I wouldn’t consider myself a gym nut. I don’t take sweaty selfies after a workout, nor do I flex in my bathroom mirror and Instagram it. And no matter how hot it might be in the middle of an Insanity workout at my fitness studio, I will NEVER take my shirt off and work out in a sports bra.

The only time you’ll see me exposed is when I share my Before and After photo. And the purpose of that is simply to inspire, and to show proof that the products I love so much work. They absolutely work.

So I guess now is the time to say that if that type of thing inspires you, you’re probably going to want to work with someone else. I won’t be offended. I work way deeper than surface level. I want to find what it is, in your heart, that makes you want to change. Because there is something deep down… We just have to uncover it. We’ve gotta get vulnerable.

I observe things around me and I see the insecurities people have. I see it in their maneurisms and often in their voices. I see people smashing French fries in their mouth 5 at a time while driving through mid-day traffic. I watch female clients gaze at themselves in the mirrors at the studio, pinching their love handles and the skin under their arms. I watch the teenage girls at high school sporting events who flaunt what they have, while other girls watch and then absorb the jealousy, in the process demolishing their own confidence. So if I see these little moments of doubts and self-hatred, why would I try to inspire others by showing them how good I am? How fit I am? How high I can jump? How low I can squat? How pretty I am?

Who freaking cares about me? I don’t want you to. I want you to care about YOU.

So when it comes to helping you, know this. I’m confident I can. In fact, I have absolutely zero doubts. But know this: I’m going to ask you to tell me both what you want and why you want it. THAT’s where we begin. THAT’s where we always check-in. THAT’s where we form the foundation of your goals.

The Why.

How, then, do I motivate and inspire? Easy. I call you out. 

I work on the principle of accountability. That big word that means, “Oh crap, now I look bad,” when the things you say you’re going to do don’t actually happen.  I’m a Certified Personal Trainer. I’m Certified in P90X, Insanity, and PiYo, but guess what? Perfecting the form of a squat is likely not something that’s going to make you quit. Showing up, daily, even when it’s hard and you feel like crap and you’d rather do anything else, is the hard part. Getting off track and forgetting that Why? That’s what makes you quit.

Most trainers read article after article on VO2 max, BMI, body fat calculations, and the 700 ways to do a burpee. They fill their time feeding their obsession with fitness, spending little time on developing themselves as a person. While these things are fascinating, they don’t appeal to the person wanting to stop their addiction to the drive-thru, or who wants someone to simply say, “I believe in you.”

THIS is what I do. I can be many things, but I am first and foremost a Coach. A Coach who simply believes in you, often times before you believe in yourself. All it takes to get started is the willingness to reach out. To realize that the fancy images of the ripped female on Facebook is likely not going to get you very far. You can only Pinterest so many healthy recipes before you fizzle and order carryout. Am I right?

Stop Pinteresting.

Stop Instagramming.

Stop clicking “Like” on the posts of people who are doing what you wish you could do.

And let’s freaking do it.

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