

The Top 6 TRUTHS About the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan

  1. You will not starve. The containers might look small on TV (or even in person), but what most people don’t tell you is that on the meal plan, you consume MULTIPLE of each on a daily basis. It’s actually more food than you can ever imagine… REAL, whole food. In fact, check out this article we wrote about just how MUCH food is really involved.
  2. The food actually tastes good. If you’ve never heard of the Fixate cookbook, know this: It is an absolute GAME CHANGER with this program. Who doesn’t like chicken parmesan, chicken and waffles, and delicious oat banana pancakes? These recipes involve healthy ingredients, all factored into the program (container equivalents are provided).
  3. The workouts ARE for beginners. The original 21 Day Fix meal plan program is intended to be for beginners. The workouts show both the introductory move per exercise and the advanced, progressed move for those in their 3rd or 4th The 21 Day Fix EXTREME program is intended to be the next level.
  4. Meal prepping isn’t hard. So often, we hear people say, “Yeah, I know I NEED to meal prep but it takes so much time!” WRONG. Maybe your current IDEA of meal prepping sounds hard (thanks to bodybuilders on Instagram, we now think of meal prepping as grilling mad amounts of chicken and hard boiling eggs for days), but with the Fixate cookbook and some practice, your meal prepping can be accomplished in just 1-2 hours per week.
  5. Shakeology is a nonnegotiable. It drives us crazy when folks opt to try the program WITHOUT Shakeology, because 9 times out of 10, they come back asking for Shakeology toward the end of their 21 days. It’s a simple meal full of dense nutrition that requires no prep (minus a quick blend in the blender), counts as an easy Red container, and keeps us feeling high energy and ready to tackle those workouts. Do not skip the Shakeology… It is as much of a component to your success as the program as a whole.
  6. It’s about PROPORTIONS as much as it is about PORTIONS. Yes, it is advertised to help you keep your portions in check, and that is true. But it’s just as much about PROPORTIONS on your plate as it is the portions. As Fix creator Autumn Calabrese has said herself, she created the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan because she had girlfriends consuming salads for lunch every day full of the wrong ingredients and the wrong proportions.

21 Day Fix Meal Plan is a Lifestyle Change

The truth is, until you sit down with a Coach to discuss what’s involved, and until you truly decide you’re willing to do whatever it takes, you’ll fall victim to the myths of the 21 Day Fix. Should you decide to pursue it, you’ll find your lifestyle will change for the better.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team