Building Impact and Income in Hormone Health: Interview with Hailey Rowe

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #273! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing Hailely Rowe on the topic of building impact and income with hormone health as a business. Hailey is a Marketing & Sales Coach and Strategist, as well as a Linkedin Lead Generation Service Provider. 

She helps health coaches, hormone health coaches, and wellness professionals book clients, develop their no brainer offers, & grow their online audience without social media overwhelm. She shares her F.A.S.T. framework, marketing, and business tips on her Health Coach Nation Podcast & in her FREE Marketing Hub Facebook Group. 

She’s been named as one of the Top 25 Coaches in Chicago (Chicago Entrepreneur Magazine) & one of the Top 6 business podcasts for health coaches (Primal Health Coach Institute). Since 2010, Hailey has worked in the coaching industry & in business development/marketing for startups. 

Hailey’s philosophy: You can have an amazing service and impact to make, but without a strong mindset, and sales and marketing plan, your business will remain a hobby.


If you’re interested in becoming a SYNC affiliate and Certified Coach mentored by me, you can learn more here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

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To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

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Enjoy the show!

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[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the sync your life podcast today. I’m being joined by my new friend, Haley Rowe. She’s a marketing and sales coach and strategist. She’s also a LinkedIn lead generation service provider. She helps health coaches, hormone coaches, and wellness professionals book clients.

[00:01:14] Jenny Swisher: Develop their no brainer offers and grow their online audience without social media overwhelm. Sounds just like what we need. She shares her fast framework, marketing, and business tips on her health coach nation podcast. And in her free marketing hub, Facebook group, she’s been named as one of the top 25 coaches in Chicago by Chicago entrepreneur magazine.

[00:01:32] Jenny Swisher: And one of the top six business podcasts for health coaches. Since 2010, Haley has worked in the coaching industry and in business development and marketing for startups. Her philosophy is that you can have an amazing service and impact to make, but without a strong mindset and sales and marketing plan, your business will remain a hobby.

[00:01:49] Jenny Swisher: I see this all too often. I’ve been a health coach for 13 years and I’ve gotten Mentored women in this space for a very long time. And I see this where they’re trying to build a business. They’re trying, they’re doing all the things. They’re really overwhelming themselves, uh, on social media, but then they’re, they’re suffering and not getting new clients, because things aren’t working for them.

[00:02:06] Jenny Swisher: So I’m excited for this conversation. I know we had a chance to connect previously, just to kind of talk about the different things that you offer and teach. And we decided to open this podcast up to any of my sync affiliates, who might be popping on here as we talk to ask questions at the end. So, uh, I’m excited to dive into this.

[00:02:23] Jenny Swisher: You guys know, this podcast is all about hormone health. It’s all about helping you reach maximum energy, but it’s also about if you’re interested, you know, building a business in hormone health as well. Obviously this is a huge need in the wellness space. I call it a broken place of the world is women’s health right now.

[00:02:38] Jenny Swisher: And so, uh, to be able to step in and to make an impact on women in the right way, and to really help them self advocate and get answers is a really powerful thing. So if it’s of interest to you, , stick on here while we talk to Haley, we’ll kind of pick her brain on the best way to kind of become a hormone health coach and how you can really make sure you’re making the most of your time.

[00:02:56] Jenny Swisher: So without further ado, Haley, welcome to the show. I would love for you to just tell all of my listeners, like, More about you, you know, where you’re from, like how you got to this point.

[00:03:05] Hailey Rowe: Like, tell us all the things. Great. Well, thank you for having me. I’m in the Chicago area. I say Chicago for people who don’t know because I live in a suburb, but, um, I love podcasts.

[00:03:17] Hailey Rowe: I love personal development. I love health and wellness. And I actually, At a pretty young age, I was an old soul. I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur, and fitness and health was my gateway into personal development, in my opinion. So, I started to get some certifications. I started to dabble in entrepreneurship and, and knew I wanted to do something around that.

[00:03:40] Hailey Rowe: But, , I didn’t know where I wanted to go with it. So I got my bachelor’s in entrepreneurship, and then I ended up falling into the startup world and working at business development and marketing because I told myself, Oh no, I’m not ready to have my own business. I need to work for these startups. And truth be told, it was a great choice at the time because it did train me a lot in learning, like you can’t overthink like.

[00:04:05] Hailey Rowe: You just have to get things done. You have to learn copywriting, you have to learn digital marketing. And I was forced to kind of work quicker than I would have if I was on my own. And, , I ended up doing that till about 2017. And then what I thought was stable, you know, the stable path, which was to have a job.

