Interview with Lux Therapy Founder Tony Kovicak

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #9! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I’m interviewing Tony Kovicak, founder and managing director of Lux Therapy on the health benefits of red light therapy, especially as it pertains to women and hormone health. Tony talks specifically about conditions such as Hashimoto’s, thyroid issues, sleep struggles, and so much more. 

To get your own red light from Lux Therapy, use this link for 10% off:

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If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at

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Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast. I’m your host, Jenny Swisher, certified personal trainer, nutritionist, hormone health expert and girl mom, I believe all women should be able to understand how our bodies are designed to feel. And I teach you how to sync your lifestyle to your cycle to reach maximum energy. You deserve to feel your best. And this podcast is going to teach you how. Let’s dive in!

This podcast is sponsored by the SYNC Digital Course, to take the free hormone imbalance quiz to see what your symptoms could mean about your health. Visit That’s sync s y n c dot Jenny

Okay, guys, welcome to the show. I’m so excited today to have my friend Tony Kovicak. With me, he’s going to give us a little bit of background here in a minute. But before we get there, I just want to say we were connected through a mutual friend. And in just meeting with him a couple times, I’ve learned so much about this concept of red light therapy, which is what we’re going to be diving into today. Those of you guys listening know that I’m a really big fan of sort of biohacking finding anything I can to improve my performance and my just my body in general. I’m a huge fan of we just finished talking actually before this recording about clean coffee, you know, nutritional supplements, all that kind of stuff. And so this concept of a red light therapy is new to me. It’s something that I’m learning about, and I’m going to learn alongside with you guys. Today I’m going to ask some questions from a very basic level, all about this concept, and he is the perfect person to answer those questions. So Tony, I’m gonna let you sort of introduce yourself. You are the CEO and founder of Lux Therapy. But I want to hear more about sort of how you got here. What is your backstory with this? And what led you to entrepreneurship?

Awesome, awesome. Thank you for having me, Jenny, and thanks for the audience for joining. Yeah, like, I’ve come into the world of red light therapy, kind of like what you were just describing, I’ve kind of been a biohacker. Throughout my life, I grew up in the eastern side of Michigan, the youngest of four, blue collar family. But as an athlete growing up, I was a wrestler, and through that process of in that journey, I really became aware of nutrition and how eating properly can help your performance. And through that journey of kind of become a lifelong biohacker. And understanding being an optimize. So through that journey I over the course of my life, I’ve come through a lot of different fields, I was involved in food and product development. At one point I was going to be a chef just because I started really enjoying the process of how learning about things that can affect our body and help our health and wellness. And through that I’ve kind of found myself throughout my life being involved in a lot of different things. And about four years ago, five years ago, I came across red light therapy. And at that time, I was living out in San Francisco, and working for a company that developed custom electronics for Google. And in that process, I was actually traveling to Asia where we actually manufacture a lot of those products for them. And I came across red light therapy just on one of the one of the podcasts. I think that we’ve probably listened to Dave Asprey. They were discussing it, I thought, What is this stuff, so I started really digging into it. And at that point, I kind of under an understanding, like, wow, there’s something here. So I bought these devices for my family. And I just kind of watched in and understood in just witness what was happening as they implemented these types of devices in this technology into your life. And the thing that really put me on the path was watching my 75 year old mother incorporated into her life and how it affected her and how she really just wasn’t really completely aware of what was happening, but knew that it was changing her life in a positive way. And as she really embraced it, I kind of understood that there’s a path for bringing this to other people that don’t really understand it. Like like we’re talking about before we jumped on the podcast, podcast, you become kind of an expert in the hormone world. And in really digging into the complexities of that. A lot of people don’t really understand that. But when you actually just understand that there’s, there’s a pathway to understanding it, you gain traction, and you bring energy around that area of your life and you can take control of it. So through that and with joining in a couple of partners over in Asia where we actually manufacture our product. We created Lux Therapy. We’ve been bringing these devices to the world for the last year, year and a half. And really we’ve we’ve had a great journey with you know, meeting people like yourself and getting on and bringing this kind of event Mission to the masses. So it’s been a great journey, and I’m just on the front end of it. It’s really taking control of my life, but it’s helping a lot of people that we connect with. So it’s been a great journey up into this point.

