
Welcome to the new year, friends!

It’s refreshing, isn’t it? To start a new year with a clean slate, knowing that the prior year is behind you and that it’s up to you to make your mark in the new one. I know for me, it offers a renewed sense of potential in every area: health and fitness, finance, business, and relationships.

So often, however, I see people set out with the wrong New Year’s resolution. They have a goal in mind, they put it out into the universe, and then months later, they wonder why it didn’t work.

In this post, I want to share with you a GAME-CHANGING method to crafting your resolution. A solution to actually achieving your goals and to start a revolution in your life to help you succeed.

It starts with this:

From here, you’ll want to follow through with two more steps:

  1. Write your resolution down. No matter how long the sentence, write it down and put it somewhere you’ll see it often, such as on your desktop calendar or as your computer desktop background. Keep it visible.
  2. Go to and sign up for the FREE 30 Day Push offered by Chalene Johnson. With this, you’ll establish the path to success with your resolution by establishing your PUSH goal, and by clarifying what actions are needed to make you successful.

It is my hope for you, as we head into 2016, that you take your resolution seriously, which ultimately means giving it the time it deserves. Really think about what you want out of your year, and rather than establish what most Americans establish in a “wish,” create a real resolution with a solution: incorporate the actions you need to pursue in order to make it happen.

Let’s make this your year.

If you’re wanting to make a change in your health but have no clue where to start, we’ve got you covered. Start by completing this form to put you in touch with a Coach who can customize a plan for you based on your needs.

We’d love for you to share YOUR 2016 resolution or dream board in the Comments below! Let’s crush it in 2016.

Cheers to a New Year,

Jenny Swisher, Founder of Body Electric

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