We’ve officially entered the last quarter of the year, also known as “the holidays are fast approaching.”

We haven’t quite set our eyes on feasting at Thanksgiving or those delicious Christmas cookies at Grandma’s, but those thoughts will soon be filling our brain. For now, however, we’re content with goals that keep us active. Goals like, say, running a 5k on Thanksgiving morning.

What? Are we talking about you?

Every year, you set out to run that Turkey Trot in your town so that you can do something fun with the family before you feast on that gravy and pie.

We know, we know. We get it. And we are so dang proud of you for making that a goal for yourself. Truly! Committing to something like your first 5k (or mud run or obstacle course, whatever it may be) is a BIG freakin’ deal. It’s a commitment you’ve made to yourself that shows interest in truly pursuing this fitness thing and getting your body back.

The only thing that sucks about it?

The actual running.

Not many of us are prepared for how are body will REALLY feel when we lace up our shoes and head out for our first 10 minute run. The jarring of our joints, the heavy panting… Ugh.

We’re likely to feel really dang sore, to feel extremely out of shape and discouraged, and to wind up saying something like, “Well even IF I walk a bit of that 5k, I’m still going to do it all.”

As you should.

But what if we could approach your fitness in a different way. In a way that leads to true, body transforming results that requires about the same time commitment, is more fun to do, and that surrounds you with fun, high energy people while you train? What if doing THAT led to the ability to run a 5k like it’s a walk in the park? What if running 5ks on the weekend became just something fun to do versus your end goal?

Ahhh, introducing your Body Electric Coach: We like to push you out of your comfort zone because we believe there is MORE for you there.

Don’t get us wrong: That 5k goal is awesome. And we KNOW you’re going to crush it. We also know, given our experience working with hundreds if not thousands of clients, that most people hate running. They don’t enjoy it. If you do, and you’re all about it, run Forrest, run! If you don’t…. This message is for you.

We can help you have FUN achieving this goal.


We can loop you in with our online Challenge groups, which are places where people like you (who will be turkey trotting and rockin’ their Thanksgiving day with their fam) actively engage every day with their workouts (which are fun and challenging in ways other than hearing your feet pounding the pavement), their nutritional changes, and their inspiration.

Who doesn’t need fun, nutrition, and inspiration?

If this speaks to you, and you’re ready to not just FINISH that 5k but freaking OWN IT… We can help. Start here.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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