Why Direct Sales Again? A Convo With Teammate Erin Trier

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #282! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m having a candid conversation with my friend and SYNC Certified Coach Erin Trier on why we chose Hugh & Grace as a strategic brand partner, and why it feels different and aligned for us. 

To learn more about 3rd party tested endocrine disruption free products to help you make simple swaps in your life, click here.

To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. You will need access to the core program before moving into the monthly membership. 

To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out jennyswisher.com

If you’re interested in becoming a SYNC affiliate and Certified Coach mentored by me, you can learn more here.

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at https://jennyswisher.com/contact-2/.

Enjoy the show!

Episode Webpage: jennyswisher.com/podcast 



[00:00:58] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today, I’m sharing with you a recent conversation that I had with my good friend, Erin Trier. Erin is a SYNC certified coach. She’s a personal trainer. She’s also a podcaster and she’s a member of my team with You and Grace. I’m super excited to dive into this because honestly, she asked me to come on to her podcast to share more about my experience in direct sales.

[00:01:20] Jenny Swisher: After 13 years with my previous company, which was a health and fitness company, I decided to make the change and to align with something new. And that’s something new is Hugh and Grace. I’ve talked about it a few times here on the podcast. I’ve linked things up in the show notes for you, but here we talk more specifically about that opportunity.

[00:01:36] Jenny Swisher: And we talk about. What was our true experience before, and why did we make this change? We get really candid and uncomfortable here. We get really open and honest about what it was like to experience burnout, to feel like we were working for free as health coaches and what it’s like now to really be in a high energy thriving environment.

[00:01:54] Jenny Swisher: So without further ado, here is my conversation with Aaron.

[00:01:58] Erin Trier: I am so excited to have Jenny Swisher here. Jenny is someone I feel so incredibly blessed to work alongside every day. She is an integrative health practitioner, personal trainer, nutrition coach.

[00:02:10] Erin Trier: She’s the creator of SYNC and just has a tremendous heart to serve in the women’s health space. And so today we’re going to kind of talk a little bit about the partnership that Jenny introduced me to alongside SYNC. And we’re going to dive into just really, truly how powerful and awesome this company is.

[00:02:28] Erin Trier: And why it’s an incredible opportunity. So Jenny, thank you so much for being here.

[00:02:33] Jenny Swisher: I’m excited to be here, Aaron. I love, I love just chatting with you. We, we voice message back and forth almost daily, and it’s just been a blessing to get to be your friend and to, to kind of ride this life together.

[00:02:43] Erin Trier: Yeah, it’s so good.

[00:02:44] Erin Trier: I’m so grateful, Jenny. So I would love to just kind of start with you talking a little bit quickly about your background and why or how you landed into where you are now with you and grace.

[00:02:57] Jenny Swisher: Sure. Yeah, goodness. So if you would have told me like 15 years ago that I would end up in hormone health and fitness and nutrition, I would have thought you were crazy.

[00:03:05] Jenny Swisher: I actually had a corporate job working in book publishing for the, for dummies books. If you’re familiar with those black and yellow for dummies books, that’s what I did for six and a half years after graduating college. I thought my future was in book publishing. , but I started having my own health struggles.

[00:03:19] Jenny Swisher: , for me, it was chronic migraine issues in my twenties, which ended up, you know, that was a maybe five year journey, , that really still continues to this day to some degree. And in my late twenties dealt with infertility, , quite the journey there. And so all of a sudden I kind of had this. that like hormone imbalance was really the root of what was going on for me for both the migraines, the infertility, um, a lot of things, right?

[00:03:42] Jenny Swisher: Even anxiety attacks, things that I was experiencing in my mental health too. And so, , I started to just kind of dig deeper for myself and I guess it was probably around 2010, I stumbled upon, the company that I was with previously, which was a home health and fitness company that had some nutritionals and I thought, okay, well I’ve tried everything else.

[00:04:00] Jenny Swisher: Like I’ve done everything in the modern medicine world. I’ve even tried yoga and acupuncture and chiropractic. And, you know, I’ve had neck surgeries, like what’s let’s, let’s try exercise. I don’t know at this point, I can’t make things worse, you know? And so I didn’t, you know, I hadn’t really paid attention to my overall health and that sounds crazy, but like.

[00:04:16] Jenny Swisher: When you have a migraine every day, all you think about is how bad your head hurts. And so I had really kind of lost myself in that process. I had gained about 35 pounds. Truth be told, there was no libido. There was no, there was no nothing else. Right. I literally was miserable. And so, um, exercise, you know, for me, it was P90X originally was the home program that I started with was amazing because.

[00:04:38] Jenny Swisher: It reintroduced me to sort of that inner athlete that I was in high school that I hadn’t really, you know, come in contact with for years. And so I got really back, back into exercise, got really, , excited about it, you know, embrace that journey. And really started to kind of just go with the company’s products and learn more about nutrition.

[00:04:54] Jenny Swisher: And that’s really what turned me on to becoming, I don’t want to say obsessed, but becoming, you know, in love with realizing, Oh, there’s all this stuff within my control. Like exercise is within my control and stress management is within my control and nutrition is within my control. And so went on to get my personal training license, my fitness nutrition specialist license through NASM.

[00:05:14] Jenny Swisher: And then, , ultimately I left my corporate job when I started to succeed in that business. , we were starting to match my income at my corporate job with my, my company’s income. And so what I ended up doing was I told my husband, I’m like, I have, I can’t do this anymore. Like I can’t go sit under fluorescent lights.

[00:05:31] Jenny Swisher: It’s at work, like not moving. It just was against my nature. I was like, I need to be up and moving and I need to be around people. And so I left, I took that risk, that leap of faith, left my corporate job and we opened a gym, a 4, 200 square foot fitness facility here in Indianapolis. And I loved it. I taught bootcamp classes at 5am, 6pm.

[00:05:51] Jenny Swisher: I fell in love with my clients. The energy, the group fitness classes, it was addicting. So addicting that, you know, three or four years in, I, I really suffered with adrenal burnout. , I was physically just pushing myself. Too hard. I mean, I had finally overcome the migraines enough to feel good again.

[00:06:09] Jenny Swisher: I was on HRT. I was, you had gotten rid of the dairy and done all the things and kind of figured out my, my triggers for, for those things. And I was feeling so good. It’s almost like I went on the other end of the spectrum and I just started sort of burning it out. And when my daughter was born, which fast forward to, to that story, you know, both of my girls are adopted when we adopted my oldest, my perspective and my priorities changed.

[00:06:31] Jenny Swisher: Instead of being at the gym 24 seven and building my online business and pouring myself into people and burning myself out in the process, I was like, wait, I have this baby at home and the baby comes first. And so I started to, I hired a manager of the gym and I hired instructors and I kind of stepped out of the gym, ultimately selling the gym to a former NFL athlete that wanted to take over an athletic space.

