Meet SYNC Fitness Trainer Kelsey Lensman

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #233!

In this episode, I introduce you to our SYNC fitness trainer and program co-creator Kelsey Lensman. Kelsey is a powerhouse in women’s fitness, and I can’t wait to launch this program together in May 2024. You can learn more about Kelsey at

Kelsey’s first appearance on the podcast can be heard here.

To join the email list for this fitness program, visit

If you’re interested in a virtual consult with myself and Dr. Paige Gutheil for you and/or your daughter, learn more here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out



[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today I’m introducing you to Kelsey Linsman. Kelsey is the trainer working with me on the Sync fitness program that we’ll be launching this May. She’ll be the one that you see on screen for the workouts. I could not possibly be more excited than I am for this program.

[00:01:15] Jenny Swisher: I just feel like this is something that I’ve had in my mind for several years now, and I’m so excited that it’s finally coming to fruition. And I just feel like Kelsey is the perfect match for this program. She teaches women, she trains women. She’s a mindset coach. She’s also a personal trainer and power lifter.

[00:01:30] Jenny Swisher: She’s got all the experience in the world to be able to deliver results to women everywhere. We’re doing this as a cycle syncing program. So it’s intended to be cycle synced with your menstrual cycle, but you can also follow this if you don’t have a cycle. So if you are on birth control or your post hysterectomy or post menopause, this is still a program that you can do.

[00:01:47] Jenny Swisher: In fact, we’ve created this program for women of all ages based on the research done on women. A lot of people don’t realize that a lot of commercial fitness and group exercise and different regimens when it comes to different types of fitness training are all designed for male physiology. It’s not until now with this program that we finally have something designed for women.

[00:02:07] Jenny Swisher: So recently I asked Kelsey to come on the podcast. I asked her to come into actually a live Q and a zoom that I did for my sync community, for my course takers, where we really just talked about all the myths behind how women should train, how women should eat and really what it should look like if you really are addressing your hormone health.

[00:02:23] Jenny Swisher: So without further ado, here’s Kelsey. Here’s our conversation. I hope you learned something from it and I hope you’re as excited about this program as I am. If you’d like to be on the list for more information about this program as we get closer to launch, make sure you visit sync. jennyswisher. com slash fitness.

[00:02:39] Jenny Swisher: That’s sync. jennyswisher. com slash fitness. Without further ado, here’s Kelsey.

[00:02:45] All right, you guys. Well, welcome so much, to Monday night live tonight. It’s not just me tonight. I have Kelsey Lintzman here who is our, I’m calling you our sync trainer, cause I’m like, I love

[00:02:55] Kelsey Lensman: it. So

[00:02:59] Jenny Swisher: I’ve actually already introduced her to a lot of sync coaches. They’ve had the ability to meet her and ask questions.

[00:03:05] Jenny Swisher: And, um, now I just wanted to introduce her to the larger group, to the, all the course takers here. Tonight it’s going to be all about the Sync Fitness Program. That’s what we’re focusing on in this live stream. If you have other questions for me related to hormone health or other things, you guys can always message me privately or post in the group for me to answer next week.

[00:03:22] Jenny Swisher: But for tonight, it’s all about Kelsey getting to know her, getting to know this program. I’ve kind of made some mental notes in my head of just things I want to make sure that we cover tonight, which. Kelsey, I know you’re going to crush it when I ask you these questions. Um, but this is completely spontaneous.

[00:03:35] Jenny Swisher: It’s more of just meet Kelsey. Let’s, let’s just get a feel for what this program is going to be because I’m super, super excited about it. Like there, I just said on the podcast, I just, I just made an announcement on the podcast recently that this was coming and it was my, it was the most excited I’ve ever been to record a podcast because I just feel like we are meeting such a need.

[00:03:54] Jenny Swisher: In this area, um, in this realm. I mean, I have been asked now for four years, at least for all the things. Can you make me a calendar using these workouts? Or can I do this kind of thing? Or how do I make it happen if I’m a runner and all these different questions, when it comes to just really being hormone conscious and hormone healthy with your exercise.

[00:04:13] Jenny Swisher: And I’ve always felt like I was trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Like, yeah, but here’s what you need to know. And. And I just think it’s going to take the guesswork out of it for so many people, because we’re finally going to be able to say like, do this, this is exactly what we would do. And, um, regardless of whether you are a menstruating female with a regular or irregular cycle, which we’ll talk about, or if you’re moon sinking because you’re post hysterectomy or in your menopause, this program is designed for female training.

[00:04:41] Jenny Swisher: And that’s what we’re going to be talking about tonight. So. First, let’s just start with the basics. I’ll let you sort of introduce yourself, Kelsey. I mean, she’s a powerhouse in fitness. What I love the most about her, we really hit it off, just so you guys know the backstory. I interviewed Kelsey on my podcast.

[00:04:54] Jenny Swisher: We’re part of the same brand strategy company, and she was a contact that I’d made and had her on the podcast. And I felt like we could finish each other’s sentences, much like I feel with Dr. Page and the other people that I brought to you guys. And when you hit it off with somebody like I remember making a note in my notebook, like I’m coming back to this one.

[00:05:10] Jenny Swisher: Like there’s something here that like we need to partner on something. So when I started to really think about what would it look like to create a fitness program? Like, do I really want to take that on? What’s, what’s that going to be? I found myself on a conversation, um, with a mutual friend of ours. And she was like, have you met Kelsey Linsman?

[00:05:26] Jenny Swisher: And I was like, how random that she brought up Kelsey’s name. And so I was like, okay, this is the direction I need to go. So, um, Kelsey hopped into the course. So you guys know, she’s taken the course herself.

[00:05:37] Kelsey Lensman: And a day, like I, I took all the information in like so quickly and I loved it. So not to cut you off, but I had to, you’re

[00:05:43] Jenny Swisher: fine.

[00:05:44] Jenny Swisher: Like I got a text message from her, like the next day after, after she got into the group and she’s like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. Um, and so she’s taken the course, so she’s familiar with, with what I teach in the course. She’s familiar with everything you guys have learned in our learning. , but yet she has this background already in, you know, fitness, exercise, power, lifting, strength training, which she’ll touch on.

[00:06:02] Jenny Swisher: And what I love the most, I think, is that there’s this aspect of both physically training the body, but also mentally training the mind. And I, I love that she’s really about like mindset coaching that she speaks, speak specifically to women and trains women, because I think that’s obviously what this group is.

[00:06:22] Jenny Swisher: And I think this is exactly what you guys need, whether you know it or not, this is what you need. So, okay, without further ado, Kelsey, tell us, um, I’ve already shared with them, you know, your little video that you made, but if you want to give us like a five minute version of just who you are and what you do.

[00:06:34] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. I’ll give us five minutes to be able to, first of all, Jenny, I appreciate you not only having me here and everybody tuning in, um, but also just the information that you’re putting out in the world. I will tell you, we work with a lot of women one on one in the nutrition and fitness of all ages, and this stuff needs to get out there.

