Introducing PeriRx! A Candid Conversation with Resident SYNC Hormone Health Doctor, Dr. Paige

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #292! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, Dr. Paige and I reveal our newest program launch, PeriRx! We dive into the details of the program: who this program is meant for, what it entails, and why this program will change the game for women’s health. 

To secure your spot in our beta launch of this program, click here. Note that the sales for this beta launch and winter release of PeriRx will close on November 10th.

To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. You will need access to the core program before moving into the monthly membership. 

To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

If you’re interested in becoming a SYNC affiliate and Certified Coach mentored by me, you can learn more here.

To learn more about Hugh & Grace and my favorite 3rd party tested endocrine disruption free products, including skin care, home care, and detox support, click here.

To learn more about the SYNC and Hugh & Grace dual income opportunity, click here.

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

Enjoy the show!

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[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: , hello everyone. We wanted to come on here and just give you a few minutes where we’re talking about PERI Rx, which is our new program launching at the end of this month. Um, if you haven’t met Dr.

[00:01:09] Jenny Swisher: Page before, this will be a great chance for you to meet her. And we’re going to just dive into what this really is. So, I’ve been getting a lot of questions in the last week or so, asking like, is this fitness? Is this nutrition? What is the doctor doing here? Like, so let’s just start from the very beginning.

[00:01:25] Jenny Swisher: Um, you know, if, if you’re in my community, Dr. Page is not a new face for you. Like she’s not she’s been sort of our resident hormone health doctor for the last year or so We’ve been offering telehealth consults to my community and then to the public here recently But we’re excited to partner for this which will be online education with application like tools that you can actually use To apply the fitness and nutrition knowledge and research that we know To your life in perimenopause.

[00:01:53] Jenny Swisher: Okay, so let’s just start with dr Page tell us who you are what you do what you’re excited for with this program

[00:01:59] Yes So, I am a family medicine physician by training, um, trained in an osteopathic medical school, which, um, traditionally gives a more holistic approach, but as many physicians encounter, you kind of get sucked into the health care system and, um, Don’t always get to practice the whole body, whole health medicine that you want to.

[00:02:23] So, I gracefully exited the, uh, system and founded my own practice. Became certified by the Menopause Society. And have developed, um, a framework to address perimenopausal and menopausal health that involve true kind of what I call mind, body, spirit, but also life because we know that, uh, life gets in the way of our health, or it can be very uplifting to our health.

[00:02:53] So we lean into all of that. Um, in this program, we will specifically be. Giving you the processes and tools and resources to navigate, um, the perimenopausal menopausal era with strength and energy and confidence. So we’ll talk about the testing you need. We’ll talk about Um, treatment options, both treatment for symptoms.

[00:03:21] But something I’m really passionate about is treatment for prevention. Um, so it even sounds weird to say that to call it treatment, but I think what we now know, um, related to our hormonal health is that it’s not just about hot flashes and night sweats and vaginal dryness. Ladies. It is whole slew of head to toe, both symptoms and, um, implications.

[00:03:47] I always say that menopause is kind of a fork in the road, and I don’t say that to, like, scare anyone, but depending on, you know, how we handle that hormonal transition, it can either kind of, uh, put the The chips on our, on our side when it comes to aging well, or we can really be set up for an increased risk of what we’ve seen a lot of people in our family suffer from a lot of women suffer from frailty, osteoporosis, heart disease, um, Alzheimer’s.

[00:04:22] And so we really want women to have the up to date information that many. fill in the blank, family doctors, endocrinologists, gynecologists, people that we have always like admired for their hormonal expertise, unfortunately aren’t necessarily up to date with kind of a more modern view of menopause and how women deserve to age.

[00:04:48] Um, so that’s what we’re diving into.

[00:04:51] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. Yeah. So let’s just bridge this together for everyone. So this, You guys, I read the statistic recently that only 3 percent of practitioners and doctors are knowledgeable in menopause health and hormone health. 3%! But yet we have millions of women entering perimenopause and menopause right now, in the next few years.

[00:05:10] Jenny Swisher: So there’s a huge difference. What’s happening as a result are women are going into their doctor’s offices. I like to say their check engine lights are flashing. They feel really off. I hear a lot. I have stories in my inbox today of things like I’m having anxiety attacks. I’ve never had anxiety attacks before.

