Two years ago, someone told me I should try PiYo. I had seen the videos promoting it (at that time, it was simply a class format and not on DVD) and I thought, “Yeah right. That’s way too girly for me.”

Says the girl who prefers push-ups, pull-ups, and strength training as her preferred form of fitness.

Fast forward to this summer, when it was announced that PiYo would be coming out on DVD, that I decided to look more into it. Of course I purchased the program and have led 3 Challenge groups on Facebook since then that use PiYo as the central fitness program. Since graduating the program myself and Coaching nearly 100 people through PiYo, I can honestly say that in my opinion, it’s my #1 recommended program for people of all fitness levels.


Here are my Top 10 Reasons for Loving PiYo. Take it or leave it.

10) You don’t have to beat yourself up to get fit.

The workouts are extremely low impact but leave you dripping in sweat by the end. The results I’ve seen with my own Challengers are comparable to the results I’ve seen with P90Xers and Insaniacs. Yet the body isn’t put through pain or high impact jumping.

9) The workouts are short in duration.

Everybody has time for a 30 minute workout. Period.

8) It takes core training to a whole new level.

It will absolutely shred your core if you follow the program. The workout “Hardcore on the Floor” is exactly that.

PiYo Kickthrough

7) Push-ups become your friend.

It makes the dreaded push-up becoming something you can master. You slowly build tricep and chest strength to be able to do PiYo-style push-ups, leaving you stronger and more capable in all aspects of your life.

6) It’s fun to do with your partner.

If you feel silly doing a move, you can laugh about it with someone. If you’re better than them at a move, you can brag. (Speaking from experience. ;))

Couples who sweat together stay together.

5) The stretch leaves you feeling fantastic.

PiYo is designed to elongate your short and tight muscles and strengthen the long and weak muscles. You will feel amazing after each and every workout.

4) It’s the perfect balancing workout to any primary training.

Training for a 5k? Marathon? Triathlon? Black belt? PiYo is perfect for you. Refer to all other points listed to know why.

3) It’s not girly.

While there are parts that flow, you never feel like a baby giraffe learning to walk (also said from experience ;)).

Guys do PiYo, too.
Guys do PiYo, too.

2) It brings a whole new awareness between mind and body.

The scientific term we are given as personal trainers is “proprioception,” which simply means knowing where your body is in space. PiYo gives you a whole new awareness and improves your balance.

1) You don’t have to lie still.

You all know me. You know that I’m a yoga girl, but I absolutely despise dead man’s pose. I’m a Type A personality, I have places to be, and the stillness is a challenge for me. With PiYo, you’re in and out. Done and done.

That said, PiYo, which I originally wrote off as not enough of a workout, girly, and boring, is actually quite the opposite. While I’m a P90X girl at heart and I crave the body annihilation that is Insanity, I’m slowly converting to PiYo. Why would I beat myself up if I could do something low impact, that I enjoy, that helps me in all areas of my fitness: my core, my balance, my power, and my flexibility?

This holiday season, I’m starting another PiYo focus group intended to help YOU feel good despite the food temptations and stress. Because if there’s one thing you need, it’s this. Anyone interested in participating in this group should email me at to be added to the list.

Don’t discount what PiYo can do for you. You can go Beast mode without the crazy. I’m proof of that, and I can help you do the same.

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