[00:06:49] Kelsey Lensman: There’s still so many. myths and misconception out there from nutrition and training. So Jenny, you are doing the good work and those that are in this program keep on standing because it’s, it’s such valuable information here. Um, but a little bit of background about myself is I graduated from Ohio State in sports medicine.

[00:07:05] Kelsey Lensman: Always thought I was going to be a physical therapist, um, for my own journey. And when I was at Ohio State for sports medicine, we worked with clinicals with all the different teams on injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, and that’s when I started my fitness journey too. And I saw as I was going to clinicals, but also starting my fitness journey that you’re a whole human, right?

[00:07:25] Kelsey Lensman: Like your ankle injury, it’s not just the ankle that’s bothering you. It’s like, what’s going on with your nutrition? What about your mindset? What about the people that you’re around? And I always just have that gut feeling of like, Hey, there’s more to it than just these isolated fields. And so as I kind of 180 to my life too.

[00:07:41] Kelsey Lensman: From my own journey, I had a gut feeling my senior year of Lake Coast, instead of hoping someday somebody starts a company that, you know, can combine all aspects of, of a person to really help them progress, like be the change that you want to see. And, and at that same note, I would see people in my clinic.

[00:07:58] Kelsey Lensman: On the table with low back pain, knee pain. And then I saw similar people at the gym and I’m like, well, the reason you’re here is because you’re not, you don’t know how to train appropriately train, right. Train smart, which is why the knee pain, the low back pain, the shoulder pain was happening. Not that we can prevent all injuries.

[00:08:14] Kelsey Lensman: I will never claim that. But a lot of the injuries from mechanically, but also neurologically, if we learn how to move right with your body, usually you can either prevent a good amount of them and also help you hormonally nutritionally also, as you keep going forward. So then that’s when I started my company, um, was a different name now, but it’s now called empower fitness.

[00:08:34] Kelsey Lensman: And we do two facets. One is one on one nutrition and fitness coaching for women around the country. And we usually work with women also to give context. Um, 30 to about 65. So that is our main demographic. It actually is perfect. Jenny, specifically with you, because they’re going through those hormone changes, whether they actually still have a cycle or maybe they’re peri post menopause.

[00:08:55] Kelsey Lensman: So I have a lot of experience, um, from, uh, teaching people how to strength train and some of the nutrition aspects for women of that age group. And then we also have an all women’s strength event company where we do women’s events all around the country of we’ve had ages seven to 72 years old, and we challenged them to step out of their comfort zone and lift weights that they might not realize they can lift.

[00:09:16] Kelsey Lensman: And I always say they get mind blown of what they’re actually capable of. And I have a really big passion point. specifically helping women because I always say we’re not just little men, right? It’s not just like, Hey, do the same thing that men do just in a different way. And so how can we gear the Jenny’s, especially hormone education and the training and the nutrition to really work with you to get to your goals.

[00:09:38] Kelsey Lensman: And I specifically go to a gym here. I’m in Columbus, Ohio. But I used to go to a gym where I would see women just working their butts off in the gym, the, the sweats pouring down, they’re doing the burpees, all this stuff. And I would talk to them after, and they’re so frustrated about why they’re not making progress.

[00:09:55] Kelsey Lensman: Like they’re doing all the things they’re training four, five, sometimes even six days a week, they’re doing all the hit and they’re like, Oh, so I’m still not seeing the progress there. And I always say, and Jenny said this too, on the podcast is you need to work with your body instead of against it. Right, especially from a training standpoint, we got to work with it instead of against it.

[00:10:13] Kelsey Lensman: And so that’s why I’m really excited to specifically partner with Jenny on this aspect of it to bring the training part to what already amazing program that she has and hopefully be able to educate you guys to on one, how to get results from a training standpoint. But also learn how to do squats, do, do certain movements correctly.

[00:10:31] Kelsey Lensman: So you’re not hopefully injured down the long road, but also getting the results that you want. So that’s more of a comprehensive background of what I do. I have a whole crazy background of myself with competing and all of that. Um, but in my opinion, it’s more important to make about you than it is about me tonight, for sure.

[00:10:47] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, well, I, it’s funny because when I, when I wanted to introduce Kelsey to you guys before this, I like went to her YouTube channel. I was like, I bet she’s got like a video somewhere of like who I am or whatever. Oh, no, there’s like hundreds of videos of her doing all this, like this power lifting and all these different competitions.

[00:11:01] Jenny Swisher: And so if you want to see. Her as a total beast. You can check out the YouTube channel, but yeah, I love that. And I love, like I said, I just love what you’re about. And obviously you work with the same demographic that I do. I mean, these women in the course are dominantly 30 to 65. And a lot of them, I say, you know, they, they came here because.

[00:11:22] Jenny Swisher: They felt like their check engine lights were flashing, or they felt like they were being gas lit in a doctor’s office, or they feel like their energy is just off. And the majority of these women here in this group are women who, I would say, already embrace a healthy lifestyle. They’re already exercising, they’re already, you know, making sure they’re moving every day, they’re, they’re eating healthy foods, like, they’re, they’re doing the work, and they’re really frustrated because they’re not getting the results.

[00:11:43] Jenny Swisher: But when you actually take a deeper look at the details of what they’re doing, you start to see that a lot of. Whether it’s society or commercial fitness or whatever has really kind of conditioned us to believe that we’re small men and that we should train like small men. And when we can unlearn that, you guys know that I like to use the phrase unlearning when we can unlearn that or kind of decondition ourselves and say, okay, let’s just reset this.

[00:12:08] Jenny Swisher: Like, let’s talk more about like my energy, my menstrual cycle, like how I feel on any, any given week or any given day, how can I cater my training to that? And how can I really like step into what I call that maximum energy, the game changes, it’s no longer about following a home fitness calendar that was originally designed for men, it’s not, it’s no longer about, you know, you know, all the things we could say the nine to five lifestyle and the circadian rhythm like I could go on and on, but I just think that.

[00:12:38] Jenny Swisher: The fact that this is, this is who you speak to, and this is who I speak to, I feel like it’s just the perfect partnership. So, I want to make sure you guys come away from this, not only understanding like who Kelsey is and what we’re after here, but I want to give you guys the details on what’s coming, because I’m super excited about it.

[00:12:52] Jenny Swisher: So, the first thing I’ll start with is, is the design of the program itself. So, those of you who’ve been in this course, you know that, There are calendars that are in the course materials that I previously had created

[00:13:03] Jenny Swisher: I think there’s like a running training one, and there’s like adrenal fatigue, and there’s a generic calendar for people that are just using maybe gym classes or whatever. So you’ve probably seen already that that 28 day menstrual cycle, that textbook 28 day menstrual cycle is already sort of established as part of the course.

[00:13:20] Jenny Swisher: In a set way, so you probably are already picked up on the fact that we’re doing dominantly strength training in the first half of the cycle. We start to incorporate some more interval style training and week 3 when progesterone starts to rise. And then we sort of taper things, especially heading in those last final days before our period.

