Every time we launch a new round of SYNC: Fuel and Train with Your Female Hormone Cycle Online Course, we get questions pertaining to how the course will help each individual. The purpose of this page is to give you all of those questions and answers in one place, to give you a better idea of what the course entails, what’s expected, and how it may be able to best serve you.

Let’s dive in!

Q: Will this course help me if I am on birth control (pill, IUD, implant, etc.) or if I am post-menopausal/post-hysterectomy?

A: Several women who fall into these categories have taken the online course and found great benefit.In the course, we teach you how your period (and cycle in general, including ovulation as the primary goal) can be used as an ergogenic aid. Estrogen is anabolic, and progesterone is catabolic, so we should train in accordance with our metabolism during the various phases of our cycle. On birth control, the majority of the time, the goal is to suppress ovulation and the cycle, thus preventing the highs and lows of sex hormones. We can sync your cycle to the moon if you are in any of these categories, and again, many previous members have claimed alarming realizations in doing so as it pertains to certain symptoms and inflammation. The bottom line: Yes, this course can still be valuable to you.

Q: What all is covered in the course?

A: The course itself is housed on its own web platform, and involves 6 modules. In Module 1, we get you set up and ready to rock n’ roll by providing the fitness program and teaching you how to sync it with your cycle (or the moon, if you’re not having a cycle). We provide sample meal plans for you to choose from to get started, along with grocery lists and corresponding recipes. We help you configure your macros and proper eating plan, provide a Master checklist for the course, and ask you to complete a questionnaire to determine what leg of your chair may be weakest (“chair” meaning endocrine systems). In Module 2, we do a deep dive into working with your practitioner, and offer hormone testing recommendations, questions for your Dr., and we discuss proper timing of said testing. In Module 3, we dive into the 4 legs of the endocrine chair, and we look at what a typical female hormone cycle should look like. We discuss PMS, adrenal health, estrogen dominance, and aging in this module. In Module 4, we talk about the 4 primary ways of mastering your hormone balance and give tangible tips for each. We even include a breath workshop to help you master stress and relaxation .In Module 5, we take a look at hormone interruptors: hormones in our food, environment, and birth control. We also dive deep into diet trends and caffeine use, where we offer research-backed opinions on both. And finally, in the final Module, we offer a look at perimenopause and menopause, product and supplement recommendations, and additional research. 

Q: How long do I have access to the course?

A: This course includes lifetime access to content, including any content added in the future (videos and knowledge content). If you complete the course and would like ongoing support in the form of meal plans and additional workout plans emailed monthly, we are getting ready to roll out our new membership option that will include this. 

Q: Explain the Facebook group. Is it separate?

A: The Facebook group exists to offer you guidance through the course week-to-week (we follow 1 module per week for 6 weeks) and to offer support and accountability in your fitness and nutrition. Each week, we do a live Q&A livestream in the Facebook group to answer any questions you have from the course itself, but the Facebook group is separate from the course. 

Q: How much does the course cost?

A: In order to enroll in the course, you must be a Beachbody OnDemand subscriber (the workouts in the plan are all BOD workouts), and you must be consuming either Shakeology (perfect for aiding the adrenals) or Performance Recover (the ingredients are exactly what scientists recommend for women post-workout). Jenny can set you up with a combo pack that includes BOD + supplement of choice for $160 (or do all 3 for $200). This includes one full year of access to BOD, and one month supply of supplementation. Once that is purchased, you can enroll in the course for $59. If you’re already a BOD subscriber and Shakeo or Recover consumer, the course itself can be purchased for $99 standalone.

Q: How long does the course take to complete?

A: As long as you’d like! It is self-paced so that you can do it on your own schedule, at your convenience. In the corresponding Facebook group, we guide you through one module per week for 6 total weeks. The initial fitness plan is 12 weeks, but of course, we intend for it to be a lifestyle for you, so at the end of 12 weeks you can opt into our monthly membership if you’d like to receive more fitness and meal plans. 

Q: How do I go about finding the right Dr. or do the right testing?

We cover ALL of that in the course itself. 

For any additional questions, reach out to Jenny directly at jennyswisher@gmail.com

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric and Creator of SYNC

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