[00:04:24] Hailey Rowe: Um, didn’t end up turning out so stable because one of the companies was a wellness place and they had to get some approvals and it was very delayed and the entire team was let go. And so that’s when I decided I wanted to have my own business and started to work with wellness professionals because I was in that world already.

[00:04:42] Hailey Rowe: That was my passion. , and have been doing it ever since.

[00:04:46] Jenny Swisher: I love that. Yeah. So, okay. So what I want to talk about today is just this idea of, you know, how to work smarter, not harder, because I see so many women sort of burning the candle at both ends, trying to, I don’t know, not necessarily go viral on their social media, but I see all the reels and the tech talks and the story clips.

[00:05:05] Jenny Swisher: And I know how much time that takes, you know, I’m also an influencer and I’m also somebody who has a health coaching business and I attract clients online. And so I’ve been in the shoes of, , Really feeling like I was almost taking away from my family by putting so much time and effort into trying to attract online.

[00:05:21] Jenny Swisher: And when I finally listened to all of these expert marketers out there, Chalene Johnson and others, uh, when I heard it so many times, right? Like. Build an email list and offer lead magnets and all these things. It was like, finally clicked with me that like, Oh, wait a minute. I could do something that would bring clients to my inner circle, , and would also provide value to them and email marketing feels a lot easier because I’m landing in their inboxes.

[00:05:47] Jenny Swisher: So it’s, it’s living there for them to open as opposed to this stuff that just disappears. So let’s sort of start there with, you know, maybe if you want to share it with us, like, what are some of the ways we can work smarter in our online business?

[00:06:02] Hailey Rowe: Yeah, so there’s a couple of components here. I’ll start with the most obvious, which is have a great program or product or service, because if it’s good enough to where your clients love it, they rave about it, they leave you good testimonials, they want to share it with others.

[00:06:18] Hailey Rowe: That’s just the first step because it’s always easier to have such a good program or product or service that it sells itself or that people want to talk about it than it is to not have a good product and constantly be having to pay for new leads, constantly be having to pay for new customers. So have a great service or program and make sure that.

[00:06:37] Hailey Rowe: You also maybe have a referral program for the people who do love it so much and want to share it and there’s some kind of incentive for them to share it. So I think you’re spot on, Jenny, for having an affiliate program and that kind of thing. , the second thing to work smarter and not harder is I see a lot of people, as you said, having shiny object syndrome and just thinking they need to be on all the social media platforms at once and having no clear direction about what is your client.

[00:07:06] Hailey Rowe: Funnel and what is like the the buyer journey? How does somebody usually come into your world then get nurtured and then sign up? So I have a system called the four steps of client attraction And whatever marketing platform you choose these These steps will be gone through by the potential client and that is connect, engage, pre offer, and sell.

[00:07:29] Hailey Rowe: So what I mean by that is connect, we have to decide who do you want to be connecting with? So who’s your niche? Where do they hang out? And how are you going to be visible to them? So for you, Jenny, if you have a freebie or an email funnel, That’s great, but you have to have somewhere where you’re, where people are seeing it.

[00:07:46] Hailey Rowe: So not only does it need to be on your website, but maybe you run ads to it, or maybe you, , when you’re on podcasts, you mention it, or maybe you have one main platform like Instagram or something like that. And that’s where most people find you. And then later they sign up for your freebie. So where’s going to be your visibility platform.

[00:08:04] Hailey Rowe: Then we have to engage. So that means you have to have something so. relevant or some kind of, like, what I like to do is ask a lot of questions to my audience. So engage them with an intentional question that can then lead to your freebie or lead magnet, which is the third step, which is pre offer. And a pre offer is your freebie.

[00:08:26] Hailey Rowe: So that’s a little baby offer, meaning something that provides a quick win, a quick solution, etc. for free. And then once they get that result or they use your freebie and they love it, then it makes sense to invite to the sales process. And that’s what you do in your follow up emails. And the reason why I am also a big fan of having an email list and using your main strategy or channeling everybody towards your email list as your main strategy, Is because, as you said, you don’t have to rely on the algorithms to show your stuff to people, which can be very hard, right?

[00:09:01] Hailey Rowe: And people who are on your email list, they’re just more likely to buy, the stats show that. And also, gives you more of a chance to deeper connect with them, because on social media we’re so distracted, we’re scrolling on by, things like that. So my efforts and most of my clients efforts, Are off channeled and we feel more focused when our main goal is just to have everybody join our freebie on our email list and then nurture our list.

[00:09:27] Hailey Rowe: That’s where the main focus goes. So I think that it’s important if you’re, , trying to decide like a marketing strategy and things like that. I like a rule of thumb that I like is from, , Alex Hermosi. He always talks about. Do more of what’s already working, then do it better, and only then it adds something new, add a new strategy or a new platform or things like that.

