While I’m not a parent, I am married to a school teacher, so I know all too well the lack of routine that exists in the summer. Going to bed later, waking up later, fitting your workout in later, and forgetting the meal planning and any form of planning for that matter.

But when the school year lurks around the corner and you know it’s about to smack you in the face, there ARE some things you can do to stay on top of your health and fitness. In fact, doing so now may help you create a new routine going forward that will keep you on track. Here are my Top 10 Tips for Getting Into a Healthy Routine this fall:

1) Keep a running grocery list. When you run out of something, jot it into your phone (I use the simple Notes app myself) so that when you are running errands next, you know what you need. Daily grocery trips are a waste of your time. Instead, plan on doing it weekly by staying organized.

2) Do not forget to meal prep. It’s going to take you no more than 2 hours to chop veggies and fruits, grill some lean meats, and put your lunches into containers for the upcoming week. Doing so will save you the guesswork and the preparation during the week.

3) Go to bed at night with at least 16 oz. of water at your bedside. Commit to drinking that water first thing in the morning, before your feet hit the floor. Doing so will help you awaken, give you early  morning focus, and start the hydration process right.

4) Keep a planner on hand that contains your appointments/commitments for the week, along with scheduled errands and planned meals.

5) Turn off the TV (and Facebook) 1 hour before bed each night. This will be good for both your kids AND you. Doing so will help your sleep hormones to settle in and help you get a good night’s rest. Instead of watching TV, consider reading.

6) Consider setting reminders in your phone for snacking. It’s important that you don’t allow sugar crashes. Remember to keep it healthy and to do so mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Shakeology, anyone?

7) Go for walks. Whether it’s post-breakfast (to help smooth digestion) or post-dinner, get out and stretch those legs daily in the fresh air. Even when it starts to get colder.

8) Commit (or recommit) to an exercise program. Schedule time each day for you to get your sweat on. Heck, we know now it takes only 25 minutes a day of a proven program for you to see results. Don’t skip it.

9) Find an accountability partner or group. Don’t have one? I can be your person, and even set you up with an accountability group.

10) Show gratitude. Consider starting a daily gratitude journal, but also, start sharing with your loved ones what exactly you are grateful for.

These are simple ideas intended to help you get on track this August. If there’s ever a time for you to recommit and create a new routine for yourself, now is it. You don’t have to go it alone, but you have to start.

Until next time.


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