What Makes Supplements Superior

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #291! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I dive into the topic of what makes some supplements superior in the health and wellness space. In this episode, I reference these supplements for which I have deep dive podcast episodes, linked here:


Omega 3’s


Vitamin D 

I also mention my favorite products, Hydrate & Detox and Triple Boost, which can be found here.

To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. You will need access to the core program before moving into the monthly membership. 

To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out jennyswisher.com

If you’re interested in becoming a SYNC affiliate and Certified Coach mentored by me, you can learn more here.

To learn more about Hugh & Grace and my favorite 3rd party tested endocrine disruption free products, including skin care, home care, and detox support, click here.

To learn more about the SYNC and Hugh & Grace dual income opportunity, click here.

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at https://jennyswisher.com/contact-2/.

Enjoy the show!

Episode Webpage: jennyswisher.com/podcast 


[00:00:00] Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today we’re diving into the topic of what makes supplements superior. I get asked a lot about what supplements I take, which supplements I endorse, and I’ll be honest, ingredients and supplements is actually a hill that I will die on. Today I’ll share with you what supplements I use and the ones I endorse to all women that I come across.

[00:01:21] Jenny Swisher: I’ll also share what supplements should be bio individual and what to stay away from when it comes to supplements and ingredients. Let me start this by sharing this health is individual. And if you’ve listened to this podcast at all before, this isn’t the first time that you’ve heard that what works for you may not work for her.

[00:01:38] Jenny Swisher: And until we go deeper on our own bio individuality through proper testing and a functional approach to wellness, we can continue to fall victim to diet culture and supplements that work for our friends. Let this be your reminder to make the effort to understand your body. Customizing supplementation is the key to so much in the realm of gaining maximum energy.

[00:01:59] Jenny Swisher: So let’s first identify the fact that there are foundational supplements that all women need that often go unspoken in traditional doctor appointments, but these are a staple of a functional approach. Those are magnesium. Now I prefer glycinate because it’s the most tolerated, it’s the best absorbed, and it actually rescues hormones in a variety of ways.

[00:02:18] Jenny Swisher: Also omega threes. We need healthy omega balance, right? We don’t wanna be inflammatory, so we need those anti-inflammatories through omega threes. And most of us are not getting enough in our diets Vitamin D, because most humans are deficient in vitamin D and creatine. We actually have a lot of proven research and science for women, even women who don’t train or exercise hard because it’s good for brain cognition.

[00:02:41] Jenny Swisher: So magnesium, omega threes, vitamin D, and creatine are all foundational supplements that all women should be taking. Now I will link up for you in the show notes episodes that I’ve done here on the podcast where I deep dive into all of those so that you can learn more for each one. We also need as human beings proper electrolytes for proper hydration and enough protein in our diet.

[00:03:02] Jenny Swisher: This is why I have no problem making recommendations in the realm of these foundational supplements because most people aren’t doing these things. I will make sure that I link up for you my favorite brands of each supplement that I talk about today. So beyond these, it really does become bio individual.

[00:03:17] Jenny Swisher: For me, I’ve come to learn that we just aren’t getting the nutrients humans once were due to soil depletion and environmental factors. I’ve embraced the pill dispenser that I now have that sits on my vanity as a form of self care. And to anyone who says, well, I just prefer real food.

[00:03:33] Jenny Swisher: I say, good luck. Trust me. I’m all about nutrition, but there simply is not a food only way of getting all we truly need for maximum energy. When it comes to supplements out there, whether it’s sold on the grocery store or through an MLM or online, ingredients really freaking matter.

[00:03:50] Jenny Swisher: Details really matter. When I made the choice to align with Hugh and Grace as a company, I loved the product transparency down to the details on the label of the exact strands of probiotics being used. And the fact that as an advocate, I get access to formulator calls where I learn about the ingredients and even the synergy of them.

[00:04:08] Jenny Swisher: But friends, every detail truly matters. I remember when I asked Hugh and Grace about the citric acid that’s used in one of our products. You see, citric acid is often sourced from black mold. I had concerns, so I asked. And I was informed that for Hugh and Grace products, lemon rind is actually the citric acid source.

[00:04:26] Jenny Swisher: These are the details that most people don’t question on a label, but they really matter. The things I see most commonly out there are protein powders and bars. Everyone wants to know what the best bar is for on the go, or the best vegan protein powder. The truth is, they’re nearly all the same.

[00:04:44] Jenny Swisher: Pea protein tends to be hard to digest for so many women, and whey protein as well. Many shakes on the market are chock full of nutrient dense foods, but yet the quantity of so many ingredients proves problematic in the gut. We need simple, simple ingredients, highly digestible, organic, properly harvested protein.