[00:09:52] Hailey Rowe: So that’s also a good rule of thumb.

[00:09:54] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, so good. It’s funny because everybody, you know, all the experts that are kind of in this space, right, Alex Ramosi, Shaleen, I follow Russell Brunson. Like there’s all these people that are sort of these expert marketers and they all have their own way of explaining what you just said.

[00:10:06] Jenny Swisher: Right. So the Russell Brunson world, he talks about hook sell offer, right. Which is kind of a much more salesy approach to the whole thing. But, uh, when I took his courses, you know, I know he talked a lot about like creating something that really hooks the reader or the scroller, like what is going to get their attention.

[00:10:23] Jenny Swisher: And then from there, give them something of value in exchange for that email address, so that you can then merge them in an email sequence. So just listening, you know, thinking sort of brainstorming and thinking here for those of you guys who are on, and those of you guys , who work with me in my mentorship program for my hormone health coaches.

[00:10:38] Jenny Swisher: , a lot of us are really right now focused on teaching endocrine disruption, right? Like making sure people are aware of the fact that the things that they put in on and around their bodies can be detrimental to their hormone health. So something that you could create, you could go into Canva and create some sort of one page PDF, right on my, you know, my top five steps to eliminating endocrine disruption, right.

[00:10:59] Jenny Swisher: Or, , how to eliminate endocrine disruption in your kitchen, right. Or you could, I mean, it could be like whatever topic you want it to be. And then in your stories or your social media or whatever you are putting out there, You know, maybe you show yourself like cleaning your kitchen counter. Right. And then would you like my tips on how to go about this?

[00:11:15] Jenny Swisher: Right. Like it makes it easier for you. It’s almost like you can then craft your content around this and then work smarter. So I just, that’s, that’s what I want people to understand. Like sometimes people will say to me, like I posted a picture the other day, , of myself and it was a repurposed post that I had actually made last fall.

[00:11:32] Jenny Swisher: And I just actually look at my Facebook memories every day. Just look at my kids. And I sometimes there’s pictures of me and it’s a it’s a kind of more of a hook sell offer type post and I just redo it. I just repost it again on my social media or I use the picture and put different text behind it. I’m not like staging myself, putting my makeup on and doing this, you know, creating a video or creating something every single day.

[00:11:54] Jenny Swisher: So I think there’s, there’s a lot that could be said here, but I think at the end of the day, like the true marketers out there are not necessarily spinning their wheels on daily. Video clips of themselves or ways to go viral. Like what they’re doing is they’re saying, how can I add value to the people that I want to attract?

[00:12:12] Jenny Swisher: How can I then give that away in exchange for an email address? Because then I know I can cultivate that relationship that will then propel them to want to purchase something or join my course or join my community or whatever the case is. So, yeah, I just, I wanted to say that because I think that’s where, , a lot of people kind of have it backwards, you know, like they wait and wait and wait and procrastinate.

[00:12:33] Jenny Swisher: That type of freemium offer. And instead they put all of their, their eggs into the basket of social media.

[00:12:39] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. And I would say with the freebie, a lot of people overthink it. They think it needs to be this, you know, 50 page ebook or an hour long class or something like that. And the truth is a more digestible and quickly implementable that it is to solve one urgent pain point or goal that your audience has right now.

[00:13:01] Hailey Rowe: The other thing you have to ask yourself is, Is your audience aware enough to know that they even have endocrine disruption? Some people don’t even know what that means and they’re just experiencing the symptoms of it they just might be having brain fog or bloat or , you know lack of focus or something and so You may even know it like thinking about your audience and what they come to you with try to start to generate a freebie around like Okay, you know, the three kitchen products that are actually, causing you brain fog or something like that.

[00:13:36] Hailey Rowe: So, That’s the other thing to consider is just make sure it’s aligned with what are and also think about what they complain about right now. Is it, and I love working with, I sometimes have life coach clients and stuff and they’ll say, like, I help people find their life purpose, but okay, but today, what is your audience dealing with that?

[00:13:55] Hailey Rowe: They’re like, I need a checklist or I need a quick solve or quick fix. They’re probably not going to go through a freebie. That’s like a long term thing. It needs to be micro. . Yeah.

[00:14:04] Jenny Swisher: Cause they’re not thinking eight steps ahead. And you know, a lot of us got into this hormone health coaching thing because of our own struggle and our own journey.

[00:14:11] Jenny Swisher: And I know I have to constantly remind myself and in the ladies that are with me too, like you have to remember where you started, like what first attracted you to want to learn more about this topic. Right. And most likely it was a struggle. That you went through for me, it was chronic migraines and then infertility and then trying to navigate my own journey with finding a functional doctor.