That’s amazing. I love that. And I love I love when entrepreneurship is born out of a need. My grandfather was actually an entrepreneur as well. And I remember talking to him, probably in the last year or two of his life in his 90s. And asking him like, what led you to starting a trucking company? That was that was his entrepreneurial endeavor. And he said, Well, I saw a need. He said, I saw a need. And that sounds like my experience too. And your experience too. And I think that’s ultimately what leads to successful entrepreneurship is if you see that need, and you can fill it and serve people. There’s no, there’s no holding you back. So I’m interested in hearing more about sort of your mother’s journey and what you’ve kind of seen transformed for her. But first, can you give us sort of just a dictionary level description for those who’ve maybe never heard of red light therapy before? Can you tell us what it is?

Yeah, yeah, great, great introduction there. And, you know, red light therapy is really, when you think about how our body evolved, we evolved to be within natural sunlight. Like up until the last 50 years, most of people’s, you know, time was spent outdoors, either the morning, midday or evening light, and then you would shut down, and you would sleep and you recover. And, you know, you think about the biology of humans, or really anything that’s alive has evolved with light. And different organisms actually have different ways that they interact with those those wavelengths, there’s really five specific wavelengths of light, that, and let’s not even say light, let’s say, like radiation. When you think about the things that are affecting our body, you have UV, you have ultraviolet, you have blue light, you have red light, and you have near infrared, those are the five bioactive wavelengths that really interact with our body. And what what’s over time, what has allowed us to really grow in our bodies to be healthy as having a nice balance of those wavelengths. So when you think about red light therapy, and what’s really happened over the last 25 years, is it started to understand that when you look at these individual wavelengths, and it’s really an intersection of the science of understanding what’s happening, as we are exposed to all of these wavelengths, we have a nice balance of those the body functions and its proper state. However, when we get too much blue light, which we are hearing about over the last 10 years, you know, our Apple devices, and our Android devices now have filters on them, we have blue blockers, and people are using a lot of different ways of controlling their environment. But really, what that is, is your body’s reaction to an over and under stimulation of specific wavelengths. So what we over the last 30 years has happened with humans as we’ve moved indoors, and through that process, we’re completely exposed to tons of blue light, which blue light is great, because it energizes the body, you want that and they make certain devices that help stimulate that, that helps control your circadian rhythm. But what you’re getting because 90% of the time we are spent in artificial light, you have too much blue light, which actually screws up your circadian rhythm. So what you need to do is either get out into the natural sunlight and get the appropriate amount of all the appropriate wavelengths, or supplement with the thing like a red light therapy device that has both red and near infrared wavelengths that really interact with our body. So what they found over the course of the last 25 years, and this really started with NASA back in the 90s, NASA was trying to understand and develop ways that they could create a more healthy environment for the astronauts. And when they started studying all these various wavelengths, they realized that the body healed really well with red light. And then they started digging into a few of the other wavelengths. And they realized red light and near infrared light actually interacts with our bodies in a very beneficial way. So when you think about the human body, the human body, every cell in our body has a thing called mitochondria. The mitochondria is really what drives many of the biological processes within our system. And by stimulating that with a thing called cytochrome c oxidase, which actually has a photo receptor on it that accepts red and near infrared wavelengths, you trigger activity within that cell. So whatever that cell was meant to do, it does better. And by triggering that site of cytochrome c oxidase, it creates ATP, which is cellular energy, which then creates more biological action, whatever’s going on. So, you know, anecdotally in Michigan, where we live, where I live, I’m on bike a lot during the summer, and during that time, I inevitably get poison ivy because you’re just riding a bike through the woods. And with this process of using red light therapy, you can take, you can go through the process of getting poison ivy and getting your body to heal like super quick, within three to five days, you can basically stop the process. And anecdotal situations like that are really great. And that’s that’s the thing like with this, like I mentioned, every cell in your body has this mitochondria. So you’re going to see positive impacts a lot of different cascading ways. So I always explained it to people like, hey, anecdotally, you’re going to see this in a variety of ways. If your system is deficient, one area, if you apply, apply red or near infrared light to it, typically, you’ll gain a function that actually helps with the homeostasis of your system wherever you’re deficient. So that’s kind of the basis of what is going on with red light, and infrared light. That is,

