“I would LOVE to know what’s in your refrigerator.”

This is something I’ve heard from Challengers, personal training clients, Facebook friends, and the like. So I figured… why keep you guessing? I’d love to share with you where exactly I food shop and what I buy.

I have 3 major places I grocery shop, and I like none of them more than the other. They are: Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Kroger. While Kroger is on my bad list right now for recently reorganizing their store, I still have my finds from there that I can’t go without. But before we get into what’s in my cart, I want to start off by saying this:

Just because it came from [insert whole food grocer name here] doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Yep, it’s true. Don’t fall into the trap of perusing the aisles at these places and picking up everything that looks good. These stores still carry various cookies, chips, and other things that aren’t good for your gut. They’re likely better for you than what you might find at your regular grocery (most anything is better than Cheetos), but if you wind up at the checkout counter with a zillion boxes of “organic cookies,” you still may not be making progress.

**Disclaimer: My husband and I choose to eat non-processed foods, no dairy, and no red meat or pork. This is merely our choice, but you will see those choices reflected below.**

So here goes:

Trader Joe’s


T.J.’s is my go-to place for quick meals for throughout the week. Much of what I buy at Trader Joe’s is housed in the frozen section and can be pulled out of the freezer as a main entree or side dish in a matter of minutes. No preservatives, a lot of dairy free/wheat free options, and yummy tasting. Here are my frozen faves:

* Mahi mahi burgers — Top these with some Trader Joe’s taco mix and throw them on the grill!

* Salmon burgers — We like to throw these on the grill as well, and then top with fresh sprouts, sliced tomato, and avocado (or even spicy guacamole). YUM.

* Turkey burgers — There are none out there like them. Delicious!

* Swordfish and/or Ahi Tuna steaks — They’re flash frozen and high quality. Again, grill ’em up.

* Bean and corn enchiladas — We keep these in the freezer for a quick lunch option. Chris often packs this in his lunch for a quick, microwaveable meal once a week. Wheat free, dairy free, and lower in sodium than any other frozen meal you’ll find.

* Frozen brown rice (and/or quinoa) — Ready to microwave. Can you say EASY?

* Chocolate-covered banana slices — This, aside from Shakeology, is our indulgent dessert. Have 3 or 4 slices of chocolate-covered banana and you’ve satisfied the sweet tooth!

Of course, I also like a wide variety of “dry foods” for the pantry. My top choices include:

* Udi’s gluten-free whole grain bread (makes great toast!)

* Trader Joe’s Taco Mix

* Low-sodium soup broths in the carton

* Chia/Flax Peanut Butter

* Brown rice pasta

* Canned tomatoes with green chiles (great for chili!)

* Blue corn tortilla chips (We buy these 4 bags at a time. No, I’m not kidding.)

* Nut mixes (So many trail mixes to choose from!)

When it comes to their fresh produce, I’m a fan of the pre-sliced/prepped veggies, such as the Mirepoix soup mix, Asian stir fry vegetables, and ripe and ready avocados. We also purchase our meats here. When it comes to meat, we eat only seafood, chicken, and turkey (no red meat or pork), so we find ourselves buying Trader Joe’s free range organic chicken breasts and ground turkey/turkey bacon every time we go!

Whole Foods


The absolute best thing about Whole Foods has to be their ready-to-eat soup, salad, and hot bar. Most people look at Whole Foods as if it’s JUST a grocery, but it’s so much more! I meet friends here all the time for a soup and salad lunch in the fresh basil-smelling cafeteria located in most stores. I buy no frozen goods at Whole Foods (as most of their options also exist at Kroger for much less money), but I do love their fresh produce, fresh seafood counter, and pre-made salads. Here are my staples:

* Alfalfa sprouts (for aforementioned burgers)

* sweet baby lettuces

* salad dressings

* Garlic Expressions brand oil/garlic blend (great on sauteed veggies)

* Quick Oats oatmeal

* Sweet potato pancake mix

* Kale salad (pre-made)

* Quinoa salads (pre-made)

* Olive bar (cannelini beans with sundried tomatoes make a yummy side dish!)

* Oils (safflower, sunflower, olive, canola)

* Enjoy Life chocolate chips (allergen-free)

* 360 brand almond milks/coconut milks



Because Kroger is more convenient most of the time, I shop here nearly weekly. These are not only my favorites from Kroger, but they also exist at places like Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Fresh Market, etc. (though they are CHEAPER at Kroger. You’re welcome.)

* 100-calorie packs of almonds (great for a keep-in-your-purse snack!)

* Nature’s Own brand whole grain breads/buns

* Alexis brand frozen quinoa and sweet potato waffle fries

* Chobani Flipz yoghurt cups (great for packed lunches!)

* Silk almond/soy milks

* Earth Balance peanut butters (Best peanut butter ever.)

* PB2 powder (for my Shakeology!)

* Justin’s Maple Almond Butter (Put them on your healthy pancakes. You’re welcome.)

* Cage-free, organic brown eggs

* Liquid egg whites in the carton

* Herdez salsa verde

So there you have it. THAT is what makes up my pantry and fridge! While it may sound crazy, we spend less money now on healthy, often times organic groceries AND Shakeology than we did on crappy food that used to make us fat and lethargic. See this post for the raw details on budgeting for a healthy lifestyle.

If nothing else, make it a goal to hit a health foods store if merely for the surroundings. Walking into a store like Whole Foods is an experience, much to the brilliance of its founder. When you are faced with 1,000 square feet of beautiful colors in the form of fruits and vegetables, and you inhale the aromas of fresh seafood and salads, you instantly crave what it is your body needs… REAL food.

If you’d like to talk more about how to shop healthy and feed your family right while working on a budget, feel free to message me. If you’re local to the Indianapolis area, I often take my Challenge group clients to these stores and help them shop and learn. We’d love for you to join us! Until then, always remember to read the ingredients before you buy, feed yourself to fuel yourself, and stay hungry my friends.

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