Candid Coffee Chat with Jen Delvaux on EDC's, Ingredients, and New Business Ventures
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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #298! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life.
In today’s episode, I sit down for a casual conversation with my friend, Jen Delvaux. Jen has been on the podcast before to share her journey with breast cancer, but since that episode, so much has happened! Jen joined my Team of Hugh & Grace advocates and has hit the ground running. We talk all about EDC’s, ingredients in supplements, and what has transpired this last year to bring us together as business partners in our endeavor to help women and families make simple swaps for their health.
My previous podcast with Jen can be found here.
You can find Jen via Instagram here.
To learn more about Hugh & Grace and my favorite 3rd party tested endocrine disruption free products, including skin care, home care, and detox support, click here.
To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. You will need access to the core program before moving into the monthly membership.
To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.
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[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Well, I’m excited for this conversation with my good friend, Jen Delvo. I’m in Indiana. She’s in Michigan. We’re going to sit here and have a little conversation, a little chit chat, just all things, hormone health, what we’re up to. I’m excited. So we actually, you know, um, did this sort of exchange with podcasting.
[00:01:14] Jenny Swisher: I guess it was probably a year or two ago. And recently we were connecting and I’m like, we have to do this again. Like we, we need to update, we need to update people on just things that we’re up to and what we’re about. So Jen. It’s so good to be with you today.
[00:01:28] Jen Delvaux: I’m so excited to be here. It’s always so fun.
[00:01:31] Jen Delvaux: And just the conversation going back and forth and you and I, even though our paths are different, how we got here, you know, it just really goes back to, you know, health and the importance of it. And sometimes it takes something happening to you in your life that wakes you up. And that is totally what happened to me.
[00:01:52] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And I think we have that similarity, right? Like for you, like breast cancer diagnosis. And for me just struggling with chronic migraines and, um, infertility issues and just almost feeling plagued by hormone health or hormone imbalance my whole life. And I know like there’s so much I want to talk about today with you, but I just think that.
[00:02:12] Jenny Swisher: You’re right. Like when it affects our health, we can’t help but pay attention to it. Right. And so we’re kind of in this space for similar reasons, even though we have different stories. So yeah. Yeah. Tell us, kind of just give us an update. Like where are you just in life right now? Like what’s going on?
[00:02:28] Jen Delvaux: So I, just for those that maybe haven’t heard my story for the first time, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021, but honestly, my cancer journey began way back in 2009 when my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer and he was, um, 30.
[00:02:45] Jen Delvaux: Yeah, I think 36 at diagnosis, which is just crazy. And he has defied all odds, to be honest, like he’s what he’s done. They should be studying him. Because of how incredible, whatever, how well he’s done. In fact, we just had an MRI today and we were trying to calculate how many MRIs he’s had in the last 15 years.
[00:03:06] Jen Delvaux: We’re like probably over 60, which is insane, but he’s dealing with grade four brain cancer and honestly doing really well other than some short term memory issues. So when I was diagnosed in 2021, I was like, wait a minute. What is happening? How can both husband and wife have cancer? That doesn’t seem right, but we did and I’ve learned a lot.
[00:03:28] Jen Delvaux: So it took me quite a few years, probably actually when we first interviewed, I’m trying to think when that was, it was definitely a couple of years ago at least. And I think I was still mostly in the thick of it. And when you get further away, it does get easier and easier, but there’s a piece to it where you have to figure Okay.
[00:03:46] Jen Delvaux: How can I be in the driver’s seat in this as well? Like, you know, for me, I need to have some control in it. That’s what gives me some like hope and like reassurance that I can get through this. I think that if I were just to let the doctor say, okay, here’s what you need to do. And then just like, that’s it.
[00:04:03] Jen Delvaux: Like I had to make a lot of changes. So I literally changed everything. And I think that gives you a little power and some control in this. Obviously none of us have any control, but. I feel like it does. So I changed my diet. I changed, the air quality and the water that I was drinking. And then as you get into it further and further, you evolve.
[00:04:24] Jen Delvaux: And that’s when I started looking at like, what am I putting in my skin and my makeup and all the things. And, and Jenny, I saw you post about, we were in a different company together. And then all of a sudden I saw Jenny post about it. this company. I was like, what is this? And I, I met, I messaged you and you told me, and I looked at it and I’m like, Ooh, And this is like speaks to my soul.
[00:04:48] Jen Delvaux: It’s like everything that I’ve been talking about because it’s all about hormone health and its products that have non hormone disrupting chemicals in them. They’re all safe. They’re third party tested. But I was like, you know, fearful with this other company still, but I knew that I wanted to be part of it.
[00:05:02] Jen Delvaux: So since then I’ve, I’ve literally changed everything. And I think, I think for some people it feels overwhelming, which it is at first, but once you get to a place in a rhythm where you’ve just made the changes, it gets, you know, easier and easier.
[00:05:16] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, I, I recently heard our mutual friend Kim say that like things shift in your mind when there’s a cancer diagnosis, all of a sudden you’re like, okay, what are the toxins in my environment?
[00:05:25] Jenny Swisher: Right? Like, whereas maybe before that, you’re like, I’ll just do this slowly. And then all of a sudden with a diagnosis, you’re almost not forced to, but I think a lot of people probably just are like, I need to expedite this process. Like what is in on and around me that I can, I can control the controllable.
[00:05:40] Jenny Swisher: Right. I know one of the reasons we, we connected so well on the previous podcast was we kind of, we, we talked about our nerdiness over ingredients, ingredients and food ingredients and supplements. Um, so yeah, so when I started posting about like human grace stuff and, and you had reached out, I was like, Jen, this is the perfect thing for you because.
[00:05:58] Jenny Swisher: You pay so much attention to every detail in products. Right. And so, um, I’m sure, you know, leading an amazing cancer community, breast cancer community. I’m sure the women in there are the same because you start to learn about these things. And you can’t, I always say you can’t like just unlearn them or like, Okay.
[00:06:14] Jenny Swisher: Ignore them. It’s not like about endocrine disruptors. And then you’re like, Oh, well, I’ll just finish this bottle of soap. Like all of a sudden you look at that soap differently, you know, like, or the deodorant. And so it’s, once you know better, you can do better. Yeah. I like to say when women can understand like what ingredients are in their products or what they’re consuming, whether that be food or whether that be supplementation, then they can start to make those changes for the better.
[00:06:38] Jenny Swisher: So. So when you came into this, like, so let’s talk a little bit about just, you know, ingredients and toxins. Like, what are the things that you are like? Adamant about, like, I know that you’re very, like, I watch you on social media and I see that you’re, you know, very interested in your nutrition and making sure that you’re getting lots of micronutrients and, and plant based, you know, diet.
[00:06:57] Jenny Swisher: So tell us more about that and kind of what, what are your standards? Like, what are the, like, these are my non negotiables that I have to have this in a product.
