Interview with Lifeboost Coffee Founder Dr. Charles Livingston, DOC

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #7! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing Lifeboost Coffee Founder and DOC Dr. Charles Livingston about the benefits of clean coffee. We talk about the difference between traditional store bought coffee versus clean coffee, why the difference matters, and how your choice in coffee bean can affect your hormone health. 

To grab your supply of clean coffee, check out for the very best quality coffee in the world. 

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast. I’m your host, Jenny Swisher, certified personal trainer, nutritionist hormone health expert and girl mom. I believe all women should be able to understand how our bodies are designed to feel. And I teach you how to sync your lifestyle to your cycle to reach maximum energy. You deserve to feel your best and this podcast is going to teach you how. Let’s dive in!

This podcast is sponsored by the SYNC Digital Course, to take the free hormone imbalance quiz to see what your symptoms could mean about your health. Visit That’s sync s y n c dot Jenny

Well, welcome to this edition of the SYNC Your Life Podcast. Today I am joined by my friend, Charles Livingston. He is going to talk to us today a little bit about the concept of clean coffee. He is the founder and CEO of Lifeboost Coffee. He’s also known as Dr. Charles which I love that I know him as Charlie. But Dr. Charles is a board certified chiropractic physician, a certified wellness practitioner and nutrition expert, he received his Doctorate of Chiropractic graduating with honors from the world renowned Palmer College of Chiropractic, he has a very strong passion for helping others to become their best version of themselves to be as healthy as possible. So we definitely have that in common. That has led him on a journey to take a beverage that 50% of the population drinks on a daily basis to make it the healthiest, cleanest, tasty aspersion on the planet. From that Lifeboost Coffee was born Lifeboost tip number 80 on the Inc 5000 for the 5000 fastest growing companies in the US for 2021. And it is still growing. And it’s actually what I have right in front of me today. I have the Highlander Grogg in front of me this morning. It’s my favorite. So yeah, so this makes him the founder of the fastest growing coffee company in the US to date. So I’m so excited that he took the time to be on here with us today, Charlie and I have one major thing in common, which is that we are from the same small hometown. We’re from the same hometown in southeastern Indiana. And that’s how we know each other so. And oddly enough, several years ago, we kind of kept bumping into each other at the grocery store and the local restaurants. And lo and behold, my husband and I build a house in this neighborhood. And his son rings our doorbell on like the second day that we lived here asking if we wanted to buy coffee. And so that’s that’s kind of what brought us sort of reconnected us, I guess you could say, but I’m so glad that he’s taking the time out to talk to us today. Charlie, thanks for being here.

Hey, my pleasure. My pleasure. So you’re

in your office right now I see all the coffee behind you.

I am I am I work from home. So my my little furbabies or I locked him out because they get to be distracting sometimes. But yeah, I mean, I’ve got coffee all over this office just for r&d. And yeah, for sure. Yeah, so

I know not everybody’s gonna be able to see the video. But if you could see us right now both of us are kind of I’ve got my cup of coffee. I’m sure he’s got his coffee is definitely a way of life. For me. It’s something that I was introduced to in my early 20s. I didn’t drink it until I was probably close to 25 years old. My husband was a big fan.

But every time I was 33 Wow.

Yeah. And so I always loved the smell of it. Like I loved walking into coffee shops and smelling it, but I could never get on board with the taste. And eventually I did because eventually, you know adulthood kicks in and you’re like, I need something for a little boost here. Yeah. And so I started drinking it. And I you know, I think in college was the first time I really tried it. And I would have all sorts of issues with like brain fog. Yeah, jitters, anxiety, and I thought it was just me because you know, here I would be with my girlfriends or my sorority sisters at the you know, at the coffee shop and I’m sitting there internally freaking out in like a state of fight or flight. And they’re like, enjoying their cup of coffee. So that was my first inclination sort of self awareness that coffee affected me differently. And I know we were gonna talk about that here in a few minutes. But I want to find out first, if you could just sort of tell our listeners, how did you get started in coffee? Like where are you I know we just introduced you as you know, Doctor of Chiropractic. So tell us a little bit of your background like how did things start for you? Maybe right out of school?

