In case you haven’t heard, this just so happens to be the year that thousands of people WILL make their health a priority.

2017 is THE year.

Not because the year itself is any different from years prior, but because we now have a resource that negates ALL of our excuses. 

It’s called Beachbody OnDemand. 

And it’s as convenient as turning on your TV, or your smartphone. 

Let’s take a moment to reflect on just HOW BOD will negate all excuses:

“I don’t have time to workout.”

Really? You don’t have 22 minutes a day? With your workout being in your home, there’s no travel time. No set class time. Just you and the remote. Heck, many of us get it done while still in our PJ’s every morning before work.

“DVDs are expensive.”

Now you don’t need them. This is streaming workouts. No DVDs to pile on your shelf. Think of it like Netflix for workouts.

“I’m a gym-goer.”

Kudos to you! The gym does certainly provide an environment that motivates a lot of people, and you shouldn’t give that up! But how often are you going to the gym consistently? If it’s 2, 3, or 4 days a week, consider supplementing with BOD workouts for cross-training.

“I’ll just run/walk. I don’t need equipment for that.”

You don’t need equipment for many of the workouts on BOD either!

“I have an injury/bad back/bad knees that prevent me from working out.”

As a Certified Personal Trainer, I have to step in here and say this: Unless your doctor has told you that exercise is completely off limits, I’m guessing there are several options for you via BOD. Programs like 3-Week Yoga Retreat (as low impact as they come!) are great for relaxation techniques, light stretching, and no impact exercise.

“I don’t know if I can make myself workout at home.”

Ahhh. Yes. This. This is why you need a Coach! A Coach is someone who holds you accountable, who checks in with you, and who includes you in part of their online accountability groups so that you fall in love with the simplicity of staying fit at home. Try it. You just might surprise yourself!

“My kids are crazy. I’m not sure they’d ever let me get a workout in. They’re hard enough to keep up with!”

My answer to this might be so brutally honest that you stop reading, and that’s OK. Your kids NEED you to be active and fit! Whether it means offering up a book or a TV show for 22 minutes while you squeeze it in, or involving them, let your kids be your reason, not your excuse.

“Fitness is for fit people.”

How do you think fit people got fit? Everyone starts somewhere. Don’t allow yourself to think that the at-home workouts Beachbody offers AREN’T for everyday people. They are! As I say to my clients, “Day 1 looks different than Day 21.” You can do it! And your time is now.

We’ve eliminated your excuses. We’re here to offer you support and accountability. We even have Shakeology to help you regain your energy and start down the right road of internal health. 

So what’s it gonna be? Is 2017 YOUR year?

We think so. 

And we want to help.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny Swisher

Founder, Body Electric

CPT/FNS/2x Elite Coach

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