[00:14:29] Jenny Swisher: Right. But I have to remember that even though now I feel like I could, you know, I’m good friends with 40 different functional medicine doctors. I didn’t start that way. Like I didn’t talk that long. 13 years ago, the language I was talking was, why am I in pain? Why is modern medicine not helping me? Right?

[00:14:44] Jenny Swisher: , why do I feel like I’m not knowledgeable about my own body? Like there, there are certain things that I, if I really think back to looking over my shoulder and who was, who was I before that I can now serve. That changes the language of my marketing. It changes the language of how I’m trying to talk to that person as opposed to, you know, maybe where I am now.

[00:15:03] Jenny Swisher: , they don’t connect with that. So I love that. That’s great. You mentioned something kind of briefly and I wanted to come back to it because this is something that so I work with a brand strategist as well and she is constantly reminding me that testimonials are where so much power lies. And I need to get better better about this myself I’ve had people come on the podcast as testimonials and I’ve definitely put them on my social but.

[00:15:24] Jenny Swisher: You know, I’m wondering, like, what kind of tips could you give us on, you know, how could we use testimonials in our business? , one thing that I will mention, and of course, it’s escaping me right now in this moment. , but there is some sort of, , platform that my strategist was telling me about that you can go to that allows people to record a quick video.

[00:15:39] Jenny Swisher: Oh, yeah. As a testimonial. And that’s something that I want to look into myself, too. So you’re basically sending them a link to record themselves. And then you have an instant testimonial. So I would think about that too, like throw it in there. , but we’d love to hear what your take is on that too.

[00:15:54] Hailey Rowe: Yeah.

[00:15:54] Hailey Rowe: I think it’s called boast that that’s the tool that you can record a video. There’s more than one, , but I’m pretty sure that’s what it’s called. But anyways, with testimonials. Okay, so first of all, your as you I just want to backtrack for a second, the freebie that you have your goal or mission and focus now that you have it is to talk about it in different unique ways all the time, as you were saying, and just create different curiosity points about it.

[00:16:21] Hailey Rowe: And one way you can also do that is with testimonials, you can always mention like. You know, I had a client who, , was really struggling with brain fog and it turns out she had these sneaky kitchen products that she didn’t realize was disrupting our hormones. And, you know, this was one of the first steps we took.

[00:16:41] Hailey Rowe: Of course, there was other steps, but if you want to learn that too, check out my freebie or something like that. So you can use testimonials and case studies and stories about your clients to talk about your freebie in different ways to get testimonials and to use them. , One of the things you want to consider, you’re very smart to do video because if somebody is willing to show up on video or be interviewed on your podcast, that goes a long way compared to text and written testimonials.

[00:17:10] Hailey Rowe: Now, does that mean that that you have to do that for all your clients. No, but if someone’s willing and open to it, and maybe they, you know, maybe you’ll send them a gift or something as a thank you, or thank them for being willing to go on video. Um, that’s great because people trust that better.

[00:17:30] Hailey Rowe: However, you can also have written ones. And when you’re going about this, I see a lot of people just say, Hey, can you write me a testimonial and give. No guidance about like how long or any prompts to help the person write the testimonial. So it’s important to kind of make sure you’re asking like, I would love it.

[00:17:49] Hailey Rowe: Here’s some ideas of, what you may write about. One would be what your favorite aha moment from the program. Maybe one would be your biggest win from the program or takeaway. Maybe one was where you were before starting versus what you’re experiencing on a daily basis. Now.

[00:18:06] Hailey Rowe: , maybe what would you say to someone who’s really hesitant about working with me now that you’ve worked with me? So you do want to give them prompts that don’t just let them say because here’s what Doesn’t work. It’s just having testimonials. It’s like karen is so nice. Karen is very compassionate Karen is a great listener.

[00:18:26] Hailey Rowe: Okay, but so what? Right, like what are the results? They achieved Or wins or why they liked your program as opposed to other programs. You want to highlight that in your testimonials. And then once you have your testimonials, you can incorporate them into your email funnel, follow ups after your freebie.

[00:18:46] Hailey Rowe: When you’re trying to maybe take invite to the sales process. , you can share them on social, social media. And then the last thing I’ll say about this too, or you can get a little creative is if you have, , there’s two things. You can either form a case study of a client, so if they have a real story, like they started, and they were, you know, experiencing infertility, and they tried everything, and blah, blah, blah, and now they are pregnant, and whatever, you can create what we call a case study around that.

