A Sneak Peek Into the SYNC Certified Coaching Mentorship, featuring Tori Stauffer

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #205!

In this episode, we share a behind-the-scenes look at what it means to be part of our SYNC Certified Coaching mentorship program. Part of becoming SYNC Certified is having access to a private mentorship through which we offer guest speakers, affiliate opportunities, and business advice as it pertains to niching down into hormone health. In this episode, Tori Stauffer leads the way with her expertise in branding and marketing.

Tori Stauffer is a Branding Photographer for Coaches and Entrepreneurs. With over 12 years of experience in the industry, she has won many awards and worked with celebrities, top business and lifestyle coaches, CEOs, authors, entrepreneurs, and more. Tori‘s unique approach to brand photography focuses on creating stunning and strategic imagery to grow your audience and create meaningful content that will convert them into clients. 

To learn more about the SYNC Certification, click here.

To learn more about brand building, reach out to me directly via social media @JennySwisher and I can set you up with a free call!

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out jennyswisher.com


[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today, we’re going to give you a little bit of a look into what it looks like to be part of my SYNC certified coaching mentorship program. I offer weekly calls and constant correspondence to my SYNC certified coaches and affiliates. And this is a call that we did with a special friend of mine who came on to talk to us about personal branding and niching down into hormone health.

[00:01:20] Jenny Swisher: If you are a health and wellness coach of any kind, if you’re looking to really learn more about cycle syncing and hormone health and how to help other people with that. This is going to be a great episode for you to learn about what this really looks like for our program. So without further ado, let’s listen to the call.

[00:01:35] Jenny Swisher (2): Perfect. All right, ladies. Well, welcome to our weekly sync certified coaching call this week. We have a super awesome guest with us, Tori. She and I had a chance to connect a couple of weeks ago. I know we had to reschedule this. Um, but when we met the first time I was excited to bring her to you, we were actually going to originally just meet to talk about her being a podcast guest.

[00:01:55] Jenny Swisher (2): And when she started talking about how she helps people niche down their businesses and personal branding, I thought. Well, maybe we could do this, you know, both a podcast recording and sort of a call where you guys can ask questions and, and hear what she has to say, since that’s what we are all doing as well.

[00:02:09] Jenny Swisher (2): So we’re, that’s what we’re doing here we’re using this as a great way for you guys to learn from someone who’s, who’s doing the same thing and not me, not always me. So Tori, welcome to our call. We do these calls weekly, just as checkpoints, sort of business mentorship calls. Um, for these women who have taken my course and gotten certified in my, my SYNC program.

[00:02:31] Jenny Swisher (2): And I would say majority, if not all of them are already health coaches. They’re already, you know, branded, they’ve already branded themselves in some way, as health coaches, but now they’re really niching down into helping serve women when it comes to their hormone health. So I’ll let you just sort of kick us off with telling us who you are and more about your story.

[00:02:51] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah. Hi, I’m Tori. I, uh. Hi, I’m Tori. I am a branding photographer and marketing strategist. I help businesses show up and get seen. I am a big believer that the more you show yourself and are kind of authentically you in your business, the more leads you will generate, the more conversions you will have, and the bigger your business will grow.

[00:03:14] Jenny Swisher (2): I’ve been a photographer for about 12 years now. And I got my start in family and newborn and maternity and rebranded myself a few times and then started helping other photographers develop their brand and find their niche market, find their dream client. All of those good things. And then it kind of evolved into this being my business and my passion.

[00:03:38] Jenny Swisher (2): So I love getting to put the two things together, and I’m very excited to be here. Awesome. So, you know, I, I don’t know if you want me to just let this be an open forum where everybody can ask questions, or if you’d like to just start us off with. Maybe what you’ve learned has been the most important aspects or pieces to, um, developing a personal brand and really niching down.

[00:04:00] Jenny Swisher (2): We’ll start there and then maybe open it up for questions. Yeah, honestly, the biggest part is being the real version of you. Um, for me, for a long time, I loved to show that I was all put together, my jacket, my whatever. But there are days I leave my house, and I look like I got attacked by a flock of seagulls.

[00:04:23] Jenny Swisher (2): And when I started showing up as that person in my business, and started showing My faults and my flaws and my moments of where I could grow and showing people that I go through their journey to, um, the more I started resonating with people, um, I do find that the more I show up, uh, The more the more comes in.

[00:04:48] Jenny Swisher (2): It’s easy to get busy in your business. It’s easy to let the desk work and the all the other things go. But I really truly believe that. And I’m sure you ladies all know that showing up and especially on social media as as the different platforms, is super, super important. Yeah, I think I loved what you just said about the busyness aspect of things.

[00:05:11] Jenny Swisher (2): I think we can get really, it’s really easy to spend hours in Canva or creating a carousel or whatever. And then you’re like, wait a minute, did that really, you know, serve a purpose as far as me reaching more people necessarily? Or was it a really big time suck for an hour? And we are all guilty of it.

[00:05:29] Jenny Swisher (2): And they say, what is it done is done. Better than perfect, right? How long are you going to spend on it and does that? Here’s one of the interesting things I learned in photography that really, really got me. I spent so much, so much, so much time on perfecting my craft, which is great. People can tell the difference between.

[00:05:48] Jenny Swisher (2): If you are a good and a great photographer, people cannot tell the difference between a great and a phenomenal photographer, and I’m sure it’s true in any business, is that that initial differentiation is important, but those last few bits that take you so much time sometimes aren’t worth the squeeze.

[00:06:07] Jenny Swisher (2): I Think my father in law has said this before. He’s like, do you know the difference between a student who graduated from medical school with a D versus a student that graduated from medical school with an A and we were, you know, you’re like what? And he’s like, they’re both doctors.

[00:06:23] Jenny Swisher (2): I’m not sure that’s reassuring, but anyway, you know, it’s so true though. I mean, and I do think women in particular become so. I mean, I guess entrapped in like the perfection gap. I think John Maxwell calls it the perfection gap of just feeling like we need to be, you know, everything has to be perfect and all of our ducks in a row in order to act or in order to move forward.

