Today’s the day. You’ve looked yourself in the eye and have said, “Enough is enough. It’s time for me to get back in shape.”

There’s just one problem.

You don’t know where to start.

The past few years of carryout, delivery pizza, and sedentary living has accumulated to this point, and truthfully, you’re feeling overwhelmed. Should you start with just walking? Couch to 5k? Buy a treadmill or an elliptical? Join the gym? And what about your diet? Eh, you’ll just get to that later, right? Starting with daily moving is a first good step, right?

There are so many options out there, and lots of advertising to get you in the door to fitness facilities, or to join running programs, or even to try a cleanse. So what often happens is you never pick a good place to start, or you start with just one of the 3 major components to success:

Fitness. Nutrition. Support.

They decide to start with just exercise and get to their nutrition later.

Or they decide to start with a cleanse and worry about exercise later.

But regardless of what they choose, they never think about the support and accountability factor until they’re burnt out or they’ve given up.

Which is why we want to take this opportunity to share with you how we recommend rolling all 3 major components to wellness success in one. Sure, you can take it or leave it, but the truth is, thousands of beginners have succeeded with this plan, including most of the Coaches on our Body Electric Team. Just check out our testimonials or our 21 Day Fix testimonial video to hear the stories yourself.

Our solution involves all 3 components in a doable, proven way, and it starts with support. 


Support & Accountability

Yep. That’s right. It doesn’t start with exercise. It starts with having a Coach who can help support you and keep you accountable. Without that, you’re starting off on a tricky foot. The missing piece of the success puzzle IS accountability in most everything: in business, in relationships, and in your health.


Eating clean, to the best of your ability, actually comprises 80% of the equation. Most folks mistakenly believe that exercise is the key to weight loss when in reality, it’s actually the work you do in the kitchen that leads to change. As we tell many of our Challengers, we would rather you be on point with your meal plan and miss your workout than for the opposite to happen. Focusing on eating a diet rich in whole foods, superfoods, healthy fats, and absolutely no preservatives and artificial sweeteners leads to an overall energy increase, better regularity, improved mental focus, and often, weight loss.


The final component to elevating your health to the next level is your fitness. How you challenge your body in physical ways each and every day matters in building muscle mass, maintaining balance, and improving strength. As we age, our bodies lose muscle mass. We must exercise (including strength training) in order to stay fit.

Yes, it really is this simple. It starts by reaching out to your Body Electric Coach to inquire about this total solution that comes in the form of a Challenge Pack: a 30-day supply of Shakeology, a customized meal plan and container system, and workout DVDs that allow you to fit your exercise in daily in just 30 minutes. The purchase of this gains you access to our game-changing accountability groups, which, as we’ve mentioned more than once, ARE the ultimate foundation for success.

Reach out today. We care about you, and we care that you follow-through on your decision to get healthy. We’re here to help. It’s what we do!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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