[00:19:17] Hailey Rowe: , which is basically sharing their whole story and incorporating quotes from the client throughout. , so that’s another option. And then the last option would be. They share quotes. Like if they share, , let’s say they, you have a WhatsApp private support, or you have a Facebook group where clients can communicate with you, if they post in there, a win.

[00:19:37] Hailey Rowe: You can crop their name out to keep it anonymous. If you don’t have permission to share it, you could either ask for permission, share it if you want to. Um, but you could crop their name out and that can be a testimonial in and of itself. You can just say, this is a client win that they had this week, and it just be the screenshot of what they’re actually experiencing

[00:19:59] Jenny Swisher: such great tips.

[00:20:01] Jenny Swisher: I mean, at the end of the day, really, it’s about like, what are the problems that are, our customers are facing and how can we either create or offer a solution to those problems? I think where we get hung up is I see two different things happening. I see either one, we’re not connecting with the potential client on that problem.

[00:20:18] Jenny Swisher: So a it’s either like, we’re offering too general of a solution. I hope women with feeling better or general health and wellness, like Everybody wants health and wellness, right? But like when you specifically call out maybe by sharing your own story, which is our most powerful way of connecting with people, when you share that, like, I really struggled to get out of bed in the morning, like I thought something, you know, my check engine light was flashing, like I didn’t know where to go when you start to express the real struggle.

[00:20:45] Jenny Swisher: Or when you, it doesn’t have to be even in that way. It could be also just like, I struggle with my kids getting my kids to eat or whatever the topic is for you. Right. Like picky toddler eating. Like it could be whatever. , when you can really hone in on that, that’s when you’re going to get people that start to say things to you.

[00:20:59] Jenny Swisher: Like, I felt like you were talking to me and start to hear, I feel like you’re talking to me. You are on the right track. I mean, almost every time I make a post now I get messages from people that were like, okay, I have to finally reach out. I’ve been listening to your podcast or I’ve been following you for this long or whatever, but what you said today made me realize that like, this is totally what I’m dealing with, right?

[00:21:21] Jenny Swisher: And so again, like not over complicating it, but also not generalizing. So I see a lot of health coaches just sort of generalizing like, Losing the weight or, even just getting their energy back or whatever, but it’s like so broad that they’re not connecting with that problem. And there can be 25, 30, 60, 600 problems associated with hormone.

[00:21:42] Jenny Swisher: So it could be brain fog one day that you’re talking about. It could be migraines one day. It could be, um, just, you know, not keeping up with your kids. Like you could literally make a list and maybe that’s something that you guys could do, like make a list of. What are the problems that you have faced specifically, and then cultivate your content around those individual things.

[00:22:00] Jenny Swisher: Like, it really is that specific, because when you can dial it into those specific things, that’s when you’re going to have that, I felt like you were talking to me. I felt the same way. I’ve struggled to get out of bed in the morning, or I’ve been relying on caffeine all day. Those little tiny details is what connects to people.

[00:22:15] Jenny Swisher: When I first, , started my health and wellness journey, , I never was in hormone health to begin with. Right. So I got into like fitness first and then nutrition and home fitness. And, uh, in the very beginning, I remember sharing my story with my migraines. And in part of my story, uh, one particular post that I had made, I talked about how I had just sort of given up and felt like I wasn’t going to find my doctor house, like I wasn’t going to find the guy that was going to help.

[00:22:38] Jenny Swisher: Help me the doctor. , and so I. I shared a detail in my story about how I was carrying this little blue pill in my pocket, which was my migraine abortive, and how I just had kind of given in to the fact that that was just going to be in my pocket if I wanted to have friends and go do things and date my spouse and be out and about, like I was going to rely on that little blue pill in my pocket.

[00:23:00] Jenny Swisher: And that was, I made that post probably eight or nine years ago. And to this day, I have people that are, I remember, I remember your story about like the blue pill in your pocket, like, Oh my gosh, you’ve come so far, like, look at what you’re doing now. And you’re serving women in this space, you know, but it’s like, those are the little details.

[00:23:16] Jenny Swisher: Those are the details of the problem that people can connect with that a lot of us are just generalizing and glazing over. And we’re just, our posts are about women’s hormone health and nobody really understands that. Right. So I see that happening. And then the other thing I see happening is, you know, a lot of the women who are in my affiliate program, are also not all, but a lot of them are also associated with maybe like a direct selling association or company, right?

[00:23:40] Jenny Swisher: Like our network marketing company, and they’re representing products that way. Right. And a lot of times the other issue I see is that they’re boxing themselves in

[00:23:48] Hailey Rowe: To

[00:23:49] Jenny Swisher: representing that brand and so all their content is around that company’s shape or that company’s fitness program or that company’s household cleaner or whatever it is, right?

