Liver Detox: Scientifically Legit or Just Marketing?

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #272! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m diving into the topic of liver detoxes which seem to be all the rage right now. We’re discussing whether there is any scientific legitimacy to them, and how to actually support your liver as the primary detoxification organ of the body. 

In this episode, I mention these previous SYNC Your Life episodes:

Sauna for Women

Interview with Lifeboost Coffee CEO Dr. Charles Livingston

LEA in Women


My favorite products mentioned on this episode include:

Dry brush, glutathione supplement (Hydrate & Detox), and household cleaner as well as skincare, all endocrine-disruption free

Queen of Thrones Castor Oil and Pack

Lifeboost Coffee

I also mention running your product brand names through the website for toxin rating.

As always, be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new supplements. Nothing on this podcast should be deemed medical advice.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out

To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here. To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at

Enjoy the show!

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[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today we’re diving into something that we are seeing all over our Instagram these days, and that is liver detoxes. Are they legit? Is there validity to them? Will they really help our health? We are looking into all of that today here on the show.

[00:01:14] Jenny Swisher: So interestingly, I’ve been seeing this topic pop up everywhere lately. From scrolling my social media to podcasts, people everywhere are talking about detoxing their liver. So what’s all the rage? Well, perhaps it’s best to start with explaining the liver and its role in our body, especially as women, so that we can understand everything else that we’re about to discuss.

[00:01:34] Jenny Swisher: The liver, of course, is an organ in our body, and its primary responsibility is to filter and clean the blood, removing toxins and waste that eventually leave the body through our urine and feces. In women, one of the liver’s roles is to help regulate the balance of sex hormones, thyroid, hormones, cortisone, and other adrenal hormones.

[00:01:52] Jenny Swisher: The liver transforms or removes any excess hormones from the body. So in essence, the liver is our primary detoxification organ that is its job to help us excrete the toxins in our body through our pee and poop. So you can see even here from the start, that detoxifying the detoxification organ makes very little sense.

[00:02:12] Jenny Swisher: It’s job is to detox. The proper terminology here would be supporting the liver, as it works to be our detox organ. There are plenty of things that we can do to support our liver, but to detox our liver just makes absolutely no sense, and I’m sorry to say, is often just false marketing. A lot of times, a liver detox is a simple guide to tell people how to eat more fruits and vegetables, drink more water, and eliminate toxins in their environment, or it’s simply trying to sell a company’s supplements.

[00:02:41] Jenny Swisher: These are things that we should be doing for optimal health, right? We should be doing things like drinking more water and eliminating toxins and eating fruits and vegetables But supplementation is unique to each of us This isn’t the first time here on the podcast that you’ve heard me talk about eliminating endocrine disruption And doing that supports your liver removing the things that are in on and around your bodies that are harmful and toxic Is truly step one.

[00:03:03] Jenny Swisher: So since this is a hormone health podcast for women I also want to talk a little bit about the liver’s role in processing hormones The liver utilizes three phases of detoxification. I’m going to try to keep this as simple as I can. I am going to use some scientific language, but I promise I’m going to use an analogy at the end that will help bring it all together.

[00:03:20] Jenny Swisher: So to keep it simple, phase one is the first phase of our overall detox process. So just like our body has a digestive process, we also have a detoxification process. Phase one utilizes oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis to break down compounds into smaller molecules. However, this process can produce less stable, healthier, and potentially harmful byproducts like free radicals.

[00:03:44] Jenny Swisher: These unstable molecules will not cause harm if phase two properly receives and handles them. Phase two builds on phase one’s transformation process by conjugating unstable phase one metabolites. with safer water soluble components for elimination. It employs six conjugation pathways, so don’t feel like you have to know this, but I am going to state them for scientific reasons.

[00:04:06] Jenny Swisher: Glucuronidation, Acetylation, Methylation, Amino Acid Conjugation, Sulfation, and Glutathione Conjugation. All of these words truly do matter, and if you want to do a deeper dive, feel free. Phase 2 demands significant energy and nutrient resources. Energy is derived from ATP produced by our mitochondria, while nutrients are obtained from food.

[00:04:27] Jenny Swisher: Each conjugation pathway has specific nutrient requirements. An effective detox diet would emphasize adequate protein intake to supply essential amino acids, sulfur rich foods, various fruits and vegetables representing all colors, and high quality omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These nutrients are crucial to fulfill phase two detox requirements.

