You only need to drink Shakeology if you’re looking to lose weight, right?

It’s a weight loss shake, right?

Shakeology is intended for short-term use, right?


Let’s debunk some myths, friends.

As a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, I can speak to this topic firsthand, not only from my knowledge in nutrition but from my experience with the product itself. Because there are so many supplemental products on the market, and because of the emphasis in modern marketing on protein shakes, Shakeology tends to get lumped into the mix.

Shakeology is in a League of its Own

And not to sound cocky or anything, but truly, it’s in a league of its own.

You simply cannot compare it to any other product on the market.

It’s not a protein shake, but each shake has 17 grams of protein.

It’s not a weight loss shake, though it’s been known to help thousands of people to lose weight given its dense nutrition in low calorie form.

It’s not “just” a meal replacement shake, though folks who replace a meal with it can see a difference in curbed cravings and weight loss.

It’s not full of fake product. Every ingredient in Shakeology is derived from real, whole food. No artificial sweeteners, preservatives, nada.

The ultimate question, then, is: Who is it intended for? Who SHOULD drink Shakeology?

In my honest opinion, everyone should.

Given that it is a daily dose of dense nutrition intended to fuel your body, getting it in on a daily basis can help you fight disease, stay proactively healthy, improve mental focus, and stay regular. Here is an overview of how Shakeology can be used for added health benefit based on your goals:

Non-Breakfast Eaters

If you’re not currently consuming breakfast, consider incorporating it into your morning routine as a healthy breakfast on-the-go. It takes 2 minutes to blend (and another minute to clean the blender), making it easy to create, take with you, and fuel yourself early in the day. In my experience, customers who do this see an improvement in how they feel from the get-go, and are more likely to make wise food choices throughout the day.

Folks Looking to Lose Weight

If you’re looking to drop anywhere from 5 to 100 pounds or more, Shakeology should be utilized as a meal replacement. Given that it’s under 200 calories per serving, you’re able to give your body what it needs without starving it.

Folks Looking to Tone Up

What if you’re not looking to lose weight, but are interested in defining your muscle tone and simply stay healthy and maintain your body type? You keep Shakeology part of your daily regimen as a snack. Some folks prefer a before bedtime milkshake style treat, while others still take it with them to work for a morning commute snack, or consume it after work for a mid-afternoon sweet tooth treat.

Folks Looking to Gain Muscle

What if your natural body type is extremely lean and lanky, and you’re looking to build muscle? Shakeology is perfect for you! We suggest adding Shakeology into your daily regimen as a snack, beefing it up “Body Beast” style with our Beast-o-Matic shake recipes (chock full of things like banana, Greek yoghurt, milk, nut butters, and greens).

Folks Looking to Limit Pain, or Who Are Dealing with Sickness

Several of my clients deal with chronic pain: from daily headache to rheumatoid arthritis, Shakeology has helped hundreds combat inflammation in their joints and digestive tract, leading to better energy all around. Similarly, I have several clients who are undergoing chemotherapy or drug treatments that keep them feeling nauseated and lacking appetite. Shakeology then becomes an easy, tasty cold treat that they can enjoy to fulfill them nutritionally.

Folks Looking to Simply Be Proactive in Their Health (Reduce Cholesterol, Improve Blood Pressure, etc.)

My cholesterol has dropped a total of 133 points since consuming Shakeology, and my husband’s numbers are just as good. It goes without saying that fueling your body with Shakeology daily is great for your overall wellness, not JUST your weight.

Regardless of who you are or what your goals are, Shakeology can service your need in what we like to call “proactive health.” By drinking it daily, it’s like committing to a daily multivitamin in food form… And as we know, the body best absorbs vitamins in food form, which helps our bodies to run more optimally.

Going the holistic route and approaching your health in a way that fuels your body and heals it from the inside out is much better for us than dealing with sickness later. For the Coaches on my Team, and for our customers, we see the value and benefits of Shakeology on a daily basis and would never go a day without it (to the extent that many of us travel with travel blenders for that very reason!) If you’re hesitant about trying it yourself, or would like more information, reach out and we can answer your specific questions!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric/CPT/FNS

To learn more about Shakeology’s CLINICALLY PROVEN ability to help folks, click here.


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