[00:06:54] Jenny Swisher: So it worked out perfectly. And I stepped out of physically training people and, and really just said, okay, I need to go all in on my online business. So at that point, you know, we’d really built the business to a six figure income. My husband helped me with it on the side. He was teaching and coaching high school at the time.

[00:07:12] Jenny Swisher: And. I loved it for years and years and years, and I loved working with people, whether it was in person, you know, in the gym or online. I loved the transformations, and I loved being able to set people up with the right solutions to achieve those transformations. But just like I had experienced burnout in what I was doing, and sort of this obsessive exercise.

[00:07:35] Jenny Swisher: I started to see that in a lot of the women that I was coaching online and in person. And it was around 2019 my life coach, which I worked with the life coach for years actually in my previous business. One of the things that I wanted to do to set me apart from other leaders in the business and that I, what I really wanted to be at the core of my team was a personal growth mindset.

[00:07:57] Jenny Swisher: And so I, you know, I was like, I know people are coming in here for, For fitness and nutrition, but they are really going to get personal growth with me. And so I hired a life coach. , she’s one of my very best friends and she sort of just took hold on our team as just the resident life coach. She was in our team page every day.

[00:08:12] Jenny Swisher: We did book clubs, masterminds, all the things. And I remember working with her in particular. And I said to her, you know, I don’t know, like there are certain things that I’ve experienced in my own health that I’m now seeing happen with other women, like women on my team. Other women that were coaching and I can’t unsee this and I don’t know how to really help them.

[00:08:32] Jenny Swisher: And it was, it was the gamut. It wasn’t just obsessiveness with exercise. It was also. You know, this sort of, I like to call it like before and after, , thing where people like women felt like they needed to use their bodies to sell health and wellness. And, uh, she said to me, she’s like, have you ever heard of Dr.

[00:08:50] Jenny Swisher: Stacey Sims? She’s like, she’s this doctor that wrote this book called Roar. And she’s very into like female physiology and learning what women need. And so I started to go down the rabbit hole of like, who is Dr. Stacey Sims? I ordered her book. I ended up enrolling in her classes. So I was taking classes, her courses, uh, on both menopause and cycle sinking at the time.

[00:09:09] Jenny Swisher: And I started to learn about female physiology. And everything that I had gone through, from even just my infertility journey to adrenal burnout to, you know, my body’s changes from losing 35 pounds to then gaining weight and then losing it again, like the different things that I had experienced all started to make scientific sense because I was reading this book and I’m taking her classes and I’m realizing things.

[00:09:33] Jenny Swisher: The role of hormone health in all of that. And when we get kind of sucked into a culture that is, you know, I’ll say an exercise culture that’s really designed for men, women suffer. And so once again, like not to keep using this phrase, but I couldn’t unlearn it. I couldn’t unsee it. Like all of a sudden it started to make sense.

[00:09:54] Jenny Swisher: Like women should be paying attention to their menstrual cycles. Women should be focusing on like, are we ovulating? Are we not ovulating? These are important markers. That I know I was just glazing over as I tried to get six pack abs, you know, ultimately feeling terrible. And so all of that sort of, all of this kind of happened at one time.

[00:10:13] Jenny Swisher: So I took her courses. And at that time I was kind of entering, I think, perimenopause symptoms for myself. So like migraines started to come back a little bit. I started to experience a little bit of weight gain. Like all of a sudden my body was shifting again. And so I was really diving into it more so for myself, like, how can I take the tools and the things that I’ve learned and that I use and that I love, like these home fitness programs, how can I take them and then turn around and tweak them?

[00:10:38] Jenny Swisher: Like, how can I make them work for me? And so now, looking back, I like to use the phrase, I think I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Yeah. I love it. When a program is designed for male physiology, there’s really is no way to turn around and make it for female physiology, but I tried, I tried my hardest, I made new calendars.

[00:10:58] Jenny Swisher: I would hit the pause button for extra rest. I would tweak the moves cause I’m a personal trainer. So I would know like, this is not a functional move. I’m going to change it. So I started to sort of just. Um, and so I just used the home fitness programs that had really turned me on to fitness for a year, you know, years ago, and I tried to just sort of make them work for female physiology.

[00:11:16] Jenny Swisher: And so I launched the SYNC course in 2020, and of course I didn’t plan on that being in time for the pandemic, but it just so happened. It was like a month before the pandemic happened. And all of a sudden I had, I remember initially about 68 women who reached out on one post. Because it resonated with them because they were, I said something to the effect of, have you been doing all the things that you used to do that, but they’re no longer working,

[00:11:39] Jenny Swisher: right?

[00:11:39] Jenny Swisher: And the messaging was so clear that I had so many women reach out and say, I don’t know what you’re doing, but I need to do it because I’m doing all the things I’m doing the hit, I’m cutting the carbs, I’m following these containers. I’m doing this X, Y, Z, and I’m not getting results. And my energy is suffering.

[00:11:54] Jenny Swisher: And so we launched the course and then sort of have built momentum with that course ever since. But I slowly started to feel like that square peg in a round hole situation. Like I cannot turn around and tell people like women, you need to eat enough. You need enough protein and then turn around and endorse a nutrition program that is not enough protein.

[00:12:14] Jenny Swisher: It’s not enough healthy fat for hormone health. I can’t make that square peg fit into a round hole because what that really is, is misalignment. What that really is, is me saying. Do it my way, not this way, which brings more confusion for women because they’re like, well, isn’t that what the program says?

[00:12:27] Jenny Swisher: Like, why are you saying something different? So, you know, and the same thing with the workouts, like I can’t put an asterisk next to every workout for a woman and tell her how to tweak everything for female physiology. It just doesn’t happen. So over the course of the last. You know, three to four years, but really in the last year, we’ve kind of just stepped into, okay, like if it doesn’t align, let’s just do something.

[00:12:47] Jenny Swisher: Let’s create the sync fitness program, right? Like let’s create our own program so that we do take the guesswork. So there are no asterisks. This, every detail of this is designed. For a female and her physiology, let’s take, let’s, we’re not going to use anybody else’s nutrition program. We’re going to use what, what women really need.

[00:13:02] Jenny Swisher: We’re going to talk protein guidelines. We’re going to talk fiber guidelines. We’re going to talk healthy fats and what they do for hormones. So we’ve kind of just kind of stepped into our own brand there. And, uh, I would say, you know, the last year we’ve had a lot of momentum around just helping women unlearn diet culture, helping women step into the new science that we now have on female physiology.

[00:13:24] Jenny Swisher: And. So I would say about a year ago when I first met Sarah, who’s the CEO of human grace. , actually, she just introduced me last weekend to speak on stage and she said, no one has told her no more than me. So that’s how I was introduced, uh, you know, she’s like, I’ve talked to a lot of people and Jenny was like, no way.