[00:13:35] Jenny Swisher: So you kind of probably already have a feeling feel for the overall calendar that we follow as women who are menstruating women or moon sinking women. So what we’re doing here is we’ve recreated that same calendar, that same approach, right? We’re, we’re lifting heavy and follicular. We are pushing more of the interval style work in the third week, but we’re maintaining what this whole concept of strength training, which I’ll have Kelsey talk about here shortly.

[00:13:59] Jenny Swisher: We’re following that same overall calendar. So we started with that. Like, how can we start with just big picture, making sure that women can line this up to whether it’s their cycle or the moon or whatever they’re doing in the right way. But I want to also just put, you know, put this out into the universe because I had a couple of people privately messaged me asking, and I think it’s really important to mention that some of us, because we’re in perimenopause, our cycles are unpredictable.

[00:14:22] Jenny Swisher: So we don’t really land in the camp of textbook 28 day cycle, and we don’t really land in the camp of like menopause moon sinking. And so sometimes it can get really frustrating. Like, what do I even do? Do I sync with the full moon or the new moon or what do I do? And I just want to say that what I’m so excited about here.

[00:14:39] Jenny Swisher: Is you cannot mess it up because it is literally just, this is the way women should train. So even if you mess up the calendar, even if your cycle is wonky, you, I’m assuring you that you’re going to see results because you’re, you’re doing things differently. You’re doing things for your female physiology now from there.

[00:14:55] Jenny Swisher: From the big picture, I want to scale it down to the workouts themselves. This is probably going to be different than what a lot of you guys have experienced. You know, I come from the home fitness background. I know a lot of you guys are in that world as well. And it can be, um, you know, how much can we get done in a 20 minute workout?

[00:15:13] Jenny Swisher: It can be a lot of what I would say rushed sets, right? With not a lot of recovery between sets, it can be, I like to just say commercialized fitness, right? Like it can be, uh, lots and lots of reps. Like the other day I was doing something for what felt, I was like, why are we doing bicep curls for a whole minute?

[00:15:29] Jenny Swisher: Like, it’s just ridiculous. Like, am I even getting anywhere here? Um, So we’re doing things differently. We’re doing things differently. So Kelsey talked to us. Let’s start with first with just the strength training piece. Cause that’s the dominant piece to this program. Um, talk first, let’s talk about progressive overload and let’s talk about how the strength workouts are designed both for recovery, between sets rep count, like you tell us all the stuff about those

[00:15:53] Kelsey Lensman: Okay, so good.

[00:15:54] Kelsey Lensman: So I’m going to touch on the progressive overload and the rest and sets and recovery. But I want to first share a story because I think it’ll hit home with your audience too is I had a girl come to me, um, did very similar to the programs that you were mentioning Jenny before all the hit, all the reps, all the things.

[00:16:09] Kelsey Lensman: And she was frustrated. She wasn’t seeing progress. Her actually hair was unfortunately starting to fall out or thin. And she’s like, Kelsey, I’m just not seeing anything. And she thought I was absolutely crazy. When I said, Hey, we’re actually going to cut the reps back. We’re going to add some recovery in.

[00:16:24] Kelsey Lensman: We’re going to really focus on, I’m not trying to make anybody your power lifter here, but lifting heavier than just the weights that you can do for 25 plus reps. And she thought it was crazy because she came from a very similar background with that. And little did you know, she is honestly completely 180.

[00:16:40] Kelsey Lensman: Not only her physique has 180 her health. And so when I, when I’m coming to you with this, this information, it’s not just, Hey, you know what, just what works for everybody, but really specifically for women, how do we work with your physiology? And how do we, I always say work smart instead of just work hard and put your nose to the brimstone and really not see anything.

[00:17:00] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. Yes. We still have to work hard. I’m all about that, but also we want to work smart. And so Jenny touched on the progressive overload piece for many women. Like I said, I’m not trying to make anybody power lifters here. We’re really not lifting heavy enough to make a stimulus for muscle growth and development.

[00:17:17] Kelsey Lensman: Right. And so if we’re just lifting five, 10 pounds, we’re like, okay, it burns after 15 reps, but we’re really not challenging it to lift either heavier or more load or better load over time. That’s really not actually how you. Progress that muscle growth and also keep the muscle that you have on your body.

[00:17:34] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. I always say from specifically a training aspect of it, muscle is your metabolic machinery, not saying when you build muscle, you’re going to just hit a doorframe because you’re so massive, because that’s what I thought. Um, when I was first started training, I was really afraid of over 15 pounds because I thought it was just going to be, you know, have a physique that I didn’t necessarily want.

[00:17:52] Kelsey Lensman: Um, but specifically when we’re talking about progressive overload, it sounds crazy, but doing very similar workouts. over a period of four, sometimes even six, eight, 12 weeks, dare I say similar workouts, similar exercises, but progressing either the weight, meaning if I use five pounds for a bicep curl week one, ideally I want to use potentially 10 pounds on week three or week four.

[00:18:18] Kelsey Lensman: So I’m doing the same reps, but increasing that weight over time. Or also doing that same weight but moving it better. Maybe that first set, I’m like really trying to get that fourth or that fifth rep up, but then week two, week three, and maybe I’m able to do five pretty efficiently there. And then we know to increase your weight when we’re able to progressively overload, meaning increase that weight over a period of time.

[00:18:41] Kelsey Lensman: That’s what’s actually going to help you not only, like I said, build muscle, but maintain it and optimize towards the results that you want to get. With that also comes That intro, you guys potentially have heard of sets and reps, right? Like three sets of 10, four back squat, you’re doing 10 reps. You pause for a little bit.

[00:19:00] Kelsey Lensman: Second set, 10 reps, pause. Third set, boom, you’re done. That’s where once again, we want a lot of recovery to be able to come back on that second set. And you are 95 to 100 percent ready to hit it hard again. Okay. When we’re just trying to work as fast as we can through one thing to the next thing to the next thing.

[00:19:20] Kelsey Lensman: Yes. You might sweat a lot. Yes. You might feel like you’re getting a good workout, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate to the results that you’re actually getting in the gym. Okay. Once again, we want to work smart, not just work hard and put your nose to the brimstone. And so when we incorporate lifting heavier or better load over time.

[00:19:37] Kelsey Lensman: Plus giving your body the right recovery and rest between the sets allows you to actually lift better or strength train better over time and get the results there. So those are really two big pieces that you’ll see. We’re not just going to have you sit on the couch for five minutes and just, you know, twiddle your thumbs.

[00:19:54] Kelsey Lensman: But I tell women, if you are not necessarily needing those two ish minutes, sometimes 90 seconds between the set, and you’re just ready to go on to the next one, that means a, we haven’t gone heavy enough, or B, we can also challenge you in a few different ways. If you don’t feel comfortable going heavier, we can slow your reps down.

[00:20:11] Kelsey Lensman: We can challenge you in ways to still get the max benefit out of it. Once again, work smart, not just work hard and put your nose to the brimstone.

