The truth is, we are procrastinators.

We often put our work on hold, until the very last minute, when we have no choice but to get it done. Same thing goes for our workouts. We may intend to get it in early in the morning before work, but often we find ourselves waiting, thinking we’ll fit it in after the day is done.

And how does that go over?

Well. Let’s just say it’s likely why we clicked on this post. 😉

Ultimately, having a plan in anything we do is what brings us success. Planning our workouts, planning our food, planning our work time, everything. So why is it we put it off?


Often, we know what NEEDS to be done, and we know the best way to get it done… but we wait. We let the issue at hand get so bad that we force ourselves into making it a priority versus acting proactively and making it that way from the start.

Take meal preparation and food planning, for example.

Only a small percentage of people take the time to prepare food ahead of time according to their pre-established plans. Yet that same small percentage are the same folks who see results in their body transformations and in their overall health and well-being.


So let’s take a deeper look into how much time it truly takes to meal plan versus the time it takes (and the stakes involved) if we don’t.

Grocery Shopping

As with anything, pre-planning your meals gives you an idea of what groceries you need so that, in a perfect world, you have all necessary ingredients well in advance. What’s at stake if you DON’T? Last-minute grocery trips, or worse… a decision to eat out and make poor choices in lieu of spending the time it takes crafting a list.

Meal Preparation

As you become better and better at meal preparation, you’ll find it takes less and less time. You’ll find time-saving tricks, such as cooking chicken via crockpot or grilling all of your meats at once. We personally dedicate about 4 hours on Sundays to preparing all meats and breakfast foods in advance, which makes it easy to grab on-the-go and stay on track with eating good foods. If we fail to plan and prepare, we fail. We wind up choosing quick options that aren’t the most conducive (or in line with the macros our bodies need) to our overall plan.


It truly doesn’t matter WHEN you workout, whether you’re an early bird or a late afternoon exerciser, but it matters that you allocate time for it. These days, with 22 and 30 minute workout options, you don’t have an excuse NOT to get it in. Utilize a planner and fit it in! Failing to dedicate time leaves you more stressed and more likely to give in when it comes to ditching your nutrition.

Working Your Business/Day Job

Some of us work from home or bring work home with us, which often gets in the way of a balanced life because we DON’T have a plan. We work when we have free time, as opposed to taking care of ourselves or spending time with those we love. Our best advice: Use a planner and stick to it!

It goes without saying that folks who opt into a new fitness program or nutrition regimen (or hopefully, both!) tend to fail ONLY if they haven’t figured out the preparation and planning component. If they think they’re going to succeed by on-the-fly choices and actions, they’re oh-so-wrong. Commit to following a program and regimen completely, which means taking the time ahead of time to ready yourself for the week. Remember, doing this is because you’ve committed to a lifestyle change, which takes time to learn. Spend the time now! Your body and health are worth it.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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