[00:05:25] Jenny Swisher: I’m dealing with brain fog. I can’t sleep. Like I, my husband is super annoying, right? Like all these different things that are happening. In this era, as we keep calling it, and they go into their doctors and their doctors might run some lab work, might not, but regardless, most of the time, kind of just tell them, well, everything’s normal.

[00:05:41] Jenny Swisher: Like this is just part of aging. This is just part of perimenopause. And then I hate to say it, but women are left to suffer. And so, um, 84 percent of women will say that have said that they have felt gaslit in their doctor’s office, which to me is unacceptable, um, when I launched my SYNC course. In 2020, the whole purpose behind it was for me to empower women to step into self advocacy, to ask the right questions, and to ultimately find the right doctor.

[00:06:07] Jenny Swisher: And a couple years into that process, the number one thing that women would say to me in my community is, this is such valuable information, but Jenny, I’m up to like six people, I’m up to six doctors now. I’ve seen my OBGYN, my PCP, I even saw an endocrinologist. Like, I’ve seen all these people and I’m not getting anywhere.

[00:06:23] Jenny Swisher: Um, and in fact, I’m feeling worse as I get older, right? And so one of the main reasons why Dr Page and I partnered up a year ago was because I was like, okay, then we need to find the right doctor. Then we need to bring the right doctor to this community so that women can get answers. Um, so 3 percent of doctors knowledgeable in this, but millions of women going through it.

[00:06:45] Jenny Swisher: And so this disconnect to me is a red flag that we need more hormone health education, right? And so up until this point. A lot of what I have done has been focused on helping educate the The cycling 20 something or 30 something who wants to learn cycle syncing who wants to sort of Set up her fitness and nutrition around her menstrual cycle to leverage that energy And what’s interesting is i’m I just turned 40 last year.

[00:07:09] Jenny Swisher: I’ll be 41 this year So perimenopause is upon me as well So things have shifted for me and the people in my community and they’re like starting to ask questions about perimenopause, right? And so Um, this is something that we feel like can really truly serve a need Because women are looking for They want to do things the right way.

[00:07:28] Jenny Swisher: They want to work smarter, not harder. And as I, if you’ve heard me on the podcast or if you’ve heard me in the courses or wherever, like, you know, that I talk about this idea that a lot of times women will turn 40 and they’re like, I don’t know what happened, but all of a sudden my body composition is changing or I feel off, right.

[00:07:44] Jenny Swisher: Or whatever. And so. What we do though is we, we sometimes will resort to what I call diet culture or what society tells us we should do. So we think like, oh, well, I must need to work harder. I must need to work out harder or eat less or even my doctor said to cut back on my carbs, right? Or to do more HIIT training.

[00:08:03] Jenny Swisher: And if you understand what’s really going on in perimenopause, if you understand that your ovaries are literally handing the baton over to your adrenal glands that are in charge of Cortisol and stress response you will understand that working out harder and eating less is actually more of a stressor on your body And so you will start to understand that you’re working against your physiology.

[00:08:24] Jenny Swisher: So

[00:08:25] yeah, it’s so interesting you said You talk about how? Which is very true. Physicians are gaslighting, um, patients in their office, left or right. And, um, it also goes both ways. I have never met a patient that has come to me or, you know, myself, my colleagues that hasn’t been through this period of literally like gaslighting themselves because I think our tendency as women is to think like, Oh, it must be me.

[00:08:55] It must be, I’m not handling in this situation. Like I should be, I’m not eating well enough. I’m not exercising well enough. I just need to do better. And that’s just not true. So I think, you know, the key is to have the information to know what to look for, to know how to not only like self assess, you know, what are the things we need to be, um, um, thinking about and also.

[00:09:20] Kind of get that professional assessment to look under the hood. What lab literally lab tests do we need to be looking at measurements that we can both take at home or in our doctor’s offices so that we can pick up on these changes and really get the, um, you know, you often hear people talk about getting to the root cause, right?

[00:09:40] Yes, we get. To the root cause. I lovingly frustrate people every day by telling them, Oh, it’s not just one cause we have to get, it’s like, we have to get to the whole recipe, right? We have to really look at everything. And then when you really uncover everything, you can know how to strategically prioritize your self care and your professional care to, um, have the confidence to, to feel better.