Yeah. So you know, I you know, went to Franklin College and graduated their major biology minor pre med from there and went to chiropractic school and Davenport, Iowa, which is where Palmer College of Chiropractic is which is the first College of Chiropractic in the history of the world, I guess. Right? So went there, you know, graduated got out practice for about five years or so. Literally. Just felt like I had a calling for something bigger than seeing people one on one. I absolutely love it. Seeing so amazing things happen with the health of patients and stuff, but I just felt like I wasn’t being true to who I should be, I guess would be the best way to say it. So, you know, then I knew, you know, best friend since kindergarten, you know, Bradley, Brad, he also went to school with this, you know, he was online and just killing it and was telling me what he was doing. And so I was like, he’s like, come with me, I’ll show you how to do it. So I said, Okay, so I stopped practicing. I went with him. And that’s how my journey into health online started. From there, you know, we started a digital weight loss program that it took a couple years, it was like a two year overnight success, I guess you could say. And then we just finally hit traction, and it took off. And we were on one of the at that time was before Kindle. We were number, you know, one on this platform that was for digital ebooks for a couple years. So that kind of paved the way you know, I’ve got an extensive background in health and nutrition, just from chiropractic school, and all the extra studies that I did. But from there, we started to do something like we took that we iterated into a supplement company. And honestly, doing the supplement company coffee literally just fell in my lap, it was it was one of those things where the more opportunities in the more you put yourself out there, the more opportunities come to you right. And it was kind of a timing thing, then because I was just starting to get into like, the research of coffee and you know, bulletproof coffee had just come out and the whole adding butter to your coffee and I was super fascinated by that. And you know, the the biochemistry and biology behind how that affects your brain health. And it sucked me in and literally a small farm in Nicaragua came to me they were taking my supplements, and they’re like, We love your supplements, will you allow us to put yourself on some of my coffee in our coffee, and I’m like, this would be a terrible idea. Because these are these are liver herbs, right? super bitter that you want to do that. But I like coffee, I’m sorry to get into it, send me some your coffee. And it was the best coffee I’ve ever had in my life. So you know, after doing some research and looking into a deeper, I, you know, I started working with them, and then eventually, you know, branched out on my own. And now I have like four roasters, and that’s kind of how life was was born. And then from there, we just iterated it to figure out why the coffee because I kept getting, like a lot of these things just happened in like, we had to figure out why they were happening. Like, I would start getting testimonials every single day from people drinking coffee, saying, I can’t believe I can actually drink this coffee. I haven’t been able to drink coffee in 20 years. So turns out, we researched the way it was grown. And it was because of the area that was in the way it was grown. It created an extremely low acid coffee. And as people age, they have problems drinking coffee, because it causes heartburn and bloating or digestive issues, things like that, and they stopped drinking. But if you find a good healthy source of low acid coffee, they can drink it and it’s just fine. We still get testimonials daily about I can’t believe I can drink this coffee. So that’s kind of the beginning of it.

Yeah, that’s crazy. Well, that’s interesting that you mentioned that because, for me, like I mentioned before, I didn’t drink coffee to my 20s. And what turned me on to coffee was also built the Bulletproof Coffee phenomenon, I guess that you could say I started hearing about it. I’ve always been really into, you know, listening to help them nutrition related podcasts. And I got hooked on to Dave Asprey, his podcast listening to it every day. And that’s what really sparked my interest. I thought, well, you know, here I’ve always had problems with traditional coffee shop coffee, or storebought coffee, like maybe I should try a different type of being maybe the the actual coffee bead does matter. So that’s what I want to ask you about specifically. So if you could tell us like, how are the Lifeboost coffee beans different? Like what is it? You know, tell us more about like, where it’s grown, how it’s harvested, you know, what is it that makes it different when it comes to your health than other coffee beans?