[00:06:45] Jenny Swisher (2): And I see it holding a lot of people back, like, because they don’t know the perfect tagline or they don’t know the, you know, what should my logo be? Or what should my, my brand name be? Or what should my opt in be? Or what should I give away or what? Like they don’t know. And they get hung up on that. And therefore they don’t move forward as opposed to just choosing something and you can always change your mind later You know, there’s a few hacks that I do that make it easier First of all, I I don’t want to sound like uh, you know, I know we hear this all the time But I think as women especially it’s really hard because not only do we feel like we have to show up perfectly in our business We have to show up And we hold ourselves accountable to show up in all of the places, all of the time, at our peak.

[00:07:25] Jenny Swisher (2): And that’s just not realistic. And so when you’re trying to be the best mom and the best wife and have, uh, you know, a nice house that looks clean and tidy and run a business, like it is, it burns you out. And it will, you know, and I’m a big believer in seasons, you know, sometimes I’m killing it as a mom.

[00:07:44] Jenny Swisher (2): And my business has to take a little bit of a Of a pause or a backseat to things and sometimes my business is booming and my husband is running the show at home And that’s okay and giving ourselves permission to do that But my my number one thing that makes it all easier is to really Have a very clear dream client customer avatar, whatever you want to call it.

[00:08:09] Really knowing that person inside and out and all of my marketing, every single thing I put out there, every single thing I do, every decision I make for my business is with that one person in mind. And it makes it less overwhelming. Like, what should I do? I just have to stop and be like, well, what was she, what, what would she want to see or what would resonate with her?

[00:08:29] Jenny Swisher (2): And it makes all of those choices so easy and go so much faster. It’s a, it’s a process to go through if you haven’t already done it. But it really hones in everything that you’re doing. Yeah, I remember doing that early on in my network marketing business. I heard about like creating an avatar and having an avatar for so long.

[00:08:47] Jenny Swisher (2): It wasn’t until probably the 70th time I heard it that I was like, yeah, I should, I should consider doing that. I did a workshop with Chalene Johnson one time and I forget how she worded it. But basically she was like, well, what customer do you currently have that is just amazing to work with? Like,

[00:09:05] Jenny Swisher (2): who do you already feel like is your ideal coach or customer or whatever? And for me, At that time, I had a health coach on my team who was just self motivated, showing up, you know, to everything, coming to the events, plugged in, like, aiming for her business goals, like, and she was also just fun to be around, like, fun to coach, fun to, fun to be friends with, and I was like, that’s, that’s the person, like, I already have Her on my team.

[00:09:28] Jenny Swisher (2): Um, and so it was easy for me to say, okay, now all of my messaging when it comes to my social media, when it comes to my email marketing, I’m going to write it as if I was writing Abby as if I was sending Abby a message or I was inviting Abby to join. And so when I started thinking about that, it became, okay, like.

[00:09:48] Jenny Swisher (2): Now it’s more clear, you know, as opposed to just who wants to join this group or here’s my theme of the month. Are you interested? You know, instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall, it was kind of like, okay, now I’m directing my. My messaging toward this one person. Yeah. And it, it helps you create themes for the month too.

[00:10:04] Jenny Swisher (2): You’re like, is that, would that resonate with her? No, that wouldn’t even fit. And people get, people resist it. Cause they’re like, well, I don’t want to not have other clients. And it’s like, no, no. Like it, it doesn’t work that way. You’re going to still attract other people, but you’re going to attract people who are in line with what you want to be doing, because how many times do we get so wrapped up in just bringing an income to bring an income and we’re doing stuff we hate doing.

[00:10:28] Jenny Swisher (2): And then we get like, that’s when you get burned out when you’re doing what you love. Oh my gosh, time flies. It’s so easy. It just flows. Right. Yeah. The word that I, that I use often with these ladies when it comes to like hormone health is the word misalignment. Right. And so I think it’s also important.

[00:10:45] Jenny Swisher (2): We have to have that alignment and. And what we’re doing, like, do we feel passionate about it? Do we feel like, you know, are you excited to do it every day? Because if not, that’s where we can, we can absolutely burn out. So what questions do you guys have for Tori? Or what, what, what would you like to hear more about?

[00:10:58] Jenny Swisher (2): I mean, I’d love to hear, we’ve talked about Avatar, but there’s so much more in the world of just, I Isolating your brand, you know, like, I don’t know where you guys are on the spectrum of like your knowledge and like what you’re doing currently. Well, one thing that I let’s start here and then I’ll let them start asking questions.

[00:11:15] Jenny Swisher (2): I know we mutually work with brand builders group and brand builders is really good with like teaching this, this idea of understanding what the problem is that you solve. And this isn’t the first time I’ve shared this with them, but. That really, like, it’s not a quick answer. Like, I know for me, it took a three day weekend workshop for me to finally figure out what problem I solved.

[00:11:37] Jenny Swisher (2): Like, it was, I needed to figure out what is, what is the problem that I solve in one word? In one word, what, what do I solve, right? And I would advise you guys to think beyond just general terms, right? Like, it’s not like you’re solving obesity necessarily or some, some like world. Issue it’s I would think smaller, like, what is this?

[00:11:57] Jenny Swisher (2): The one small problem that I serve and then how do you uniquely solve it? Because there are people out there and I’ve again, I’ve heard Shaleen say this and others. Who who they what keeps them from starting their business or moving forward in their business is because they think, well, everybody’s already done this before or before.

[00:12:16] Jenny Swisher (2): Right and the thing is, they have so that there are people who’ve done it before, but the difference is, is that no 1 has done it the way you will do it. And so that’s where you have to figure out, like, I could easily have been like, I’m not a hormone health expert, like, I don’t have, at the time that I launched my course, I didn’t even, I didn’t have my practitioner license.

[00:12:33] Jenny Swisher (2): It was just, this is what I know about from my own personal experience. And you guys joined that because you resonated with my story, you resonated with what I was teaching. And most likely there’s a whole world of people on Instagram doing hormone health and that has, you know, people who have courses and doctors and books and all the things.

[00:12:49] Jenny Swisher (2): So I really think it does come down to what is that problem that you uniquely solve and how do you uniquely solve it? So I would love your perspective on that, Tori, and then we’ll kind of open it up. Yeah, so I think the more you can tap into the emotion and the underlying need, right? There’s a want and there’s a need.

