Here’s why you should throw out your scale:

It tells you nothing.

I know, I know. You’ve seen the motivational posts on social media that say things like, “The scale doesn’t show you your worth,” and that is absolutely true. We’re here to tell you that’s the case, but we’re also here to tell you that the number on the scale also doesn’t determine your level of progress or lack thereof when it comes to finishing a fitness program.

I own a fitness studio myself, where I work as a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, and Group Exercise Instructor. I work with 50-100 people per year in helping them achieve their health goals, and trust me… The scale is a dangerous, good-for-nothing object that typically leads to nothing but obsessive thoughts and mental destruction.

In fact, I’ve played a bit with testing how the scale plays a role in our thinking. Here’s what I did:

I left a scale sitting in the workout room of my studio for 1 full week. In that week, at least 30% of my class members found themselves on the scale before, during, or after class.

The conversations that week revolved around the numbers. Pounds lost, muscle gained, you name it. One member stayed after class one night to inquire.

“The scale budged 14 pounds in my first 21 days, but only 2 pounds in my second. I feel discouraged,” she told me.

So we busted out the body fat calipers and measuring tape. What we found? She may only be down 2 pounds in her second 21 days, but she was down 5.75 inches and 2% body fat. That’s a pretty big deal.

Instantly, her mood boosted. As it should.

The number on the scale should not be your end goal, friends. Living within a healthy BMI and feeling good should be. 

Let’s talk, then, about how non-scale victories should be celebrated along the journey so as to keep your inspiration high. Here are our favorite things to celebrate:

  1. Celebrate the benchmarks. If you’re following a 21 day program, celebrate the completion of weeks 1, 2, and 3. Keep your goals short-term versus looking at what can appear to be an overwhelming picture. 
  2. Celebrate the actions. Got up early to get your workout in 7 days in a row? Meal prepped on Sunday? BOOM! That’s worth celebrating.
  3. Celebrate the looser-fitting clothing. This goes without saying: Fitting in those jeans feels dang good!

And here are our favorite ways to celebrate (Note that none of them involve junk food):

  1. Treat yourself to something you wouldn’t normally splurge on, such as a mani/pedi, facial, or massage. 
  2. Treat yourself to a new workout outfit. Nothing motivates you to keep going quite like looking good in your active wear!
  3. Keep a gratitude journal. There’s nothing that keeps your head right quite like a quick scribble in your notebook about your newfound energy, focus, and dedication to living a healthy life. 

The bottom line is this: The scale is SO yesterday. Ditch it. Literally throw it away, and leave that for the doctor’s office only. Measure your worth, and your health, by way of gratitude, feeling good, and the actions you’re taking to be your best you.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

(written by Jenny Swisher, CPT/FNS and Founder, Body Electric)

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