Yeah, for sure. So right now that our signature being is Nicaraguan so one of the things that we noticed is the area’s grown is around natural reserve, I think down there. And so it’s grown around those regions. And so it’s high elevation grown. So it’s grown a mile above sea level, which, when it’s grown that high, it slows the maturity of it. And also it’s, it’s such it’s such it’s such a harsher environment that it’s harder for mold to grow. So automatically from the start, it keeps you know, it helps to lower the mold count on coffee. So that’s one two with shade grown in shade grown, basically they don’t need pesticides or herbicides, anything like that being grown in the shade. So it’s also grown, we allow it to grow full maturity, which allows the nutrients to really get into the bean, the longer you let it grow, most conventional coffees picked early and it’s sungrown. Because, you know, coffee is the third most drink beverage in the world, right next to waters first, tea second and coffee. And because of that, it’s a cash crop. So obviously, when you have a cash crop, you can figure out how to grow as much as as fast as possible. You know, just like anything else, you sacrifice quality for quantity. So that’s kind of how so we’re doing the opposite. You know, we make sure our beans are organic or certified organic, depending on sometimes a small farmers, you know, aren’t don’t have the money to make it organic, right. So we have to, we have, basically a checklist that we run all of our coffee through one, it’s got to be certified organic or organic, shade grown, it needs to be elevation grown. And then you know, you know, Springwater, washed, roasted a certain way. So it’s all these things. And then at the end of this checklist that we have, that we run all of our beans through we we third party test to verify that the beans are as clean as possible. So we’re testing for mycotoxins, molds, heavy metals, pesticides, and 400 other toxins, and we’re getting ready to test for even more just because I want to be like the cleanest been on the planet. So we’re gonna invest in doing more tests on these beings.

Yeah, that’s great. So, you know, I want the average person who’s listening to this who who might be drinking, you know, Starbucks every day, or, you know, I don’t know, some other brand of coffee that they’re purchasing at the grocery store. Like, what is it about mold toxins? Because I know, I’ve heard some interesting stuff about just mold toxins on whether it’s our food, like I’ve heard it being really prevalent and things like peanut butter, I talked about that. In my course, when women are asking about healthy healthy fats, I always say, Well, you know, maybe steer away from peanut butter, as we know, there are a lot of mold toxins there. But what is it about mold toxins in our food? Or in our coffee that like, what kind of symptoms can that bring about in women or in people in general?

Oh, my gosh, I mean, it there’s so many different. I don’t know, sometimes when you get like bugs like this, or you know, molds, or yeast or parasites, things like that a lot of them will come up with very similar symptoms. But with this, it’s like you just feel lethargic. Brain fog, like it could cause joint problems. It could cause breathing problems. I mean, the list is one, it depends on how sensitive the person is and two it. You know, everybody’s affected differently, right? What your your weak link is biologically in your body, I guess would be the best way to put it.

If you’re like me and look forward to your warm cup of coffee every morning, there’s something you should know. Not all coffee beans are created equal. That’s right, over 90% of coffee beans on the market are covered in mold toxins, not to mention preservatives. When I first started drinking coffee in my 20s Yes, it took me that long. I loved the taste. But I did not like the jitters, the brain fog and the headaches that I would get as a result. When I learned about clean coffee, my world changed. My favorite brand is Lifeboost Coffee, which are sustainably sourced organic mycotoxin free coffee beans that will leave you focused without the side effects of traditional coffee. Try a bag of delicious Highlander Grogg Caramel Macchiato or cinnamon roll and you’ll never go back to store bought brands again. Visit to order yours today.

Yeah, I have a lot of women that complain about like sort of like a sour stomach, like or highly acidic digestive tract. You know, one of the things that we really encourage in our sick course is really kind of starting with the foundation of the gut and understanding, you know, is your gut functioning properly. Are you eliminating properly Are you digesting properly? And it always surprises me how many women are consuming coffee? Because they enjoy it. But they’ll turn around and you know, they’ll say Oh, I love my coffee. I can’t go without it. And that’s why I just deal with all these other side effects. That’s why I deal with sort of an upset stomach or belly bloat or whatever. And I’m like, No, it doesn’t have to be that way. Like you can have. You can have your cup and drink it too. Right, like so. So yeah, so awesome. So, you know, one thing that I came up against in my own personal journey was, you know, I started drinking clean coffee beans. I guess it was probably about 10 years ago. And like I said, I just saw a total difference. Like I can actually feel more clarity when I was working. I wouldn’t call it like a traditional caffeine boost. It was almost like a more focused energy type feeling. And that’s what I wish for everyone you know, everyone that’s consuming coffee or enjoys coffee. They deserve to feel good while they’re drinking it and after they’re drinking it, and not having those crashes. But I remember when I went into my doctor’s office for routine bloodwork, and I was I was starting to have some issues, which later we discovered were related to low iron. That tends to be something that follows me around is low iron. And so but my doctor at the time said, you know, we really need to start looking at your adrenals she’s like, you’d like to train hard you’d like to exercise. You know, at that time, I was a new mom, I had a less than one year old. So she’s like, you know, you’re kind of burning the candles at both ends. Like you’re up during the night with your daughter, your you’re pushing your body and your workouts like maybe you should back off of the coffee. I might, I’m curious, you know what your thoughts are being you know, someone who’s so knowledgeable with this particular coffee being someone who’s a Doctor of Chiropractic and into the sort of the holistic health world like, What is your perspective on clean coffee? How should it be addressed for women dealing with adrenal fatigue? What is your what is your take on that?