[00:13:07] Jenny Swisher (2): What they say they want. is not their true why, right? So you gotta, I like to ask three to five why’s. Like, so can you give me an example of someone, uh, like a problem? So what, like, what is your client’s problem that they’re wanting to solve? Like, I need to, blah blah blah blah blah. Um, I would say, just because I’m personally going through this, and this is the conversation I’m having with so many women, is like, how do I solve the problem of what I was once doing is no longer working, and I have this unexplained weight gain I’m carrying around, and I can’t figure out Like where I’m going to actually put the pieces together to feel good again.

[00:13:56] Jenny Swisher (2): Um, I would say that’s a big problem Yeah, so a lot of people will look at that problem and say I want to lose weight Right. And so my first thing is why? So think about your customer avatar. And as if you’re like, she’s sitting next to you. Can I side note really quick? My other big belief, especially in the coaching industry, is that our ideal client is a past version of ourselves is that we are where we are and we’re bringing people to where we’re at.

[00:14:28] Jenny Swisher (2): And it makes sense too, right? Because what mentors are you interested in? They’re, they’re ones that have what you want. So. That’s the first thing. But think about as if your dream client was sitting right next to you and says, I want to lose weight. Why? What would she say? Because I don’t feel confident in myself anymore.

[00:14:52] Jenny Swisher (2): Why?

[00:14:56] Jenny Swisher (2): Because I’ve let like,

[00:15:01] Jenny Swisher (2): because I’ve let like the physical component to my wellness dictate how I feel for way too long and I want to get out of that cycle. Why?

[00:15:14] Jenny Swisher (2): Because I don’t deserve to be attached to this narrative anymore, and I know that, like, my self worth has to be attached to so much more than, like, what my physical body is doing. Right, so then it would be more of a That’s kind of where you’re, where you’re looking at it. So a lot of times it’s, you know, people want to be able to show up with their family in a different way, or they, like, they can’t get on the floor and play with their kids anymore, or things like that.

[00:15:45] Jenny Swisher (2): And so digging in and finding those little underlying whys is a great way to start digging into the problem. And, and that’s when like copy becomes easier to write, right? Because then you’re like, you ask the question, and they’re like, The person’s reading your page or like your instagram or whatever it is and they’re like, oh my gosh, she’s in my brain Oh my gosh And so you ask the question then you talk about how you solve that problem And that’s when you really develop your uniqueness is that i’m not targeting weight loss I’m targeting you don’t feel right because these underlying issues and a lot of the times with hormones People don’t even know that their issue is hormones.

[00:16:26] Jenny Swisher (2): They’re come they they see something about weight loss And that’s what they’re really looking for, but then you start talking about the underlying stuff and the underlying hormones or gut health or whatever it is, and then they’re like, their, their interest is piqued, so the more you point out their problems to them and then kind of show them things that you do to solve it.

[00:16:48] Jenny Swisher (2): That’s how you hook them. Yeah. In the least sleazy way possible. Yeah. I love that. I think, you know, for me, the common thing or the common theme, especially in women’s health, and even in my own life is just this idea of weight loss, right? Like wanting to just feel good and confident in your own skin, which I believe in the power of, right?

[00:17:08] Jenny Swisher (2): Like I feel like, you know, strong body, strong mind, it’s all connected, but I’ve really wanted to dig into how do I get beyond this idea of Before and after photos are focusing so much on the physical when that’s not actually what I want women to harness or look at or want to nurture the most, but it’s this interesting dynamic sometimes in the wellness space that’s just, it’s really helpful to talk through kind of, again, the depth of, I want to lose the weight.

[00:17:39] Jenny Swisher (2): Well, what does that actually look like? What does that feel like? What does that mean? Well, and it’s hard, too, because so many of those before and after photos also are now giving that feeling of, I’m not okay now. Yeah, totally. Part of it is feeling like you’re worthy now and you’re good now. You just want to do better.

[00:17:57] Jenny Swisher (2): Right. Well, the other thing I would say, too, is just, um, thinking about that avatar, right? You said weight loss, but then she asked you the question, why? And your next answer was Because they just don’t feel confident in themselves anymore or whatever. But there’s another why. Why don’t you feel confident anymore?

[00:18:17] Jenny Swisher (2): Right. But I would also ask the question of like, what is, like, if confidence, the word confidence came up. So it made me think of like, okay, well, what is that person feeling? Like, what they need and what they think they need is different from what they’re feeling. Right. So weight loss is what they need and that’s what they think they need.

[00:18:37] Jenny Swisher (2): Right. So the surface level marketing approach to that need would be weight loss. Like who, you know, who wants to join my group? I’m helping women lose weight. Right. But that’s, it’s too shallow. It’s where you go deeper on the question of, okay, you’re struggling with confidence. Like. You know, are you struggling in your relationship?

[00:18:55] Jenny Swisher (2): Are you struggling? Um, because you’re wearing all the hats, you know, and you’re, you’re everything for everybody, but you like, we’ve got to go deeper. And then I think I agree with what Tori said to like, that changes your language and your messaging to be more connecting for people because then they’re like, oh, my gosh, she’s totally in my head.

[00:19:12] Jenny Swisher (2): I mean, I, I, I get that all the time with if I talk about things like, Okay. The check, your check engine light is flashing or, you know, you feel like your energy is off. People will reach out to me and they’re like, it feels like you’re talking to me. Like, that’s what I’m, that’s what I’m, you know, so, um, I like that idea of thinking, maybe even writing down on paper, what does my person, what does my avatar need?

[00:19:34] Jenny Swisher (2): What does she think she need? What does she think she needs? And then how is she feeling because those are, what does she actually need? Yeah, like that’s the difference too, right? It’s like she thinks she needs to lose Weight and you’re like girl your hormones are out of whack, you know Like and again if you have somebody coming to you looking for a hormone stuff that’s sold done easy It’s the person who is not easy.

[00:20:00] Jenny Swisher (2): I don’t mean it like that I’m not trying to be but it’s the person who’s looking for things that they don’t realize hormones are the solution That’s where the gold mine It’s when you can start opening that up. That’s everybody. That’s all of us. Everybody over, what, 30? It’s like a, you know.

