Berberine: Nature's Ozempic

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #265! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m diving into the superpowers of berberine, also known as Nature’s Ozempic. As usual, this podcast is not meant to be medical advice. 

My favorite brand of berberine can be found here.

Previous podcast episodes on the topic of blood sugar regulation and/or PCOS can be found here:

Kelsey Jack Interview

Blood Sugar Regulation

Insulin Resistance

Deep Dive into PCOS

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

For more information about virtual telehealth consults with Dr. Paige, click here.

To learn more about SYNC fitness, click here.

Enjoy the show!

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[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today we’re diving into the topic of berberine as a supplement for women’s health. As you know, I like to do supplement features here on the podcast to educate you on the options that are out there for you to take to your own doctor, if it feels right for you.

[00:01:14] Jenny Swisher: As usual though, just remember that this podcast is not meant to diagnose or prescribe and it is most definitely not medical advice. Health is individual. So what is berberine? Well, berberine is a yellow colored chemical found in plants such as European barberry, golden seal, gold thread, Oregon grape, philodendron, and tree turmeric.

[00:01:33] Jenny Swisher: It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat inflammation, heal wounds, and cure constipation and hemorrhoids. Berberine is linked to many health benefits and studies suggest that the supplement can lower blood sugar and decrease insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes. And that’s the property that we’re going to dive into today.

[00:01:50] Jenny Swisher: Some are even calling berberine nature’s ozempic, and I put that in quotations because of its blood sugar regulation properties. As we know, ozempic and other GLP 1 drugs are gaining popularity right now. It’s all the rage. So I wanted to be sure that I looped you into the powerful effects of something natural like berberine in case you feel more comfortable starting there.

[00:02:09] Jenny Swisher: So first let’s rewind to why blood sugar regulation matters, especially in the perimetopausal woman. If we reflect on the often discussed four legged hormone chair. We know that cortisol, blood sugar, thyroid, and sex hormones are the legs of our chair. If we were to look at that chair as a hierarchy, cortisol would be queen.

[00:02:27] Jenny Swisher: We know that cortisol and blood sugar oppose each other, they work in tandem with one another, and oftentimes when women complain of belly fat, this is precisely the problem. They have an excess of cortisol and trouble with blood sugar regulation. So as an aside, when we don’t eat enough protein, and even our daily doses of healthy fats, our blood sugar rides a carbohydrate roller coaster.

[00:02:48] Jenny Swisher: So many women are out there eating granola bars for breakfast or skipping breakfast or lunch and they’re wondering why they can’t lose the weight. By eating enough protein, we are satiating the body’s needs for essential amino acids, naturally curbing cravings, and stabilizing that roller coaster. We’re giving our body what it needs.

[00:03:05] Jenny Swisher: But as we know, the average protein consumption for an American woman today is 45 to 60 grams per day, when it should be at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know a single woman who weighs 45 to 60 pounds. So this means that women are dramatically under eating protein.

[00:03:24] Jenny Swisher: This in itself puts us into blood sugar disarray, which exacerbates the cortisol problem, which then leads to the belly fat and the weight loss resistance, priming us for the conversation and our doctor’s offices about GLP ones for weight loss. A lot of research has come out recently on the benefits of GLP ones.

[00:03:40] Jenny Swisher: So don’t get me wrong. I kind of stand in the middle ground here. I see the value for some patients, but I also see the deep need for those who do GLP 1s to seek the prioritization of building muscle mass, along with lifestyle and nutrition guidance. So let’s talk about how Ozempic and Berberine are similar.

[00:03:56] Jenny Swisher: Well, Ozempic, which is a brand name for somaglutide, belongs to a class of medicines called glucagon like peptide agonists. It mimics the GLP 1 hormone released in the gut in response to eating. Somaglutide helps stimulate insulin production and interacts with the part of the brain that reduces appetite and signals a feeling of fullness.

[00:04:15] Jenny Swisher: On the other hand, berberine activates an enzyme, adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase, which helps stimulate and regulate metabolism. Berberine has been shown to reduce glucose levels and improve insulin resistance, but does not replicate the action of somaglutide. So the bottom line is this.

[00:04:33] Jenny Swisher: Berberine improves insulin resistance. And therefore improves energy expenditure and may reduce body weight. Now there are some other health benefits that Berberine provides that are worth mentioning here as well, including improvement in blood pressure, reducing the production of various types of cancer cells, protecting the gastrointestinal tract by reducing toxins, reducing hypertension, and again, improving glucose metabolism.

[00:04:56] Jenny Swisher: Worth mentioning here is the fact that PCOS, which is polycystic ovarian syndrome, is often caused by blood sugar regulation issues for women as well. In fact, it’s presumed to be the cause of 70 percent of PCOS cases. For women struggling with PCOS, berberine could be an effective treatment and something to bring up with your doctor.

[00:05:15] Jenny Swisher: According to Dr. Jolene Brighton, she says in one study, participants who took 300 milligrams of berberine daily experienced a reduction in their waist circumference and BMI after three months of treatment. Berberine is an herb that has been shown to elicit benefits on blood sugar similar to metformin.

[00:05:32] Jenny Swisher: As always, I’ll make sure to link up for you in the show notes, my favorite brand of berberine to run by your doctor. But friends, this is a powerful supplement that I have seen firsthand changed the game for many women. I just want to make sure that I also say this as well. So many women are out there doing the things they’re exercising, they’re lifting weights, they’re walking, they’re eating clean, they’re prioritizing protein and they’re even sleeping well and they can’t seem to lose the weight.

[00:05:55] Jenny Swisher: Getting to the root of your imbalance is number one here, friends. Rather than just blindly going on Berberine because of this podcast, consider working with a functional practitioner who can dive deep on your health and create a customized plan for you. Because, again, health is individual, and it’s so important to take time for this.

[00:06:13] Jenny Swisher: I’ll make sure that I link up for you in the show notes our SYNC health consult link, so that you can investigate whether a consult with our resident SYNC hormone health doctor, Dr. Page, is a good fit for you. But as always, my friends, I hope this helps whether you have PCOS or you’re struggling in the weight loss department, you’re in perimenopause, you can’t seem to get rid of the belly fat, whatever the case is for you, investigate berberine as a potential option for you.

[00:06:34] Jenny Swisher: And as always, run it by your doctor. Thank you so much for tuning in my friends until next time. I hope this helps. We’ll talk soon. Bye bye.

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