That is an amazing description. I love that. And I’ve been so it’s funny, because I’ve actually listened to about three different podcasts this year, alone, and it’s only like, what is this like the first week of the year? When we’re recording this. And I keep hearing the same things. I’ve listened to several experts in sort of the biohacking field. Talk about how, you know, when they’re asked about what do you do first thing in the morning, what is your morning routine, I’ve heard three different individuals say that the very first thing that they do is they go outside, regardless of the temperature, and they just stare up at the sunlight for like up to 10 minutes to really set their search their circadian rhythm. And I heard that, you know, they always say you have to hear something so many times before you implement it yourself. And so I you know, I started doing this this year, when I made my list of health goals. It sounds so silly to say, and I’m sure that, you know, when I mentioned it to some family members, they were like, they looked at me like okay, like sounds like a good plan crazy person. But it’s you know, it’s funny, because women in particular, you know, and that’s, that’s who I’m speaking to here specifically is, I hear so often that I just feel off, I can’t sleep at night, I feel like my rhythm is all off. Well, what they’re speaking about most likely, is their circadian rhythm. Because they might be different dealing with perimenopausal symptoms, or, or whatever the case might be for them. They’re not sleeping well. And that’s kind of screwing up their entire 24 hour, you know, cadence. And so I’d love to hear from you. What is it that makes red light therapy different from sunlight? Can you kind of compare the the benefits of that for us?

Sure. Yeah, that’s great. A great intro. And, you know, that’s one of the things too, and we can jump into that at a later time in the conversation. But the sleep is one of the first things I noticed when I started using it, a lot of people that incorporate it, you realize there’s such a deficiency of basically the melatonin that is released through the pineal gland, because the red light basically stimulates that, that it’s the end of the day, and your body creates more melatonin. So once you start getting more of that in your system, you see immediate sleep and in recovery, you start sleeping so much better. So yeah, so that that’s kind of one of the main things there. It’s very interesting. Like when I started really getting into this, like, I started buying all the equipment to measure lights and measure the sunlight. And when you actually look at the sun, you know, how we were raised in understanding the science behind light ROYGBIV, if you remember from from childhood, red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet. But when you take full spectrum sun, when you’re getting that mid day, your body can really only handle a specific quantity of that because of the amount of the UV that is in that so it feels great. But you’re not getting enough for the red in the near infrared, or any of those other wavelengths. Because it is a completely it’s a full spectrum. So when they say in the morning, for example, it’s like get out and get into the sunlight you had mentioned, what you’re really getting, because of the way the sun is coming through the atmosphere, it’s filtering out a lot of that UV, so you can actually be in the sunlight in the in the morning and night long. So if you can get out into natural sunlight, morning and evening is really how you, you want to do that. So all of the wavelengths are present in full spectrum, but you can’t get enough of a therapeutic dose, which is the key like so our devices designed around to specific groups of wavelengths red and near infrared. And within each of those wavelengths, we have picked two wavelengths. So in red, we have 630, and 660. And infrared we have 830 and 850. Those are the two most beneficial bands. But then we divided those across two very specific wavelengths with help interact with the body. And they found that there’s very specific biological effects from each of those. So you can with our device, for example, just get red, which for example, you were mentioning in the morning looking into the sun, there was actually a great study that had just come out that basically basically they they went and they analyzed people utilizing red in near infrared light in the morning and it helps with macular degeneration. So it actually helped people improve their eyesight. And what they found is that by using just read between 7 and 10am, in the mornings more in that range, and not infrared, they had a higher propensity for healthier eyesight. So it’s like a very interesting thing that even though you would think that you could get both of these wavelengths, there’s actually a higher a higher efficacy of using just red, which correlates to what we were just talking about, you go out in the morning, and a lot of people biohackers go out and get and look into the sun very first thing in the morning, it’s, it’s hard to describe until you see a study like that, it just feels right. You know, and like this is this is kind of the thing that a lot of times, we don’t really know, the vernacular to understand or describe what is happening, but we know something inherently is right. And we do things like that. And you know, I love seeing the science that comes out and hearing people like you talk about in because we’re in the health and wellness in the biohacking field, you talk to people a lot that have experiences, and it just makes sense. And it supports a lot of the work that you’re doing and things that we as Lux Therapy are doing as well.

