You know how I like to keep it real. Like, really real. So what I’m about to say might come as a surprise to you, or it might simply be a reminder of what you’ve been avoiding learning about, but regardless, it must be said. Ready?

Wait for it…

Wait for it…

The shake you might be drinking for breakfast in the morning, or post-workout? It might actually be unhealthy for you.

Yeah, I’m not lying. That protein powder, or brand name meal replacement shake you keep on top of your fridge might actually be more harmful than good, and for various reasons, all of which can be summed up in one simple statement:

It isn’t made of real ingredients.

I told you, I’m keeping it really real.

By real ingredients, I mean foods produced by this Earth for our well-being. Foods God (or whomever you believe created this green Earth) intended for us to consume for the betterment of our bodies.

Here’s what I don’t mean:

* artificial ingredients, including artificial sweeteners

* chemical substances

* low-grade whey or milk protein

* hidden sugars

Just because it feels cool to carry a Blender Bottle to the gym, and to feel like you’re fueling your body with something nutritious, it should actually be nutritious.

Folks often ask what makes Shakeology different from other protein and nutritional shakes, and I always answer the same way:

There is no comparison.

There simply is no comparison to the quality of dense nutrition you receive when drinking daily Shakeology. Period. No other company hunts ingredients all over the world to ensure the highest quality foods for inclusion in the shake. (Reference: Check out Shakeology creator Darin Olien’s newest book, Superlife or this video that shows exactly how Shakeology ingredients are discovered: VIDEO LINK.)

This can be overwhelming, I know. You thought you were saving by buying that shake from GNC or Wal-Mart, or from whatever brand name company is claiming top athletes get paid to drink their shake (By the way, wouldn’t you, if it paid you millions?). I believe you when you say it’s cheaper because well, it is. Not only in monetary value, but in quality.

So I’ve mentioned what tends to be included in most other meal replacement shakes, but why does it matter? Here are just a few reasons:

* artificial sweeteners are directly linked to both diabetes and cancer

* low-grade whey/milk protein with casein is directly linked to cancer

* hidden sugars are the exact reason why these shakes are not considered Certified Low-Glycemic Index

* artificial ingredients lead to temporary weight loss and no curbed cravings, often exacerbating cravings for sugar

If you knew the number of times someone has come to me to say, “I drank X shakes for a while and they made me sick (or fat, or hungry, or whatever).” So saving that extra cash might not have been worth it after all.

Here’s my advice to you in regard to this, because I know you’re thinking, “Of course Body Electric talks good things about Shakeology. It’s part of what they do!” but I want you to know this: I did my research before becoming a Coach, and I recommend you do your own research. Some tips I find helpful that I hope you will truly think about:

1) If you Google “X meal replacement shake ingredient list” and nothing comes up, or only the main ingredients are listed, you might have a problem. Note: Shakeology ingredients pop up first in Google when Searched, and every ingredient is real food-derived. (Check it out).

2) If the protein is derived from milk (caseinate) or soy, you might have a problem.

3) If the shake includes an appetite suppressant, ask yourself if the human body is truly intended to be suppressed? We should feel hungry, and thirsty, but we should feel such a way for foods that nutritionally satisfy us. If we can consume a shake high in superfood nutrition that contains our daily servings of fruits and vegetables, we not only get what we need in a dense dose, we also accustom our body to likening such foods.

4) If the shake company claims you don’t need exercise to lose weight on their shake, run the other way. Pun intended.

5) If the rep at GNC tells you this shake mix he/she has is exactly the same as Shakeology only cheaper, you might have a problem. Again, quality of ingredients matter.

6) If you’re told a certain shake “tastes like cake,” you might instead choose to eat cake. No, I’m not kidding.

I’m not here to convince you, I’m here to educate you. The last thing I want is for you to consume something every day that feels like it should be making you feel better that is actually making you feel worse.

Do your research.

Move your body.

Drink your daily dose of dense nutrition in Shakeology.

Live a healthy, fulfilling life.

End of story. YOU are worth it.



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