[00:13:45] Jenny Swisher: I will never do direct sales again. And listen, I have so much respect for direct sales. I have so much respect for the company I was with for 13 years. Had I never done that, I never would have been turned on to fitness and nutrition. I probably would have never, Reached my own maximum energy because I, I wouldn’t have figured out what I needed and what my unique body needed.

[00:14:04] Jenny Swisher: I wouldn’t have had the same journey into functional wellness had it not been for it. So I’m so grateful for that. It’s just, it really is a matter of evolution and I started to evolve and change and. Just no longer felt aligned. Right. And so, anyway, so when I had that conversation with, with Sarah about a year ago, the first, I probably should apologize because the first time we talked on the phone, I was probably extremely rude because I was very closed off as you know, to the opportunity.

[00:14:31] Jenny Swisher: I said, I will never do direct sales again. I don’t care how different your comp plan is. I don’t care how different the company is. Like I know it’s hormone health. I know it’s. But I’m, I don’t care because I have been burned out. I have been part of politics that I don’t want to be part of again. I’ve been, I’ve been, you know, I just, I don’t want to like align myself and my personal brand that I have now built for five years, I don’t want to associate it with something else.

[00:14:53] Jenny Swisher: It just feels risky to me. And it feels like a distraction. So four phone calls later and really doing a deep dive on the company, the products, where my heart was really with the whole thing, I did ultimately make the decision to, to leave the previous company and join human grace. And when I say I didn’t take that decision lightly, I mean, it was really hard.

[00:15:15] Jenny Swisher: It was really hard. I mean, there were tears. I talked to my husband. I mean, my husband has heard every, you know, he’s, he’s been on every conversation, like he’s heard every moment of, of like, what is this going to mean for our family? And I think Aaron, you were one of two people that I reached out to when.

[00:15:31] Jenny Swisher: When this was all going on in my brain, and I just, I just wanted, I was like, I just have to offload this on somebody and say, like, what should I do here? And you were one of a couple of friends of mine who were like, I don’t know, Jenny, like you’ve built something awesome. Like, do you really want to associate with another brand?

[00:15:45] Jenny Swisher: I mean, this was, this is serious, you guys, like this is a. A real decision and knowing too that I, you know, I literally have hundreds of women who follow my advice, who follow the podcast, making this type of transition is not something that I wanted to take lightly. So ultimately what changed the decision for me was I was on a call with Sarah and she said, she said, I want to say something to you because she said, uh, you know, I hear you saying all these things all the time about, well, you’re not, you don’t want to do direct sales anymore.

[00:16:12] Jenny Swisher: And you don’t. You don’t see yourself doing like team calls and doing, you know, these different things that I had told her that I was really burned out with. And she said, all I hear in those statements are you, you, you, you. And she said, I think what we need to figure out here, Jenny, is who are we here to serve?

[00:16:30] Jenny Swisher: And she was like, are there women out there who need this? Are there women out there who need this kind of opportunity? Like, I mean, even financially speaking, right? Like it’s not, it’s, it’s about impact and income. And so I started to think about the fact that like. Everything that I had built was a digital service, right?

[00:16:48] Jenny Swisher: So podcasting is, is you can listen to it. There’s no, there’s nothing that comes in the mail, um, digital courses, right? You’re learning online. You can even take your phone with you in the car and listen to my, to my, you know, my courses and my, my videos. So everything that I had created was all digital, right?

[00:17:03] Jenny Swisher: There’s no shipping involved, but the number one question that I would get from women was always. Well, how do I make swaps in my daily life? Like you’re teaching me about endocrine disruption. You’re teaching me about, hormone imbalance, like that’s coming from these different environmental factors, but how do I change that?

[00:17:19] Jenny Swisher: Right. And I didn’t have a solution to be able to present to people because I, I certainly was not going to go out and source my own products. That was not something that was on my radar. So to be able to say like. Jenny Swisher is a brand and SYNC is a brand and this, and I’m bringing women into this sort of educational atmosphere, this telehealth component that we have a Dr.

[00:17:38] Jenny Swisher: Page to be able to have everything that we have, and then also say, okay, you want to make some changes in your physical products. I have a company for that too, a company that I stand behind. So that was ultimately what was the decision changer for me. Um, but I also did a lot of research and legwork on the products themselves, how they get third party tested, uh, the transparency of the company and the ingredients.

[00:18:00] Jenny Swisher: Because as I’ve said a million times Just because you’re a hormone health company or have a hormone health product, doesn’t mean that it’s legit. There is a lot out there right now and coming that are all labeled hormone health that are all marketing. And they don’t necessarily have the customer’s best interest in mind.

[00:18:17] Jenny Swisher: So that was really important for me too. So that was a really long way of sharing my story, but I think it’s important for people to know that, like, trust me, I am. So I’ve, my whole life, I’ve been like the, I was like the non sorority, sorority girl, like somehow I got in a sorority in college, but I like, wasn’t Like you would not picture me as a sorority girl, like this workout apparel is what I wore every day in college.

[00:18:36] Jenny Swisher: And so, but I’ve somehow landed in that environment, like in almost everything I’ve done. And so for me to be in sort of like the non traditional direct sales, you know, with human grace is just. Apropos for my life story, but I’m excited for it because I think, especially coming off of the event we had last weekend, , to be in the room was what I needed.

[00:18:58] Jenny Swisher: I needed to be in the room because I read a room really well. And I have an intuition, sort of like a leader’s intuition about myself. And that was the one thing that was like, I have got to get in the room with these people because I’ve got to really feel. If this is for me. And as I was telling my, my mentor, I said, you know, this was the right room.

[00:19:18] Jenny Swisher: Like, I feel like I have been entering the wrong room for the last five years, trying to get people to listen, trying to get people to, you know, that square peg in the round hole. And this just felt like I’m finally in the right room.

[00:19:30] Erin Trier: Yeah, I’m kind of

[00:19:31] Jenny Swisher: ground hole.

[00:19:33] Erin Trier: Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your story, where you’ve been and kind of where you’re, where you’re at now, where you’re going.

[00:19:38] Erin Trier: I know we’ve had a lot of conversations just about my own journey and trying to figure out exactly what it looks like for me to continue to step in to creating my own personal brand, but also get aligned with partnerships that feel really good. And that. I feel confident in leading my clients and my family and other women and families too.

[00:19:58] Erin Trier: And it’s just been such a gift to just learn alongside you and be a part of the same community and now start to get deeper into this human grace community and the company and what they offer. I would love for you to maybe chat a little bit more about. The event you went to recently at Elevate and kind of just speak a little bit more about company culture, what the vibe of the room was and why this new aligned partnership for you just feels so different from what you’ve been doing in the past.

[00:20:26] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. So I think the first thing that I would say that stood out the most is, you know, I talk a lot about energy. , I refer to everything as far as energy as when it comes to our health, especially, but the energy in a room is also really powerful and, you know, just to kind of reiterate what I said before.