[00:20:18] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And I wrote down, so first of all, I almost held up my paper because I wrote, let’s work smarter, not harder. And then you started talking. So see what I mean?

[00:20:25] Jenny Swisher: , but I also wrote down, this is the way it should be. What she just described to you. Like, this is how women should train. If you follow Stacey Sims, you guys know I mentioned her a lot in the course. You know, this is the way that she has taught me. This is the way that research has shown works for women.

[00:20:44] Jenny Swisher: And also I recently referenced in the, in the group, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. Um, she’s the author of Forever Strong. She’s coined the phrase muscle is the key to longevity. And especially as women, right? As we get older, as we enter perimenopause and then menopause, estrogen starts to decline, our ability to move.

[00:21:02] Jenny Swisher: To build muscle actually starts to falter and so the more we can put in the work smarter and not necessarily like drenched in sweat doing burpees all the time, um, the more we can build that muscle. So I know what’s probably going through the heads of some people and so I want to just call attention to it now before we go on and that is, oh no, am I going to bulk up?

[00:21:22] Jenny Swisher: You know, you know, it’s coming. So, um, what would you say to, Oh no, I’m going to bulk up.

[00:21:29] Kelsey Lensman: I will say I have yet to meet a woman and we work with hundreds of women all around the country. I have yet to meet a woman or work with a woman that has lifted heavier and just completely transformed to a big bulky physique.

[00:21:44] Kelsey Lensman: A lot of that has to do with your nutrition. And a lot of that very similar Jenny is working with your hormones, right? And so specifically when we’re talking about bulking up, when you’re, when we’re talking about gaining muscle or like quality lean muscle tissue, that is what’s actually going to give you the body composition that people are looking for.

[00:22:02] Kelsey Lensman: I always thought that man, if I just, you know, gain a bunch of muscle, it’s going to be a really not great physique, or it’s not going to be the body composition that I want when I didn’t realize. Yeah. the body composition that I was actually looking for from, and I’m going to say it, it’s a buzzword, but I’m going to say it is that toned look, right?

[00:22:17] Kelsey Lensman: Cause I know I’ve said it for a lot of women say it actually means build muscle and then be able to see that muscle. But also a lot of women have maybe heard of the term skinny fat. If you’ve heard of that, right, that means we actually don’t have enough muscle in our body and you’re just losing weight or losing fat, but not actually having that muscle quality, muscle tissue to see that muscle there.

[00:22:38] Kelsey Lensman: And so I promise you, pinky promise that you are not just going to bulk up and have these massive arms or massive shoulders. If you want to all the power to you go for it, girl, but also comes from steroids and what you see on social media. It’s not just natural. Yeah. Naturally, it is really, really hard to bulk up there.

[00:22:57] Kelsey Lensman: And I’ve had a few women saying, I’ve been trying to bulk up for five years and I have yet to be able to. And so it’s, it’s harder than what people think. It’s just social media can misconstrue it a lot.

[00:23:06] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. So really quick. I feel like there’s so many tangents. How much time do you have? Um, so one, one question I have is my next caveat to that would be, so what happens if a woman were to approach this type of training?

[00:23:19] Jenny Swisher: Now she’s like, okay, Kelsey, I trust you. Maybe I won’t bulk up because I’m not going to be eating chicken all day long. So if I’m not going to bulk up. Like, how much do I really need to be eating? So let’s, let’s just go ahead and address, even though we are talking dominantly fitness today, there will be a nutrition component of this, of this program.

[00:23:36] Jenny Swisher: So you guys know, uh, when you get into the app to do the workouts, you’re also going to have access to four weeks of nutrition plans that I’ve put together for you, that are phase specific. So it’ll be a follicular meal plan. There’ll be an ovulatory meal plan. There’ll be a luteal meal plan and a PMS meal plan.

[00:23:51] Jenny Swisher: So we’re literally like. Taking all the guesswork out of it. Like eat these foods, do these workouts. Like this is all of it. So tell us really quick. Uh, what happens if a woman is not eating enough for these types of workouts?

[00:24:04] Kelsey Lensman: Oh my gosh, I cannot say enough. A lot of women that come with us, under eating, really over training, and then their body’s just in fight or flight sympathetic overdrive, which is why they’re not either seeing the results or feeling good, also the energy piece of it.

[00:24:17] Kelsey Lensman: And so when we’re talking about these workouts is you cannot either maintain. Or gain quality muscle for underrating because the, the recovery part of it and recovery, that means yes, after your workout, but also the fuel that you’re putting in your body, we want to make sure that we’re maintaining, or also keeping that muscle tissue on your body to be able to increase your metabolism and get your hormones to work with you.

[00:24:39] Kelsey Lensman: And so when you guys might’ve heard of the term body recomposition, right? Kind of gain muscle, lose fat. You get that quote unquote toned. Look, if we’re not eating enough, you’re working your butt off in the gym. You’re that we have, but you’re not actually going to see the results that you want. And so I cannot condone enough making sure you’re eating enough for your body to give your body that recovery, to be able to hit it again the next day.

[00:25:02] Kelsey Lensman: Um, but then also have that body recomposition that so many women also are looking after too. So that comes from carbs that comes from protein that comes from fat. Obviously it might look a little bit different. depending on, you know, who you are, what your background is, what your, your health history is, but really eating enough, um, is going to be imperative for the overall progress.

[00:25:22] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And you guys have heard me say this before too, like 99 percent of women who asked me the question of like, can you help me figure out what my macro should be? My answer is first, show me your food diary and I’ll prove to you you’re not eating enough. So number one, before we ever get to macros is like, are you eating enough of the right foods?

[00:25:38] Jenny Swisher: You guys, if you’ve seen the updated nutrition in the course, you know, we talk about making sure we’re prioritizing protein fiber and a healthy fat at each meal. I have found yes. If you’re a macro person and that’s the way you work best, we can have a conversation. If you’re somebody who. It’s like, no, thank you.

[00:25:53] Jenny Swisher: I don’t want to get into that because it’s just not good for me mentally. Okay. I understand that too. So I try to keep it really simple and just say, please make sure you’re eating enough. Um, and we won’t go into all that nutrition stuff. I’ll do that on a different call, but I just wanted to, to have you say something about that too.

[00:26:07] Jenny Swisher: Okay. So back to the overall calendar. So we talked about the strength training, um, heading into week three, we’ll start to incorporate some, some more, uh, of some like interval style work. And the, the. What’s the word I’m looking for? The methodology that that Kelsey prefers for that is sort of like the AMRAP, type model.

[00:26:26] Jenny Swisher: So let’s, let’s talk more about like what the cardio piece will look like for, I mean, I use that term loosely, but you know, let’s talk about the, the cardio piece and what that looks like. And then I also want you to just go ahead. I know you already did this for my sync coaches, but I want you to also just tell us your feelings on the definition of hit.

[00:26:42] Kelsey Lensman: Oh, I will. So from a cardio standpoint, there’s a few different variations. There’s steady state. You might’ve, might’ve heard of that. We’ll, we’ll talk about there’s hit, which is the buzzword in all things. Uh, Instagram cardio and trying to get you to buy a program. And then there’s also MIT, which is middle intensity, um, Yeah, training basically.