[00:10:06] Um, and not just feel like you’re spinning your wheels. Yeah.

[00:10:09] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, well, as you say, the root cause of perimenopause is perimenopause, right? So, but yeah, I mean, let’s just talk briefly about this, this thing, right? Cause this is happening right now where hormone health is trending. It’s trending on social media, probably for good reason because women are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

[00:10:26] Jenny Swisher: Um, but also, you know, Because of that, there are a lot of things popping up, I’ll say, like things that are considered, you know, hormone health protocols to follow. Or, um, I like to say, there’s a box that comes in the mail that says hormone health that women think that they need to do, right? And so it’s a one size fits all supplement.

[00:10:48] Jenny Swisher: Or, it’s follow this exercise program for results and balance your hormones, right? We can’t exercise your way to hormone balance. One of the things I teach are the five fundamentals of hormone balance, which is sleep, supplementation, which is individual to you, nutrition, fitness, and managing your traumas.

[00:11:03] Jenny Swisher: Um, so, yes, working with a practitioner is so much part of this equation, but also mastering those fundamentals for lifestyle, too, and it is so individual for each person. So, when Dr. Page and I were first talking about, like, okay, if we were to create something, what would this be, and what would it definitely not be?

[00:11:20] Jenny Swisher: Right? And so it’s definitely not a one size fits all. It’s definitely, there’s, we’re not handing out a supplement that’s for everyone to take. Um, we’re not prescribing that this is the one way. We’re giving you the tools and research and the re, like, there is now research finally on women. Like we are, I literally just listened to something from Dr.

[00:11:37] Jenny Swisher: Vonda, right. All about ways that women can now improve VO two max, like ways that we can actually cater our exercise to building muscle and perimenopause. Like we now have this information. We need to do something with it instead of a lot of times like falling for commercialized fitness. That wants to teach us those old ways of of hip training and overdoing it and adrenal burnout, right?

[00:12:01] Jenny Swisher: So here’s what we’ve put together. So I’m gonna give a quick overview and then I want you dr Page to talk about modern menopause and kind of that what you’re doing So what we’ve decided to do is I’ve been in this long enough, you know 15 years as a personal trainer Um, nutritionist working as a health coach and the one thing that women tell me often that they want is they want to be told what to follow.

[00:12:24] Jenny Swisher: They want to be given what we call prescriptive fitness and nutrition. Um, I come from the home fitness space, right? So for years and years, women would follow a calendar. There would be a calendar, we would check the boxes. This is the workout I’m doing today. This is the, you know, this is the nutrition.

[00:12:38] Jenny Swisher: This is what I’m eating today. Whatever. So what we’ve done is we’ve put, we’ve taken the research done on women, especially in this era of life where we know we have different needs, um, from a nutrition level, right? Like we know that we need more protein before and after workouts. We know we need, there are certain things we know for nutrition.

[00:12:54] Jenny Swisher: There’s also certain things that we know for training. What that looks like. So what we’ve done is we’ve created a program. So Kelsey Linsman, who’s our resident sink trainer, um, she’s created a fitness program for this that literally takes the guesswork out of the equation for you. Most fitness regimens are designed for men.

[00:13:13] Jenny Swisher: They’re designed for male physiology. Um, even your, your exercise classes are not factoring in this newer research on what women really need. We need adequate rest between sets. We need to lift heavy multiple days per week. We do need to work on VO2 max, but we don’t need to overdo it with high intensity intervals, 30 plus minutes long.

[00:13:32] Jenny Swisher: We need mobility, right? Sarcopenia is the number one reason that Older adults are going into the nursing home. They literally can’t get up and down off the floor. So we need mobility and functionality. We need strength and muscle, especially as we age and our bodies are working against us through muscle atrophy.

[00:13:47] Jenny Swisher: And we also need to improve that VO2 max, but not burn ourselves out adrenally since we’re going through this phase of life. So we know we need for fitness, so we’ve designed it for you. We’ve created a 30 day fitness program to follow that follows your energy. It will teach you exactly how you should be training and resting and recovering.