[00:23:59] Jenny Swisher: And so they’re, they’re boxing themselves into that, which I actually think my personal opinion is that I think just with the way social media is changing the way that this whole influencer lifestyle is coming about, right? Like my daughter is seven years old and wants to be an influencer. Like, I never would have seen that when I was a kid.

[00:24:16] Jenny Swisher: Right. So the thing is like, she doesn’t, she probably won’t have to go to a corporate job that I thought, like, I always felt like I needed to pick a job and pick an Avenue. It’s different now, like kids growing up can basically be like, she looks at me, like, why would I ever work? Like, why would I ever go?

[00:24:31] Jenny Swisher: I can just have a YouTube channel. Right. So, but the way this is all evolving, like I see, , like a lot of network marketing companies that are like, if they don’t keep up and sort of join this affiliate idea or this influencer idea, they’re going to falter. Right. And so the best thing you can do is you can become your own brand.

[00:24:49] Jenny Swisher: You can become your own personal brand in hormone health that then endorses these products from this company. Like this is just a physical tool and resource that you have to sell in your overarching brand. And I can tell you that when I stepped out of that box, when I said, who am I, like, what do I represent?

[00:25:06] Jenny Swisher: What is my messaging? How can I help people? I was able to then help more people and sell more product. Because people have that trustworthy relationship with me. They’re connected with me. It’s, it’s not just about me being part of this other company. So kind of to wrap this up, cause I’m talking too much and I want you to talk is I see two, two things.

[00:25:26] Jenny Swisher: I see generalization. So I see generally help me, you know, I’m going to help you in women’s hormone health and nobody connects with that. Or I see us boxed in and associated with a company. That then might even be repelling to some people because they’re like, Oh, that’s just that girl that does the network marketing thing, right?

[00:25:41] Jenny Swisher: So when you can create your own lead magnet, when you can step into your story, when you can connect with people and present the problem solution dynamic. All of a sudden you’re a true marketer and you’re actually truly making an impact. And that’s the thing. We’re not just marketers. We are not just selling candles.

[00:25:56] Jenny Swisher: Uh, we’re not just selling like clothing, like in the health and wellness space. We are making an impact on people. We’re teaching them things. We are equipping them with the right tools. And so it’s not just about selling here, even though that’s what this conversation is about. It is about getting them the right tools and resources to be better.

[00:26:13] Jenny Swisher: I know you guys that are on here listening and those of you listening who’ve taken the SYNC course, you feel like it has changed your life. You’re able to go into your doctor’s office and now have the right questions and you’re getting answers in your health. So yes, I’m looking for ways to sell this to more women, and I’m not ashamed of it because I know it’s making a difference, right?

[00:26:28] Jenny Swisher: So I also want to just make that connection too. So, I want to make sure. Is there anything you wanted to add? I’m sorry. I just sort of.

[00:26:34] Hailey Rowe: So well, no, it’s okay. There’s a couple of things there. One with the generic thing, totally agree. One of the things that people remember from my story is, in the beginning of my business, when I was not super confident and I was undercharging, I was charging one uncommitted client of 50 a session.

[00:26:52] Hailey Rowe: And that little piece. comes up a lot in discovery calls. Like, I, that’s what I’m doing. Or I’m like, I’m charging, you know, 70 for a three month coaching program or something. So, um, that’s one piece. And then the other part about being a personal brand, I also couldn’t agree more because here’s the thing.

[00:27:09] Hailey Rowe: One thing that will make, everybody can provide the same tools, you know, hormone health coaching, et cetera, but people are going to resonate with you because like, so for example, with my clientele, I tend to attract a lot of women in the Midwest. There may be 40 to, you know, probably about 40 to 60. They are very wholesome, very , family oriented.

[00:27:32] Hailey Rowe: Cause I’m family oriented. They’re like these things that come up, the people you attract, you’ll tend to realize like, Oh, interesting. Um, and I think, I’ve had people tell me before, like, because your message wasn’t generic, because you weren’t just doing, like, the bro marketing, like, make 10k every month or day or whatever, , and you’re actually realistically saying, like, You know, here’s how one of my clients got their first three clients or whatever.

[00:27:59] Hailey Rowe: , it resonates more and they tend to trust you more. So when you get more specific, they start to realize the real you, or when you bring in certain parts of your stories, they can relate to the real you as opposed to generic. It’s like everyone else. And so I agree with you on that.

[00:28:16] Jenny Swisher: . Yeah. I think you’re right.

[00:28:17] Jenny Swisher: Like it’s funny. You called it bro marketing. There’s a lot of bro marketing and everything that I’ll say, you know, is I think that we, as women are, are really. , what’s the word I’m looking for? Like perfectly placed in this social, the social selling environment because women by nature are very nurturing.