[00:20:41] Jenny Swisher: There were a couple of moments in, with my previous company where I entered the room and would actually physically feel ill. Like there was a level of anxiety for me, whether it had to do with just the competitive nature of the sales side of things, or just in general, just this sort of almost like toxic feeling.

[00:21:04] Jenny Swisher: And I remember my husband telling me after my last. Event that I attended for, for that company, he said, why do you keep entering the room? And it was a really pivotal moment for me because I thought, well, I’m just, I am so loyal by nature. Like I was, I mean, I was the last girl standing on my high school basketball team.

[00:21:22] Jenny Swisher: I was the only senior that stayed because we had. Sort of a borderline abusive basketball coach, and I am not saying that you should stay in those situations, but for me, it was like, I am loyal, loyal to the end. Right? Like, I’m loyal to the end. And so, of course, I would keep coming to the room. And so he kept saying, like, why do you keep entering the room?

[00:21:40] Jenny Swisher: And it wasn’t until then that I realized that I was in this sort of negative feedback loop. Right? And so stepping into the room and elevate last weekend, I was extremely nervous. A lot of these. Uh, women and leaders that I respect and have looked up to that are there. I’ve never met in person. So, , and I’m sort of introverted by nature.

[00:21:57] Jenny Swisher: So I’m very extroverted on podcasts and behind a camera or behind a computer screen, but in person I can be very introverted, but it’s just, it was a different feeling. So the very first thing, uh, first of all, is that Sarah and Ben, the CEOs of Hugh and Grace. Are in the room with you and they are literally literally like Sarah came up to me and hugged me within seconds of me getting there.

[00:22:20] Jenny Swisher: She wanted a picture. She wanted, you know, and then I mean, I probably was, we 15 times over the course of two days. And. The intimacy that’s there between the CEOs and the leaders, they say that the advocates really are the center point of the business. Like they really have such a focus on, on the advocate side, they stood on stage and welcomed every person to stage with a hug, but there’s just this genuine, authentic feeling in the room.

[00:22:46] Jenny Swisher: Right.

[00:22:47] Jenny Swisher: So that’s the first thing I would say. The second thing that I want to call out is. Anytime you’re in business with other women, there can sometimes be politics and competitive nature. And the one thing that I see and respect the most, uh, is actually that at one point they recognize the top two sellers on stage.

[00:23:05] Jenny Swisher: And when they did this, both of these women are amazing women and they both have, you know, a lot of influence, , on social media and whatnot. And as soon as they announced like who was first, who was second, you know, what their numbers were, all the things. The two of them just hugged and immediately after went right to collaborating.

[00:23:22] Jenny Swisher: I’m going to text thread where they’re in the text, the same text that they immediately went into collaborating on how both of them work their business differently and how they could come together to help the whole network work their business in different ways. And there wasn’t a competitive nature of like, she’s this, she’s that it was this women empowering women breath of fresh air, to be honest.

[00:23:40] Jenny Swisher: And then the last thing that I would say is that every, every person in the room is seen. So they gave away human grace awards at the end of the banquet. And they had a, it’s like three different awards for Hugh. He would three different awards for grace. I’ll botch it, but it’s like love, generosity, kindness, whatever.

[00:23:57] Jenny Swisher: And they, they choose different advocates. They give the awards to

[00:24:00] Jenny Swisher: what

[00:24:00] Jenny Swisher: I loved the most was that they didn’t give the awards to the top sellers necessarily. They gave them to like one, one woman got the award because she shows up to every power 30 call. So the fact that they, they see you, they recognize you, they recognize your efforts.

[00:24:15] Jenny Swisher: They recognize your, your mission, such a refreshing thing. So, um, yes, a much smaller crowd, but growing the fact that we’re proud that we’re launching new products every month from now through spring. Um, the, the business has grown 400 percent since I joined in December. Um, it’s just an amazing opportunity to be part, to be a part of it.

[00:24:33] Jenny Swisher: To be honest with you, it feels like a thriving environment. Where I felt very much in survival mode for the past four to five, four to five years in my previous company.

[00:24:43] Erin Trier: Yeah. And I relate to that. I know in the conversations we’ve had, it kind of felt like autopilot, right? You were just kind of in that autopilot state of mind.

[00:24:52] Erin Trier: And so many of the conversations we’ve had. Along my own pivoting journey have been around the same concept of like, I feel like I’m not in the right room. I feel like maybe I’ve just evolved beyond where I’ve been. And while I’m so grateful, I’m just looking for a different kind of opportunity. That’s going to expand with me.

[00:25:10] Erin Trier: And that’s really what Hugh and grace has provided for us as coaches and as people that are building our own personal brands, but also really want to have intentional resources and partnerships where we can point people confidently to. Amazing products and amazing education alongside what we’re doing.

[00:25:27] Erin Trier: Jenny, I’d love for you to share. A little more about the opportunity with you and grace. You really introduced me to it, right? And I was just like, you super hesitant. No, thank you. I’ve done the direct sales thing. I never want to do it again. Literally completely relate to all of your feelings of burnout and just hard.

[00:25:48] Erin Trier: No. And you know, my own evolution. Of getting to this place of warming up to this idea of direct sales again, is a lot of thanks to you, right? Because you really helped share your story, your experience, you know, what you’re really working to build alongside your own personal brand and influence, but then you also really.

[00:26:07] Erin Trier: Mentored me and talked to me a lot about just how powerful it can be to align with other people that have a similar passion or maybe doing a little bit of their own thing, or also want to kind of dive into a brand partnership and just the power of that and being in alignment and being in the energy that really feels good.

[00:26:24] Erin Trier: Like how, how empowering that really is. For your professional journey. I’d love for you to maybe dive in a little bit about the opportunity at hand as an advocate and why you feel like this is such a great way for women to build an extra stream of income, build additional impact and things like that.

[00:26:43] Jenny Swisher: Oh gosh. Okay. So this is, I’m going to try to consolidate this, but I love this question. So one of the things that when I was asked to speak at Elevate last week, I chose to speak about the power of your story. And I want to connect that here because. We know that 72 percent of women will deal with hormone imbalance at some point.

[00:26:59] Jenny Swisher: We know that women are dealing right now with, there’s a gaslighting happening in women’s health. Um, we have a large percentage of women are dealing with things like PCOS, endometriosis, infertility. Um, the list goes on. I mean, it’s, it takes the average woman five to six doctors to get a PCOS diagnosis.

[00:27:18] Jenny Swisher: That’s insane. Only 4 percent of women are utilizing HRT, thanks to the WHI study that was completely flawed 20 years ago. So we have, we have a long way to go in women’s health. So let me just start by saying like, regardless of what Hugh and Grace is doing, this is, this has been my personal mission for five plus years is to help educate women on the fact that.