[00:07:05] Jen Delvaux: Yeah, I love it. Okay, so, well, first of all, I think the most important thing is, the air you’re breathing.
[00:07:10] Jen Delvaux: So the quality of the air in your environment, which truly, you guys, it’s simply like cracking your windows 20 minutes a day or getting an, uh, a shower. Um, you can buy an Amazon on Amazon, like an air filter with a, or an air purifier with a HEPA filter. So it’s air quality. It’s the water you drink is really important.
[00:07:30] Jen Delvaux: So those two things are super important. And then it’s looking at your personal care products. And one thing that we really need to be mindful of is fragrances and things you want to look for paraben and phthalate free. I just want to quickly share a study that is, was just. Just came out and it’s insane.
[00:07:48] Jen Delvaux: And there was a study done. They actually took a syringe and took out cells from a breast. And they did a test of removing phthalates and parabens, which those are cancer causing chemicals for 28 days and removing those from their environment. And it turned off off the breast cancer genes in 28 days.
[00:08:14] Jen Delvaux: Like, I think people think, Oh my gosh, I’ve been doing this for years. It’s just too late. I can’t make changes, but Oh my gosh, in 28 days of just removing those chemicals, it’s insane. So that is one thing is I got rid of all the perfumes. I got rid of all the, uh, I used to love candles. I got rid of all the candles.
[00:08:32] Jen Delvaux: I re I got rid of all my really freaking expensive skincare, which is actually I’m happy about now because I have much better skincare that, uh, from human grace, that is amazing. It works and it’s not 12 steps. It’s two and yeah, and it is. Does not have fat, uh, phthalates or parabens. And it’s something that you can feel really comfortable with.
[00:08:57] Jen Delvaux: So I think, and then the diet piece to it. I really think it’s important to eat whole food plant based, so I don’t do fake meats. I just don’t. I look at the ingredients and if it’s a mile long or there’s things that I don’t understand, I put it back. I focus on fruits and vegetables and fiber and protein and, um, you know, fiber is like number one because fiber can actually help remove excess estrogen, which sadly estrogen is just everywhere.
[00:09:27] Jen Delvaux: Even if you’ve had your ovaries removed, like I have, like it’s everywhere. It’s in receipts. It’s in products. It’s in food. You it’s, it’s in everything. So fiber is, I think one of the most important things to do or to focus on when you’re looking at your diet and that’s adding flax seeds and chia and vegetables and fruit.
[00:09:48] Jen Delvaux: And because people are like, do you take a fiber supplement? I don’t, I think it’s really important to kind of get that piece of it from food.
[00:09:54] Jenny Swisher: Yeah.
[00:09:55] Jen Delvaux: Yeah, so I think that’s the most important things and then you can get into, oh my gosh, your pans and your, I mean, like you, this could go on forever and ever, right?
[00:10:06] Jenny Swisher: Right. And I was just telling someone the other day, so I get, I get really weird seasonal allergies in the fall and I use an app called pollen wise that shows like, what are the allergens in the air? You know, just. Ragweed is a big one for me. And so for the last like two months, almost daily, I open up the app.
[00:10:23] Jenny Swisher: I’m like, what’s, you know, what’s going on in my environment today. We live right next to this like rock quarry. So we get a lot of dust and I pull it up and literally almost every single day for two months, it has said plastic particles are the number one substance in the air. And one day the weather channel app actually, of course, coincided with that and said, like, it was there was some sort of like warning, like warning for being outdoors because there was such high levels of plastic particles.
[00:10:47] Jenny Swisher: Now, combine that to what you were just you were talking about the breast tissue study. I just did a recent podcast on. male semen samples. So there was a study also done on 40 male semen samples and all 40 samples contained high levels of PVC and not a single man tested worked in an industrial environment.
[00:11:07] Jenny Swisher: So the is coming most likely from our water lines and just from our daily encounters with endocrine disruptors.
[00:11:14] Jen Delvaux: And what
[00:11:14] Jenny Swisher: was
[00:11:15] Jen Delvaux: it? What? Tell me what that was again. PVC.
[00:11:18] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Like PVC piping. Yeah. So yeah, I can send it to you and I can send you that, that podcast and I’ll link up the podcast as well. But basically It’s, it’s scary, right?
[00:11:27] Jenny Swisher: Like when we think about the fact that like the average woman is applying 168 chemicals to her body each day, the average man is applying 80, and the average teenage girl is applying 200. And that’s something that I want to mention here too. I’m the mom of two girls. I’ve got an 8 year old and a 4 year old, and um, My eight year old seems to think that she’s, you know, it’s all the rage right now to be into Sephora or Bath and Body Works and all the things.
[00:11:48] Jenny Swisher: Right. And so I’m having to really like teach her what endocrine disruption really means. Of course, teaching an eight year old is, is a challenge because she wants to do the things that her friends are doing. So we’ve had conversations about fragrances. We’ve had conversations about that stuff, but the reality is, you know, nothing about what we’re saying is meant to like scare anyone, but I like to say, well, when I leave my house, I can’t control the plastic particles in the air.
[00:12:10] Jenny Swisher: I’m not going to walk around in like a hazmat suit, right? So if I can’t control that, what can I control within my home? And then that becomes the conversation of number one, optimizing our body, right? So like before you can even worry with the things that are being applied to your body, is your body handling toxins well?
[00:12:27] Jenny Swisher: Is your liver working properly? Are you that, you know, like you mentioned the fiber, are we excreting and pooping daily? Like those types of things are, they matter. And a lot of women in particular, aren’t like, When I’ve, I’ve sat in so many different consults alongside Dr. Page with women, hundreds of women who are like, I don’t poop regularly.
[00:12:44] Jenny Swisher: Like it’s not, it’s like such a thing. And that needs to be something that we’re working on. So it starts with like optimizing us nutritionally, like eating a whole food, plant based diet focused on fiber, right? Those are, that’s a very important thing so that we are optimizing our, our body, which is supposed to just on its own detoxify.
[00:13:01] Jenny Swisher: And then from there saying, okay, what are the things that I’m putting on my skin? What are the things that are around me? What kind of household cleaners am I using? And that’s one of the reasons why I love you and grace. Cause everything is third party tested and we have all those different things to help with, right?
[00:13:14] Jenny Swisher: So it’s not just nutritional supplements. It’s literally just serving on a deeper level. So before we get into just our favorite products, I want to touch on, this was a conversation you and I had had about. I remember saying like, Jen, I can’t believe that you’ve been through this breast cancer journey and no one has ever done like a Dutch test for you and looking at your, you know, how you metabolize estrogen.
[00:13:36] Jenny Swisher: Um, and so you’ve had that done. So I’d love for you to just kind of update us on what you’re learning.