Right? Yeah, I think you know, and I say this with a lot of my guests and whatnot. But I think it’s really common for us to as a society, to really think of, unfortunately, I should say, to think of health from a reactive state. So in other words, a lot of times, especially in our country, I think people wait until a certain point or whenever something arises, whether it be cancer, or you know, a thyroid condition, whatever the case is, and then they start to sort of retro actively treat themselves, which there’s no, there’s no problem with that, necessarily, but I you know, I also think that modern medicine is, you know, I can’t think of the last time that I mean, it’s been probably 10 years since I met with like a traditional doctor, I work with functional medicine doctors now. But I know that when I was dealing with my migraine journey and sort of my issues, my chronic issues years ago, I met with neurologist upon neurologist upon spinal specialist, I met with everybody. And it’s, it seems like never once in that probably four year journey, did I ever get asked about my sleep quality, my nutrition, my exercise, my vitamin D levels, or my, my, you know, vitamin levels. And, you know, it’s that’s just a difference in thought. And so it’s a difference in treating your body retro actively versus proactively and I love I love this conversation about the circadian rhythm. I mean, this is something that I’ve been paying attention to, since I think it was also Dave Asprey years ago, mentioning on his podcast, that the best way to because I’ve always been somebody who I’m terrible with jetlag, so if I fly, even if I just fly to California, I’m in the Midwest, and if I fly to California, it takes me like two days to feel like myself. And his recommendation I’ll never forget this was when you’re flying to a different time zone, you should immediately find greenspace grass somewhere and lie down and look up at the sun. For I think he said it was like, like 30 minutes, like if you can lie in the grass and look up the sun for 30 minutes. And I remember when my husband and I traveled to Italy, I was so miserable from the jetlag, that I was, like, we just need to find a park, I just need to keep it that I was totally crazy. But you know, it’s it’s so true. And until you start to experience that until you really start to treat your health proactively, and really dig into this stuff. I love what you’re saying about a lot of times it can’t be explained as well as it can be experienced. So having somebody say like, gosh, I’ve been doing this, and I feel so much different. That’s where the power lies, you know?

Yeah. And I find you know, you mentioned it a little bit regarding the medical field. And we meet with a lot of doctors and podiatrists and different groups that they’re kind of on the front end of understanding this stuff, but they don’t really know because it’s such a niche. It’s really a niche area of medicine that in frankly, you know, there’s no money in a cure for a lot of these places. And it’s it’s kind of a thing that I realized even you know, we talked about my mother a little bit and I’ll dig more into that, and on her journey, but seeing how people are medically treated versus optimizing a system and optimizing their ability to have better health and wellness which cascades into various different areas of their life to help them be more optimized. A lot of the doctors might go in I’ll take the research directly into them because they they’re not aware of it. But when they start looking through and they understand that there’s 1000s of peer reviewed research papers on red and near infrared light therapy that can help with you know, a lot of podiatrist they do surgeries that they’ll use our devices in order to prep and improve the circulation prior to the surgery whether they’re doing ankle knees and it helps stimulate the area so that it’s it has a higher efficacy of success rate and then they use that after because it helps with wound heal. So doctors love it. Because, you know, the research is so new. And because it is complicated, but because there’s so much out there, you know, a lot of the research is done in other countries besides the United States, which is somewhat frustrating. But it’s very exciting for me to meet with those folks and help educate them and help them see that there’s a there’s a pathway that is new, and they can get better results from combining something new with the things that they’ve done for. So it’s a it’s a great thing. It’s it’s kind of cool seeing how people incorporate it in their practices in the businesses.