[00:27:38] Jenny Swisher: Normal is not optimal. And until we step into our own self advocacy, we are potentially going to struggle. Not only in how we feel, but we’re doing our daughters a disservice too. Right. As the mom of two girls, I don’t want my girls to grow up in an environment where they’re just handed birth control pills and they’re not, their mental health isn’t taken seriously or their, you know, so I don’t want to go down a tangent, but, so I just want to start broad like that because I want everyone to understand that, like, we all have some sort of story here.

[00:28:04] Jenny Swisher: And so. When you have your own story, like, like I said before, when, when you know better, you do better. And when you, when women know the, why they apply. So like when you understand, like for me, when I started to understand why my body was holding on to weight or why I was adrenally burnout, I couldn’t unlearn that.

[00:28:21] Jenny Swisher: Right. It’s not like I could go back and be like, well, I think I still am going to teach 5 a. m. bootcamp classes and just keep burning myself out. Right. Like, or you learn about endocrine disruption and you learn about the average woman puts 168 chemicals on her body every day. You don’t just learn that information and say like, oh, well, I really love my Mary Kay cosmetics or whatever.

[00:28:37] Jenny Swisher: You know what I mean? Like, you don’t just, you don’t just deal. Um, and so I think that when we know better, we do better. So we ha we all have a story. There comes a point where we learn better. And as Sarah told me so eloquently, it’s not about me anymore. It’s Now I have a responsibility to turn around and say to Aaron, like, Aaron, have you thought about this?

[00:28:55] Jenny Swisher: Like, or, you know, my mom or my sister or my, you know, my cousin or whoever it is. Like, and so I think it’s, it really is. And I find myself saying this often that what I love about the human grace opportunity is it really is that simple. It’s as simple as I now know better. I’ve had this story and journey, and I’m here to show you that there’s a better way.

[00:29:15] Jenny Swisher: And it’s as easy as just sharing that. And I think, um, at least in the previous model that I was in, I got all twisted because I thought I had to work harder or I wasn’t, I wasn’t doing enough to succeed or it’s, I don’t know. It just, it felt different. It just felt like I was working through mud. And here it’s just, it’s, it’s like this authentic thing.

[00:29:39] Jenny Swisher: That’s just like, I share a link in my stories or I tell people about my new favorite, whatever. And it’s genuine to what I actually love and enjoy it’s easy. And then sales come as a result of it. And women are changing and making simple swaps and eliminating endocrine disruption as a result of it. So it’s, it’s impact and income.

[00:29:55] Jenny Swisher: My husband would be the first to tell you that I am not income driven whatsoever. It was right before Elevate that we finally set up my bank account with human grace to be able to receive payment. Like I’m telling you, it is when I say it’s not a priority for me. I am very driven by impact. Very, very, very much so.

[00:30:11] Jenny Swisher: And so for me, like in the beginning, I didn’t necessarily, I let him go deep on learning the comp plan and learning that because for me, it was like, I was more interested in the products and the impact that I was going to be making. And so I say that because as Sarah mentioned with Brownie Weiss and the Tupperware party, which she, she shares often, that was her, her reasoning for choosing a direct sales channel for human grace.

[00:30:33] Jenny Swisher: A lot of people don’t realize Hugh and Grace is an established brand. We are in Four Seasons Hotels, Waldorf Astoria Spas. They just did a partnership with Bentley. We did, we’re doing a collaboration with FabFitFun, FabFitFun boxes. Like this is a brand that other brands are attracted to. It stands alone.

[00:30:49] Jenny Swisher: They opened the direct sales channel to be able to afford this opportunity to mostly women, but men and women. To turn around and be able to make an impact in an income,

[00:30:58] Jenny Swisher: right?

[00:30:58] Jenny Swisher: And the fact that it’s simple, it’s an affiliate marketing structure. So you’re able to simply share it. There’s no like strategizing.

[00:31:05] Jenny Swisher: There’s no, I hate to use the phrase like pyramid scheming, but a lot of people use that phrase anyway, with network marketing, this is a completely different business model and comp plan so that you are just afforded the ability to share what you love and then earn an income as a result. And it’s, it really is that simple.

[00:31:20] Jenny Swisher: The other thing that I want to say is The residual income is something that I don’t think we talk about enough in this sort of model. I was just talking about this, this morning too, in my previous model, I felt like I had to get everybody set up with like a fitness membership and a shake. Right. But then it was like, never really moved beyond that.

[00:31:38] Jenny Swisher: And then it was like another year before they needed to renew their, their fitness thing. Right. And I, it was my job to keep them on the shake product. And so I was, I was working for free a lot. Like I was running groups. You know, keeping people accountable and offering meal plans. And I always like to say I was running crock pot groups and I was running, you know, like I was doing all the things like as a free health coach.

[00:31:59] Jenny Swisher: And then you look back and you’re like all that for 30 bucks. Like I’m not so sure it’s crazy, but it’s true. And, and the thing is with this, with this model, what I’m seeing is we have three different product verticals. So we have skincare, we have nutritionals, which I can’t wait to talk about. And we also have, um, household care.

[00:32:17] Jenny Swisher: And so it’s all third party tested, which to me is the most important thing, right? It’s third party tested. It’s non endocrine disrupting. It’s transparent labels. The labels are transparent, all the ingredients listed. And what I love about this is, what I’m finding is that people come in. because they’re attracted to one thing.

[00:32:34] Jenny Swisher: So like we just launched our new triple boost protein. So with my background in fitness and nutrition, I have a lot of people interested in the protein. So people will come in with the protein, but what I’m finding is they ask about our hydrate and detox too. So then they buy a bundle, not just the protein.

[00:32:48] Jenny Swisher: And then they’re like, Oh, you have skincare, but it becomes a brand that they trust because of that transparency. And then they say, Oh, well, I actually, you know, I want to make some swaps. In my skincare too. So they make the skincare. We have a partnership launching in November where we’re partnering with a mineral cosmetics company that is sealed and approved by Hugh and Grace as well.

[00:33:05] Jenny Swisher: And it’s literally, so it’s, Oh, I’ll just make those swaps too with my makeup. And then I’ll make the swaps with the shampoo and conditioner and I’ll make the swaps. So one person coming in, we’ve always known that 20 percent of your customers will purchase 80 percent of, you know, we’ll contribute to the 80 percent of your sales.

[00:33:20] Jenny Swisher: And

[00:33:20] Jenny Swisher: we’d never had that opportunity before because it was all about just selling people one thing. Once a year, so this is different because now it’s like you come in and there’s, I mean, I have people who purchased triple boost last week at launch. They’re already purchasing orders this week for the skin serums

[00:33:35] Jenny Swisher: or

[00:33:36] Jenny Swisher: the facial cleanser or the household cleaner.

[00:33:37] Jenny Swisher: And so that’s a really, really powerful thing that people don’t think about is we’re able to serve people in all those different areas. Yeah. And not just work harder for free. So I think, I think those are all pieces of the puzzle, but to kind of bring it full circle, we all have our own story. We all, we can share as much of that as we want.