[00:13:41] Jen Delvaux: I literally cannot believe it. And what I know now, I, this should be, and we’ve talked about this, Jenny, this should be when, when kids or kids, when teenagers go to their first gynecological appointment, this should be mandatory.
[00:13:56] Jen Delvaux: A Dutch test. So we all have an understanding of how our bodies work, because when we know how they work, like, had I known that, like, I mean, I, it’s not shocking, but of course, my D my Dutch test showed that I was, um, the, the astronaut was going down the wrong pathway. Had I known that, I would have been so much more mindful had we had that, you know, what knowledge is power.
[00:14:21] Jen Delvaux: And when you have an understanding, like, okay, my body’s not working properly, but if you do this, this, and this, this is going to help you. I could have prevented a breast cancer diagnosis from the beginning. And I truly believe that because I do believe that when I look at what I was doing prior, which was all the things that we shouldn’t be doing, and especially for the type of body that I have that, you know, I have the MTHFR gene mutation, I don’t methylate properly.
[00:14:50] Jen Delvaux: I hold on to toxins basically, like, you know, even when I’m Me walking past Sephora, you talked about Sephora, I cannot even handle that smell. Like I’m so sensitive to perfumes and I think I, I know that now because my body just holds onto that and it doesn’t release it properly. So that’s why. Um, this knowledge of now I’m working with Dr.
[00:15:14] Jen Delvaux: Page and we’re working with different supplements to turn my glutathione was low and like, it was like, wham, wham, wham. Like everything was not right, but we’re working through, okay, here’s what we can do is what your diet should look like. Here’s in which I do a lot of things right already. So we just changed a few things,
[00:15:33] Jenny Swisher: right?
[00:15:34] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. This, this information, I was just telling someone else the other day that like, this is what everyone needs. Every woman needs a Dutch test.
[00:15:40] Jen Delvaux: Yeah.
[00:15:40] Jenny Swisher: It’s up there with your annual path exam. Like it needs to be up there once or twice, you know, once every other year at the very least. Yep. Just get a gauge on hormones.
[00:15:49] Jenny Swisher: And then also I believe like one thing that I’m going to do with my girls is I’m going to do, we’re going to do genetic testing for them. So I did a genetics test this year when I turned 40. And I remember when I got the results from it, they kind of dumb it down for you. So it’s like in these cartoons of like this, you haven’t, I haven’t THFR also in comedy.
[00:16:05] Jenny Swisher: So it shows my gene mutations. It shows like what I do, where, where I struggle with my health, where I, you know, and it was of course, to a T that I figured out by the age of 40, but I was like, wow, had I had this genetic test as early as birth, cause your genes don’t change, um, it would have been really nice to know and see, right.
[00:16:22] Jenny Swisher: So for my girls, I’m like, we’re investing in a genetics test. I want to see like, where can we prevent things? Like you said, like you could have possibly prevented a breast cancer diagnosis, had you known, um, These are the issues that you were dealing with, maybe how to support your liver better, et cetera, et cetera.
[00:16:35] Jen Delvaux: Yeah. I did the DNA fit test a while ago. Um, but again, I didn’t like, and, and I realized that, and that was when I found out I had the MTHFR gene mutation, but, and I realized I didn’t, I wasn’t, um, able to get rid of toxins very well on my own,
[00:16:54] Jen Delvaux: And I feel like sometimes like I needed a wake up call even from that because I didn’t, I, I knew it, but I didn’t research it enough.
[00:17:02] Jen Delvaux: And it wasn’t until, I mean, I knew a lot after Darren’s diagnosis, but it was my diagnosis and you don’t have to get to a point where you have a diagnosis to really start diving into this and have a true understanding because our bodies are powerful and you can, like, even though it says, okay, you carry this gene or this, it doesn’t mean like you’re going to end up with a diagnosis.
[00:17:23] Jen Delvaux: You have power behind that to make changes.
[00:17:26] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And it really is just that proactive approach to your wellness as opposed to waiting, you know, and reacting. I have a lot of women who will say, well, I don’t want to pay the out of pocket few hundred dollars or whatever for a functional doctor or the Dutch test.
[00:17:38] Jenny Swisher: And I’m like, well, that’s fine. Right. Like everybody has that choice. But at the same time for me personally, I know that investing in that every other year is helping me proactively help my health too. Yeah. Yeah. Potentially avoid those things. Let’s come back to that because you talked about glutathione.
[00:17:54] Jenny Swisher: You were low in glutathione and, um, Hugh and Grace has a product called hydrate detox that has glutathione in it. So let’s start there. Let’s, I want to talk a little bit about nutritionals. Um, obviously you’ve already mentioned, we love the skincare. I love the skincare. I’m very much like a simple person.
[00:18:09] Jenny Swisher: So I wasn’t a big 12 stepper before this. So this actually gave me a skincare routine. Um, But I like the simplicity of it and you know, that’s, and then also even just the cleaning products have just been so simple, simple swap too, but I really want to dive into the nutritional. So what do you love about hydrate detox?
[00:18:27] Jen Delvaux: Um,
[00:18:27] Jenny Swisher: I just touch on all the different things.
[00:18:30] Jen Delvaux: Yeah. I love hydrate detox number one, cause the glutathione in it, which is, you know, that’s a master antioxidant and I’m low in it. And I, so I definitely need that, but it also has pre and probiotic. And, and then also electrolytes. So good. I think that in combination with the morning supplement that has curcumin, CoQ10, uh, uh, ginger root powder, uh, milk thistle, I feel like I’m missing something.
[00:18:58] Jen Delvaux: The combination of those two are literally helping women like, With their mood, with their energy, feeling better. So I think that combination is one of my favorite, but also triple boost is. is my next. And that’s because the triple boost, it’s a new people don’t like to say protein powder, but I use it as that.
[00:19:19] Jen Delvaux: And it’s, it’s with, um, Icelandic blue spirulina, which Icelandic blue spirulina is incredible in that. It also can potentially have anti cancer effect in it, but also you’re getting the, um, B 12 that’s, um, what do you, how do you say the word it’s methyl or it’s, um,
[00:19:36] Jenny Swisher: Oh, yeah. So it’s methylated B 12.
[00:19:39] Jen Delvaux: Methylated B 12, but it’s, um, um,
[00:19:41] Jenny Swisher: Oh, methylcobalamin. Yeah. Yes. Yes.
[00:19:43] Jen Delvaux: Yes. Yes. And then it has BCAs and your B, yeah, the B 12, which helps with those that have the MTH. you know, FRG mutation, which is incredible. Those are my favorite for consumables, but of course I love the skincare. To be honest, there’s really not anything that I don’t love.
