“I don’t care how slow you’re moving, just don’t stop.”

Have you heard this before? I’ve heard this same sentence in various times of my life, the most recent being in the middle of a large group workout. The instructor shouted it into her head microphone and you know what it did? It made me realize that the speed at which we move and succeed is not as important as the fact that we ARE moving and succeeding. That even if I have to drop down to a modification of a move in order to keep going, I’m STILL MOVING. What an analogy this holds to how we achieve our goals.

It’s the beginning of the year, and typically, it’s a rough time for people looking to get into shape. Why? Because it’s been so long since they’ve paid attention to their diet and exercise that they are, to put it bluntly, terrible at it. The discipline isn’t there, the desire often isn’t there, and the ability to crush it consistently isn’t there. Thus, failure happens. As one of my clients says, “I’ve lost 100 pounds. Unfortunately it’s the same 10 pounds, 10 different times.”

What does this mean?

It means that there are many of us out there who, if we’re not good at something in the beginning, we give up.

If we’re not moving fast enough, we stop altogether.

If we’re comparing ourselves to someone else who is succeeding quicker, we look at ourselves like we’re a failure.

I want to bring a NEW mindset into this equation, as we enter a year of desired changes:


Rather than expect yourself to be the high school athlete you once were, survey where you TRULY are in your journey and embrace it. It’s going to take time. It’s going to take consistency. It’s going to take willpower.

Rather than stop yourself because everyone else is better than you, or seeing results faster than you, just keep moving. Rather than cave in and quit, allow yourself to start over.

There is power in this statement. There is power within you. This might be a gigantic mountain you have to climb, and that’s OK. You’ll get to the top, regardless of how long it takes.

So long as you just don’t stop.

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