[00:27:02] Kelsey Lensman: So there’s steady state, high intensity, interval training, middle intensity. And what I I’ll preface this with Jenny just, um, kind of set me up there is you cannot do hit. for 15, 20, or even 25 minutes. If somebody’s saying, Hey, do this hip workout for 25 minutes, it’s not actually hit. They just like to use that buzzword because people like to hear it and they, they get to do it.

[00:27:25] Kelsey Lensman: All right. Hit from a high intensity interval training. You should not be able to do a truly high intensity interval training for more than Eight to 10 to 12 to Mac by maximum 15 minutes maximum. Usually that means 12 minutes. If not, honestly, six, eight to 10 minutes, because from a high intensity, you’re trying to jack your heart rate up and they’re also having that interval by slowing the heart rate down to either steady state, or you’re basically resting for that other part.

[00:27:53] Kelsey Lensman: And so we want to be very strategic. So high intensity, yes, we’ll utilize that during certain periods of time. You’ll see high intensity being AMRAPs or EMOMs, um, or also that’s that middle intensity. We have like a 25 minute EMOM, which is every minute on the minute where we’re doing different exercise and we’re trying to get that heart rate up.

[00:28:11] Kelsey Lensman: But like I said, we’re not just trying to go all in for 25 minutes. We’re utilizing that rest and recovery too during it. So there will be some cardio in there from different variations, but we, like I said, we want to be smart about what we’re doing.

[00:28:22] Jenny Swisher: It’s this is so freaking good you guys because what we’re doing is we’re giving you the cardio We’re giving you that catabolic burn, especially leveraging the progesterone rise in the second half of your cycle But we’re doing it in a way that preserves your nervous system like at the end of the day Like that’s that’s what we need to be doing as women and when we get too much into that I can’t I feel like we keep saying it into that sweaty burpee mode Um, that’s when we can sort of put we can sort of put our nervous system into like whoa.

[00:28:48] Jenny Swisher: What’s going on here? You Um, so I said this on the sync coach call, and I want to say it here too, cause I had a couple of people say like, wow, that was a really powerful analogy. And that is, I overheard, I heard a podcast recently with Dave Asprey. Um, and he was talking about, he does a lot of like bio, he’s like the king of biohacking, right?

[00:29:06] Jenny Swisher: Like figuring out ways to improve your health for longevity. And he says, he’s going to live to be like 200 years old and all the things. But he was on this podcast interview with somebody and they were talking about different types of. Exercise that they were trying. And if you listen to Dave, you know that he’s not an avid exerciser.

[00:29:22] Jenny Swisher: He’s not somebody that goes to the gym. He just does these different, almost like biohacking. He biohacks his workouts. So he was talking about how the most conducive now, granted, this is a man talking about what works for him. So let me just give that caveat, but it’s still important here because it’s going to, I’ll tie it in at the end.

[00:29:38] Jenny Swisher: He talks about how one thing he likes to do for his interval training. So to speak is he will actually go out. Um, I kind of pictured him going out into like his driveway or the street, right? And he will actually like lay down in his driveway where it’s safe to lie down, of course, and he will lie there and do breath work for five minutes.

[00:29:56] Jenny Swisher: So he might use an app or something. He might do box breathing, but he’ll actually lie flat on his back. Inhaling slow, exhaling slow, and really down regulate his nervous system. Then, a timer in his phone or whatever will go off, and he’ll jump up, and he actually will sprint, like a 50 yard sprint, as hard as he, as hard as he can go.

[00:30:15] Jenny Swisher: And then at the end of the 50 yard sprint, he’ll stop, lie down on his back, and repeat the box breathing. And he only does this, I think he says like four reps, like there’s only, he only does it like four times, right? And the point of it is, right, like, is that he’s downregulating that nervous system, he’s putting his body into a state of comfort.

[00:30:31] Jenny Swisher: This state of like, you’re at peace, you’re safe. Then, he’s running from the bear. But then he’s rewarding his body and saying, you’re safe, you’re safe. We, as women, and as men, really, Are caught up in this fitness culture sometimes where we are just like, let’s go outrun the bear because if I constantly outrun the bear, maybe I’ll get the abs and we don’t ever put our body back into that, that rest and digest or that sort of safe space.

[00:30:57] Jenny Swisher: So I’m excited to see, the workouts in the end, cause I’m excited for you guys to see how you can really do this in a smarter way. And I’m really at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about. So. Perfect. And then we will be incorporating some restorative yoga as well. Some really, you know, unwinding, especially heading into our period.

[00:31:13] Jenny Swisher: But one thing when Kelsey and I were chatting about just the overall design of the program. We talked about, you know, she’s like, well, normally if I’m training a woman, I’m making sure that we really don’t set down the weights. Like we’re still using weights and strength training. And I was like, yes.

[00:31:26] Jenny Swisher: And this is where I have always struggled with making things like body workouts or home workouts or Peloton insert, whatever I’ve made it. It’s been challenging to make it work for, especially for that fourth week of the menstrual cycle, because we want to still be maintaining the strength that we’ve been gaining all month long.

[00:31:45] Jenny Swisher: But it’s no longer about the power. It’s no longer about like the plan metric. It’s no longer about like, how hard can I go? Because now we’re seeing hormones start to shift downward, heading into our bleed. We’re starting to see higher risk for injury at that time of the cycle, but we definitely don’t want to go without anything.

[00:32:01] Jenny Swisher: Right. And so it’s, it’s been hard for me in the past to create calendars using home workouts, because it’s like. There’s not really a good option for that. So when Kelsey and I chatted, she’s like, I’d like to still keep strength training as part of that week four with restorative yoga and mobility too.

[00:32:18] Jenny Swisher: But I want to do it in a way where we’re changing things up. So can you tell us how that changes in week four?

[00:32:23] Kelsey Lensman: Oh, yes. I nerd out about this. So I will preface this because I go on forever about this. Um, but when we’re talking about training, there’s all different types of, of. parts of the motion. So there’s the, when you think about a squat, there’s the concentric part where I’m really trying to push the weight up and kind of overcome that load, right?

[00:32:41] Kelsey Lensman: But there’s also, and this is what we’re going to dig into week four, there’s an eccentric part of every motion. So it’s the lengthening of the muscle, which is exactly what we’re doing when we’re descending in a squat, or let’s take bicep curl. When I’m lowering that bicep curl, my bicep muscles are lengthening versus the concentric part.

[00:33:00] Kelsey Lensman: they’re shortening, right? That’s what I’m overcoming the load. And so what actually is really cool about this is when you try to target a certain part of that movement. So for example, the eccentric part, the lengthening is you don’t need as much load on your body or weight. For that motion to get just as much, if not more benefit from what you’re doing.