[00:20:01] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And I’m excited. Yeah. So the hydrate detox is interesting because I remember the first time I tried it, we didn’t have the watermelon flavor yet. So it was just original. And I would, I told my husband, I’m like, I feel like it’s like, when you, it tastes like when you walk into a hotel and they have that water there that has like the, The like, I don’t know, like lemon, but it’s kind of like fragranced water.
[00:20:21] Jenny Swisher: So the floral taste.
[00:20:22] Jen Delvaux: Yeah,
[00:20:23] Jenny Swisher: I liked it, but I was so used to sort of like my sport drink. That I was consuming like the pre workout flavor, like that strong flavor that it took some getting used to. But one thing I noticed right away was I, it started helping me with regularity.
[00:20:36] Jen Delvaux: Oh yeah. That’s a huge thing.
[00:20:37] Jenny Swisher: Kind of coming back to that whole topic of like helping your body detoxify naturally. The hydrate detox, which really is for those of you who haven’t heard, it’s got your hydration formulation. So it’s got magnesium, potassium, sea salt, which are your electrolytes you need to properly absorb your water.
[00:20:50] Jenny Swisher: Plus what Jen was saying, the glutathione and the pre infobiotics. So it’s a twofer, right? So you’re hydrating your body, but you’re also detoxifying the body. And I noticed that like, as soon as I would drink that first thing in the morning, it would Take me to the bathroom and I could, I could detoxify a lot easier.
[00:21:04] Jenny Swisher: So I love that supplement too, along with the morning supplement, but triple boost has really been a game changer in my house, not just for me, but for my girls too, both of my girls are MTHFR and my youngest loves, she calls it the bluey shake, so she, she likes the blue color. Um, but I can, I, I know that she’s getting that methylcobalamin, she’s getting that methylated version of B12 for natural, not that, not that toddlers need more energy, but I know that she’s getting that and it’s important.
[00:21:30] Jenny Swisher: Um, and so we’re going through it. Like you would not believe in my house because everybody in my family is consuming it. So triple boost has been a game changer. I’m super excited about the cacao that we have coming out next month. I
[00:21:41] Jen Delvaux: literally can’t wait.
[00:21:42] Jenny Swisher: I can’t wait either. So are you consuming any cacao now?
[00:21:45] Jenny Swisher: Like, is that part of, I,
[00:21:47] Jen Delvaux: I add it into, so I have a good cacao that I add into, I make these chickpea protein balls. I’ll actually send you the recipe because you could even have it on the show notes because I add a scoop of triple boost to it as well. So, and, and within, in these chickpea protein balls, it has, I add cacao as well.
[00:22:06] Jen Delvaux: So now it’s going to come with these four Functional or medicinal mushrooms, which is Rishi, uh, lion’s mane cordyceps. And what’s the last one Chaga, I believe, which is incredible. Like especially I just did a podcast on my own show that is talking about the importance of mushrooms. Like that’s one of the top rest foods, especially, I mean, that along with soy are so good and cruciferous vegetables of course are so good after diagnosis.
[00:22:36] Jen Delvaux: But, but mushrooms are hugely important.
[00:22:39] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. I mean, adaptogens in general are just this. It’s probably one of the most, I don’t know what the word is, like underlooked supplements for women. I see so many women like going through like perimenopause and they’re like, how can I make this easier? And I think we’re quick to look for like the HRT, right?
[00:22:56] Jenny Swisher: Like, okay, well I, I just need to get on something. It coming back to what we were talking about with testing before it kills me. How many women are just either like, no, it’s okay. Here’s birth control. Right. Or if they are seeing someone in the functional lens, a lot of times women are being given things like estrogen without anything like that Dutch test to see how they’re metabolizing estrogen.
[00:23:17] Jenny Swisher: I’m seeing this weekly, weekly coming in and they’re like, Oh, well, my doctor did agree to do HRT for me. Because, fill in the blank, I have low libido, I’m got belly fat coming back on, whatever, like, and so the doctor’s like, okay, well, you’re in your 40s, you must need estrogen, putting them on estrogen without any, like I said, any testing to prove that they need that.
[00:23:36] Jenny Swisher: And I’m like, well, you know, we know what happens. Over the age of 35 to 40, right? Like the ovaries start to sort of peace out and the adrenal glands take over
[00:23:44] Jen Delvaux: for
[00:23:45] Jenny Swisher: sex hormone production. And so they become extra tax and extra stress. The number one supplement really that people should be looking into and asking their doctor about really at any age, but especially in that age demographic is adaptogens adaptogens.
[00:23:58] Jenny Swisher: Naturally just help the stress response. They help you adapt to the stress, right? So if you’re needing more or less of something, they are sort of just this neutral thing that knows what to do. So things like, you know, um, these mushrooms that you’ve mentioned or Ashwagandha, like there are such powerful things out there.
[00:24:17] Jenny Swisher: That aren’t being necessary. People are just being handed birth control if they’re having symptoms. I love that this is not just cacao, which by the way, cacao has a lot of like, Amazing health benefits just in and of itself, um, mood, cognition, brain health, cardiovascular health, all the things that we see women struggling with, right.
[00:24:36] Jenny Swisher: Especially, uh, as we get older, but then also those adaptogens added in, so I’m super excited for it. I’m, Oh, I
[00:24:43] Jen Delvaux: can’t even wait
[00:24:44] Jenny Swisher: to taste it. And it was yummy. I was, I was consuming, um, Organifi, they have a couple of different, like, but I wouldn’t say that. I love them.
[00:24:53] Jen Delvaux: Like I
[00:24:53] Jenny Swisher: was drinking them for the health benefit, but I wasn’t, I didn’t love them.
[00:24:56] Jenny Swisher: This, this has a flavor I can get behind. So, okay.
[00:24:58] Jen Delvaux: So how did you
[00:24:59] Jenny Swisher: make it? I just, I took it. I did it plain, like just heated it like a hot cocoa. And then I did the one time I tried it two times. The second time I tried it. Uh, I ended up with a scoop of cocoa whip on top just to give it a little flavor. And that was yummy too.
[00:25:14] Jenny Swisher: I have a
[00:25:15] Jen Delvaux: story
[00:25:15] Jenny Swisher: about this cacao, but I don’t know if it’s on the podcast. So I’m going to tell it to you. And if you want to edit it out, you can edit it out. Okay. Tell me. It’s a funny story. Okay. So I was supposed to go to leadership with Hugh and Grace last February, and I was dealing with my migraines and vertigo issues that I was having from long COVID.
[00:25:32] Jenny Swisher: And so I didn’t go on the trip. And so, of course, Sarah and Ben being so awesome, they’re like, well, everyone here is tasting the cacao, so like, we’re going to send you a sample, right? Well, this was like, like a month went by. I didn’t get anything in the mail. I think I figured I was like, okay, they just forgot, you know, no big deal.
