It’s true. There are folks out there, perhaps even yourself, who LOVE working out. Every day, your body craves to move, and you crave the satisfaction of moving it. I get it. I’m a trainer myself, and I consider fitness a hobby. The hardest day of the week for me really IS rest day!

But what would it mean to our body if we SKIPPED the rest day? If we were so gung-ho in wanting to achieve our goals that we opted to NOT rest and instead, go full force through a program or skip the allotted rest day?

As a Certified Personal Trainer, I can tell you: It’s not worth it.

The rest day is there for a reason!

As it turns out, the muscles in your body actually adapt (i.e., change shape and/or tone) when you are at rest. True story. So by not resting, you’re literally delaying your results.

Here are some other top reasons why rest is an important element of your overall fitness regimen and program:

  1. Over-training can prevent quality sleep, and can instigate injury. Often, folks who incur injury do so because they’re overdoing it in their fitness.
  2. The psychological component (i.e., your mental fitness) is just as important as your physical fitness. And while it may seem conducive for you to work out every day for your own sanity and stress relief, incorporating a weekly rest day is also good for it, despite what you may think.
  3. By resting, you’re not only resting your muscle, but also, your structural, neurological, and hormonal systems.
  4. Resting your body one day per week allows your damaged muscle (and yes, the muscles you’ve been working in the gym are considered “damaged” in a good sense) to repair, and for energy stores to be replenished. In other words, incorporating that rest day will actually allow you to feel and be stronger, and to continue improving.

So the next time you feel guilty about taking a day off, DON’T! Your body thanks you, even if your conscience doesn’t. Treat it as a non-negotiable, and be OK with the uncomfortable status of well, a day of sedentary rest.

The bottom line is that your performance is affected, you’re at risk for exhaustion and altered hormonal states, as well as poor sleeping patterns, mood swings, and you’re simply not doing your body right by skipping the rest day. For those of you following rigorous Beachbody programs, follow the calendar! The rest day is there for a reason… a scientifically proven reason. Don’t assume you know more than science. (Said with love).

Consider this permission to fully enjoy a day with your feet up, focused on hydrating, decompressing, relaxing, and ultimately, letting your body take shape. Learn to love it, and it (and by “it” we mean your body), will love you back.

To learn more in a visual way, watch this video on what makes muscles grow.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric

CPT/FNS, Owner of RevolutionX Studio, LLC

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