[00:33:22] Kelsey Lensman: Okay. You don’t need as much load, so you don’t need to put as much weight on that bicep curl when you’re really focusing on slow and controlled on the eccentric portion. To get just as much, if not more benefit from them. And so what we’re going to do in the fourth week, week one, week two, week, even week three, it’s more contract concentric focus, really trying to not necessarily, like I said, push all the weights, but focus on strength training, focus on like a quicker motion all the way up on week four, we’re really focusing on slow and controlled eccentric movements, which I will tell you the next day, you’re going to be very sore.

[00:33:57] Kelsey Lensman: And not even using as half as the weights of what you used in week one to week three. And so that allows us to still down regulate our system, not put as much load or as much neurological stress on it, but also still get just as much from strength training or utilizing those weights during that also fourth week.

[00:34:15] Jenny Swisher: Just hearing you talk about that. Like, I feel like I’ve had like three monster energy drinks. I’m so fired up. I’m so excited. I’ve never had a monster energy drink before. So, and I only did half a scoop of energize. So I’m really kind of a weenie with it, but I get so excited about this because this is, this is just so needed.

[00:34:30] Jenny Swisher: And it’s just not there. It’s just not there. Like, And so we’re going to, we’re going to take all the guesswork out of it. Okay. Um, let’s see, what did I miss here? I made a bunch of notes. Okay. So we talked about the design of the calendar. We’ve talked specifically about the strength training, how that shifts over the course of the month.

[00:34:44] Jenny Swisher: We’ve talked about the, the cardio, um, demystified the cardio a little bit and the restorative yoga. The other thing I want to mention to you guys is that we are, you know, when, when Kelsey outlined the specific workouts and the movements, I also then went in and gave her verbal cues for the workouts, um, pertaining to.

[00:35:01] Jenny Swisher: Hormone health education, because for me, the whole purpose of this program. Is to give you the application of how to do this, of how to do cycle syncing, but to do it in a way that after you do it a month or two or more, you’re like, oh, I get it. Like, I see what we’re doing here. This is the style I should be following.

[00:35:18] Jenny Swisher: And at that point for you, that’s when you can’t, you can start to interchange. Things right, like now, maybe instead of the squats you’ve been doing now, you can, you can switch it to some, you know, to lunges or whatever the case is that we can start to vary it up. But I want to call attention to something that Kelsey said earlier, which is this progressive overload and this idea that we should be doing really the same things to get.

[00:35:41] Jenny Swisher: And that’s something that a lot of us aren’t used to where, you know, I think commercial fitness especially has conditioned us into this, you gotta be mixing it up and all these different compound movements. And, um, that’s where we can really struggle to see change because we’re not overloading the muscle in the way that we should, and we’re not seeing those muscle gains.

[00:35:58] Jenny Swisher: So I’m, I’m excited for this because I want you 28 day program designed for the classic 28 day menstrual cycle, but at the end of the day, like I know for me, I will be doing this for 12 to 16 weeks because that’s the idea. That is the idea is to be able to do this over time. It’s, it’s, it’s hard because it’s like, what do I, do I market this as a 28 day program because it matches your menstrual cycle?

[00:36:21] Jenny Swisher: Or do I market this as more of a 12 to 16 week program where you use the same thing for four months? Right? So just so you guys are aware, that’s why it’s a 28 day program. But I hope that you’ll give it the full three months or so, um, where you are working toward that progressive overload. So

[00:36:37] Kelsey Lensman: I say something real quick, I know I mentioned the coaches, but I know I didn’t mention tier, um, is with that, like your muscles don’t need confused by doing all the different workouts and exercises.

[00:36:47] Kelsey Lensman: And I think that’s what, especially not even just commercial fitness, but Instagram, when you just look up an Instagram workout and you just do whatever in the gym there. Is your muscles don’t need confused with, Hey, do this variation of squat today. And that variation of squat next week, we need an, I know it sounds boring because it kind of is, but the boring actually gets results to be honest with you.

[00:37:05] Kelsey Lensman: At the end of the day is, can you master the boring and monotonous of doing very similar exercises and doing it. Week after week. Yep. And she said repetition equals results. That’s exactly its name of the game. Can we get the boring week after week? And it’s maybe not Instagram sexy, meaning, Oh, you know, you get all the likes from this crazy little exercise of doing this bicep curl on one leg while touching your nose at the same time.

[00:37:28] Kelsey Lensman: But I guess the boring and the consistency is what works. And so I’ve been doing this. Yeah. 15 plus years. I still squat every week. I still deadlift every week. I still bench every week. I still overhead press every week and I still do some type of pull every week. Okay. It’s very similar stuff. Yes. I can get still fun with it of different variations of it.

[00:37:49] Kelsey Lensman: But like I said, especially when you kind of come from the, Hey, do a different exercise every single time, your muscles don’t need confused. Okay. They cannot know no difference between a squat or whatever else that you’re doing from the same contraction. So can we work smarter? I know we keep saying this at the end of the day to really master the monotonous and get stronger, which gets you the results of where you need to go.

[00:38:12] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And the other thing that I forgot to mention earlier is there will be steady state cardio workouts as well.

[00:38:18] Jenny Swisher: So that’s going to be mixed in there too. So if you’re feeling like you get to month 2 or 3, and you’re like, I want to spice it up, like. Take a dance class, like do a dance, you know, throw in whatever it is that you need. Because I always feel like, you know, I remember Chalene Johnson saying this years ago, like, we all have that soulmate workout, right?

[00:38:33] Jenny Swisher: My, for my husband, it’s running, like going for a run. Like, it doesn’t mean that you can’t do the things you still enjoy, but it’s interesting to me, right? Like Stacey Stems uses the same approach and her training when she’s working with USA women’s soccer team, when she’s working with the different pro athletes that she’s working with, they’re still working on their sport.

[00:38:49] Jenny Swisher: This is their strength training regimen. So this becomes the core of what you’re doing to really make sure that once again, we’re building that muscle and, and we’re, you know, focusing that. So, okay. So we’re incorporating hormone education. That’s what I wrote. That’s where I was going with us. We’re incorporating that into the program because I want you guys to be able to walk away from this.

[00:39:06] Jenny Swisher: I felt like I created 60, 000 calendars and people still didn’t understand exactly what they were doing. Necessarily because I was just telling you what to do in this. I want you to really understand. So Kelsey is going to be queuing things like this is where you are in your cycle. This is how you should be feeling.

[00:39:20] Jenny Swisher: She’s going to be making references even to the moon cycles too. So we’ve incorporated that into that so that you’re really getting a feel for your body on a whole new level. It’s not just. It’s like taking proprioception to a whole new level for women, because all of a sudden, now you’re going to be really familiar with what’s going on with your energy, which is key.

[00:39:36] Jenny Swisher: So from a logistic perspective, this will all be within Kelsey’s app, which is super exciting. Um, and so, you know, Kelsey, do you want to share more just about like the app and, and the other, you know, the opportunity there or share whatever you want to share about that right now?

[00:39:51] Kelsey Lensman: So I am, I’m really big about, um, over delivering under promising and over delivering.