[00:25:48] Jenny Swisher: Well, my brother, and he came to visit, like this was around that time. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, and my brother love him dearly. He is like opposite and he’s complete opposite of me. So I’m like type a OCD in control. He’s like very, like, Everything’s fine, everything will work out, right? So I’m dealing with these migraines, and I’m sitting here in my living room with him, and he says to me, he’s like, Jenny, you know, you’ve tried it all.
[00:26:11] Jenny Swisher: He’s like, you’ve, you’ve had neck surgeries. You’ve done all this functional wellness stuff. Like, you struggle with these migraines. He’s like, has anybody ever talked to you about, like, microdosing? Or, like, medicinal mushrooms? Or anything like that? And of course, me being someone who’s never smoked a cigarette, nothing.
[00:26:25] Jenny Swisher: I’m like, no, like, I don’t, you know, I’ve never thought about that, you know? So. We end up having this like in depth conversation about, he’s like, well, if I have to, I’ll go get it for you. I’ll bring it to you, whatever. Like he’s, you know, totally thinks he’s in control of like, this is going to do the trick for you with paint.
[00:26:42] Jenny Swisher: And so we have that conversation, he flies back to Tucson and like a week later, I get this mysterious envelope in the mail. And it’s like this yellow envelope that has a return address of Tucson, Arizona, but there’s no name, no, nothing. I open it and inside it was like China dolls or whatever, whatever those are, where you like open it and there’s another one inside of it.
[00:27:01] Jenny Swisher: So I opened the package. There’s another little. Yellow envelope. And I opened that and it’s this powder. And I’m like, what is this powder? And so my kids, I get it out of the mailbox. My kids are like close to me and I show it to my husband and he’s like, I bet your brother is sending you stuff. Like I bet he’s sending you like essentially drugs.
[00:27:19] Jenny Swisher: Right? Like he’s like, so we, we take it, we like package it back up. We put it way up high somewhere. We’re like, okay. I was like, I’ll call my brother later. And he’s like, And that night I got a text from Sarah, it was like, Hey, did you get the cacao?
[00:27:30] Jen Delvaux: Oh
[00:27:31] Jenny Swisher: my
[00:27:32] Jen Delvaux: gosh. That’s
[00:27:33] Jenny Swisher: so I heard her back and I said, well, we thought it was like some sort of microdosing drug.
[00:27:38] Jenny Swisher: So I said, next time maybe might want to label that. So we know what’s going on. That is hilarious. All of that to say, um, wait, Chris and I both tried it and he liked it too. So I’ve tried it. Okay, good. But it’s, it’s good. It’s so good. Yeah. I
[00:27:51] Jen Delvaux: heard that they have one on the way, so I’m really excited to try it.
[00:27:55] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. You have to tell me what you think, but I want that recipe too.
[00:27:59] Jen Delvaux: I will send you the chickpea protein ball recipe. Yeah. It’s great.
[00:28:02] Jenny Swisher: So do you like when it comes to the collagen, which we haven’t touched on, um, do you do that? Just how do you do that? Do you add that to your hydrate detox? Do you put it in your coffee?
[00:28:11] Jenny Swisher: I
[00:28:11] Jen Delvaux: add it to my hydrate detox three times a week. So I do it Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I definitely need it. Um, you know, when you have no estrogen and like you were saying, I want to go back to what you’re saying about testing and the importance of that. So, you know, I’m almost, it’ll be four years in February since my diagnosis and You, I feel the difference of not having estrogen in my body.
[00:28:34] Jen Delvaux: Right. And there is so much you, you see it all over. Like it is in our faces 24 seven about everybody should be an HRT. And I, and I think that there, you know, a lot of people should be, and I’ve even thought about it and I’ve talked with, um, some doctors, I’m not going to mention any names, but they’re like, yes, you’re safe to do this 100%.
[00:28:55] Jen Delvaux: And then I’m like, but really, am I like, Like, if I would have, I just think back to, again, if I would have just listened to that one doctor who was like, Oh my gosh, yes, you should be on total HRT hormone replacement therapy. I’m like, even after my ERP or positive breast cancer, yes. Had I not done this testing and I trusted this doctor, I would be on it.
[00:29:17] Jen Delvaux: I’m sure with, uh, with another diagnosis, like, That’s insane. And now I know, okay, my body does not like estrogen. I do not methylated. I don’t, I don’t, it goes down the wrong pathway. I cannot have it. So yeah, that’s what, I don’t remember where I was going with that. What was the question?
[00:29:35] Jenny Swisher: No, yeah, no, we were talking about just the, the college and et cetera, but you want to
[00:29:39] Jen Delvaux: Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, So anyway, there is some studies out there, you know, like where it’s like, controversial is collagen.
[00:29:46] Jen Delvaux: Okay. After breast cancer. Yes. You see, like sometimes it is, and it’s great for somebody to have breast cancer. And then there’s like, Oh, maybe you shouldn’t. So I just do it three times a week. And I know that our collagen is actually one ingredient. Yeah, completely safe. In fact, I have somebody on my team who’s a scientist and she had just done testing on herself and discovered she had heavy metals in her body and she had been taking, I won’t say the brand again, cause I don’t want to get anybody in trouble.
[00:30:17] Jen Delvaux: She was taking a different brand. So she took that brand and our hydrate and our collagen from human grace and tested them both. And ours was completely clean. The other one had heavy metals on it.
[00:30:31] Jenny Swisher: Wow. Wow.
[00:30:32] Jen Delvaux: I’ll tell you when we’re done, which company that was. So crazy. Right?
[00:30:38] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. It’s so crazy. And what
[00:30:39] Jen Delvaux: about you?
[00:30:40] Jen Delvaux: Do you take it every day?
[00:30:41] Jenny Swisher: I, well, I’ve been doing it every day. I put it in my coffee just cause it’s flavorless. And so I start my day with the hydrate detox. I’m a watermelon girl. I think it’s definitely my favorite flavor. Um, I do the hydrate detox with a morning supplement. Then I have coffee usually like mid morning.
[00:30:55] Jenny Swisher: So I try
[00:30:55] Jen Delvaux: not to
[00:30:55] Jenny Swisher: do that whole like coffee first thing thing. Right. Um, so I’ll add the collagen in there and then I do, so I have my triple boost usually with my lunch to beef up my protein intake at lunch.
[00:31:06] Jen Delvaux: Yeah.
[00:31:06] Jenny Swisher: So, I mean, I’m a high protein, I thrive better with my blood sugar on like a high protein diet.
[00:31:11] Jenny Swisher: So I’ll do like my eggs and such in the morning. Um, and then I like that triple boost with my big salad at lunch. So
[00:31:18] Jen Delvaux: yeah. That’s it’s funny how we’re all a little bit different. So I of course start with water. Um, I’ll have hydrate detox too. First thing with my morning supplement, I will add, cause I am, I love my coffee in the morning.
