I’ve seen it time and time again. Particularly with women. They decide to start a diet, or simply “cut back” on their eating in order to lose weight.

In fact, I’m pretty sure that the default method for losing weight for the average American women looks like this: 

  1. Woman decides to cut back on amount of food eaten, thinking that’s what’s causing their weight gain and lethargy.
  2. Woman takes up exercise, because deep down, she knows it’s a key to good health. 
  3. Given the lack of calories and quality nutrition, in addition to the newfound exercise, what we call a “famine response” occurs, leading the woman to say “Screw it” and go right back to binge eating, junk food crashing, and back right where she began.


That sounds exhausting. 

But my guess is that many of you reading this are subtly holding your hand up as if to say, “Guilty.” 

So let’s dissect the true, underlying issue here: 

Depriving your body is not the best way to succeed in weight loss and proper weight management. Fueling it with real, whole food nutrition and supplementing with daily exercise is what leads to results. 

Mic drop. 

The reason why the diet cycle exists, and why so many women wind up right back to where they started, is because their bodies literally go into starvation mode given the cut-back on low-quality foods without an increase of high quality foods. 

It is so very rare that I see someone succeed on their health journey by doing it alone. That .001% of people who join a gym and get results are also adjusting their nutrition in a way that is properly fueling them rather than depriving them. 

Cut back on Oreos and chips? Good idea.

Not adding in whole fruits and vegetables? Bad idea.

Get the gist here?

So what IS a simple solution you can follow that won’t overwhelm you, leave you hungry and binging on that tub of ice cream after a week of dieting, and that will actually deliver results?

Proper foods. Proper portions. Proper exercise. And support.

Perhaps you’ve heard the old adage, “Most people don’t know how good their body is designed to feel.” I couldn’t agree more. It wasn’t until I embraced a plant-based, whole food diet (and no, this doesn’t mean meatless), along with Shakeology, and had the support of others that I saw a new trend emerge in my health: one of sustainability and lifelong effort. Effort that is well worth it.

If you’re looking to start something that WORKS, perhaps for the first time in your life, we hope you’ll reach out. Our Coaches are some of the best in the network at helping people become equipped that tools that work, and give the support needed to help you rock your goals. 

We hope you’ll stop the poor habits cycle, and embrace the life you deserve. If not now, when?

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric

CPT/FNS/2x Elite Coach

To learn more about Why I Don’t Count Calories, click here.

To learn more about Shakeology, click here.

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