Is it really back to school time already? Stores like Target and Wal-Mart tell us so. Aisles are filled with pencils and folders and backpacks galore, reminding us that summer is short and routine is about to smack us upside the head in just days.

So while we understand that right now, your focus is on making the most of your time with your kiddos before the school bus appears, we also know that soon enough, you could have more time on your hands to get back to… well, you.

One thing is for certain: The flexibility and freedom of summer is quite fun and needed when it arrives in May or early June, but by the time fall rolls around, many parents find themselves ready for that regular routine. Humans operate best when following a regimen day to day, in work, personal life, and even in their fitness. So how can you ensure that you get started on the right foot? Here are our top tips for creating a routine to achieve those health goals before it’s time for a new year’s resolution:

  1. Find a plan and follow it. While this might seem common sense, you’d be surprised how many people try to create their own plan and opt to try to tackle it on their own. No accountability system, no Coach to support them, no sort of proven fitness regimen… Just whatever they find via Google or Couch to 5k that seems like a good idea. Trust us when we say that joining a gym doesn’t mean you have a plan: it means you have a piece of the plan. Not sure where to start? Consider completing our Soul Mate Workout Form so that we can help you find a program that works for you.
  2. Establish a habit in the morning that starts every day off right. Whether that’s a workout or a daily dose of dense nutrition (Ahem, Shakeology), or even just to chug 8-16 ounces of water upon waking, starting your day with a healthy habit means you’ll make wise choices throughout the remainder of your day.
  3. Plan your meals. You’ve heard the saying, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Don’t be a victim of spontaneous decisions! Often, those lead to potato chips when hangry. Instead, opt to meal prep early in the week. It’s really not that hard. (Here are our tips on how to do it like a pro).
  4. Make your water bottle your best friend. Don’t count on bottled water to hydrate you throughout the day if you’re not already great at consuming enough water. Buy a measured water bottle (Nalgene or otherwise) so that you can easily track your water consumption throughout the day. A person who is hydrated has more energy, and a person with more energy makes wise health choices.
  5. Visualize the day ahead upon bedtime. Before you close your eyes, visualize how the following day is going to flow. For example, “I am going to wake up at 6am, press Play on my workout, take a shower, eat the oat pancakes I prepared for breakfast, and be out the door by 8:30…” Successful people have this in common: They often visualize to expect what happens versus allowing things to happen to them in get in their way.

We absolutely believe that starting the school year means starting back to a regular routine that involves prioritizing YOU and your health. It starts with a plan. It starts with accountability and support by way of our Body Electric Team. And it starts with a simple decision that you’re not going to wait any longer… Time to get on the bus.

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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