Yeah, yeah. Well, I’m curious, it sounds to me like red light therapy is really just all benefits, are there any side effects associated with it, or any issues that people can have with it? Or is it mostly just this is here for your benefit,

it’s mostly benefit, but what you find is because of their subject efficiency with people’s systems, sometimes when people incorporate it, initially, they have some version of toxicity that kind of gets flushed through their system. So you’ll find people sometimes that will start doing it, and they’ll feel pain from an area, because it’s really like, you’re stimulating an area with new, you know, energy that they haven’t seen before. But really what it’s doing is moving the nitric oxide out of those cells, and helping to create circulation with them, you also can experience in a very, very small percentage of the population photosensitivity. But usually, you can work through that, like what we typically do, when you start doing these types of practices, is do three to five minutes on a kind of discreet area of your body, like we usually recommend your forearm the inside of your arm, and just do three to five minutes. And if you have no redness or irritation, or whatnot, that’s really the sign that you’re not photosensitive, and you you know, some people actually, if they go into the sun, side sun, depending on complexion, their body reacts very differently. So we always, we always recommend to start slow, and the body will typically start reacting with the light in a way that may be new to them. But over the course of five to seven treatments, the course of a couple of weeks, they’ll get through that, and then their body will adapt to it and they’ll be fine. So the other thing that can happen too, is a thing called biphasic response, which basically means you go through the curve of optimal dosage. So there’s a dosage calculator that goes with the device, depending on what you’re trying to treat. And if you go too far past it, there’s no real negatives, but you lose all the positives. So once you get into this bell curve, you find this little song that’s appropriate. So for like skin, for example, we were recommended between seven and 10 minutes every other day. deeper things like ligaments and tissue, bone remodeling, those things can take a little bit more time and also more treatments. But again, you can you can set in front of the light, I usually do every other day, at least 20 to 30 minutes. And then the way we’ve designed our light, like I use it, a lot of times for working out, I’ll have a setup. So between doing something, I’ll go stand in front of it for a couple of minutes and move the light around. So it’s very convenient to kind of have one I have one in my office right now that I turn on, when I have a podcast like this, I’m gonna have it going work on my ankle that I rolled a couple years ago. So not really not any real major negatives, though, which is exciting. It’s fascinating to watch different people that have different levels of health and wellness, who incorporated a lot of biohackers. And people that are like down their journey. There, they incorporate it and they’re just they see like muscle recovery and performance. Where some people it’s like, they’re sleep deprived, or they have skin issues, things that are topically you know, top of mind for them that they can affect. So it’s anecdotally it’s like, and because of the way that it works, like we had mentioned at the beginning, there’s so many different various, like cascading effects within our systems. And you know, within the hormone world, like, as one thing gets optimized, it leads to another optimized system within the body, which is great. And I love that that you can you can use it for skin, you can use it for testosterone production, and you can use it for a lot of different things. So yeah, I love being able to see and watch it with with our customers and our clients, which is very so

And that’s what I want to dive into next really is like let’s talk more specifically about hormone health. And, you know, women in particular, this if that’s who is most likely going to be listening to this. You know, we had a brief conversation before this podcast about this. And we talked about, first of all the sheer number of women who are dealing with some sort of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimotos, autoimmune disease, you name it, right. There are so many different sort of endocrine conditions out there. What could red light therapy do for those women in particular?

Yeah, it’s in preparation for this and also In a couple other podcasts have kind of dug into, you know, the high level stuff and Hashimotos is very interesting and how it actually helps with stimulating and providing homeostasis for the thyroid, really what you have is because of the various levels within hypothyroidism, Hashimotos and things of that nature, you have hypo and hyper where it can, a lot of times people systems can be up or down. And the beauty of red light therapy is that because it actually increases the health of the system that it is interacting with, it will do both, it doesn’t just increase everything. So if you have hyper, it’s not going to make it worse, it actually helps it to regulate down which is great. So all you find is that with with thyroid, it basically helps increase the things that are positive, there’s a couple of them that, you know, the TPOAb levels, for example, they did a study on this, and 50% of the people that did this had a major decrease in those levels. But it also helped with the EI and it increased those levels as well. So it’s like, even though it again, helps increase things, it can help decrease them as well. So people that actually have gone through these studies, they tested them. And even after nine months, they were actually had really regulated systems just by getting like 10 doses of this over the course of a couple of weeks. So people that have suffered with this and embed on medications, it’s a great system for helping to regulate that. And you know, the thyroid is that gland that’s right behind your throat. So a lot of times what they’ll do is they’ll, they’ll shine the light on various spots, both sides, and it helps increase those systems. So that’s one of the major ones that are really helps with, I don’t know, in your world of hormones and regulation and whatnot. You have a lot of clients that have hypothyroidism and Hashimotos.