[00:28:35] Jenny Swisher: We care. We take care of everyone. Right? Like. And so a lot of times you won’t find women necessarily selling just to sell. Most likely they’re, they’re wanting to make an impact of some kind, right? That’s what I see, especially in the health social selling space. , as opposed to, and I’m not, I’m not blaming men, right?

[00:28:52] Jenny Swisher: But there is a masculine energy in sales that is very different. You know, when I think about like your traditional car salesman, right? Like that’s a different experience than what a lot of women can provide in a social selling space. So it’s okay to step into like who you are. And just your personality, because that is alone going to attract.

[00:29:10] Jenny Swisher: And I think a lot of women are afraid of that because they’re afraid of what people might say. Or, , you know, just that whole, a lot of times I think associated with network marketing, they, they worry like, well, what are people going to think? Are they going to think this is some sort of scam? Not, no, not if you believe in it and you’re passionate about it.

[00:29:24] Jenny Swisher: And you’re very, you know, when that comes across, your confidence comes across in something, , and you’re able to help them. Like, then that’s exactly how you should, should face it. So I want to mention here on the podcast for anybody listening that. You know, we’ve alluded to this SYNC certified coaching slash affiliate program that we have with SYNC.

[00:29:41] Jenny Swisher: If this is something new to you, if maybe you’re new to the podcast or you haven’t heard us talk about this before, I want to make sure I send you to the right email. , information. So if you want more information on that, that is sync. jennyswisher. com slash cert bundle, I do require that my certified coaches and affiliates take the course first.

[00:29:56] Jenny Swisher: So you have to, it’s a, it’s a bundled option where you can purchase the course and the certification. Once you become, uh, enrolled in that, you become an automatic affiliate for my program. So you’re able to then send people to everything under the sync umbrella. Which is our, uh, horses. We have multiple courses, telehealth consults with our resident hormone health doctor.

[00:30:16] Jenny Swisher: , we have a new fitness program that we’ve launched. We have a lot of things that we’re able to really help women with specifically. So if that’s of interest to you, you can check out that link. I’ll also have it in the show notes. , but that’s something that we’re excited to offer. So. Okay, so I know we are already kind of closing in on some time here.

[00:30:30] Jenny Swisher: So before we open this up for Q& A to to my affiliates, I have a couple questions for you because I know you sort of specialize in like LinkedIn, and this is a new territory for me. I’ve always been on LinkedIn and I’ve felt drawn to it like I’m sort of a Facebook girl. But I like LinkedIn. Instagram is not really my jam.

[00:30:48] Jenny Swisher: I would love for you to tell us, like, I mean, I hear Gary V. and others in this space, like that are always like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is where it’s at. LinkedIn is where it’s going. I know Lewis Howes talks about how he got his start there. What are most of us missing on LinkedIn? Because I don’t think a lot of us are using that platform.

[00:31:03] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. So LinkedIn is what I call like the low maintenance platform, in my opinion. Meaning if you hate posting all the time and dancing in reels and like going live all the time, That’s why I love LinkedIn, because you do not have to do that to be successful on that platform. And it’s my top platform for number one, getting clients, number two, getting partnerships and getting discovery calls.

[00:31:26] Hailey Rowe: So the reason I like it is because it is a networking business. platform. So it’s not just for entertainment like Instagram or Facebook. You’re actually there to connect either with potential partners or podcast hosts or potential clients if you work with a certain type of professional. , obviously if you work with women in general, there’s no way to, you know, know if someone has hormone problems by looking at their LinkedIn profile.

[00:31:52] Hailey Rowe: However, busy professionals who are women probably would resonate with your content. If you help busy women with hormone health, right? So it’s a platform where you can connect easily with people, , through the connection requests feature. And what I like to do is, um, just, I don’t like, I think a lot of people get turned off by LinkedIn because they get those super long salesy messages, which is not the right approach.

[00:32:22] Hailey Rowe: However. It is expected that people get connection requests, either like you could connect with people in your local area or people who are a certain type of professional or potential partners, and then it’s natural to start conversations and ask engaging questions. So what I like to do is just ask engaging questions, learn about somebody else, see how we can help each other, or If one of my freebies makes sense for them or things like that.

[00:32:47] Hailey Rowe: So there’s a, I don’t want to take two hours to talk about it, but I will say there’s a approach that you can go about it in a classy way and not like a, I’m going to send you this long sales pitch way. , and like I said, you can repurpose probably content you already have. Um, so it doesn’t have to take extra time off of your day.