[00:20:17] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, so true. And, and talking in, um, we had a, a speaker this year at our network marketing convention that talked about storytelling. Feels like that’s like a common theme, you know, like using stories to connect with people, whether that’s your own stories or. Or whatever. If you have not read StoryBrand, grab it.

[00:20:33] Jenny Swisher (2): It is awesome. It is so awesome. Yes, Kendra Hall has a Stories book. Uh, StoryBrand is good. There’s, there’s lots of good stuff out there. But I mean, I know for me, the, the messaging that resonates the most for me personally is when I, when I share stories or when I can really dig deeper at like what that person’s internally struggling with.

[00:20:53] Jenny Swisher (2): Do you guys mostly do on social media? Do you have a website? How what’s your setup for kind of conversions? And for I would say most of them are dominantly social media. You know, most of us are they we came into this with a background in network marketing. So it was very much focused on relationship building and through direct messenger and social media branding.

[00:21:17] Jenny Swisher (2): And I’m encouraging them to have more of like a fuller marketing presence through email marketing opt ins. Website, et cetera. And here’s why. You don’t own your social media. Somebody else owns your social media and is in control of who it gets in front of. And email is 100 percent in your control, how you get in front of them.

[00:21:40] Jenny Swisher (2): One of the things I recommend is developing three to five pain points for your clients. For your you know your customer avatar and hashing them out think them through What is the experience for that client? How do you solve that problem and and post those questions post those pain points? Um, I have a very easy , I don’t know how you, you guys do social media, but I have an easy thing where like you have content pillars and every single post has to fit into one of your content pillars and you just make it a Monday I post this, Tuesday I post this, Wednesday, and it’s just like easy, no brainer, I sit one night a month and then just fill up my sheet on what I’m going to post and it’s just, it’s so much easier that way, but pain points is going to be huge.

[00:22:30] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, I think that’s a great sort of take home act, you know, exercise for these ladies too is. jot down the pain points? Like what are the true pain points that your person is struggling with? And then that does become your, your social media content. And you guys have a social media plan or is everybody kind of on their own?

[00:22:48] Jenny Swisher (2): Everybody’s on their own. Yeah. Yeah. Is anyone interested in me speaking to that really quickly? Sure, yeah, go for it. So, I would do four to five content pillars. So, one could be, client success stories or testimonials. You get a review, you can pull three quotes out of each review. Easy. Um, I would do a pain point.

[00:23:13] Jenny Swisher (2): Um, I would do maybe a feature of like a hormone. Like, can you give me a sample of something that you guys sell?

[00:23:25] Jenny Swisher (2): So these ladies are my certified coaches that are selling my like the sync digital course. Um, we have the court, we have courses, we have saliva microscope, we have, um, so what would be like one of the courses, the primary course is all about just, you know, finding a functional wellness journey and cycle syncing.

[00:23:45] Jenny Swisher (2): So ultimately they are out advocating for other women to become their own best advocate and learn about their bodies to become more hormone literate. And to join this course so that they know how to find the right doctor, what questions to ask, what testing to get. And so they can start to make progress on reaching them, reaching their maximum energy.

[00:24:03] Jenny Swisher (2): So maybe one of your content pillars is functional medicine and talk about, um, You know, it’s a lot of people don’t know anything about it. And so talking about the benefits of functional one, one day a week, you talk about functional medicine versus, you know, what everybody else is used to and the benefits of that, um, when you talk about cycle syncing, like things like that, just, you know, one day a week, pick something that really resonates with you and what you’re doing.

[00:24:31] Jenny Swisher (2): And just post, and you do a tiny little post. It doesn’t have to be like a whole big drawn out thing. It can be like a statistic, you know, but make it easy. Yeah, I like that. And I like what you’ve said a couple of times about the fact that, and you’re so, it’s so true. Like most women don’t realize that the issue they’re dealing with is related to their hormones.

[00:24:52] Jenny Swisher (2): So when we go straight into the hormone conversation, it’s just, this, this doesn’t apply to me, right? Or figure even when I’m 40, it’s not, I don’t have a problem with my hormones. Right. Or they’re on oral contraceptives or they are, or they are, I hate to say it this way, but they’re falling victim to society’s terminology for whatever they do have, right?

[00:25:14] Jenny Swisher (2): Like, well, I don’t think your course will help me because I have PCOS or I don’t think your course will help me because I have this. And then it’s when you finally start to tell them like, well, those issues are not root cause issues. Like, have you ever thought about looking at lifestyle factors that play a role in those?

[00:25:28] Jenny Swisher (2): That they’re like, what? Like, they don’t realize that they have control over their health in a lot of ways. So, I totally agree with you that if I, if I was out only talking about hormones. Like if I was, you know, Sarah Gottfried, for example, she’s, if you think about her, these ladies know who she is, right?

[00:25:44] Jenny Swisher (2): Like she, she’s one of the big gurus and hormone health doctor. Her posts are about estrogen, thyroid, whatever, but she’s actually like, if you know her, her avatar is actually medical practitioners, functional practitioners, people who follow her are doctors or people who are very in tune with hormone health to know what she’s talking about, she’s not trying to appeal to the average.

[00:26:10] Jenny Swisher (2): And so we, when we try to copy that, right, it’s weird because then we’re falling on deaf ears because people are like, what, what is she even talking about? So I like that you mentioned that because I think it brings it home to what are the things people are struggling with and how can I help them make the connection to hormones?

[00:26:28] Jenny Swisher (2): Well, when you said something, you brought up something, you started listing out all kinds of objections. Make that one day. Like, oh, PCOS. Have you thought about bop bop bop bop bop bop bop? Like, think about the things that, you know, and get in front of the objection. Before, like, you know that this is what they’re gonna say, squash it before it happens, or do like a myth day, like myth and fact.

[00:26:55] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, I like that. I like that for sure. Okay guys, what questions do you have, or what else would you like Tori to touch on? If you don’t mind, Tori, I’d love your feedback on Just kind of growth strategies, right? I would say, you know, one of the hardest pieces for me when it comes to just building a business and a brand online is growth, right?