[00:04:48] Jenny Swisher: Phase 1 detox enzymes are constantly activated throughout the day by various factors, both positive and negative. This can include environmental toxins, we’ve talked before here on the podcast about pesticides, paint fumes, dioxin, phthalates, right? This is all part of our environmental toxic load. Also influencing it, medications, steroids, sleeping pills, birth control pills, consumables like caffeine and alcohol, foods like cruciferous vegetables, and many B vitamins including inositol.

[00:05:17] Jenny Swisher: I just recently did a podcast on inositol, but I will link up for you in the show notes. Phase three, so the final step of this detox process requires a well functioning digestive tract and healthy bowel movements in order to work effectively. So I want to make this simpler for you. I want you to understand this in an analogy or story form, right?

[00:05:35] Jenny Swisher: I like to think about phase one as a constant water drip from a leaky faucet into a bathtub. Phase two is the drain with small openings that can quickly become blocked. Phase three would represent the sewer line. So you would have a real problem if it became congested. So when you’re approaching something like a detox program, and I put that in air quotes, you actually have to follow a sequence that’s in reverse.

[00:05:59] Jenny Swisher: You have to begin with phase three, right? The sewage line to make sure that all the sewer pipes are nice and clear. Then you move to supporting phase two through your diet and supplements. And then of course, finally you’re stimulating phase one with food while minimizing exposure to chemicals and toxins.

[00:06:17] Jenny Swisher: So here’s the deal, each of us are bio individual, and the way that our livers work differs from female to female. So Jane might have issues with her phase 2 detox process, while Mary is struggling with phase 3. The supplements that can help Jane are different from the supplements that can help Mary. And in fact, some supplements that women may blindly assume helps hormone balance because they’re marketed as liver detoxers, or hormone balancing, can in fact be more damaging depending on a woman’s pathways.

[00:06:44] Jenny Swisher: https: TheBusinessProfessor. com That leads me to a shameless plug for what I like to say here on the podcast often, which is health is individual. Working with a practitioner and investing in a Dutch complete test so that you can learn your unique pathways in liver methylation can be hugely helpful in creating a customized plan for your body.

[00:07:02] Jenny Swisher: That’s where the results lie. A liver detox that you find on the internet is not a custom plan, which means it’s all marketing, sister. When it comes to actual liver detoxes, the bottom line is that we are lacking human clinical trials on them.

[00:07:17] Jenny Swisher: So in other words, there is no scientific legitimacy behind them, and in fact, some out there can even cause harm. By telling women to eat a particular food or take a supplement without addressing her unique body and detox processes, she’s simply being sold something as most likely a weight loss product.

[00:07:34] Jenny Swisher: The absolute best way to help your body detox is to acknowledge that there is no quick fix and that a detox or cleanse is not what we’re after. What we’re after is supporting our liver and its natural ability to do the detoxing that it’s supposed to be doing. Shopping the organic producile is key, as is keeping our bodies hydrated and low stress.

[00:07:54] Jenny Swisher: But there are other things that we can be doing to support our livers. So my top tips for you, Because you know, I don’t always want to present the problem. I also want to offer a solution is we have ways that we can support our liver, things that we can do in our lifestyle and things that we can just add to our to do list.

[00:08:08] Jenny Swisher: And when it comes to becoming healthier, they can make all the difference. I’m going to go through those with you now. Number one, we can shop the organic produce section with a focus on cruciferous vegetables. If you tolerate them, I do know some women that just don’t handle Brussels sprouts and broccoli, their digestive system just don’t, they don’t like it.

[00:08:24] Jenny Swisher: So. If that’s the case, then maybe not. But if you can tolerate cruciferous vegetables, they tend to be a great choice. Also add things like green tea, beets, and even dark bottled olive oil as well. Never ever buy olive oil from a clear container. Number two, dry brushing. Dry brushing is a powerful way to help lymphatic drainage, to boost your circulation, and to just help your body detoxify naturally.

[00:08:49] Jenny Swisher: Number three, Epsom salt baths. Yes, I just gave you permission to take a nice luxurious warm Epsom salt bath. Number four, get yourself a castor oil pack and wear it around your midsection every night for a couple hours. I like the Queen of Thrones brand because the quality of the oil really matters and I trust that brand.

