Welcome to our Body Electric 3-Day Refresh Video Guide! Here, we walk you through everything you should expect and need to know to complete the Beachbody 3-Day Refresh.
Hear from our Coaches how to prepare, stay committed, and finish the Refresh in order to cleanse your digestive system and leave you feeling, well… refreshed.
Pre-Day 1: Preparation
Body Electric Diamond Coach Erin Fahey walks you through EVERYTHING you need to know about your upcoming 3-Day Refresh. She’s going to help you unbox your Challenge Pack, walk you through the guide book, and give you her tips on things to know heading into your journey.
Day 1: Let’s Do This.
Body Electric Coach Katrina Head has you covered for Day 1! While there never seems to be the right day to start, you MUST make it a priority to simply start… You’ll find that you aren’t as hungry as you might think!
Day 2: Keep It Up!
Need some encouragement? Halfway is always the hardest! Body Electric Coach Fiona Lastovica is here to offer you the mojo you need to stay in the game until the end!
Day 3: Finish Strong.
You’re nearly there! Just one day left in your 3-Day Refresh. Are you feeling cleansed? Refreshed? Rejuvenated? How about proud of yourself? You should be! Body Electric Coach Jennifer Tunny has some final words of encouragement for you, to help you finish strong.
Day 4: What’s Next?
So you crushed your 3-Day Refresh… Now what? Body Electric Coach Melissa Whybrew has the details on how you can move forward and stay on track with your health and fitness. Perhaps it’s through an upcoming BE Challenge group, or simply with Shakeology as a daily meal replacement… Whatever the case, NOW is the time to commit and continue the journey to a healthier YOU.