Yeah, no, that’s a great question. I’m one of those types that I’m like, I I hate eliminating stuff from people without giving them a solution. Right. And so, like, coffee is so ingrained, it’s, it’s a ritual that people have to have every single day. And like, for me, like I’m doing it every single day, I love it, I enjoy the ritual, making it it’s like just a moment between me just for myself, it’s like a way to self love, I guess. You wouldn’t want it that way. So it’s super important. And I hate taking that type of stuff away from people. It there is truth to that, you know, we are in a chronic state of Fight, fight, fight or flight, right. So your adrenals are already amped up because of our lifestyle. You’re dealing, you know, with all the things you’re barraged with, you know, outside stimuli on top of, you know, kids on top of, you know, you have a lot of different things you’re thinking and worrying about finances, you know, whatever, all these things are just hammering you. And so your adrenals go up to push out that adrenaline, but it also causes you to stress, right? So how do you deal with that? And coffee, you know, boost your adrenaline, your adrenal glands. So it, which is why you feel that that extra bump in the morning? So the question becomes like, why, like, what can you do to be able to do that, and my solution is to do like a half caf, or a very good decaf. So you’re still getting, like I would say, move down to half caf, you don’t want to totally eliminate it. That way that you can still have a little with that bump, but not like to the detriment of your body. I love that accumulates over time, right? It’s not just that’s one of those things. Like you can’t view life as like, why I just got to stop, right? It’s more like, you know, if you do something, you know, don’t feel guilty doing it, do it. Right. But don’t do it all the time. Right, right. Or all that stuff adds up. Right? If you’re a new piece of cheesecake, eat the cheesecake enjoy it in that moment. And then like don’t eat it every day. Right? Right. Right. So because the emotional component as well that, you know, if you’re if you’re dealing with some heavy emotions, that also stresses you out, which also boosts your adrenal glands. Right. So it’s all interconnected.

So I love that advice, because that’s exactly what I did. Like, as soon as they I was told, I needed to back off of the, the caffeine, I was told, you know, hey, you should just go without coffee. And I was like, I don’t know if I can go without like, I was having two to three cups of coffee a day at that point, and I was told it was too much. And I thought, Okay, well maybe this is at play. Like I hadn’t necessarily noticed anything. For me. I wasn’t crashing after the coffee or anything. But at that point, I was also consuming the cleaner coffee. And so I dropped down, you know, Lifeboost has a lot of different decaf flavors. And so I started doing half and half sometimes I’ll even do straight decaf, just because for me it is it is about like as crazy as it sounds, it’s about holding the mug, it’s about something warm, it is sort of a self it is a self love thing. Love and totally, totally doable, even with you know, making alternatives that serve you better or serve your body better. So we certainly, you know, I have to say this all the time. But make sure you’re talking with this, you know, with your doctor about this kind of stuff for those of you listening like it is an individual thing. But at the same time like exactly like Charlie’s saying you may not have to go without you might just have to make this the switch to a cleaner coffee or to a half decaf cleaner coffee situation. So that’s great advice. So I want to know sort of, you know, what is your what is your daily ritual look like with your coffee? You make it every morning, I’m assuming I mean, how much how much are you consuming? Do you have a certain way that you make your coffee? I’d love to hear?