[00:31:30] Jen Delvaux: I really do, but I feel better drinking that first. And then what I do is I add like a quarter scoop of triple boost to my coffee.
[00:31:38] Jenny Swisher: Oh, good. Yeah. That’s I like the flavor of it combined.
[00:31:41] Jen Delvaux: So good. And I will tell you, like, I’ve, I had somebody that got triple boosted and they just mixed it with water, like warm water.
[00:31:46] Jenny Swisher: Like, no, you’ve got to make it really good. Like, I didn’t love it. I’m like, well, mom, you got to like, put some ice in there or put it in your like blended, but it didn’t
[00:31:54] Jen Delvaux: blend it. So I make mine with, um, I do soy milk, uh, obviously none, Our organic non GMO soy milk, and then without any additives, like Eden, soy is a good one or, um, Westlife is another good one.
[00:32:09] Jen Delvaux: Cause there’s a lot of soy is out there with garbage. So making sure you’re getting good soy. Um, so I had that scoop of, uh, triple boost. I add a cup and a half of frozen strawberries or blueberries. I add. Two tablespoons of basil seeds. Basil seeds are so good. It’s great fiber. And um, depending if I’ve had my flax or not yet, I’ll, I’ll add that in there.
[00:32:34] Jen Delvaux: Sometimes I add my flax to my oatmeal, a little bit of cinnamon and it’s Literally tastes like strawberry shortcake. It’s the, Oh, I know. I also do a little nut butter in there. So not only is it because the thing with our triple boost, it’s 20 grams of protein, but like 80 calories or 70, some calories. So yes, you’re going to get hungry right away if you don’t add to it.
[00:32:56] Jen Delvaux: So this is a meal. Like I am not hungry for three hours because of everything I add to it or four even sometimes.
[00:33:02] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. That’s so smart. And yeah, I was telling somebody that like the other day that it’s literally like try to try to find another, I mean, it’s not a protein shape, right. And it’s for this reason, like you’re getting all these different added health benefits, but it’s like, I think it’s 70 something calories for one scoop, but you’re getting that 20 grams of protein.
[00:33:18] Jenny Swisher: So you can’t get up. Right. So you can add the berries or the soy milk or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. So one thing that I was going to come back to when it comes to that, you were talking about the HRT and the estrogen recommendation from, yeah. I was thinking about the fact that I, so I just spoke with a woman this past Friday, who was telling me that she’s like, I’ve done all the things I see this like so much where she’s like, I’ve done all these things.
[00:33:43] Jenny Swisher: Like, I’ve seen all these specialists. I’ve done all this testing. She’s she’s working with a functional medicine doctor. So like, I know a lot of people think like, okay, well, I’m with a functional medicine doctor. So like, yeah. I’m in the right hands and I hate, I’m not trying to like downplay this, but I just heard, I don’t know if you’ve seen, have you seen the new impact or documentary?
[00:33:59] Jen Delvaux: No.
[00:33:59] Jenny Swisher: Gosh, you got to go run and watch the M factor M for menopause.
[00:34:04] Jen Delvaux: Okay.
[00:34:05] Jenny Swisher: Jensen Fadal, who’s a former news anchor. She’ll be on the, um, she put this together. She’s got like. Mary Claire Haver, Kelly Casperson, a lot of these leading experts now on menopause. But anyway, in that documentary, they share that 50 million women are about to go through perimenopause or menopause in the next decade.
[00:34:23] Jen Delvaux: Only
[00:34:23] Jenny Swisher: 3 percent of practitioners are menopause informed. So you figure that, yeah, just today, honestly, I listened to a podcast with Dr. Mark Hyman. He was interviewing Mary Claire Haver. You could even tell from the converse, like knowing what I know, listening to that conversation. He was even like uncertain about a lot of the things she was talking about as it pertained
[00:34:43] Jen Delvaux: to
[00:34:44] Jenny Swisher: testing and then prescribing HRT.
[00:34:46] Jenny Swisher: So he was literally saying things on the podcast like, Well, yeah, like we can just kind of give a woman progesterone and all these things. And then she would kind of come back with like, you know, well in these circumstances and everything came back to health as individual, which I find so many times, right?
[00:35:00] Jenny Swisher: Like what works for her, it doesn’t work for you. Like you do have to do the deeper dive on yourself, but 3%, like 3 percent of practitioners are informed. And so I see it every day, like women are on birth control for reasons other than birth control. Um, usually because that’s how doctors are taught. Like when, basically like when you don’t know, or when these symptoms come up.
[00:35:20] Jenny Swisher: Give them birth control. It’ll shut down those symptoms, right? Women come to me for cycle sinking stuff, thinking they can cycle sink on birth control. And I’m like, girl, has no one told you that like birth control, you’re not ovulating. Like there is no, right. No one’s that’s like, we’re so uninformed. Um, and it’s, so we could go down that rabbit hole forever.
[00:35:36] Jenny Swisher: But when you were talking about your, this doctor that was, you know, Oh, it’s okay to do estrogen. I see that so often who are just like, and some, in some cases like breast cancer survivors, I do think that oftentimes like Because they’ve gone through a diagnosis, they are a little bit more perceptive or more.
[00:35:53] Jenny Swisher: Um, they want to challenge the doctor more, right? They’re like, wait, really? Because I, like you said, I’m estrogen positive or whatever the case is. And, um, so it’s for me, just this thing where it’s like, if you, those of you listening, take nothing else, like just know that health is individual and advocating for yourself 3 percent doctor is, is a lot of the equation, but even in the hands of the right doctor, like not.
[00:36:16] Jenny Swisher: The right level of hormone literacy, right? Like Jen, you’ve done your work on understanding this stuff, right? Like I remember from our previous episode, you’re like, I just nerded out on like wanting to learn what was going on and like what foods would serve me and what foods wouldn’t like, not everybody is willing to go to that degree.
[00:36:32] Jenny Swisher: And I just think that more hormone literate we can become on our own bodies. It uplevels that conversation with the right doctor and gets you into the, you know, headed in the right direction.
[00:36:42] Jen Delvaux: Yeah. And I think the most important thing from that is advocating for yourself. Like I can’t tell you how many times that I’ve heard people say, Oh, soy is bad.
[00:36:51] Jen Delvaux: My oncologist told me to avoid soy or my oncologist told me to avoid flax seeds. I’m like, like, those are like two powerhouses afterwards, but it’s, it’s because they’re not. Yeah. They’re not educated on that. Doctors are amazing in their little specialty. I mean, sometimes not all of them, but in there and depending on their education and current education, like it’s so different.
[00:37:13] Jen Delvaux: Like if you’re dealing with a doctor who’s been around forever, right. They’re used to the old ways and it is different now. So definitely stand up for yourself. I, I remember, you know, I was on a hormone blocking med for two years and that. Reeked havoc on me. And now because of the Dutch test and because of the deep dive that Dr.
