If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, “I need your motivation,” I’d be filthy rich.

As if I just wake up every day motivated, and inspired, and in the mood for exercise and organic spring mix greens.

Well, wait a minute… I kinda do.

I DO wake up motivated. I DO love exercise. And I’ve come to love vegetables and the way they make me feel (though I’m a French fry girl at heart). 

So how do I do it? 

This motivated feeling didn’t come to me overnight. Trust me, it took YEARS to cultivate. Years of doing the following things…

1. Surrounding myself with motivated people. 

It seems so simple, yet it is so profound when you implement this strategy in your life. Is it always possible to have nothing but positive people in your life? Hardly. In fact, sometimes the negative nellies come in the form of our own family, but by choosing to surround ourselves with people who lift us higher, who challenge our mindset and who help us to level up, we can better navigate the low days. 

2. Plugging positivity and motivation into my ears daily. 

I’m a huge fan of Audible, and I’m a serial podcaster. Years ago, when I was working in corporate America, I started by plugging earphones into my ears at work and listening to the greats: Brian Tracy, John Maxwell, and Jeff Olsen, to name a few. As time passed, I became more and more addicted to personal growth. I went on to buy a bluetooth speaker for my shower, for crying out loud, because I just CRAVE this type of talk. I was the last person to know who Lizzo is, and I’m 100% OK with that. If you don’t have time for books, girl, get yourself an Audible membership and stop the excuses. 

3. Doing the thing I don’t want to do simply because I don’t want to do it.

I have a “rule” in my life: If something scares me or challenges me enough to fear it, it means I need to do it. Talking to that person who intimidates me because of their success and asking them to be a mentor? Yep. That qualified. So I did it. I also opted into a high level online course when I didn’t feel ready… Because I knew it’s what I NEEDED, and it scared me. Sometimes, doing the thing BECAUSE you fear it is the exact reason you should dive head first.

4. Working out 35 lbs. overweight even though it was hard.

Trust me, I get it. The first time I did P90X, I did so alongside my husband. My collegiate runner of a husband, who has always been super fit. I didn’t want to stand in front of him. I got angry when I couldn’t do the moves, and even threatened to quit because I sucked at it. But I kept showing up. As Autumn Calabrese says, “Being healthy is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard.” I chose my hard until it wasn’t hard anymore. 

5. Seeking mentorship.

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” (John Crosby) I couldn’t say it better myself. If you’re struggling to do this thing on your own, it could simply be because, well… you’re on your own. Having a mentor, and a source of accountability and wisdom, someone who has been where you are, can make all the difference.

6. Starting and ending each day with gratitude.

I used to think this was a “froo-froo” idea. Until I did it.

I’ve been gratitude journaling every day for 5 years, and I can’t even begin to tell you the difference it has made for me in my life. When  you write down things your grateful for every day, it’s funny… You start to SEE more things you’re grateful for, and see life in a new way. 

I’m grateful every day that I have the ability to move my body, and to fuel it right. 

When it comes to finding motivation to do those things, I don’t have to find motivation… I feel I’m doing my body a disservice by NOT moving and eating healthy.

7. Not believing everything I see on social media. 

You’ve heard it before, but I’ll say it again for the people in the back: Social media is a highlight reel, and all too often, we compare ourselves to what’s on everyone else’s Facebook or Instagram. The blunt reality is, we should just accept that social media is a place for filtered life updates and move on and live our life in a way that is meaningful to us. Don’t look externally for motivation or to compare; look internally for what sets you on fire.

8. Creating habits through habit stacking.

Wish you could meditate every day? Partner up that new wish with a current habit, such as brewing your coffee. Every day, when you hit the brew button on your coffee maker, you take a seat and meditate 5 minutes. Doing this simple act can change your life. Big shout out to James Clear and his book, “Atomic Habits,” that taught me this trick. 

9. Find an accountability partner, or group.

Girl, again… You can’t do this thing alone! If you’re watching someone and wishing you had their motivation, the reality is, their secret sauce isn’t their motivation, it’s their support group! You’re more likely to stick with a fitness or nutrition regimen if you are doing it alongside others. This is why I’m so passionate about running online accountability groups with tools that work. 

10. Believe in yourself, but also, have the awareness of where you are and where you need to go.

I heard on a podcast today that believing in yourself isn’t enough, and that we must also have awareness to know where we are and where we need to go. This is beautiful, and brilliant. Belief only goes so far, and until we’re ready to take off the rose-colored glasses to examine our current circumstances, well… We’re just a confident person who is stuck. 

The bottom line is this, my friend… What brings me motivation can bring it to you as well, but it starts with a choice. Sometimes that choice looks like finding new friends, or opting for personal growth over Lizzo. Regardless, it’s something everyone has access to, if they just put the practices into place to get there. 

You don’t need my motivation, honey… You need my tools.


Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric


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