[00:33:55] Jenny Swisher: Like I don’t talk a lot on my social media about like my kids adoption stories. I mean, I think people who follow me know that my girls are adopted, but I’m not like sharing the details because I choose not to.

[00:34:04] Jenny Swisher: Yeah,

[00:34:04] Jenny Swisher: but I might share pieces of my infertility story or I might share pieces of my endometriosis story or my migraines And just sharing things like that Resonate with other women the number of women who’ve been able to say because I listened to your podcast or because i’ve taken your courses I’ve now stepped into self advocacy.

[00:34:19] Jenny Swisher: I found myself a new doctor and i’m finally on the right path Like that’s a really powerful thing And so to just share your own story even just the little pieces of it It’s really powerful And to be able to drop these products in is a great way to make both impact and income.

[00:34:35] Erin Trier: Yeah. I love that. And it’s such a good explanation of the variety of opportunity.

[00:34:40] Erin Trier: Cause like you said, with the three product verticals, that’s one of the things that I know for me was really. Enticing because it was just this different kind of flexibility and variety with really serving people exactly where they’re at, with exactly what they need. And I know when we’ve had our conversations over the past handful of years about what my personal story has looked like, I resonated so much with this idea of feeling like I was, Position to really talk about one specific thing all the time.

[00:35:11] Erin Trier: And with this specific partnership, there’s so much more flexibility to really work with your people, talk to your audience and say, what is it that you really truly need? And how can I really intentionally serve you in that way? And that feels just really aligned. And cool to be a part of Jenny. I’d love for you to kind of dive into triple boost.

[00:35:28] Erin Trier: I know you mentioned it a little bit when you talked about our product goals and things that you’re excited about, but this is a new product that just dropped into human grace. And we are all really pumped about this product. And I love how Jenny explains the benefits, the ingredients, why it’s so powerful for, for females and for our hormone health.

[00:35:44] Erin Trier: So if you could dive into that, I’d love it.

[00:35:46] Jenny Swisher: Sure. So, yeah. So one of the big things when I, when I joined forces with you and grace last year, I was like, I don’t know if they have enough nutritionals for me to hop on board because it was, you know, that was a product vertical that I knew they were wanting to expand in.

[00:35:58] Jenny Swisher: It was very limited in my opinion. Um, we have an awesome collagen. It’s a three type, you know, three type collagen. We have hydrate and detox, which is, I call it a twofer. It’s your hydration, your, your electrolytes plus your, your detoxification benefits. Um, we have the morning and night supplements. But I, I was like, we need more, you know, like this isn’t, I mean, coming from a company that had, um, protein shake and, you know, different workout tools and resource, you know, uh, products.

[00:36:23] Jenny Swisher: Like I was like, we need more here. Uh, and I knew that that was my background too. So I was like, I’m not the skin. I’m not like the 10 step skincare girl, you know? So like, I don’t know how I’m going to make this, this work. Um, although I, I’ve become much more in tune with my skin care, but you know, so that was a big thing.

[00:36:38] Jenny Swisher: And when I was having conversations with Ben and Sarah in the very beginning, I’m like, where are you wanting to go with nutritionals? What are the things you’re wanting to create? And so this, this product triple boost was the first product that we, we started to talk about. They said that it was in development.

[00:36:51] Jenny Swisher: They were doing a lot of research behind it. And of course, there’s a lot of work that goes into these things because not only are you sourcing, you know, you’re looking at. Appropriate sourcing and third party testing, but you’re also looking at, from a business perspective, they were looking at packaging.

[00:37:04] Jenny Swisher: They were looking at, you know, flavor, all these other components. And so I knew this was going to be one of the first things that they launched. And to kind of just fast forward though, they have a two year. Roadmap of all the different products that they want to launch in the next two years that are all kind of currently in research and development.

[00:37:20] Jenny Swisher: So to even know that like the company is planning two years ahead, these are the products, like I mentioned before, we have a product launching every single month from now through spring. Like that’s incredible. Like for a new startup company and you know, they’re in the last first five years of their business, like to have that kind of roadmap and to be seeing such exponential growth is so promising and so exciting.

[00:37:40] Jenny Swisher: So kind of just reiterating that sort of thriving environment. But the triple boost product is amazing. First of all, what I want to say here is sometimes simple is better. Oftentimes simple is better. And I know that there are people that say things like, Oh, what, you know, this product has 50 ingredients and they’re all super powerful and nutrient dense.

[00:38:02] Jenny Swisher: Yes. But can the body really tolerate that? And so in my situation, I do virtual telehealth consults with Dr. Page. We started to see a lot of women who were consuming protein shakes, I’ll say, or protein powders, and they were having trouble with them. Maybe not digestively, but they just, it wasn’t necessarily benefiting them.

[00:38:19] Jenny Swisher: It was causing confusion in their body as far as absorbing other supplements. So we really want to keep things simple. And so one of the things that I had talked about with Sarah and Ben early on was, you This better be a simple protein and it shouldn’t, I don’t ever want to call it a protein shake.

[00:38:33] Jenny Swisher: Right. So it was funny because at Elevate, when they launched it, the advocate who was doing the training behind it said, everybody raise your hand and promise that we will never call this a protein shake and because it’s not, it’s so much more health benefit. It just ha it happens to have the 20 grams of protein in it.

[00:38:48] Jenny Swisher: So

[00:38:48] Jenny Swisher: let’s talk about what it is. So there are really three main components to triple boost that make it so powerful. The first is the fact that it does have 20 grams of protein. Why does that matter? Because women in particular, but really men and women are not eating enough protein. The average woman is consuming 40 to 50 grams of protein per day when she really needs at least one gram per pound of body weight.

[00:39:08] Jenny Swisher: So I don’t know about you, but I don’t know any woman who weighs 40 to 50 pounds.

[00:39:12] Jenny Swisher: For

[00:39:12] Jenny Swisher: me, I’m shooting for 135 to 140 grams of protein per day, which takes intentionality. And I don’t always want to just have steak for a snack, right? Or chicken for a snack. And so, um, but I’m also not a huge fan of like highly processed protein powders and bars and all those types of things either.

[00:39:29] Jenny Swisher: So, the fact that this is just, you know, simple. It’s just seven ingredients. Like it’s, it’s just so versatile. Uh, and it gets me that 20 grams of protein and all the protein here is important to mention is full protein, sorry, full profile amino acids. So that means that you’re getting the full amino acids that you need.

[00:39:48] Jenny Swisher: in that protein. So that’s not always very easy to find, especially in a vegan protein, which this is. So we have the protein. We also have the branched chain amino acids, like I mentioned, um, for women who exercise, who tend to be who I speak to. Leucine is incredibly important for women. So that’s a great benefit for muscle recovery.