[00:27:17] Jenny Swisher (2): Getting people on an email list, getting in front of more eyes, you know, creating content that actually gets shared, pushed, etc. Um, that’s been Probably the biggest hurdle for me, and it remains something that I’m continually trying to, you know, work on. So I’d love your feedback on just any growth strategies that have really helped you.

[00:27:36] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, so what platform are you on mostly? I’m on Instagram the most. How is your Reels game? Um, I mean, it can range, it’s only in a couple hundred. Like, 1, 500 on this account. Like, how many, how many do you post a week? I post about five times a week, four to five times a week. I take the weekends off personally, um, just for my own mental health.

[00:28:01] Jenny Swisher (2): Um, so four to five times a week and usually two to three of those posts are reels. Okay, that’s good. So they say three, three reels a week, three to five reels a week is what you will start seeing real growth with. Um, how long are your reels usually? Well, usually between six to 15 seconds most of the time.

[00:28:23] Jenny Swisher (2): Sometimes they’re longer if I’m telling a story, but usually they’re pretty quick. That’s good. That’s good to break it up too. It’s good to have some longer and some shorter. Uh, what is your, what is your content that you’re doing? I mean, most of what I’m doing right now is just centered around women’s health, like just women’s health education, everything from hormone health to fitness to nutrition, like just really educating women more on.

[00:28:47] Jenny Swisher (2): Just kind of the insight out of getting to know what your body needs as your health is evolving over time. Uh, are you using are you doing the like trending audios? Trying to play with those. Yes, but i’m finding most of the time. I find that when I find them It’s like a lot of people have already found them by then.

[00:29:11] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, see what I do. I literally will go in and It is I’m gonna just click on one to get it going. Okay, so you, you know the arrow thing, right? So I, you can just, you can check by trending now. There’s like a little you can, as if it was the artist, you can click on trending and it’ll start showing you trending ones.

[00:29:35] Jenny Swisher (2): And I look for anything that’s under 10, 000. Uh, that’s, that’s a good one to go with. Um, the other thing is the text on, are you building it in Reels or on something else? I build them in Reels. Are you building it in Instagram? Faster for me. What? Yeah, in Instagram Reels. That’s good. In Instagram Reels. SEO does matter in Instagram, so using keywords in your actual text on the screen and then in your caption is important, um, but try hook lines, try different things.

[00:30:12] Jenny Swisher (2): Do you, do you look to see what is Um, like what’s performing, what kinds of posts are performing better than others? I mean, a little bit, but my, like I said, my, because I have a smaller audience and because I haven’t had a lot of growth really on any one specific post, it’s hard for me to gauge. So I would try that strategy of come up with four to five things you do each day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, if you post five days a week, that’s perfect.

[00:30:46] Jenny Swisher (2): And each day is something different. And you do that every single week. So what I found was. I was posting client pictures. I’m a photographer. Oh, look at my beautiful pictures. Don’t you want to see my pictures? Nope. The things that do the best are my Tuesday tips. When I do, um, I do like posing tips and branding tips and things like that.

[00:31:05] Jenny Swisher (2): Those kill it. I stop and when I show up, it does better than when I post client photos. So as weird as it feels, I don’t post client photos anymore. So I let it tell me what is. That’s what I need to be pushing. So if you start doing really shake it up, maybe do something. Don’t do anything that’s like outside your, uh, comfort zone, but there’s a lot of trending audio that’s like, it’s somebody talking, right?

[00:31:37] Jenny Swisher (2): Grab that and do that and try and find, you know, do one day a week that you do that. You know, switch it up. Do one day where you feature something and, and, and let, see what happens. Start, start paying attention to it. And then that’s what you lean into. Um, but it, unfortunately, how long have you been doing it now?

[00:31:58] Jenny Swisher (2): Like how long have you been coaching? I’ve been, so this, so I’ve been coaching for seven years, but I started this new account this year. Okay. Um, so yeah, I, again, growth in general has been a pain point hard for me. Are you, okay this is the branding photographer side of me, do you have professional images mixed in with everyday images?

[00:32:28] Jenny Swisher (2): I do have some, yeah. Okay, I think that’s really important too because I think when everything’s iPhone, it can look very amateur. When you mix in, look I spent money on myself and I did this and I’m serious. And it becomes that, that what can look amateur now looks like behind the scenes and we’re having a one on one.

[00:32:49] Jenny Swisher (2): It sounds like you’re doing a lot of the right things and that probably isn’t what you want to hear. But I would focus on, find five different things that you’re going to do consistently that feel right to you. And and pay attention to which ones are doing well pay attention to some of the trending audio Even if you’re putting an audio trending audio and then you’re like lowering the volume way down and you speak over it It’s just helping you get in front of more people as Instagram comes out with features use them It is they are they are a business.

[00:33:21] Jenny Swisher (2): They are promoting their business You know, and it’s just going to take a couple of things to get a lot of attention for you to start getting that growth and it’ll happen quickly after that, but I mean, stay with it, show up, and then again, pay attention to what’s doing well and do more of it. Yeah, and I would, I would also just say just from knowing Erin, I mean, she’s got a great podcast.

[00:33:47] Jenny Swisher (2): She’s got a great. Um, skill set and communication, just clear communication, you know, creating your own audio and using, or even using your podcast audio would be cool too. Um, yeah, but I think that the, the more you zero in on like this problem that you solve, the more you’re going to attract, because I think right now you are doing, I mean, I love your content because I know because it’s similar to mine and it’s, it’s all in this branded hormone health thing.

[00:34:17] Jenny Swisher (2): But I wonder if the things we’ve already talked about, which is. Instead of headlining with hormone health, we headline with something that attracts the pain point. Yes. The pain point. And then you behind the scenes are connecting that to hormone health for them. Um, and I would do that as like the headline on that cover, right?

[00:34:37] Jenny Swisher (2): So can you give me an example of you’re currently talking about this hormone, but maybe it’s, maybe it’s weight loss. Uh, like, you know, you’re not losing weight and you’ve done all the things. Right. And then it’s like the next thing, you know, then it starts going into, it could be, and you know, then you start talking about the, the different things and you may want to, if you don’t have CapCut, CapCut’s kind of cool too, because you can do like, it’s a, it’s already templated, it’s already made for you and you can just drop in videos.