Yeah, no. So let me see my morning routine. So I get up, I work out, I’ll do my amino acids in the morning. And then I’ll either do a greens powder or kombucha. And then usually around between 10 and 11 is when I’ll have my coffee. And I, what I’ll do is I’m a huge cold brew fan, so I am always making cold brew. One, it’s a little more caffeine to even less acidic than are just a regular beans like hot. So and that’s any coffee, you know, if you do a cold brew, it cuts the acid in it. And ironically, a lot of people are choosing more cold brew coffee than anything else, right. I just learned that also go. Which if you look at Starbucks menu, you can tell like it’s like a half cold brew stuff now. Yeah, but so I take that I’ll add our creamer, which is basically collagen, grass fed collagen, C-8 MCT oil, which MCT oil was great in itself, but the problem is it can cause some digestive distress if people aren’t used to it. So if you do straight C-8, which is a little more refined version of it, they take out the ones that mess up your stomach, and C-8 one that affects your brain the most. So, you know, I’ll put those in there and I’ll blend it in then I’ll add a splash of organic heavy whipping cream for the healthy fat so I don’t do butter anymore. There’s just been some of the research is kind of back and forth about how it raises cholesterol. But when you look at organic heavy whipping cream, it doesn’t have that. So it doesn’t affect your cholesterol doesn’t have lactose in it. So it bypasses all the guts just like butter butter also bypasses like, like all the lactose intolerance issues. Right? Right, right. Lactose, same with cream, heavy whipping cream. And it’s got the healthy fats and also with organic heavy whipping cream. It’s got something called a milk fat globule membrane around it, which has all the immune properties. Awesome. The butter doesn’t have. So those are the reasons why I choose organic cream. Plus, it just tastes way better. It’s a cream.

I’ll have to try that because I yeah, I’m somebody who does not do any dairy. But I can do grass fed butter or ghee without any problems. Same for same for my daughter. So heavy whipping cream sounds like something I should try. For sure. Cool. So, so cold. So cold brew. So do you have like a specific cold brew machine that you use? Or what do you

Yeah, so I went to Amazon and I get the Oxo. Oxo, so yeah, yeah, it’s just this big, like column thing. And it’ll make me about, you know, probably five or six servings of coffee at a time. Nice. And then I just, you know, when it’s down to the last one, I’ll just redo it again.

Yeah. Well, my husband and I were looking for a new coffee machine. And I was surprised by how many of them have the new like, they’re like the newer ones that are out have like a cold brew function. No, I mean, obviously, they’re following the trends. But I just thought, you know, when we bought this one, I think was probably like seven or eight years ago, we bought a really nice one and starting to kind of go could put on us but it but at the time, we didn’t see that. Like we didn’t know, cold brew, you know, this one also does cold brew, like nobody ever saw that before. So that’s cool. So what’s on the horizon for Lifeboost Coffee? Like, where do you see what is? What is your next sort of goal with the company? Or where are you headed?

Yeah, so our the whole mission behind Lifeboost is to provide the healthiest, tastiest lowest acid coffee on the planet. So everything we do revolves around healthy and has to taste good. And it needs to be easy on the gut. And so we’re will keep bringing out bringing out more flavors. No, we’re doing Lifeboost Africa. And so one of the things we also do is we’re really big in sustainability. So as much as we can, you know, we work on doing things like sustainable farming methods for the environment. And then like we do this Nicaragua. So by happenstance, we realized that what we were doing was we were going into nations that don’t have a popular coffee culture, but their coffee is amazing and we are bringing it out to the world. So Nicaragua was one of those hidden gems to doing that. We’re building schools in Nicaragua as well. So we’re really big at giving back as well as you know, taking care of the environment, some more corporate sponsors of the Rainforest Trust, we were building our second school now in Nicaragua. And then we also are bigger giving back to first responders as well. And food shelters and stuff. So we get 1000s of bags of coffee away a year just to those things. And then so between those The next goal is to really get our creamers dialed in. And so we can come up with a line of creamer. And from there, you know, we talked about maybe doing some tea, we’ve been having people ask for tea, and then you Like functional coffees, so you know, functional coffee. An example of that would be Four Sigmatic and their mushroom coffee. Yeah. Yeah. Super nice guys. I met those guys at a conference doing great things. Excited for what they’ll be able to do they kind of put mushroom coffee on the on the, on the roadmap there. Mm hmm. Everybody super interesting.