[00:40:06] Jenny Swisher: I’d like using it pre workout or post workout. It doesn’t have to be either one. People freak out. Like it has to be something like, it doesn’t matter. You can do it pre workout, post workout. You can do it as a bedtime snack. It doesn’t matter to me. Yeah. Getting it in is the key. The other angle of this, which is really cool is the Islandic blue spirulina that’s in the product.

[00:40:23] Jenny Swisher: It’s what makes it blue is actually rich in vitamin B12 and not just B12, but methylated vitamin B12. And the reason that matters is because 44, 44 percent of people have what’s called an MTHFR gene mutation, which prevents us. And I’m raising my hand cause it’s me. It’s also my daughters. It prevents us from being able to produce.

[00:40:44] Jenny Swisher: To really process and methylate B vitamins. So to have it in food form in a methylated B12 form is really critical for our bodies for proper absorption. So B12 is an energy boost, right? We, a lot of us have heard of like the energy drinks on the market. They are utilizing vitamin B12, usually in the more poisonous version, the non methylated version.

[00:41:03] Jenny Swisher: And they’re, they’re partnering it with caffeine and all the other things we don’t need. But you’ve heard of these B12 like right the energy shots or the IV bars that are doing B12 This is even better because it’s in food form from this Icelandic blue spirulina Which is a superfood and you’re getting 210 percent of your daily value of B12 So you’re getting that natural energy from the B12.

[00:41:22] Jenny Swisher: You’re getting the 20 grams of protein which helps with blood sugar regulation helps with cravings because you’re getting those amino acids that your body needs. And then you’re also getting, um, the branch chain amino acids. So last night I had one before bed. I decided just to see how I would do before bed with it.

[00:41:38] Jenny Swisher: Of course, I love the flavor. It’s like a subtle vanilla flavor, which kind of throws you off because it’s blue. You’re thinking it’s going to be like blueberry or something, but it’s actually vanilla, which is awesome. So it goes great in coffee. It goes great just mixed alone. Uh, but the reason I did it at bedtime is because I have been having issues with blood sugar regulation overnight.

[00:41:53] Jenny Swisher: And so I wanted to just see how do I feel the next morning if I drink this at night. And so this morning I didn’t wake up with any jitters. I didn’t wake up feeling like I needed to eat anything. My aura ring showed that I had, you know, a stable sleep overnight, no wake ups, which means I wasn’t waking up for blood sugar crashes.

[00:42:09] Jenny Swisher: So this might become my thing. I might be doing it at night. Just as sort of a craving curber. Because I like to grab all the things I shouldn’t have before bed. But also just to stabilize the blood sugar. So I think it’s going to be a game changer. I think when we, when we speak to women in particular.

[00:42:24] Jenny Swisher: The number one issue that women are really up against with hormone imbalance. If you keep peeling back the onion, you keep peeling back the onion, you keep peeling back the onion. 80 percent of the time, it comes back to blood sugar control,

[00:42:34] Jenny Swisher: right? And

[00:42:34] Jenny Swisher: that blood sugar control has to do with the protein that they’re getting, the healthy fats that they’re getting, how we eat, right?

[00:42:41] Jenny Swisher: Like the order in which we eat our foods. Uh, and then, you know, a lot of women also falling victim to like processed foods and stuff like that. So I think that getting this type of supplement in our body, making sure that we’re getting the amino acids that we need. Making sure we’re getting that little boost of protein and natural energy is going to be game changing for a lot of people.

[00:42:56] Jenny Swisher: So I like to say it’s a foundational supplement that is not a protein shake, just has 20 grams of protein, which is really vital for just helping you stabilize that blood sugar and get the stuff that you really need for natural energy, which is what it’s all about. So I’m excited for triple boost. I’ve been drinking it every day.

[00:43:13] Jenny Swisher: My three year old loves it.

[00:43:14] Jenny Swisher: Yeah.

[00:43:15] Jenny Swisher: And yeah, but I’m excited for that. I’m excited for everything that we have coming down the pipeline.

[00:43:20] Erin Trier: Yeah, there’s a lot coming down the pipeline, which is really exciting. Like you said, a launch every month until the spring, which is really exciting. And triple boost has been something our family’s already been loving as well.

[00:43:30] Erin Trier: And I’ve been really noticing just a shift in my energy, kind of just that stable mood, stable energy, and just feeling a little bit more full and satisfied during those moments when I sometimes hit dips specifically in the afternoon. So I have also been loving it. Um, and I love that we just have this variety of resources that really, we can really point women and families to.

[00:43:48] Erin Trier: Jenny, as a wrap up quickly, I would love to talk a little bit about, let’s address if someone’s listening to this and they want to learn more about how do you join human grace? How do you work with the two of us? How do you be a part of our team? What does that look like? What would you say to that person?

[00:44:05] Erin Trier: What would you, you know, encourage them with if they really want to learn more and explore what this partnership could look like for them inside their vision to serve in the wellness space?

[00:44:14] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. So, I mean, I think it’s, it’s worth a conversation, you know, I mean, I think a lot of times as women, we, we like, we turn things into a bigger thing that it needs to be right.

[00:44:23] Jenny Swisher: And, and I love that human grace is really just about simple swaps. It’s about, it’s a simple business. It’s a simple business model. So let’s not overcomplicate it. Like, if you want to have a conversation, like, let’s have a conversation. If it’s something that you, you know, you think you could put, uh, into your, uh, Toolbox as a resource to be able to help other women or other families with why not, you know we do have different options as far as You know people can enroll as an advocate which in my opinion is the best way that’s gonna have the most earning potential The most cost saving.

[00:44:52] Jenny Swisher: There’s also other options too. So we have affiliate options. If you’re somebody who you have influence online, or you just want to be able to have that kickback link to share with other people, you can become an affiliate too. So I think each woman is unique and a conversation is worth having, but I also want to speak to sort of the elephant in the room, which is, um, Perhaps the person who’s had a direct selling experience who, like, I like to say, I was just telling a friend this morning, I think I have PTSD from, from my previous experience.

[00:45:18] Jenny Swisher: Not that it was bad. It just, I, like I said, I felt like I was working for free and I really burned myself out feeling like I was everybody’s health coach, but watching my incomes decline, like here’s the thing, right? Here’s the thing that I’ve learned over time is. Yes, there is a degree of respect and loyalty, but there’s also, there also comes a point where you have to ask the question of like, is this really aligned for me?

[00:45:46] Jenny Swisher: And am I serving people on a, on a deep enough level to, to really be able to serve them? Like, I remember before all this happened for me back in 2019, when I first was introduced to Stacey Sims, before I ever thought about launching my own course, I, every year I ask God, like, what is my word for the year?

[00:46:03] Jenny Swisher: You know, and usually it appears, it appears in a podcast I’m listening to, or like something pops up. It’s almost like it’s just given to

[00:46:09] Jenny Swisher: me

[00:46:10] Jenny Swisher: and heading into 2020. The word I was given was serve. And it was funny because end of 2020, I asked the same question. Okay. I’m ready for my word. What’s my new word.