[00:35:10] Jenny Swisher (2): So if you’re doing one that you want it to look catchy and be like a viral one that gets shared and saved, um, that would be really good too. Can I, can I touch on that really quick? Actually reels three to five a week is what’s gonna drive, right? Cause reels are where you get the new audience from. Um, so if you’re looking for building audience reels, if you’re looking for saves and shares, uh, Like an informational kinds of things.

[00:35:43] Jenny Swisher (2): That’s going to be your carousel posts. So, uh, and then, like, stories are good, but only your current audience sees stories. You don’t get, um, you don’t get a lot of new people seeing stories. They have to already be following you. And then, um, posts are good for likes and saves. So you have to also know what you need.

[00:36:08] Jenny Swisher (2): If you need to be growing your audience, you need to be doing reels all the time. Um, but I like that using those pain points and headlining those instead of, let’s talk about hormones, you’re going to lose so many people because they don’t think it applies to them. Yeah, we did this. We had this local event, um, an indie here a couple months ago, and I talked about branding and stuff.

[00:36:32] Jenny Swisher (2): And, we asked for volunteers. So I said, does anybody we went through this whole workshop and I said, does anybody in the crowd. When a volunteer, I would prefer it be somebody who feels like they have absolutely nothing to offer. They feel like nothing makes them unique. They feel like they’re just talking to stay at home moms.

[00:36:46] Jenny Swisher (2): Like, they feel pretty boring with their, with their messaging. And several hands went up. And so we had two different people come up to the front. And one girl in particular, she was there with her best friend. And she’s like, I just, she’s like, I mean, I like exercise and I like this and that. And I’m a mom, but I’m just kind of boring.

[00:37:03] Jenny Swisher (2): Like, I don’t really have anything that I speak to. And I said, okay, well, you’re friends with you, right? And she’s like, yeah. And so we had her friend come up and I said, okay, so you guys are best friends. I’m like, what, what is she good at? Like, what, what does she not see that. You see, what types of things do her friends and family ask her for where does she excel?

[00:37:24] Jenny Swisher (2): Right? And this, this girl goes, she is so organized. Like her house is organized. Her closet is organized. Her, she lives by her planner. Everything is just to a T. She’s, you know, she’s mastered all these organizational things. And this girl is, she’s so close to her own strength. That she doesn’t even see it, right?

[00:37:43] Jenny Swisher (2): And so, her friend’s like, yeah, that she really crushes it with that. So I’m like, okay, great. , what we did next was I said, does anybody in the audience Struggle with organization. Let’s find her avatar. And so some hands go up.

[00:37:55] Jenny Swisher (2): Right. So I call on some of the names in the audience and they’re like, I said, I want you to tell me what would you love to learn from her? And it really is. I know it sounds silly, but working through that. Asking somebody that, you know, what are my skill sets where, you know, where, where do, what do you see in me that I don’t see asking that question?

[00:38:15] Jenny Swisher (2): And then also asking someone that you doesn’t even have to be your client. It can just be someone that, you know, that struggles with that and asking, what could I create or what could I help build or teach you in that regard? So this one particular woman said, well, I really struggle with this lady in the audience that I really struggle with my morning routine.

[00:38:33] Jenny Swisher (2): Like I wish I could just, if I could get my morning routine down. I would just be crushing it, but I’m just so disorganized. I seem to not be able to do my morning routine. So immediately the girl standing up there with me on stage goes into this, Oh, well you should do this and this and this. And like all, you know, her brain starts exploding because this is where she excels.

[00:38:50] Jenny Swisher (2): So we sent her home that day with the, with the task and the challenge of create a morning routine giveaway. It can be a canvas PDF that takes you 30 minutes to create. It can be a word document. It can be whatever, like build something like that. That is within your wheelhouse and then that’s what you start inviting people to in order to build your email list.

[00:39:10] Jenny Swisher (2): And these ladies have heard me say this a million times because I don’t do reels. I’ve never done one reel. I’ve never done, um, I built my network marketing business on my Facebook warm market alone. Um, and email marketing. And so I’m not somebody that’s going to sit here and tell you that you have to go viral on all these places or you have to have TikTok or you have to have these things.

[00:39:30] Jenny Swisher (2): I really just believe if you can figure out what makes you unique and the problem that you solve and you can create something for that, that builds an email list, that builds trust and connection and relationship. You’re going to be set up for long term success. That doesn’t mean you don’t need a brand on social media.

[00:39:45] Jenny Swisher (2): It doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be to have a presence there. It just means that I think we sometimes put all of our focus into sort of the virality as opposed to the value. Um, so I think, Erin, as you start to really lead with what, you know, the pain points are as opposed to like hormone health and maybe things that people are like, oh, that doesn’t apply to me.

[00:40:07] Jenny Swisher (2): Once you can start speaking into them, that’s going to really help you realize like, oh, this is, this is the pain point that I really can’t solve. Does that make sense? Well, especially going back to it, you don’t own, you own your email, right? They’re your people that you get in front of and that getting a, uh, giveaway, like a lead magnet is such a good idea to do that.

[00:40:33] Jenny Swisher (2): So you could have a quiz that you do of, you know, what is the underlying issue? And that can be a lead magnet that will. Draw them in because they need to get the, you know, they need to get their results and then boom, you have their email. Yeah. And they have all of these ladies have access to, they have an affiliate link for my.

[00:40:53] Jenny Swisher (2): Um, for the sink hormone imbalance quiz. So just a reminder to anybody listening to this recorded to that you guys have affiliate links for different types of opt ins. We have a free virtual summit, which is nine hours of interview content with functional doctors completely free. And you have a link to that so you can build an email list with that.

[00:41:13] Jenny Swisher (2): You can build an email list with the hormone imbalance quiz. Or you can create your own thing. Like, if you feel like you want to create your own thing, like we talked about, you can, you can do that, too. So, uh. But that would be a great one to do once a week as well, is to have a, have a reel. I know you were saying not necessarily.

[00:41:28] Jenny Swisher (2): I know, I need to do them. I do need to do them. Yeah. Well, the nice thing is you can have one of those catchy, reels get seen. That’s why I say that, is reels get in front of more people. Uh, but you could have one of those. Pain points there, and you could just be like, take the quiz, you know, and then have the link and it takes you over and boom, you get an email.