[00:05:05] Jenny Swisher: Anyone can find a pea protein shake out there, but to find something that also gives you 210 percent daily value of methylated B12 grams of protein from organic Canadian pea protein, which by the way is highly digestible because of how it’s harvested, is unique. Let alone the three grams of carbohydrates that come in a serving of Triple Boost, which is my go to protein delivery system.

[00:05:27] Jenny Swisher: Most protein bars on the market are chock full of sugar. Recently, I saw a woman consuming a bar for her lunch at the park. I googled the brand that she was consuming and girl, it had 20 grams of added sugar. What? Y’all, this is not okay. Diet culture is teaching us that we need a shake, a bar, and a cleanse to be healthy.

[00:05:48] Jenny Swisher: In reality, we just need proper supplementation, proper protein in a digestible form, and proper fueling. When people ask me what shakes I use, I tell them none. I use Triple Boost as a supplemental protein delivery system. And from there, eggs, chicken, fish, steak. When people ask me what bars I use, I tell them none.

[00:06:09] Jenny Swisher: Unless I’m traveling and in a time crunch, when I may grab an Aloha bar as my go to. I just don’t anymore. I want out of diet culture. I want real food, real fuel. And the whole cleanse thing? Don’t get me started. It is diet culture at its finest. So what ingredients should we look out for on the ingredient labels of supplements if we are going to consume them?

[00:06:31] Jenny Swisher: Well, I’ve made a short list for you. Number one, artificial sugars and sweeteners such as sucralose. Quest bars are known for this. They’re sold in every grocery store. I see so many people consuming these. But they have sucralose as a primary ingredient and sweetener.

[00:06:45] Jenny Swisher: Avoid sucralose and any artificial flavors. Also important to note is that many ingredient labels will say things like natural flavors, but because of lack of FDA regulation, that could also be artificial flavors that they can call natural because they taste like lemon or like grapefruit.

[00:07:03] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, never trust the word flavors. Number two, oils, especially refined seed oils. If sunflower oil, or powder, or any oil other than coconut or olive oil is in your product, run. This means it has an inflammatory component, and it’s just not necessary. Number three, maltodextrin or corn fiber.

[00:07:24] Jenny Swisher: Unless it’s specified as non GMO corn fiber, which honestly I’m still not a fan of, this is a big nope for me. Number four, added sugar. Added sugar. Why are we adding sugar? If we are, it better be five grams or less, and it better be a pure source. Number five, soy. Most soy added to protein shakes and bars are GMO soy, and the health ramifications are enough for me to say no, thank you.

[00:07:50] Jenny Swisher: In addition to these things, ask yourself, are the ingredients pronounceable and simple? Are there more than 10 to 12 ingredients? Consider something more simple for your digestive health’s sake. Perhaps we’re trying to take the easier route by grabbing a shake or a bar in our busy lives, when in reality our bodies need good food and fuel and a down regulated nervous system.

[00:08:12] Jenny Swisher: If you eat on the go, I’m talking to you. Those supplements won’t help you get fit, but sitting down to eat just might help. Helping our bodies feel safe and not just cramming bars and the like can truly make a big difference. Most women are not getting enough protein. Most women are not eating enough.

[00:08:32] Jenny Swisher: Most women aren’t hydrating. Most women are suffering from hormone imbalance, yet they’re also not taking magnesium, which is a foundation in the supplement world. These are things we can be doing that far outweigh any diet culture product out there. Finally, let me say this. If a company offers to individualize your supplement plan, please know that that’s all marketing.

[00:08:53] Jenny Swisher: Unless you’re working with your doctor and are under doctoral guidance on a specific bio individual supplement regimen, I’m sorry, but they’re probably just selling you a combination of omega 3, vitamin D, magnesium, all foundational supplements that we all need. And they’re trying to tell you that it’s your individual plan.

[00:09:10] Jenny Swisher: Another thing that I want to mention is proprietary ingredients. Anytime a label indicates proprietary blend on the label, this is simply another way of saying that elements of the product are white labeled. White labeling means that they’ve used another company’s product with undisclosed ingredients, sort of like a trade secret or a secret recipe.

[00:09:29] Jenny Swisher: I don’t know about you, but I want to know what’s in my supplement. While I appreciate my grandma’s secret recipe for meatballs, I also like to rest easy that my grandma isn’t including any sort of poisonous or harmful ingredients in her recipe.

[00:09:40] Jenny Swisher: Y’all, I’m all about transparency. I dot my I’s and I cross my T’s, and as a fellow mom at my daughter’s school told me when I said no to red dye candy for her after basketball practice. Wow, that’s really a hill that you’ll die on. Yep, it sure is because it matters. Thank you my friends for tuning in.

[00:09:59] Jenny Swisher: This is a question I get often. People want to know what the best supplements are and just had to spend some time diving deep on this subject. I hope it helps you. Until next time, we’ll talk soon.

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