[00:14:08] Jenny Swisher: For nutrition, we have a registered dietitian on board as well that’s helping really teach nutrition from the angle of what we know most women are struggling with in perimenopause, which is blood sugar instability. Blood sugar instability tends to be at the root of a lot of hormonal balance issues.

[00:14:22] Jenny Swisher: Most women aren’t eating enough. If you listen to me, you know I talk about the importance of protein. Most women are eating 40 to 50 grams per day when they really need one gram per pound of body weight, which Most women are not weighing 40 to 60 pounds these days. So most women are under eating We’re under eating protein.

[00:14:38] Jenny Swisher: So we’re really going to focus on helping you plate your food We’re going to take math out of it. You should not have to do math to eat We’re going to teach you how you should be eating how you should be prioritizing protein fiber We’re going to go over all that stuff stuff for you to make it prescriptive fitness and you, this is how you foll This is how you prioritiz we’re also giving you the what’s going on during th you um, into menopause be we do want you to thrive.

[00:15:09] Jenny Swisher: Alzheimer’s cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, all of these things that we now know are tied to hormone decline. Um, there are things we can do about this. And when you are educated and you understand your options, whether that’s bioidentical hormones or whether that’s pharmaceuticals or whatever that looks like, when you understand your options, you can then go to a practitioner and say, okay, now I’m informed and now I’m leveling up this conversation.

[00:15:33] Jenny Swisher: Right? So what we’ve done here is we’ve, we’ve created that prescriptive fitness and nutrition plan. We’re also giving you access to Modern Menopause, which is a course that Dr. Page created. And, um, we’re ultimately also offering ourselves for this initial beta launch, this eight week launch here that’s coming up at the end of October.

[00:15:52] Jenny Swisher: For eight weeks, we will be meeting with you weekly through Zooms. Myself, Kelsey, who’s our trainer, Dr. Paige, and our registered dietitian, Janie, will be alternating the availability of us on these calls, but you’ll be able to access us each on those calls over the course of the eight weeks, ask questions, it’s almost like a group coaching call, which is really, really awesome.

[00:16:14] Jenny Swisher: So, Dr. Paige, tell us about Modern Menopause. Tell us what has been created here and the value that they’ll get with that.

[00:16:21] Yeah, so, Modern menopause in general is kind of the name that I’ve given to approaching menopause in a way that you haven’t heard about before, because our mamas have not told us about these things.

[00:16:36] Right? And we are honestly living in a different environment and culture than we ever have. Right? And so, Not only has the science changed, right? We have more study related to women’s health, but our environment has changed. What we’re dealing with has changed. And so our approach needs to change. So we won’t get too science y nerdy on you, but we have to dive into like, what’s going on with your body, right?

[00:17:04] Which I think is super cool. So we’ll talk about what’s going on with your body, how you look internally and really figure out how you’re doing, right? Um, What testing you need and what treatment approaches you need. And like Jenny said, um, we want. To be very prescriptive with the whole health plan. So fitness, nutrition, sleep, supplementation, testing, hormonal options, non hormonal options.

[00:17:33] But the key to being prescriptive really is teaching you what, What, how you need to personalize it. Right. So that’s one of the reasons that we really wanted to not only, you know, give you the information, but be live with you to answer your questions and workshop this, even though, of course, um, you know, we won’t be.

[00:17:56] I won’t be, you know, doing testing or prescribing, um, medications to you. There really is beauty and meeting with women who are going through similar things you’re going through and, um, personalizing that education to you. So you’ll be able to get all your questions answered from me and our other awesome, um, professionals.

[00:18:18] So you’ll feel like not only do you have the tools to do that. And the information, but you’ll know how to tweak it to your specific circumstances.

[00:18:26] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, this is. So this is such gold. And I really think that, you know, this is exactly what women need. And this is, this is the way that we help people. I heard Kelly Casperson say this on a podcast recently.

[00:18:37] Jenny Swisher: She said, the way that we’re going to make improvement in women’s health and get women’s solutions is to educate the woman, the patient, right. Versus the doctor, you know, educating the doctor is going to be like a whole revamp in itself. Like let’s just, you know, if it’s not in, um, their schooling, then we, we got a ways to go there.