[00:46:19] Jenny Swisher: And. January of 2021. It was very clear to me. It was the word serve again.

[00:46:24] Jenny Swisher: Yeah.

[00:46:25] Jenny Swisher: And I was like, okay, like, and so every year since 2019, it has been served every year. And I’m like, I can’t get past serve. I want to serve women. And so if that means making people feel uncomfortable because I left what I was doing before to do something new, that’s not on me.

[00:46:40] Jenny Swisher: Because I, this is a choice I’m making because I know I’m able to now serve on a deeper level. I keep hearing from people that are maybe still with our previous company or they’re in direct sales of some kind. They, they, they feel this sort of like, it’s almost like the sense of comfort, but they don’t necessarily see it that way.

[00:47:00] Jenny Swisher: Like it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s like this sense of comfort where they see. Like, well, people are going to buy this product anyway. I might as well sell it to them.

[00:47:06] Jenny Swisher: Right.

[00:47:07] Jenny Swisher: And it’s like, well, but is that harming women? Like when I left the company, I didn’t think it was harming women.

[00:47:13] Jenny Swisher: Right. I just

[00:47:14] Jenny Swisher: thought I wasn’t aligned anymore.

[00:47:15] Jenny Swisher: And I had evolved. The further I step away, the more clearly I can see that it actually was and is damaging to women. It is a way of thinking. It is a culture. It is a breeding grounds. For just health problems in general. And so, uh, I, I, you know, I would beg the question I would, I would ask the person, I would say, I know that starting over might sound awful, like starting from ground zero, starting with zero customers, zero team members, or going through the rigmarole of what you’ve experienced before, but here’s the deal.

[00:47:50] Jenny Swisher: When I came into this, I said, I’m not leading another team. I’m not doing a team calls. I’m not doing team calls. I’m not doing push to ranks. I’m not doing any of these things that I’ve done before. I’m doing this in the way that serves other women. And guess what? I’ve been able to do that a thousand percent and it has felt easy.

[00:48:05] Jenny Swisher: It’s hasn’t felt hard. It hasn’t felt like I’m throwing spaghetti at the wall for crockpot challenges. It hasn’t felt like I’m working for free,

[00:48:12] Jenny Swisher: you

[00:48:12] Jenny Swisher: know, on a monthly basis. It instead has felt very easy. I just opened my online office yesterday. To a volume for our organization of over 40, 000 and that matches actually surpasses, um, yeah, surpasses, it’s not apples to apples, but it surpasses the volume in my organization at the peak of my business with my previous business.

[00:48:32] Jenny Swisher: And it’s been nine months.

[00:48:34] Jenny Swisher: Yeah.

[00:48:34] Jenny Swisher: I’ve not led one team call. I’ve not burned myself out. I’ve not done all the hard work for free. It’s literally just, this is what it looks like to be aligned. This is what it looks like to have that round peg in a round hole. And this is what it looks like to really, really, truly serve people

[00:48:49] Jenny Swisher: instead

[00:48:49] Jenny Swisher: of selling them something that continuously damages them.

[00:48:52] Jenny Swisher: And then trying to teach them something different and burning yourself out in the process. So I think there’s, I’m trying to keep it simple, but I think there are people listening to this that are holding on. They’re holding on out of loyalty, but also out of the sphere of doing something different,

[00:49:06] Jenny Swisher: the

[00:49:06] Jenny Swisher: sphere of what other people might think, or the sphere of doing something that’s uncomfortable.

[00:49:10] Jenny Swisher: And I’m so glad I did because I, in the beginning, I had all those same thoughts and same, same concerns, but stepping into this room is, is something different. It’s just something different. So

[00:49:21] Jenny Swisher: it’s been a

[00:49:22] Jenny Swisher: blessing to do this with you, Aaron, to do this with our growing team. Um, it’s, you know, it’s, you know, you’re in alignment when things start to feel easy.

[00:49:30] Erin Trier: Yeah. When they start to feel easy. And I also, just to kind of add to that, I think there’s also a fear of, you know, I don’t want to do this again. Right. I don’t want it to feel the same.

[00:49:38] Jenny Swisher: Yeah.

[00:49:39] Erin Trier: I don’t want to go through what I’ve already experienced. And like you’ve already shared, Jenny, there’s so much blessing in where we both came from and what we’ve learned along the way.

[00:49:46] Erin Trier: And I think, you know, I want to kind of wrap this up by saying I had Jenny really come on today and really talk through this and share her experience and share her story for two reasons. The first is because I really, truly wholeheartedly. Understand on a very deep level, everything that she has shared about her experience, the level of burnout, really wanting to get into a place of feeling aligned specifically with serving and being in this deep level of service.

[00:50:12] Erin Trier: And that was really the, the route that I wanted to continue to figure out how to go down. And Jenny really opened up my eyes. to the potential for opportunity beyond what I had already learned to do. And I also brought her on because I wanted to really have this level of a vulnerable conversation around, you know, if you’ve maybe done direct sales in some capacity in the past, and you feel like I can’t do it again, I don’t want to do it again, The experience has been great, but there’s been things that have not been great.

[00:50:39] Erin Trier: Like me too. And Jenny too. We wholeheartedly understand that. And I think it’s really valuable to hear people’s stories and perspective and really understand there are incredible different kinds of opportunities out there. If it’s something that you feel like you want to step into learning more about.

[00:50:55] Erin Trier: So Jenny, thank you so much for being on today, for sharing your story, for sharing your heart around human grace. Thank you. The opportunity, the incredible product suite. I’m just grateful to continue to do this work alongside you. And to most importantly, serve in a very deep way in the women’s health space.

[00:51:08] Erin Trier: It’s been such an honor. Would you really quickly just kind of connect people to how they can find you online?

[00:51:15] Jenny Swisher: Sure. You can find me on social media, just at Jenny Swisher on all accounts. And we have the Sync Your Life podcast as well. So if you’re interested in learning more about hormone health, I know Erin does a great job educating here as well.

[00:51:26] Jenny Swisher: So we would love to have a conversation. I mean, even if Erin and I hop on a phone with you on a phone call with you and we chat through what this could look like, what I love the most is this can be whatever you’re looking for it to be. We have women on our team who are like, I just want to have an affiliate link.

[00:51:39] Jenny Swisher: I want to be able to To refer people into this program. Awesome. We have other people that want to build a team and they want to build an organization. And we have other people who really just want, they want to run groups. So they want to, you know, run health and accountability groups. Like that’s great.

[00:51:51] Jenny Swisher: Like whatever you want to do with it, you can do with it. And we really don’t need to overcomplicate it. Like it really is just about this bigger mission of, of helping everybody step into their story of self advocacy and then advocating transparent products. So I’m excited for it. I’m excited

[00:52:07] Erin Trier: for it too.

[00:52:07] Erin Trier: Jenny, thank you so much to you guys in the next one. Take care.

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