My StoryMy Story

In May of 2010, my husband, Chris, and I were at our heaviest, and my occasional migraines were now a daily occurrence. I tried every method of treatment but I was miserable, living with chronic pain, and we were newly married.

I came to terms with the fact that I would always live in pain.

I remember walking one day with my dear friend, Jen, and shortly after popping a migraine medication that I kept handy in my pocket. I started to break down. The tears welled up in my eyes (and if you know me, I am NOT a cryer), and I told her, “That’s it. I’m done. I just have to move on and deal with the pain. I can’t keep seeing doctors and wasting time. I just have to live.”

I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

In the meantime, Chris, who was also ready to make a change, mentioned P90X as an option to help us lose weight. Shortly thereafter, my neighbor sent me an email with a tagline that read, “Ask me about Shakeology, the healthiest meal of the day.” I did, and found out that Shakeology was made by the creators of P90X.


So, we ordered P90X and Shakeology and we began our journey. Every day, we pressed Play together. Every day, we drank our shake. And by the end of 90 days, we had lost a combined 28 pounds.

Soon after, I was introduced to the business opportunity associated with Team Beachbody, creators of these amazing programs. I had already fallen in love with it, so becoming a Coach was naturally the next step. I was starting to feel “stuck” in my corporate job and was craving an environment of positive, energetic people. In the end, deciding to pay it forward and become a Coach was the single best decision I’ve made in my adult life.

In the fall of 2012, I was able to leave my corporate job to pursue Coaching full-time. Chris and I hit the next level in our own health journey by completing the 21-Day Ultimate Reset, where we lost another 32 pounds combined.

Shortly after pursuing Coaching full-time, we began to discuss opening a brick-and-mortar fitness studio where we could make an even greater impact in our community. In October of 2013, we opened the doors to our 4,000 sq. ft. studio, RevolutionX in Fishers, Indiana, where we offer Beachbody fitness programs in live class format. Opening the studio has given us the opportunity to witness firsthand the power of these programs and products, along with the power of Coaching, by seeing the physical and emotional transformations of our clients.

If you had asked me, an English/Communications double major, years ago if I’d end up in fitness, I would have laughed at you. What exists now was never anything I intended, but what I believe God placed in my lap with every step I took toward a healthier and happier life. Now, as I look forward, my goal is to help others to succeed and discover the best versions of themselves, and to ignite in them the potential to pay that health and happiness forward one step at a time.

About Body Electric

As crazy as it sounds, Body Electric started with just the two of us–my husband and me. Once I knew what this Beachbody Coaching thing was all about, I started to share the amazing opportunity with people I love and respect, and formed my own Team of Coaches.

Fast forward 4+ years later and here we are. Over 200 Coaches strong, Body Electric is growing rapidly, and we’re loving every minute of it.

Body Electric is comprised of Coaches with varying backgrounds and dreams. Some of us are corporate career men and women with full-time responsibilities outside of Coaching. Some of us are moms and dads. Some of us are teachers, lawyers, students, and entrepreneurs. But we all have one thing in common:

We believe in people.

We believe people have it in them to achieve greatness, and to achieve their goals of living healthy, fulfilling lives. We believe Team Beachbody has equipped us with an amazing toolkit to use to help people begin and succeed on their journeys. We have seen the success of what exercise and proper nutrition can do for someone, and we simply want to pay it forward.

We’re driven.
We’re passionate.
We’re leaders.
We’re dreamers.
And, most importantly, we meet you where you are.

We’re not celebrity trainers or fitness/nutrition experts. We’re average, everyday people who know that in order to inspire change, we must first be willing to grow ourselves and share the true solution: FITNESS + NUTRITION + SUPPORT.

We’re high energy, and we’re going places. Body Electric is redefining possible for the lives of those we love AND ourselves, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Jenny Swisher, Founder/Star Diamond Coach

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