[00:18:56] Jenny Swisher: Let’s educate the patient. Woman so that she can then take these questions, um to the doctor or get the right answer So I think you guys here’s the deal I’ve been doing this now for five years As far as like teaching women self advocacy and teaching them How to know when they’re in the right position the wrong position right doctor, whatever Like literally if I had a dollar for every message in my inbox that says well, my doctor says my labs are normal I don’t know if you guys have seen the the meme on social media of like the girl the woman in the casket that says My labs are normal.

[00:19:26] Jenny Swisher: Like I literally That’s so true. Like 99 percent of the time, those labs are not optimal. You guys, it’s literally, I need a sign. That’s just like wrong doctor, wrong doctor. Right. And it’s, I’m not trying to shame anyone. Um, I’m literally, I mean, modern medicine saved my dad’s life. I’m very grateful for modern medicine, but at the same time, we have to take a functional approach and we have to look at what we know and there is enough out there to know, um, what women should be doing in this phase of.

[00:19:56] Jenny Swisher: When we have the right doctor as well, it just, it makes things so much more simple. So I love that we’re taking the guesswork out of this. Any final thoughts before we wrap up?

[00:20:06] Uh, Oh, final thoughts. I just feel like this is such a special opportunity to not only dedicate time to yourself in the classic ways that we’ve been taught, um, revamped, you know, so the fitness and nutrition side of things.

[00:20:24] Um, we. Know, you know what we should be doing oftentimes, but maybe we struggle to do them or we what has worked before, you know, is not working now. So, you know, the classic, um, classic lifestyle side of things. We, we, we’ve got you, um, in a way that’s tailored to you. But also a special time just to go through a program and dedicate time to yourself going into the holidays so that you can start the new year and feel like, okay, I know how to tackle this.

[00:21:00] I’m going to feel happier, healthier and stronger as I age and not feel frail and confused and frustrated with my doctors. So I’m just excited to spend time with people and really feel like, um, You know, see their confidence growing. That’s, that’s the most exciting thing for me when I meet with women is like, oh, my gosh, I finally feel like things are moving in the right direction.

[00:21:26] And like you said, it’s not, um, you know, so many times we get the classic blood work and everything’s normal. Well, you know, optimal is so much different than normal, as you know, um, and it’s, you know, We, I don’t know, there’s, there’s just an art to like how we help women that is helping them tweak and create that recipe for health as opposed to like, oh, let me look for this one thing.

[00:21:56] Let me, you know, get this magical supplement combination that I saw, you know, when I woke up with hot flashes at 2am, you know, are people still doing infomercials anymore? I don’t think so. But. But, um, so yeah, we got you with the recipe and how to tailor it to you. And I think it’s just a great time to dedicate that time to yourself.

[00:22:23] Jenny Swisher: Health is an individual. And, um, the best thing about Everything we’ve created here with the sync community, with Perry Rx, with our fitness, everything is really just about you, right? We, we literally just spoke to somebody earlier and she was asking about fitness for herself postpartum. And my answer to her was follow your energy.

[00:22:41] Jenny Swisher: It should always be about following your energy versus the calendar. It should always be about following your bio individuality when it comes to supplementation. And we’ve crafted this in a way that you can follow the fundamentals. You can follow the fundamentals and the foundational principles of blood sugar stability.

[00:22:57] Jenny Swisher: Of training the way that we should in this decade of life, like doing those things that we know is, is what we should be doing as a whole, but then also be able to take that deeper dive because of the, um, the focus that we’re getting there. So this launches on Halloween, it will launch 1st to, um, to my sync community.

[00:23:14] Jenny Swisher: So my, my sync community that, uh, exists, we’ll get access to it 1st and then from there, we’ll launch it out to the public. So stay tuned for details on that. Um, we’re launching this. Yeah. For an eight week, like I said before, these weekly zooms will be over the course of eight weeks over the holidays. So literally like 1st of November through December.

[00:23:32] Jenny Swisher: Um, and I’m excited for that because I think it’s going to be a great way to level up the value too. So I would highly recommend getting in here to the, what we’re calling the beta launch of this program. Um, so, like I said, if you have any questions, you can send me a message. You can send Dr. Page a message, but we will have more information here on Instagram as we get closer.

[00:23:48] Jenny Swisher: So thank you, Dr. Page for your time. And cool guys. You guys will have a great rest of the week and we’ll talk soon.

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