But we’d like they. My daughter likes their hot chocolate.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, we’ll do our versions of that. We have a biotics brew, which is we put probiotics and coffee but you only cold brew it, otherwise it kills a probiotic. So we have that we’ll probably do our own version of a, like another functional coffee looking into like more mitochondrial health stuff right now, on how it gets your mitochondria, your energy centers in your body. So the goal of you know, some things coming up is to not only, you know, give you the coffee that has the energy in it, but also, you know, some of the functional powders that can help stimulate your mitochondria to make energy on its own direction we’re going

that’s Yeah, that’s awesome. I love that. And I well, I mean, I just I think it’s so cool. How every time I’m on the website, you know, checking it out. I’m like, Oh my gosh, there’s almost like so many flavors. I can’t even decide like so. What would you say? Like, what are your most popular flavors? What are the flavors that you like the most? Like? Let’s just get let’s get the people’s taste buds. They get about?

Oh, yeah, um, one of our most popular flavors is cinnamon blueberry crumble.

Okay, that’s different than the cinnamon roll. Whatever that Yeah,

yeah, there we have a frosted cinnamon roll. That’s that one goes up and down. It just depends on the part of it is how much we market the flavor too. Because, like we ever every flavor has got its own cult following like creme brulee. Not one of my personal favorites, but people absolutely love it. Mm hmm. The toasted coconut that one’s legit. That’s one of my favorites, especially cold brew on a hot summer day. Yeah, gives you a taste of the tropics, and you’re like, oh my gosh, it’s totally different. Pistachio that’s another great one. And we have hazelnut and it’s amazing Highlander Grogg that’s another so the top three which probably in any industry is going to be French vanilla, hazelnut, and, and And for us. It’s Highlander Grogg. Okay, just kind of one of those stable coffees has been around for a while that, you know if you can get a good version people just absolutely love just like you.

Yeah, the Highlander Grog and the dark roast. I was surprised. I’m not usually like a dark roast coffee fan. But the dark roast is my favorite dark roast. Like it’s definitely one of the only ones I can do. And I love it. And the Chemex especially. Yeah, pour over, yeah. Yeah, I wish I wish I had the energy to do the Chemex every day. It seems it’s just a different taste. So okay, so let’s, let’s kind of just wrap things up here. I want to kind of hear your perspective because I know that you’re really interested in and involved in the health and wellness community and and I just would love to kind of hear your perspective on where you think things are going trends that you see whether it’s trends, we’ve mentioned trends and coffee, but trends in just sort of brands maybe that you see or trends in just Yeah, health products and health fads, I guess that are coming into the future are coming into the light.

Ya know, one of the biggest fads on I’m seeing right now is the carnivore diet, which is all meat, right? Sure. I think they can have eggs too. I’m not sure. It’s something that I might experiment with for a few weeks to begin of the year. I don’t think it’s something like that is great long term, although some people say it is. I mean, it’s kind of the opposite of being a vegan, right.

So I think I heard someone talking about it

I don’t think its good long term eating. Just so we’re we’re on the same path. But

I heard somebody talking about the carnivore diet on a podcast and I think I can’t think of the guy’s name. But he literally only eats meat. Like it’s literally only me all day long. I don’t know if I could do it.

Some people take it to the extreme and then the raw meat, like, straight up. I don’t know. Raw meat. I’m like, Oh man, I don’t know.

I can’t even do raw fish. Like I can’t even do raw sushi. Like Oh, really? No, no, I have to have cooked sushi. I get to raw.

Yeah, though. That’s one of the big fads. Yeah, I mean, it’s just like, like keto, it’s still here. And that’s like, it’s good. I don’t think it’s, it’s a great long term. I think one of the best diets long term is still a lower carb diet. Maybe not as extreme as keto but if you just keep the carbs down, and you just eat clean sources or your foods I think that’s one of the best ways to go and that’s how I eat most of the time is like separate now right now I’m eating a ton of cookies. So don’t don’t judge my diet right now. I always, you know, usually the fall fall or winter months, you know, towards from probably, I don’t know, October on you know, I’m a little more last year. of my diet, not saying that I gorge myself with like baked goods all the time, but definitely, yeah, I let up a little bit.

