
Most people don’t realize that the opportunity to grow themselves, as a leader, parent, spouse, colleague, or otherwise, is completely in their control.

As John C. Maxwell says, “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

For many, like me, when they become aware of the fact that they have the power to improve their circumstances, their life changes. For me, that came in the form of me choosing to read a self-help book on a flight to Florida about 6 years ago. The book was “The Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson, and while I dreaded reading something other than a novel or magazine, I found myself deeply engrossed in this particular book. I found that it spoke to me on a very unusual level… something I hadn’t experienced before.

I now define that moment as my epiphany. The moment when I suddenly realized what I now know: that personal growth is up to me.

Over the last 6 years, I have buried myself in “PD” (personal development)… I keep, on average, 6-7 books on my nightstand and read at least 30-45 minutes per night. I listen to podcasts while walking my dog and grocery shopping, and I attend trainings and workshops every chance I get. You could say that I’ve become absorbed with learning about myself… with forming newfound, daily awareness about who I am, what drives me, my God-given strengths, and my relationships.

I live for this shit. 

I have found that my relationship with my spouse is the best it has ever been. I have found friendships with folks I would’ve seen past years ago. I have chosen to dispose of friendships with people I now realize were toxic to my dreams. All of these things have helped me to succeed in achieving my vision, and in living the life I was meant to live. I am so very grateful, as not many can say that.

I now feel that I’m ready to share with the world what I know to be true: YOU have the power to grow. Most people, when they do realize this, have no idea how to proceed. What book do they read first? What do they listen to? It can be overwhelming.

Which is why I’ve created a Personal Growth Workbook comprised of the top 7 aspects of personal growth along with implementation activities for the reader. The  7 Aspects include: Gratitude, Intentionality, Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone, Health & Wellness, Confidence, Your Personal Mission Statement, and Finding a Mentor.

If this workbook is something that interests you, please register for it by clicking here, and then join our public Facebook community by clicking here. Both are completely free!

Let me take you on a journey of uncovering what you didn’t know before… The journey of who you are, what you’re meant for, what and who you’re blessed with, and how to live the life you’ve imagined. Truly, on the other side of awareness is responsibility. Responsibility to carry out your purpose and to grow yourself, each and every day.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher, Founder of Body Electric

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