[00:41:51] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, yeah. But that would be great to one day a week focus on email capture. Yeah. And then Erin, I don’t know if you are currently blasting your email list when your podcasts launch. But connecting, yeah, connecting your podcast to the emails as well. And the one thing that I learned a long time ago through different mentors that I thank God for now because people will say to me like, I don’t know how you do it all.

[00:42:18] Jenny Swisher (2): And I say things back to them like, well, I automate so much stuff. Like my email list is automated and You know, when I, when I write a social media post or an invitation post, as we call it in our network marketing land. When I do that on my social media, my assistant takes that same post, plugs it into my monthly newsletter.

[00:42:39] Jenny Swisher (2): It’s the exact same post that it was on my social media with the exact same picture. She puts it into my newsletter. She finds a recipe on the Beachbody blog. And that’s my newsletter. Like, it’s not, it’s not anything fancy. I’m not creating my own recipe. I’m not, um, creating a new email letter in the, you know, in the, in the letterhead piece.

[00:42:57] Jenny Swisher (2): Like, it’s just, it’s, I’m repurposing content. Sometimes my email blast is the podcast. Hey, there’s a new podcast out. Just wanted to touch your, hit your inbox. I just want to hit their inbox where they’re seeing it. I want to stay present in their mind. I want them to see me as a resource in health and wellness, women’s health.

[00:43:14] Jenny Swisher (2): And so I just, that’s, I keep consistent with it. So it’s not a matter of doing it all and like burning yourself to the ground. It’s like, how can you automate, how can you make it easier? How can you let it be passive for you so that you’re still showing up for people and adding value, but you’re not working all the time.

[00:43:29] Jenny Swisher (2): So the, these opt in options are a great, great way to do that, right? Like building. The morning routine type PDF that you give away in exchange for an email. Yeah. So, um, I’m, I’m curious about just when it comes to photos since since photography is sort of your wheelhouse when it comes to photographs, like people sharing on Instagram and social media.

[00:43:53] Jenny Swisher (2): What tips do you have? Because I’ll be honest. I was on social media the other day and I was watching. This woman, um, scrolling through stories and she was, she always is posting workout videos and I want so badly to tell her to not put her, her camera on the floor because, or if you put it on the floor, angle it up so that you are fully in the picture, but you know, she’s on her back doing ab exercises.

[00:44:16] Jenny Swisher (2): There were some views where you’re like, Oh goodness. Like we just need to be careful with where this camera’s going. I would love for you, for you to give us just some tips on. camera angles, how to do the selfie videos, workout videos, like what kind of tips can you give us as it relates to photography?

[00:44:31] Jenny Swisher (2): Uh, whatever is closest to the camera is the biggest. Whatever is closest to the camera is the biggest. So when we sit down, our stomach and our lower body is the biggest. So I always do things where I’ll push back and it’s hard to tell if someone, and you kind of tip forward and bring your face forward, right?

[00:44:50] Jenny Swisher (2): So whatever is close to the camera, I’m going to tip my chair over now though. Um, the other thing is lighting, natural lighting. Is your friend, um, find a, you know, like window. You don’t want real direct light. Um, that’s big. Uh, I finally upgraded my phone. So my camera’s better and it made, I was horrified with what a difference it made.

[00:45:13] Jenny Swisher (2): And I was like, Oh, I don’t look as old now. That’s awesome. Um, yeah, I mean, that that’s my, Oh, and then the, if you are, if we’re doing my biggest tip is called the So everybody hates themselves in pictures. Cause they’re like, the double chin thing, it’s lighting. It’s the light is catching this down here. So the trick, you ready?

[00:45:36] Jenny Swisher (2): You go, you bring your chin out and down and it creates a shadow and then you don’t have the, like that. Wow, that’s, that’s impressive. I like it. Yeah, I always like to say, so my husband has become like a pro photographer with, um, because anytime we’ve been any place and I have him take my, you know, take a picture for my social media or whatever, in the beginning it was like, no, no, no, no, no, he’s six foot four.

[00:46:01] Jenny Swisher (2): And so it was always like these towering photos of him, like above me. And so he’s, you know, now he brings the camera down or we set the camera up more at like eye level. Same thing goes for, um. Like if you’re doing a video, right? Like you want the video, you want the camera to be like angled a little bit down at you and not necessarily looking up your neck.

[00:46:20] Jenny Swisher (2): Right. I see that. So, and it kind of depends, right? So yes, yes, the no. So when I’m doing up close, I’m a curvy girl. So I like my camera up higher cause whatever’s closest to the cameras, the biggest, and then everything else falls off and gets smaller. But when I’m farther away, actually lowering your camera makes you look taller and leaner.

[00:46:40] Jenny Swisher (2): So if you’re, if you’re further away, the other thing I do a lot of times is I literally will flip my camera upside down to take a picture because it does give now not up close on the face up close on the face. I’m a little bit above. But like I said, if I’m full length, I’m actually my cameras more like my, my midsection level.

[00:47:00] Jenny Swisher (2): But still, it’s like I wouldn’t take it like this, it would still be kind of angled like that, if that makes sense.

[00:47:11] Jenny Swisher (2): Yeah, we were with my mom recently, which, um, she’s 76 and we were, it was my oldest daughter and I were with my mom. And it’s always so funny to me how, you know, you’ll be in a group setting or something and everybody wants to take the picture with their phone. So like you have to wait for eight people to take the picture and you’re like, well, you do realize that this is a digital photo so we can, we can send it every, you know, one person could take the picture and send it.

[00:47:33] Jenny Swisher (2): But anyway, um, my mom was like trying to get a picture of, of my daughter. And I said, the easiest way is to just put it on selfie mode, you know? And I think we don’t think about that. Oftentimes, like we think about selfies, but also you can make, people will ask me, they’re like, how do you take your workout videos or how do you take your photo when you’re working out?

[00:47:50] Jenny Swisher (2): And I’m like, I put it on, I turn the camera around, like people don’t realize do that now, but my iPhone 11, man, that selfie. Camera was a good time. The other thing is I don’t know if you guys have them the the ring light that holds the phone. Yep. Oh my gosh. Game changer. Um, and I do it. I’ll use it for me.