[00:37:33] Jen Delvaux: Page did for me, she realized that I don’t do well with pharmaceuticals. So this is why this drug immediately forced me into osteoporosis so bad that the, that the oncologist even said they hadn’t seen such a decline, but then. Yeah. Kind of a fear monger approach telling me that if I didn’t stay on this drug that caused this and, um, I chose to go on vaginal estrogen, which is, does not hit the bloodstream.
[00:38:03] Jen Delvaux: This is up to you. It’s a very minimal amount. And, and I needed to do that for, because of other issues. But she basically said that, you know, if you, if you don’t, or if you do this, Then it’s most likely going to come back. And then you’ve got like two to five years to live and we can’t help you anymore.
[00:38:18] Jen Delvaux: It’s like, what?
[00:38:20] Jenny Swisher: Oh my God. But
[00:38:20] Jen Delvaux: in that same, in that same appointment at the end of the conversation, like again, that, that I like all of a sudden a lot of fear came on to me. And then, then at the end she was doing a breast exam and she said, and just make sure no more than one alcoholic beverage a day.
[00:38:36] Jen Delvaux: And I was like, a day, so you’re, so you’re telling me that I can have one alcoholic beverage a day? Like, I, it actually made me happier because I was like, Oh, she doesn’t have her current information. Correct. What she just said to me earlier is so wrong. If she’s telling me that a drink a day is okay and safe.
[00:38:56] Jen Delvaux: Like that’s bananas,
[00:38:57] Jenny Swisher: but yeah, automatically invalidates her expertise. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That’s crazy. So
[00:39:04] Jen Delvaux: trust your instincts. Advocate for yourself. Always. Whenever you’re seeing a doctor, even if you’re like, you’re, you’re, you will hear the bells go off. If something doesn’t seem right to you, you need to trust your intuition too.
[00:39:16] Jen Delvaux: If something doesn’t feel right to you, trust your intuition, get second and third opinions, especially when, when it comes to this, like this stuff is important. Yeah.
[00:39:26] Jenny Swisher: Well, and I, I found that like, even taking hormone health out of the equation. So my dad was diagnosed with cancer when I was 12 years old, he was given two weeks to live.
[00:39:34] Jenny Swisher: If I mentioned that on our previous podcast, but I feel like my journey into like health in general, people will say to me, like, how do you stay so motivated? Or like, how are you? And I’m like, I don’t, I, cause I’ve seen what happens. Like when, I mean, not that he had any control over what happened to him.
[00:39:49] Jenny Swisher: It just sort of hit him out of literally out of nowhere. Um, but I’ve seen what happens when we lose control. As far as like I mean, he literally, he had a bone marrow transplant and lived in Seattle away from us for four months for that transplant. And he had ramifications from chemotherapy that now he now walks and talks like a stroke victim.
[00:40:09] Jenny Swisher: So he had quite the journey over a few years. And I saw that I, and I, to this day, I see his inability and his disability and his inability to do things physically. And so it’s like, That’s all the motivation I need to take my health really seriously, because I mean, I could get a diagnosis tomorrow too, but have I optimized my body to be able to handle that, right?
[00:40:29] Jenny Swisher: Or am I, am I really doing what I can control? So, um, I don’t know where I was going with that, but except for to say that, like, Regardless of hormone health or just in general, just in general, our health, you know, every doctor takes a different approach, right? So like there are doctors that swear by. You know, there’s drugs on the market now for like women’s libido, um, which is the first time in a long time, we have 14 drugs from per male libido.
[00:40:53] Jenny Swisher: We now have one for women. So shout out to the female scientists behind that one. Um, but regardless, like there are, there are doctors that say, let’s try that route first. There are other doctors that say, let’s try like vaginal estrogen or let’s try some testosterone for the, you know, so there’s different.
[00:41:09] Jenny Swisher: Avenues from each doctor, but like you said, not a lot of doctors have that nutritional schooling and like we already said, 3 percent are menopause informed or hormone health informed. And so when you know this now, you know, then you can kind of go into those appointments realizing which you should already realize anyway, that the doctor is never the authority on your body.
[00:41:28] Jenny Swisher: Like, no, you are the authority on your body and you know, when you’re, when you’re check engine lights flashing, you know, when, when you don’t feel normal. Um, and so yeah, pushing back on that can be helpful. I
[00:41:37] Jen Delvaux: had absolutely. And your, and your, your doctor, if it’s an oncologist, the question that you should not be asking your oncologist is your, your, your diet.
[00:41:47] Jen Delvaux: They’re not schooled on that. They have two weeks of schooling as an oncologist. And that was years and years and years ago. They don’t have the current information and you should, you need to be going to, you know, a registered dietitian maybe and talking to them. And sometimes they don’t even have all the correct information.
[00:42:04] Jen Delvaux: And, and again, We’re all unique. We’re all individuals. All of our bodies work differently and you need to go by how you’re feeling.
[00:42:13] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, it made me think of this, this girl that, um, I have in my course community right now. And she’s, I remember seeing on her social media a couple of years ago where she was really struggling.
[00:42:23] Jenny Swisher: She was having, I think, endometriosis and really painful periods. And of course, We don’t talk about that stuff on social media, right? Usually, but I could kind of sense just from the things she was saying in her social media, that she was really struggling. Well, fast forward, she ended up with a full hysterectomy and she kind of shared some of that journey.
[00:42:39] Jenny Swisher: She was an influencer. So she was sharing a little bit of that journey on just what she was going through and recovery and all the things. And then just recently in the last couple of weeks, she hopped into my course and I got a message from her. It was a voice message. She was in tears and she literally said like, Jenny, I’m only like two modules in and she’s like, I literally just.
[00:42:58] Jenny Swisher: This is information that I really, really needed like 10 years ago. She’s like, I had no idea, like all these things that are within my control as it pertains to diet and. Painful periods or supplementation and, uh, the different things that she had going on, right. And it doesn’t change like where she is now, except for now she knows.
[00:43:15] Jenny Swisher: And now she understands, you know, she’s only like in a 40, early forties. So she can take this information forward and say, okay, like what is within my control, right? Like I, yes, I’ve had the hysterectomy. So I’ve been kind of forced into medical menopause, but what are my options? Like, what are my options in this phase of life?
[00:43:30] Jenny Swisher: And And how can I adjust my lifestyle? So this whole episode has been just about controlling the controllable, right? Like we really just control the controllable with our lives and make those simple swaps so that we’re lessening our toxic load. Um, any, any sort of final thoughts I want to hear from you as we wrap up, like how is the human grace product line and just what you’re experiencing here?
[00:43:54] Jenny Swisher: How is that really serving your breast cancer community?