Yeah, I would say that it’s pretty common. It’s you know, I mean, I would say the most common things that I see are Hashimotos, autoimmune, or like PCOS, sex hormone conditions. And one of the one of the things that I teach in the course, is we talk about this concept of what I call the four legged chair, being your endocrine system. So your thyroid, your cortisol and stress response, your sugar and your sex hormones, and how, you know, I give the example that if one of those legs of the chair gets sort of sawed off, right, if you have a weakness in one area, what’s going to happen to the whole chair, the whole chair is going to crumble. And then also, you know, we talked about the chair itself, what kind of ground is it sitting on? Which is your gut, you know, is it sitting on a nice firm hardwood floor right or concrete floor? Or is it sitting on sand? And of course, that foundation is your gut health. And so, you know, when we look at these things, one of the things that comes up often regardless of condition, regardless of where that imbalance lies is liver function, are you You know excreting the toxins in your body. I remember I remember my doctor specifically telling me, my functional medicine doctor told me this years ago, because I was really struggling to understand like, what because for me, everything has manifested as migraine. You know, I did I have other symptoms, yes. But of course, they were kind of, I didn’t really see them because I was struggling with a headache. And so when I talked to her about it, you know, for me, specifically, my trigger is estrogen dominance. So my body seems to be that ratio of estrogen to progesterone is off, I have higher estrogen in relation to my progesterone. So when that happens at different phases of my cycle, whether it’s right before my period starts or if it’s right at ovulation when estrogen surges, I get really bad intense migraines. Now granted, I’ve been able to supplement and I use bioidentical progesterone now, and those headaches have really resolved for the most part. But I started to understand my triggers, and I wanted to dig deeper and understand from her aren’t I suppose that I thought I was supposed to produce estrogen. You know, I mean, like, what, why is my body producing more, and she really had to describe to me that, you know, because of environmental estrogens, and things that I could be consuming, or just things that I’m around, whether it’s the shampoo products that I use, or the makeup that I use, and all the things that are in my house, the cleaning supplies, all that kind of stuff can can become these sort of toxic estrogens in the body. And she said to me, for you, specifically, estrogen is toxic. You’re something with the methylation of my liver and the way that my liver processes estrogen, it just isn’t up to speed. And so that’s why I have to take specific supplements to really sort of expedite that process and help my body excrete those toxins. And so I’m specifically interested in red light therapy because I want to see how it might improve that liver function for myself. So I don’t know if you want to touch on any of that if that’s something that’s in your wheelhouse or not, but I think that how our body you know, excretes toxins is so key to kind of getting to the root cause of what’s going on for people regardless What what leg of the chair is weak?

Yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s fascinating when you start understanding the various systems that are affected by this, because what one of the things that we talked about a little bit was melatonin, you know, melatonin. It’s one of those those from the pineal gland that basically is stimulated when the body is exposed to red light. It’s basically saying it’s evening suns going down, get ready to sleep, produce more of this. But you know, what we might have heard during the pandemic was, they started really understanding people’s deficiencies, and vitamin D was a big one. But also people that had melatonin deficiencies also had higher mortality rates with COVID. And they started digging into that. And they started really digging and understanding that melatonin is also cytoprotective as well, that basically helps the body manage the toxins and managed through and it helps the mitochondria be protected against various toxins, whether it’s stress, or things like environmental toxins that were exposed to, and like you had mentioned shampoos, and things of that nature, it’s like all of our body is being exposed to that on on various levels that we don’t understand. So when your system is optimized, it can deal with those in a better way. And you mentioned liver and red light therapy actually has been shown to help with kind of the sorting of nutrients and toxins, it optimizes the liver so that it can be more efficient with managing that stuff, which is I didn’t, I didn’t really know. I mean, I knew it helped with sleep. But really, when we dug into it and understand how it helps with the the electron transport chain, it moves the nutrients through the various stages of that, and it helps to be more optimized. So they found that through, you know, the pandemic, there, were really researching melatonin. And a lot of that research from air different studies kind of came into play in there. So melatonin so when you increase things like melatonin production in your body, you can you can fight off various toxins better, which is amazing. And I find that to be kind of one of the added benefits of using a device like this or even anything or being out in natural sunlight. Good stuff.