It is life. So you have to enjoy? Yes, for sure.

Food is a huge part of our, our world lives, right?

Absolutely. Well, one of the things that you know that I study specifically and that I’m teaching the women who are in my course is all about how, you know, the female body really differs greatly from the male body. And we’re starting to we’re starting to see, you know, a lot of research finally coming out that is embracing looking at the female body, you know, prior to maybe 20 years ago, researchers have been quoted saying, Well, of course, we don’t study the female body because it’s too complex because of the hormone systems. And so you know, a lot of things that have been noted as healthy, like the healthy trend is keto, or the healthy trend is intermittent fasting, the research has actually been done on men, it hasn’t been done on women, or is just now being done on women. And so something that I was just recently introduced to is this concept of like a female oriented keto intermittent fasting option. So in other words, maybe the fasting window isn’t as large as it would be for men, and this focus on healthier fats. The number one sort of commonality that I see, in the women that I work with is there is never enough consumption of healthy fats, there might be there. And a lot of times, I mean, I avoid dairy in my diet, like I mentioned before, and that’s something that I advocate for, but women in general tend to be really interested in sort of like the heavy carbs, the breads, the cheeses, the dairy, but when I asked them about olive oil, avocado oil, avocados, healthy nuts, right, it’s like, I don’t really eat those as much. And so of course, when we start to look at hormone imbalance, you know, we have to say, well, I can kind of see a connection here, because all of your hormones are coming from cholesterol, all of your hormones are coming from that, that healthy fat that you’re consuming. And when I also think about women who completely remove carbs from their diet, right, like, they say, Oh, I’m just going to go on this, I know, I need to do this. And they just eliminate carbs entirely, especially women who are also like me who are training and exercising, they start to just completely run dry on energy. Oh, so you know, first of all, yes, there’s no one size fits all for everyone. You know, I think that certainly, we’re seeing these fascinating trends toward higher healthy fats, you know, higher, higher protein, quality of protein, we didn’t even get to talk about like, 100% grass fed, right. Like that’s that matters. Like, it’s funny to me, because I just recently made a meal for some friends, that were sick. And so it was funny, because my, my girlfriend reached out to me, and she’s like, Oh, my gosh, my husband raved about that meal. She’s like, I told him, it had to be grass fed beef that Jenny used, because I know that Jenny would only use grass fed beef. And he’s been telling her no, we’re not spending the money on X, you know, we’re not spending the extra money on grass fed beef. And I guess that changed his mind because it was so good. But regardless of how it changed how you know how it tastes, there are small things that you can do in your health, whether it’s switching to clean coffee, switching to 100%, grass fed, you know, making these small adjustments that can make a huge impact on your health. And so of course, to each their own, everybody needs to work with their individual, you know, dietician or doctor to figure out what’s right with for them. But I think for me, these small steps are what eventually led to me really becoming so interested in all of this really what led me to really have that self awareness of knowing like, wow, this does make switching, this does make a huge difference for me in my body, and I do feel better for it. So if nothing else, I hope everyone on this podcast has taken something from this to really believe that like these small tweaks can mean something for them. And if you want to check out Charlie’s brand, it is Lifeboost Coffee Charlie, do you want to tell us like Where can people find you? Where can they find the coffee? Specifically?

Yeah, I mean, just go to, I have an amazing customer support team, they’ll help you you can call in. And if you have any questions, though, they’ll answer them for you and help you you know, order or whatever. Yeah, I mean, if you want to get a hold of me, just, you know, put a note in there, you know, contact support at Put a note on there that you heard me on the podcast on Jenny’s podcast and you know, you want to talk to me or whatever. And you know, I’ll make time for you. Sure.

Excellent. Well, thank you so much, Charlie for your time. We’ll have all that linked up in the show notes. Thank you guys so much for taking the time to listen and we’ll talk soon.

Thanks, guys. Take care.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the SYNC Your Life podcast. I hope you found value from today’s episode. If you did, please share it out to your friends or leave a review. Remember your cycles are your superpower and by aligning with them you can live your life with all the energy needs to be a mom, Wife, Daughter and friend to those you love. Until Next time!

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