[00:39:55] Kelsey Lensman: So yes, I want to give you as best quality videos and follow along and have you have that. Um, but also give you more value of like learning how to make sure respond correctly and, and just the education to around it. So I’m really excited to have this whole sync program inside of the app where. We’ll also give education videos, like I said, on how to squat, how to do push ups, and how to do all that to avoid injuries.

[00:40:17] Kelsey Lensman: Um, and then just be able to also create that community around it. So, it’ll be really easy. You can have it on your phone. You can have it on your computer. Yeah, click it. You follow along with me for that whole entire video time frame. Um, and I’m excited just to have that as easy and accessible for you all as possible.

[00:40:32] Kelsey Lensman: And I, I tell this to everybody, um, too. I’m always open to feedback. If you’re like, Oh, Kelsey, this would be helpful. Or, Hey, you know what? Can you give me a video on this about how to do this exercise correctly? I’m open to it. So this is as much as collaborative of Jenny and I, as it is with us as a team in general.

[00:40:47] Kelsey Lensman: So I’m excited to dig on in further about that.

[00:40:50] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Yeah. So basically what you guys will get when you enter this app is you’ll, you’ll see an introduction video from me in there where I just explain like why this was designed, how it was designed, the science and research that it’s based on. I’ll be referencing a lot of actual research there as well.

[00:41:05] Jenny Swisher: And then we actually will have form and technique videos from, from Kelsey. So you have access to all of those. This I feel like is so needed. I mean, I’ve been to so many live. Workouts and different things over the years. And I’m just like, don’t look like the form and technique can really go haywire, especially when you’re working out at home, right?

[00:41:22] Jenny Swisher: If you’re not working out in front of a mirror or recording yourself on camera, if you’re not paying attention, like, please, please, please use the form and technique videos to make sure that you’re really getting the most out of it. Because how you’re going to get stronger is in doing the thing properly.

[00:41:35] Jenny Swisher: So doing the thing properly is step 1. Um, the workouts, of course, will be there as well. The nutrition that we already mentioned. And then the one thing I haven’t mentioned yet that I’m super excited about is we’ve plugged Dr. Page into this whole equation. So, um, so this is so random, but Kelsey was like, Hey, you know, do you have a doctor that you’re working with?

[00:41:54] Jenny Swisher: Like telehealth? I think I saw something about it. And I’m like, yeah, Dr. Page. And then we ended up finding out that they actually live in the same town. So she, yeah. How funny is that? So she and Dr. Page live five minutes apart from each other. And, uh, those of you guys in the course know that I’ve been partnered with Dr.

[00:42:09] Jenny Swisher: Page for several months now doing virtual health consults for women and specifically with hormones. And when I told her about Kelsey and what we were creating with this, with this program, she’s like, I want this. And I want this to be part of my membership. And like, she’s so excited about it too. But when we were having a conversation, she’s like, you know, I really want to make sure that people going through this realize that as you guys know, as part of the course, right, there are four fundamentals to hormone balance.

[00:42:33] Jenny Swisher: There’s exercise and nutrition, which is what we’re delivering here, but there’s also sleep and supplementation, which is very customized and bio individual for each person. And so what she’s going to be doing is a total of, as of right now, it’s going to be three videos where she’s talking about weight loss resistance.

[00:42:50] Jenny Swisher: She’s talking about digging deeper in your hormone health. Um, she’s talking about what it might look like to take a functional approach to your wellness. So she’s covering some really good stuff that will just sort of be bonus videos for people to, to access to have, you know, hear from her, learn from her and really get their wheels spinning on.

[00:43:07] Jenny Swisher: Okay. I’ve done this cycle syncing thing. Um, should I take the next step and really dive deeper into my bio individuality? So I wanted to mention that as well. Okay. So I think, let me see what else I had here. Um, I think that’s pretty much all of the things, but let me see if we have any questions. Do you guys have any questions for us?

[00:43:26] Jenny Swisher: We mentioned, yeah, form and technique. Is there, let’s see, Abby said something in the Facebook group. She said, what advice do you have for those of us who maybe have squirrel mentality when it comes to resting between sets?

[00:43:37] Kelsey Lensman: I will keep you entertained. I’ll tell you that. First of all, if you’re doing the follow along video, I will keep you entertained.

[00:43:42] Kelsey Lensman: Um, but like I said, when you, when you’re resting, you, your brain can go somewhere. It doesn’t need to be like still super zoned into the squat that you’re going to do the next set. Um, but just allow yourself to, to recover, to come back full. I always say too, if you are twiddling your thumbs between that rest and you’re like, do, do, do, do, do, That means also we probably got to go a little bit harder on the working sets that we’re doing.

[00:44:04] Kelsey Lensman: So you should really need and want that rest. And then after that two to three minutes or whatever that timeframe is, whether it’s 60, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, you’ll be able to come back full force. But like I said, I’ll keep you entertained if you follow along.

[00:44:17] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, Abby. Just, you know, I’m the same way.

[00:44:19] Jenny Swisher: Like, I just did a workout the other day and there was a minute between each set and I literally, I would get to like 45 seconds and I’d be like, it’s okay. I can just, it’s a few seconds early, you know, I’ll just be done earlier. And then you realize you’re like, wait a minute, but I probably could have lifted heavier and done better.

[00:44:35] Jenny Swisher: Had I taken the full 60 seconds and that’s what it’s all about. So again, we know that when women know the why they’ll apply. So I think if you know, no, the purpose here is to really reset my body and be able to push harder. Right. I think about like my daughter does soccer and basketball and all the things.

[00:44:50] Jenny Swisher: And I think kids are always a great example of this, right? Sometimes if you can just have them take the rest or have them take the time out, they will perform better and they will go back more level headed, right? That’s what we’re wanting here is we want you to go back into the next step. Set or the next rep count, we want you to go back into it with proper form, right?

[00:45:07] Jenny Swisher: And what happens when you get tired and you’re not taking all that recovery is you’re not, you’re not doing it properly, or you’re not lifting as heavy as you could. So I think it’s super, super crucial.

[00:45:18] Kelsey Lensman: Can I preface one thing too, Jenny, with that? Yeah. So people are starting the program too, and it’s like, oh, what week should I choose?

[00:45:23] Kelsey Lensman: Because that’s always the hardest one first of like, well, what should we show you for this exercise? And, and I’ll help guide you in the videos. But if you notice, okay, this day was, um, I, I kind of was able to rest a lot more, meaning I didn’t really need the rest that much. Okay. Then the next week. Go a little bit heavier.

[00:45:40] Kelsey Lensman: That’s why I also like keeping a journal of what weights that I use for the different exercises sometimes too, because it allows me to say, okay, if I did this, this week, let me try seven and a half to next week or tens next week. And then you’ll be able to know, okay, this is my working weight and Hey, this is then my goal for the next, you know, X amount of months going forward.

[00:45:58] Kelsey Lensman: So just like I said, when you start and if it’s really easy or if you’re like, okay, you know what? I could go a little bit heavier. Great. That’s a goal for next week and just take note of that and then implement that for the following week.

