“But I don’t want to make food separate from what I make my family.”

Aha. One of the biggest excuses we hear, as Coaches.

21 Day Fix Can be for the Whole Family

For whatever reason, folks think that if they’re following, say, the 21 Day Fix, they will have to be crafting food for themselves separate from what they’re making for their family. After all, the kids will NOT fall for cauliflower crust pizza, right?

This post may seem a bit hard to swallow, but we’re simply sharing what works best for us. Our Team is comprised of dominantly Moms and Dads who face the same struggles day in and day out. These are our best practices, based on our experience and our newfound healthy lifestyle, and we hope this can help you as you embark on the territory that IS bringing your family along for the ride.

Top Lessons in Lifestyle Changes (Family Edition)

1. Don’t use the family and their picky tastes as an excuse. Kids will eat what you put in front of them. When parents say, “But Johnny only eats chicken nuggets and french fries,” we desperately want to respond with, “That’s because you let it happen.” What kids become accustomed to, they desire, and it becomes a part of their life. Same thing goes for adults. That doesn’t mean this will be easy, but it WILL happen, and everyone will be healthier because of it.

2. The food you eat? The family can eat, too. Trust us, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING out of the Fixate cookbook is GOLD. There isn’t a single recipe they won’t love.

3. Meal preparation will be your friend. This might mean that your spouse has to help monitor the kids while you grocery shop and cook on Sunday afternoon, but remember, failing to plan is planning to fail!

Like mother, like daughter! #21DF #notadiet

4. Inconvenience doesn’t mean you don’t have to do it. Several of us have found ourselves mid-workout, getting our sweat on, and Johnny comes running in the room with a bloody nose. You press Pause, help him out, and finish your workout when you can. As Tony Horton says, “Do your best and forget the rest.”

5. They’re watching you. Soon enough, you’ll start to see the healthy habits you’re implementing take hold in the minds of your children. They may start doing exercises with you or ask for bananas instead of cookies. You’re setting an example! Talk about motivation to continue.

6. Get your spouse on board. If you struggle with spousal support, we have an entirely separate post dedicated to helping with that. Check it out here.

7. Incorporate the family into helping at meal time. Teach your kids how to make a salad, and what different vegetables are.

8. Kids can drink Shakeology, too. If you’re worried about it, go ahead and ask their doctor, but Body Electric Coaches’ kids drink it daily! And they love it. To them, it’s a chocolate milkshake.

Nolan loves (and often steals) his momma’s Shakeology!

9. Live a little! Just because you’re following a program and creating a new lifestyle doesn’t mean you can’t live a little. As with anything, we don’t want to obsess! Treating yourself to ice cream with the family on occasion (though not every night) shows moderation and self control.

10. Remember that the family is likely WHY you’re doing this, not why you are NOT. As we’ve mentioned, it could be hectic in the beginning as transition to new ways takes shape, but in the end, you’re doing the right thing.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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