Here we are, over a month into the new year already! I must start off by asking…

How’s that New Year’s resolution coming? Sticking to it? Not so much? Either way, I want you to know one thing:

I still love you.

As always, I’m here for you and in fact, I have an amazing opportunity for those of you who have maybe A) fallen off the wagon, B) feel like you have no clue what you’re doing, or C) haven’t started yet. (Check out the post regarding my Team’s 21 Day Fix test group!)

That said, I wanted to touch briefly on the topic of love.

When you look in the mirror, do you pick out the things you love about yourself, or the things you hate?

I ask because, as I listened to a recent Chalene Show podcast (which I highly recommend), it dawned on me that so many of us tend to look for the negative things rather than the positive. And rather than simply accept that this is who we are, we often shy away from that fact and wish we looked like someone else. As a personal trainer, this comes up for me often:

“I wish I had your arms.”
“I wish I had your waist.”
“I wish I didn’t have these hips.”

This month, the month of love, I’d like to challenge you to focus on the things you DO love about yourself. I would tell you that just as gratitude widens our lens for life, love for ourselves widens and grows our love for others and the light we have to share.

So, stop being so hard on yourself. If you’re not making the progress you intended to make with your 2015 resolution, don’t stress. Keep going. If you’re determined that you’re “stuck” with your grandmother’s hips, change your language. You were “blessed” with your grandmother’s hips. It’s who you are.

It’s going to be hard… even harder than staying grateful each day. It’s hard to be nice to ourselves in a world with stereotypes and ideal images of who and what we should be. My $0.02? Stop worrying about the should and go instead for thecould. Who could you be? How could you be better? What could you learn to love about yourself?

Be you. Stay awesome. Share light and love.

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