[00:33:09] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. So that’s why I like it.

[00:33:12] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, just recently I was talking to somebody and they were talking about like, just our transcription of our podcasts and converting some things to blog posts and sharing those things on LinkedIn. And once again, working smarter, not harder. So taking the content that we’re already doing and repurposing it for other places.

[00:33:27] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And I recently had a really good experience on LinkedIn. I mean, I’ve always been on there. It’s always been intriguing. I, I kind of post on there from time to time, but not as much as I should. And, , recently I made some connections, , just through like a networking circle that I’m part of. And all of a sudden we’ve all just kind of been connecting others to others in that space through the direct message feature.

[00:33:47] Jenny Swisher: And prior to that, right? Like I was only getting those salesy messages, like, thanks for connecting with me. I’d love to set up a call. And you’re like, no. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I’m getting these authentic connections of people that I’ve actually interviewed on the podcast who thought of someone else that they thought would be a great, right.

[00:34:02] Jenny Swisher: And those types of things are really powerful. So. And

[00:34:05] Hailey Rowe: the people on LinkedIn, just if you’re struggling with people who can’t afford your services, I’m not saying you will have a hundred percent, you know, amazingness on LinkedIn, but the people on there naturally, they have a higher average income compared to like Instagram, Facebook, that kind of thing.

[00:34:21] Jenny Swisher: .

[00:34:21] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Makes sense. Okay. So before we wrap it up and open up for questions, like let’s kind of make this, let’s wrap this into a pretty bow. So if people are you know, tuning in, listening into this. They’re walking away thinking, okay, like I have some clarity now. I need to get more detailed and focused on my messaging.

[00:34:36] Jenny Swisher: , really connect with people more on the problems that are presented with the solution that I offer. Possibly create a freemium or some, something that I can give away for free in exchange for an email address. What would you say, like, when we sit down at the start of our week, and we’re looking at, okay, I’ve created this freemium about, let’s say, endocrine disruption, how to eliminate it in your house, or whatever the case is, what would be something, like, what would that person want to do, like, just for that week ahead?

[00:35:02] Jenny Swisher: Let’s look at, like, their weekly plan. What should they be doing, whether it’s through social media or otherwise to get people into that, that lead magnet.

[00:35:10] Hailey Rowe: Yeah. So it would, the bottom line is the number of offers and even free offers that you make minus the no’s equal your results. So what you need to do is decide how this week, am I going to put myself in a position to be able to mention my freebie in some way, shape or form.

[00:35:27] Hailey Rowe: So for most of my, like some of my clients who don’t like social media, It’s we are going to reach out to, you know, some local partners where they could do a joint workshop or they can do a guest newsletter for the customers of that place or whatever. And that’s their target. They set a target for local partnerships, other clients.

[00:35:47] Hailey Rowe: It’s, I’m going to mention my freebie three times on Instagram. I’m going to be on, you know, I’m going to reach out to a couple of podcasts to be on, mention it there. So it’s just about decide how can you be putting yourself in a position to be able to mention your freebie to more people. And if that’s LinkedIn, if that’s local, if that’s Instagram, it’s all good.

[00:36:07] Hailey Rowe: It can be whatever you end up choosing, but, um, that is what I recommend. And the other thing is. I highly, if you want to do this efficiently, I do think partnership marketing, meaning sharing each other’s freebies with somebody or, you know, doing a guest talk for each other’s audiences and sharing your freebie.

[00:36:26] Hailey Rowe: I think partnerships and collabs is really where it’s at. Um, and I’m actually going to be going through Like if you’re wondering like where, well, how do I decide if my freebie is even good or not, or how do I tie it then into a freebie funnel? I have a free live event coming up. , if you’re hearing this on the podcast, it’ll probably be passed by the time, but that’s okay.

[00:36:46] Hailey Rowe: , you can just DM me on Instagram if you want to, you know, check out some of my free stuff. But the link is HaleyRoe. com slash live event, all one word. And it’s going to be going through three days to, um, help you go from crickets to clients and use a freebie funnel formula that converts. I love that.

[00:37:08] Hailey Rowe: Cause

[00:37:08] Jenny Swisher: I was just about to ask you, like, where can we find you? Yeah, I’m on Instagram. Haley underscore row, haleyrow. com all the things. Awesome. Perfect. Well, we will link all that up for you guys in the show notes so that you can swipe up and find Haley. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for being part of the show.

[00:37:24] Jenny Swisher: We’re going to open this up now for Q and A for my affiliates to ask questions. But for those of you listening again, all the links will be in the show notes for you. So if you have any questions for us, please reach out, but thank you so much Haley for being part of Sync Your Life. We’ll talk to you soon.


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