[00:43:57] Jen Delvaux: Oh, huge. I mean, so huge. The one thing I think that’s so great about it is, you know, the company is still, it’s, I mean, over three years, but it’s, it’s young enough that our growth has just been a huge and we’re expanding and there’s so much more to come and it’s one place.
[00:44:14] Jen Delvaux: So you’re not having to get. This over here and that over there, it’s one space and to feel the comfort of having products that are third party tested that you, uh, can just trust and believe in and it can help minimize the toxins in your home. So I think it’s just, and just the community aspect too. I have a lot of people that in my breast cancer community that also became advocates because I feel like, you know, after you’ve gone through a diagnosis or something traumatic, you’re Purpose becomes or your struggle becomes your purpose and passion, whatever you’ve got you’ve gone through.
[00:44:52] Jen Delvaux: So it’s really empowering to not only help yourself, but then you’re also helping other people on this journey, uh, minimizing toxins in their environment. So that’s a really cool piece to it.
[00:45:03] Jenny Swisher: Yeah.
[00:45:03] Jen Delvaux: What about you? What, how is it? What about you?
[00:45:06] Jenny Swisher: Well, I just think that like, so one thing that came up for me recently, right.
[00:45:09] Jenny Swisher: There’s just been a lot of disruption in Yeah. People will come to me for like guidance on ingredients because that is a hill that I’ll die on.
[00:45:19] Jen Delvaux: Um,
[00:45:19] Jenny Swisher: it’s a hill you die on. Right. So, uh, I remember I just, we were at a Halloween party thing for my daughter’s school and we don’t do red dye. Like we just don’t do red dye.
[00:45:29] Jenny Swisher: Like, so I’ll do other healthy candies, like, you know, healthier candies that don’t do red dye. Um, but that’s just something we don’t do. Right. And so at the Halloween party, this other parent,
[00:45:39] Jen Delvaux: we
[00:45:39] Jenny Swisher: were having a conversation about it. And her exact answer to me was, wow, so that’s really a hill you’ll die on.
[00:45:44] Jenny Swisher: And I was like, yep, you better believe it. I mean, like nutrition is a hill that I will die. No, it doesn’t mean that. Yeah. I mean, yeah. You don’t have to be like a total ingredient Nazi, right? Like I understand that there’s, there are things that like, I will indulge in from time to time. Right. But at the same time, like, yes, it is very important to me.
[00:46:01] Jenny Swisher: And so all that to say, like, it’s, it’s blowing my mind right now, the number of people who want to. Like they quickly will just represent another product without either a, without trying the product first, but also without really looking at the ingredients or looking for what matters, at least for me, is ingredient transparency.
[00:46:19] Jenny Swisher: Like, what does the label say? I mean, I love that our, our products show the exact probiotic strands that are being used in the product. I love that when you ask, where does the citric acid come from in this hydrate detox? They’ll say. Oh, actually we have, here’s our formulation, our formulation information.
[00:46:33] Jenny Swisher: It comes from lemon rind, right. As opposed to black mold, like these types of things really matter to people like us on the hill we die on. Right. And so there are, there are a lot of people out there that I say sort of are falling victims to what I call like diet culture mentality, like feeling like they have to do the protein shake and the protein bar or the meal replacement bar or the that’s what I was doing
[00:46:55] Jen Delvaux: prior to my diagnosis.
[00:46:56] Jenny Swisher: Right. Right. And it’s just, so hard to see because you’re like,
[00:47:00] Jen Delvaux: yes,
[00:47:00] Jenny Swisher: but like, I actually had another girlfriend say this, I said something about, you know, I, I support you and whatever you you’re doing and whatever you decide to do when you make this shift right from our old company to something different.
[00:47:12] Jenny Swisher: I said that being said, I just want to make you aware of some ingredients that like I’m not a fan of in other products, not that you need my, my information or have even asked for it. And her exact answer to me was, well, you know, I. I sometimes will eat some Cheetos and Pepsi and I don’t, I don’t necessarily like that’s just an indulgence for me.
[00:47:30] Jenny Swisher: And that’s fine. And I get it. Like I get the idea of balance, but when you’re choosing a nutritional and health and wellness company that represents the good side of that balance, that’s where I have problems. Right. And so like, okay, half the Snickers, right. But like, don’t make the Snickers, the health, the health bar you’re representing.
[00:47:48] Jenny Swisher: And
[00:47:50] Jen Delvaux: so it’s 1000%.
[00:47:52] Jenny Swisher: Like, I don’t want to go too deep into that. And I, but I just think that. For me, before I ever did a thing with this company, I spent four months like really searching the ingredients, having conversations with the CEO. I remember at one time they put me in contact with the formulator because they were like, this girl just has a lot of questions.
[00:48:08] Jenny Swisher: Like, and that’s, yes, because that’s a hill that I’ll die on. Right. And I
[00:48:12] Jen Delvaux: love it.
[00:48:12] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, that’s what we, I mean,
[00:48:15] Jen Delvaux: Yeah. And I, with, um, the following that I have on Instagram, I have so many messages daily of people that wanting that want to partner and want me to share their particular product. And I’m like, uh, I don’t know your product and you know what I mean?
[00:48:29] Jen Delvaux: So like, I don’t, I, I, people I think trust me because they know I’ve done my work and I, everything that I share, I have, I tried, I will eat, I will take, I will not share something that I do not currently do.
[00:48:43] Jenny Swisher: Amen.
[00:48:43] Jen Delvaux: Amen.
[00:48:45] Jenny Swisher: Okay. Well, this has been awesome, Jen. Thank you for your time. And I made lots of notes just on things that we want to put in our show notes for everyone.
[00:48:52] Jenny Swisher: So
[00:48:52] Jen Delvaux: yeah. Good.
[00:48:53] Jenny Swisher: You, but any other final thoughts?
[00:48:55] Jen Delvaux: I definitely want to have your info on the cycle syncing. So we’ll have that in my show notes as well. Like everything we’ve talked about, we’ll have in the show notes, um, recipes for those chickpea balls, your cycle syncing. So make sure you send that to me.
[00:49:09] Jen Delvaux: Um, Dr. Paige, we both work with Dr. Paige. She’s incredible. And I think she’s involved in your cycle syncing. Yeah.
[00:49:16] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. We just launched a new program called the peri RX, which is you know, dedicated to the perimenopausal female, but we also do telehealth consults as well.
[00:49:24] Jen Delvaux: Yeah. So just, that’s amazing. So definitely something that I’ll have in my show notes too, because that’s, that’s great.
[00:49:29] Jen Delvaux: Um, Jenny and duct page and are just incredible. So okay. Good.
[00:49:33] Jenny Swisher: Perfect. Excellent. Thank you guys so much for listening to this. I guess we’ll talk again soon. Take care. Yes.