[00:09:06] Jenny Swisher: I’ll link it up for you in the show notes. Number five, focus on sweating daily and I don’t just mean exercise. Consider an infrared sauna or even just a basic sauna if at all possible. I recently just did an episode where I covered the scientific benefits of sauna for women. I’ll link it up for you in the show notes.

[00:09:24] Jenny Swisher: Number six, incorporate healthy, mold and mycotoxin free coffee every day. Yes, I just gave you permission to drink your coffee. But it’s gotta be the healthy kind of coffee. We have over 12 clinical studies on the power of healthy coffee for liver detoxification due to its bioactive compounds. I like Lifeboost coffee.

[00:09:42] Jenny Swisher: That’s my brand of choice. I’ve actually interviewed the CEO here on the podcast, which I’ll link up for you as well. Number seven, proper sleep girl. We have talked about this a lot lately on the podcast, but letting your body rest and sleep is how it’s going to function and the processes that it’s supposed to be doing on a daily basis.

[00:09:59] Jenny Swisher: Number eight, let’s talk what not to do, which is under fueling. Not eating enough protein is a huge issue with women and can create sluggishness in your digestion, energy, and even wreak havoc on your detox system. Focusing on fueling properly and eating enough often goes overlooked. Number nine is toxins.

[00:10:18] Jenny Swisher: Eliminating the things that go on or around our bodies. Things like household cleaners, skincare, and makeup. These things matter. They directly impact our hormone balance. Remove and replace toxic products by visiting ewg. org to search their product database for ratings. And again, I’ll link up for you my favorite skincare and household care products.

[00:10:37] Jenny Swisher: And then finally, number 10, incorporate glutathione. Glutathione is a powerhouse. So while most supplements should be bio individual, there are some like magnesium and omega threes, vitamin D and glutathione that can really benefit everyone. It’s naturally produced by the body and can also be supplemented.

[00:10:53] Jenny Swisher: It’s made of three essential amino acids. free radicals. It plays a role in immune function, liver detoxification, DNA repair, and so much more. If you’re not currently utilizing glutathione as a supplement, I highly recommend starting. I will link up for you my favorite elixir that contains your daily electrolytes, glutathione, and even pre and probiotics for digestive health.

[00:11:14] Jenny Swisher: But the bottom line, ladies, is that all of these things are basic lifestyle things that we can do to help our liver do what it’s designed to do, and that is to detoxify toxins from our body and to distribute hormones appropriately. When we can support our liver and not detox it, we can optimize our internal health.

[00:11:31] Jenny Swisher: Some women have fast liver metabolism, while others, as I raise my hand, have slow metabolism. Knowing what you uniquely have helps you target your supplements and practices accordingly. You are different from Jane, and the nutrients that you need and the way that you support your liver might differ.

[00:11:47] Jenny Swisher: Falling for an internet liver detox that claims to help you lose weight and all the things, when it’s really just directing you to the produce aisle is not necessarily what we need. It’s a great first step in embracing a health journey, but it’s not the bio individual plan that we truly need. Which, by the way, we are each in charge of creating for ourselves with the help of an actual functional medicine practitioner.

[00:12:08] Jenny Swisher: I’m saving you some money and frustration here, friends. Follow these tips that I gave you to support your liver. Don’t fall for the liver detoxes that are out there, and just know that above all else, you are uniquely you, and until you learn more about your own body, you could continue to struggle. It’s gonna be hard to find a quick fix out there on the internet that’s gonna work for everyone.

[00:12:27] Jenny Swisher: I hope this is helpful. As always, I’m seeing so many liver detoxes out there right now. And it’s so frustrating to know that in some cases there are supplements being recommended with zero attention to the individual. I actually recently just saw one that was recommending black cohosh, and we know that that can be helpful for some women and very harmful to others.

[00:12:43] Jenny Swisher: And I thought to myself, Oh my gosh, this is seriously the cringiest thing ever. Like we cannot fall for this. So a lot of times I’m seeing these as gimmicks to take your money where you could really just incorporate these simple lifestyle measures that we talked about today. Your body is a machine that deserves your support.

[00:13:00] Jenny Swisher: Of course we do that through doing our best with the fundamentals, right? Sleep, supplementation, exercise, nutrition, and managing our emotional traumas. Those are always going to be queen when it comes to our health. So as always, my friends, thank you for tuning in. I hope you learned something today until next time.

[00:13:16] Jenny Swisher: We’ll talk soon.

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