Whether you’re looking for a kick in the pants or a big, gigantic hug… I hope this message serves its purpose. You see, the end of the year is fast approaching. Kids are already starting school (where did summer go?!), routines are falling back into rhythym, and if there were ever a time to get back on the “I’m gonna get healthy bandwagon,” it’s most definitely now.

Why? Let’s be honest. Because if you wait until October or November, you’re going to give in to holiday temptations and delay your goals until the new year. As they say, history repeats itself. If you start NOW, in the early fall as we transition to a new season, you’ll take ownership of your health in the moment and begin the trek that is a journey to healthy living.

Let’s dissect and reverse engineer what these last 5 months of the year COULD look like:

If you’re looking to lose weight, this could be 1-2 pounds per week, or up to 40 lbs. by end-of-year.

If you’re looking to get into those jeans you love in time for fall weather season to hit, you’ve gotta start now.

If you’re wanting to be able to keep up with your kids, trust us, that IS the best gift you could give them (and yourself). Why not make that goal happen before Christmas and playing-in-the-snow season?

If you’re wanting to get off those blood pressure or cholesterol meds, time is of the essence.

Regardless of YOUR goal, we want to encourage you to tackle that goal now versus waiting and inevitably failing due to the choice to wait.

Speaking of failing, as it turns out, psychologists agree that what inevitably leads to ultimate failure is quitting. Quitting happen as a result of facing things you didn’t expect to face. So we figured, as your virtual Coach, that we should prepare you for what to expect on this journey to a better you so that you know what’s to come… and what makes the trek so very worth it:

  1. It’s not going to feel good. At first, that is. In fact, when you press Play or do those push-ups for the first time in years, it isn’t going to feel like it did in school P.E. It’s going to feel hard. Your body is going to feel heavy and you’re going to feel depressed. ‘This body is not mine,’ you might think. And guess what? That’s OK. Because nothing that is easy is worth doing. Your reward will be the improvements you make with time.
  2. You’re going to initially feel tired. Any time we change up your diet regimen or your workout plan, especially if you’re new to moving in this new way, you’re going to feel tired and think about giving up. Trust us: the more you do it, the higher your energy will rise. Stick with it!
  3. Healthy food isn’t gonna taste good when you start. In fact, you’re going to HATE the taste of kale, we guarantee it. But guess what? Taste buds have the power to change, so you must set your mind to training your taste buds. Grow up, and eat it anyway. You’re not a kid, and you KNOW what’s good for you! (There was your kick in the pants). You WILL come to love the way healthy food makes your body feel.
  4. You’re going to require more water. The #1 issue we see with our clients is a lack of hydration, which of course leads to fatigue, exhaustion, and cravings. Keep chugging that water! Oh, and we know. Water doesn’t taste as good as Diet Coke. But you know what to do. 😉
  5. Follow the program. Often, our Challengers ask us things like, “Do I have to do legs today? My legs are so sore from yesterday!” To which we answer, “YES.” The program is designed for a reason and actually, your legs will likely feel better from moving again the next day. Trust the program. Trust your Coach. Do the work.

What if you have no idea where to start? We have a solution for that. Just complete our Soul Mate Workout Form so we can’t get a feel for your current fitness level, nutrition, and goals. One of our Coaches will reach out to you to help you ROCK your goals by end-of-year!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

The Body Electric Team

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