Calling all people currently seated in the back of the struggle bus.

How did you get here?

How did you go from driving the success bus for a short while, to being sardined into the back of the struggle bus, where you feel far away and see no way out?

Stop right there.

Stop asking yourself how you got there. Stop berating yourself for letting go of those resolutions and instead, focus on how you can get back on track. Don’t look back. You’re not going that direction.


Instead, let’s look forward. How do you move from point A to point B? Let’s examine.

1) First, you assess where you are. Not how you got there, but where you are right this very second. Answer these questions:

— How do you feel? Do you have the energy you crave? Do you feel wide awake in the morning? Are you overweight? Are you struggling with pain?

— Ask yourself, what would (answer from previous question) do for you? For example, what would more energy do for you? What would losing weight do for you?

— What would achieving this goal do for those you love?

In our experience with leading hundreds through various accountability groups, we’ve found that those who do it with clear vision of WHY they’re doing it have more success. So first, we need to uncover that WHY of yours.

2) Once you know your WHY, it’s time to pick a program that will fit best into your life, and that you enjoy doing! How do you know what program that might be? Consider completing this Find Your Soul Mate Workout Form to feel confident in your decision.

3) Reach out. A low percentage of folks who decide to pursue something like this do so on their own. Most folks NEED the support and accountability of a partner or a small group to keep them going! Most likely, with friends on your side, you won’t make it to the back of the bus again.

4) Start. As we’ve said before, it’s the Start that stops most people. Simply get started! Incorporate your workouts and meals into your planner so you can go about it in an organized fashion. Don’t leave things to chance!

5) Never give up. It’s that simple. Stick to your plan, and when you divert from the tracks, simply start again. Keep closely connected to your Coach and to the group keeping you accountable, and never, ever, ever give up.

The truth is, when most people find themselves in the back of the struggle bus, they stay stuck there, spending sometimes years of their life wondering how they got there. Stop it. Stop looking back, and instead, work your way slowly, step by step, to the driver’s seat of the success bus. That bus is going places, and so are you.

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