You know me. I like to keep it real. When you read my blog, you get 100% me, no filter.

Today, I’m keeping it short and sweet.

If you want something… really, really badly… you can’t just wish for it. And you can’t just work for it. You’ve got to make it hurt.

Here’s an example. When you decide you want to join a gym to get back in shape, showing up is the first step but it is nowhere near enough. You have got to push yourself to new limits. Know what that means?

1) You have to be willing to hear yourself breathe heavy and KEEP GOING. When it feels like your lungs are about to burst, and your heart is about to implode, you have to dig deeper.

2) You have to be willing to wake up sore every morning and smile, embracing the pain.

3) You have to watch other people, who are miles ahead of you in their journeys, and tell yourself, “That will be me.” You must not sit back and watch, thinking they are a freak of nature. They were you once. They showed up every day, and at some point, they started to make it hurt. And then they got addicted to the pain.

4) When you look at yourself in the mirror when drying your hair and you see the flab under your arm jiggle, you have to take that anger and insecurity and OWN IT. You have to do a set of push-ups, or go for a walk, and get your own expectations out of your head. Instead, you do something. And at the end of the day, you look in the mirror knowing that you are working on becoming the best possible version of yourself. And that is enough.

I have learned, as a personal trainer and online health Coach, that the people who achieve crazy success stories are people who decide one day that this life they’re living… the bulge over their pants, the exhaustion, the lack of focus, and the constant cravings, is complete crap. They get so damn angry at themselves for the way they’re living that they don’t just commit with a simple, “I will change.” They commit with a, “I’m going to make this hurt. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

And they do.

So if you’re someone who hasn’t started your journey because you’re scared, or because you are floating around in the Land of Inconsistency, you’ve got to go at this thing. You’ve got to enter the gym FIERCE, willing to kick and punch, push-up and crunch your way to the real you.

Because the real you is under there, and you’re scared to death. You’re angry. And I don’t mean just upset, I mean you’re f$#*!@% angry. Somewhere, under the stares at other people, beyond the excuses, is the real you, begging for you to get angry with it. To punch fear in the face. To turn into a sadistic fitness freak and become exactly what you hate so much right now. To put yourself in pain, willingly.

Guess what? On the other side of pain is this awesome thing called the soul. And the soul is unstoppable once it’s set on fire.

Let’s light the fire. Let’s not just hope, or wish, or make even a light commitment. Let’s work. Let’s push. Let’s make it hurt.

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