[00:48:10] Jenny Swisher (2): I don’t have it now because it’s not the light. It’s not horrible, but I’ll use it for meetings as well. And then there was one other thing that I was going to say that has totally slipped my mind already. Um, I’ll jump in if I think there’s also a camera case. I used to have one. I don’t know. It’s like the Lumi or something.

[00:48:25] Jenny Swisher (2): Um, I think it’s called the Lumi. And it’s a suction cup. No, it has a, um, like the case itself will light up. It’s like a ring light on the phone. So if you, if you’re taking video or photo, you can turn the light on. Oh, here’s the other thing that I recommend doing, but I do, I only look cute one day a week and I shoot.

[00:48:47] Jenny Swisher (2): All of my content on that one day I just bring I’ll come into my studio and I bring five different outfits and I change and it’s like you only have to do it once. Maybe I’ll throw my hair back. I’ll change my jewelry or whatever. But, um, and people like it when I am getting better at it. I’ll batch for like a month.

[00:49:07] Jenny Swisher (2): And I’ll just knock it all out in one day. And then all you have to do is just sit there and have a day where you’re creating everything and then it’s just ready to go. Yeah, organization is so key. All right, you guys. Well, as we wrap this up, what other questions do you have for Tori, this is some good stuff. I mean, I think, you know, like I said earlier, I have to be told the same. I had to be told about avatars for years before I finally was like, okay, I’m going to turn this into a real project for myself. Because as I’ve said so many times, To these ladies when you’re speaking to everyone, you’re essentially speaking to no one.

[00:49:43] Jenny Swisher (2): And so, you know, when, when you, you know, I remember the story of, you know, a long time ago, I heard this somewhere and it’s, I still think about it because it’s like you wouldn’t walk into a bar as a single male or female and say, Hey, who here wants to sleep with me? Right? Like you would just, you would go into the bar and you would make conversation with somebody, you would target that conversation.

[00:50:05] Jenny Swisher (2): And that’s. That’s what I think a lot of social media influencers are doing wrong is, and even network marketers, I’ll be honest, like, I think the reason why network marketing can, can put such a bad taste in people’s mouth is because all of a sudden it’s like, Oh, look what she’s selling. Now, here we go.

[00:50:20] Jenny Swisher (2): Like, you know, now all of a sudden, here’s that, that icky language. And she’s just trying to get anybody to join. And I think when we can really hammer it down to like, Not just healthy desserts, right? Not just, not just what we’re doing, but who we’re serving and that problem. That’s when it’s going to resonate.

[00:50:38] Jenny Swisher (2): I, used to help a lot of women navigate conversations that they would have with people. So they would invite, they would have people interested and then I would help them navigate those conversations.

[00:50:49] Jenny Swisher (2): And nine times out of ten, if a conversation failed and it didn’t move forward, it was because the coach never took the time to understand what the pain point was to begin with. I think we can be eager to jump in and try to like, whether that’s with the course or with a physical product or whatever, um, as opposed to really taking the time to understand that pain point. So what this does. Is it makes your conversations easier because now instead of having to dig for that pain point in a private message from inviting everyone, right?

[00:51:22] Jenny Swisher (2): Now you’ve got this person in your inbox and you’re trying to figure out their pain point. Now you’re targeting the pain point. So when the person does come to you, it’s an immediate yes, right? That’s what you were saying earlier about the people who are already interested in hormone health. They’re an automatic yes, because they already, they already see that value in that.

[00:51:39] Jenny Swisher (2): And so the conversation is a lot easier. The other thing too, is. I see so many people being sleazy on social media because they’re treating it as a sales page and not as a relationship. Your social media is your opportunity to connect with your audience and the people that are successful on social media are the people that are building the relationship.

[00:52:03] Jenny Swisher (2): They’re not looking for the sale. They’re building the relationship.

[00:52:07] Jenny Swisher (2): When you’re posting of what value am I adding? What does this person need? What can I give them? Right? Give, give, give, ask, give, give, give, ask. I would not like, I am to the point where like my mentor is like, you have to sell more on your social media because it’s all about giving and being of value. Yeah, yeah, I couldn’t agree with that more.

[00:52:31] Jenny Swisher (2): I mean, we’ve been, we’ve had a couple of different businesses ask us our opinions on them, establishing affiliate marketing programs and different things. And I, I, I say the same thing over and over again, which is just give, give, give, give, because it will return to you. When you do that, you know, people will say, I can’t believe you run these groups for free on Facebook to teach women about hormone health.

[00:52:54] Jenny Swisher (2): And I’m like, I want them to see the value and I want them to understand why it’s needed, right? Like they have to see that. And I’m not going to be able to do that as easily if everything is sale, sale, sale, right? So giving some information away for free. Showing people, even just little things. Like I always like to say your job as an influencer is really to help people fall in love with you, right?

[00:53:13] Jenny Swisher (2): Like help them fall in love with your journey, help them fall in love with your struggles and what you’re going through and you’re like with me, it’s like, I want to share my kids. I want to, I want to share my family, not a hundred percent, you know, I’m certainly keeping a lot of it for myself, but I also want what my followers to see who I really am.

[00:53:29] Jenny Swisher (2): So let me see the chat. We got so many notes. This was great. These are helpful ideas. Well, thank you, Tori, so much for, um, I would love for you to tell these ladies and all of my listeners where they can find you tell us about your social media.

[00:53:42] Jenny Swisher (2): Where can we go find your amazing photographs and content? Yeah, so, um, my Instagram is at Tori Stauffer Photography. Um, my website is just ToriStauffer. com. Um, but yeah, if you guys want to drop your, uh, accounts or anything in here in the chat, I’d love to follow you.

[00:54:00] Jenny Swisher (2): Sure thing. Alright, guys. Well, thank you guys so much for being on here. Women empowering women is always a great idea, so I love that. But thank you again, Tori, for being here.

[00:54:09] Jenny Swisher (2): Thank you, ladies, for showing up live or recorded and listening and taking notes. If you have any further questions on this, I’m happy to relay them back to Tori, or you can reach out to her directly. Otherwise, I’ll see you guys in the group page. All right. Bye, guys. Thanks. Have a good day. Thanks, guys. Bye bye.


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