[00:46:10] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And just, and just as a little side note too, like if you are not lifting weights that weigh at least as much as your purse or your, or possibly your child, like reevaluate.

[00:46:22] Jenny Swisher: Re evaluate. I know you carried that. I mean, I carried my seven year old up the stairs the other day and I was like, that might be the last time that ever happens. I thought my back was going to break. Um, but you know, like we, we do this as women, like we literally carry handbags larger than life. And then we turn around and, you know, we’re in a workout class and we pick up threes or something.

[00:46:39] Jenny Swisher: And you’re like, wait a minute. I mean, it might make sense for like a bar workout or something, but you know, a lot of times I know when I was training in the gym, when we owned a gym and I was training women, so many women would, would hesitate and go for the lighter. The lighter weights like I had women using threes, fives, eights for a lot of things, even squats, you know, and you have to really say like no, I really think you can go up and wait.

[00:46:59] Jenny Swisher: So I would encourage you guys, you know, once you feel like the form your form and technique is really solid. Go up in the weights. Like it’s, to me, you know, this is a journey. This is not like, I’m not trying to get you guys results in 21 days or 30. It’s not a before and after photo situation. It is how, how do we build muscle, get stronger, reach that maximum energy and work with our physiology.

[00:47:21] Jenny Swisher: That’s what it is for me. And so I really feel like. If that first month, if you’re new to exercise and that first month, you’re like, I don’t know, I’m, you know, I’m going to follow Kelsey’s form and technique videos, but I’m a little nervous. Then do the lightweights for the first month, just get the hang of the movement or do it without weights.

[00:47:37] Jenny Swisher: And she’s going to guide you through that too. We’ve had conversations about range of motion and all the things. But do that. And then in the second month, really kind of challenge yourself and say, like, could I swap more? Right. So, okay. Uh, Aaron says, can you maybe add a video or tips, tricks on improving grip strength and forearm strength?

[00:47:52] Jenny Swisher: This has been a hurdle for some of my clients progressing to heavier weights over time. I’ve experienced this too.

[00:47:58] Kelsey Lensman: Yeah. Yeah. I can, I can make a few videos on the air and I’ll say too, um, there are exercises that you can do and obviously like different tips and tricks with it. Um, but yeah, And this is going to sound very black and white, but honestly, just getting used to holding heavier weight and allowing that to be a limiting factor initially, that will get stronger.

[00:48:15] Kelsey Lensman: So I’ll give you some tips and tricks and ideas on exercises. Um, but I’ll also, I say, if you’re like me and my grips, a limiting factor, that’s okay, just keep lifting that weight and it will get stronger over time. Um, and that also is a black and white answer, but it helps too at the end of the day, but I’ll, I’ll put the video together for you.

[00:48:33] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, so this is a total side tangent. But I want to just mention it because Kelsey and I were just chatting about functional neurology. Like I said, it’s completely, this is left field. But I’ve been working with this functional neurologist. I just saw her today. I’m going to have her on the podcast soon.

[00:48:47] Jenny Swisher: And she, she actually has been giving me these really weird exercises to do that are actually training the brain. And we’ve done things from, she spends an umbrella and I have to stare at a certain place on the umbrella and it’s supposed to like reset the midbrain. Right. And then she does different things where she hits me with her thumbs and it’s working with my prefrontal cortex and all these crazy things that are just, they probably sound.

[00:49:09] Jenny Swisher: But the one thing we’ve been working on is grip strength, and we’ve been doing it from the opposite angle of brain versus like hand and grip, which is really interesting. So I may ask her about that on the podcast too, because she’s got these little, like, they look like, uh, you know, like the little nozzle on the water hose.

[00:49:27] Jenny Swisher: It’s kind of what they look like, you know, like when you squeeze the nozzle and I have to squeeze the nozzle, but I have to do it in certain ways that target different aspects of my brain too. So it’s really, really interesting. So I, I might ask her that question too, on the podcast, because it’s always, it’s not just like forearm strength.

[00:49:42] Jenny Swisher: Sometimes, sometimes it really is more about that brain connection too. So. Cool. All right. Any final questions, you guys, before we wrap it up? It sounds like we’ve kept Kelsey up. I love that you have a bedtime alarm. I need to learn from you.

[00:49:53] Kelsey Lensman: Oh, my computer shuts down everything at night. It’s like, all right, get your butt to bed.

[00:49:57] Kelsey Lensman: No more on your computer after this. If I had that, I would snooze

[00:50:01] Jenny Swisher: it. Just like,

[00:50:02] Kelsey Lensman: I would

[00:50:03] Jenny Swisher: just snooze it. All right, cool. Well, I think we’ve covered so much. And like I said, you guys, I know there are people listening to this who are like, what about me? I, you know, I don’t, I have a 40 day cycle or I. I’m in perimenopause and it’s unpredictable, or I’m in menopause and I wish I had known this earlier, whatever the case is, and I just, I just want you guys to know that, that, like I said, you can’t mess this up, because.

[00:50:26] Jenny Swisher: If, you know, if my mom was an exercise, which I wish she was right, like in her seventies, I’d be like, this is for you. This is for you. And if I said, if I had a teenage daughter, my, my daughters are only three and seven, but if, if they were 13 or 14, and they wanted to work out, I’d be like, this workout is for you.

[00:50:40] Jenny Swisher: This, this program is designed for women by women. Using science done on women. And I think that’s at the end of the day, that’s what you guys need. And so it’s not about like, Oh crap, what do I do? Like I didn’t ovulate this month or what, like you’re still doing the workouts that you should be doing as it pertains to fitness.

[00:50:57] Jenny Swisher: And it’s like I said, the fitness is always the icing on the cake. It’s not, it’s not the core foundation. It’s just a piece. So I think we’re doing this well, I think we’re doing this well. I’m super excited about it. We’re launching this in May. Sync certified coaches will have access to a sample in April.

[00:51:12] Jenny Swisher: Um, and then hopefully I’ll be able to distribute that elsewhere here in the group too for you guys to try. Um, but yeah, if you guys have any questions for me or for Kelsey, she’s in our Sync group. So feel free, I don’t want to like bombard you, but feel free to tag her or myself with questions. We’ll go live again as we get closer to the launch date.

[00:51:29] Jenny Swisher: And we’ll have all those details for you as it gets closer. But thank you, Kelsey, so much for doing this with us. I’m excited to just work with you and to, to really launch this into the universe. I think this is so needed and I’m excited to do it with you.

[00:51:42] Kelsey Lensman: No, I’m excited. Thank you, Jenny. Thank you for everybody that are joining in, whether you are at nine 30, my time or any time.

[00:51:47] Kelsey Lensman: I appreciate you guys this time. And I’m excited to keep digging in with you guys.

[00:51:51] Jenny Swisher: Sounds good. All right, you guys, well, we will talk again next week. Um, I’ll be live in here Monday night until then have a great week. And we’ll talk soon.

[00:51:58] Kelsey Lensman: Bye everybody.

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