Yeah, absolutely. I remember. For me, when I was dealing with my migraines and stuff like that, which also happened, I didn’t realize at the time, but it happened to be connected, of course to my migraines were connected to my sleep, of course, is all interconnected. And coming to that realization that, you know, I think at some point, I had a physical therapist or someone that I was working with mentioned to me, you know, you have to think of sleep as sort of like the reboot of your computer system, right? Like, you need those deep levels of REM, there’s deep levels of sleep during the night so that your body and your brain can reset. And so when I was dealing with this sort of chronic state of pain, and also only sleeping and sort of that light layer of sleep, because of the pain, I was never really letting my brain sort of rewash and re cleanse and reboot, I actually have a blog post on this topic about sleeping, the ultimate reboot, I actually for Christmas this year, I got the aura ring. I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the aura ring, but my husband and I got them for each other. And it’s been really enlightening to see the the nights that I feel like oh, I you know, I was in bed for eight hours, I slept good. And then I look at my data and I’m like, whoo, I really only had 45 minutes of REM sleep, you know, or I’m miss timing my tiredness, right, that’s the thing I keep getting informed is that I’m staying up too late, which I know I’m a glorified night owl. So, but just improving sleep, at the end of the day like is number one, you know, and I teach the four fundamentals of hormone balance in my course, as being sleep number one, supplementation, nutrition and fitness, fitness comes last. And it’s funny because most women come to the game ready to work ready to work out, like they’re ready to move, they’re ready to lose the weight, they’re ready to feel better. And I love that you’re willing to move. But if we’re not addressing your sleep, or if you’re putting your adrenals in a state of crisis, you know, because of your lack of sleep, that exercise isn’t gonna do anything except maybe you can reverse your progress. So it’s, you know, I love that this is so you’re giving us so much information about how it can really help that sleep system and help your melatonin production. Because that really is number one, like we really do need to look at sleep first. So

Because there’s so many systems that this affects, and because when you look, as you know, in this describing the systems that you just described, all of them kind of play into each other and you have these little micro systems that if they’re off, you can kind of you can kind of adjust to that and you can with exercise or extra coffee or whatever you want to do, you can you can combat these things. But it doesn’t mean that it’s really helping you be balanced and in a state of wellness. So I kind of find that the things that as I dig more into the research behind this. It’s really fascinating and I love having these conversations Where we go deep? So bring it on.

I know I love I love vibing with people who are fellow biohackers. So okay, so is there anything that you wanted to touch on as far as you know, because I know that what will bring people to the podcast and it will bring people to this journey of under, you know, understanding hormone health usually starts with weight loss. Usually a woman says I’m sick of feeling this way, I don’t have enough energy. I don’t like the way I look or feel I need to lose some weight. And that’s usually what brings people into this journey of discovering how to get healthier. And so what would you say to that woman who’s looking for, you know, to lose some cellulite to lose some some fat to lose some weight around the belly or the thighs? Like what what could red light therapy do for her?

Yeah, they’ve done. They’ve done a lot of research. And a lot of studies on this actually, I have a physical therapist here in town that has started using the devices and they’ve got great results and look at body slimming. So what they found is that through utilizing red light, it actually changes the molecular system, and how the body manages the lipids that pass through the fatty acids. So when you apply the light to cellulite, for example, and then you work out, it allows the body to flush those out of the system. So when you combine red light therapy, with an improvement in diet and exercise, and there’s a specific way that you manage those, those combination of elements, you get a great result. And if you just do body slimming red light therapy, you’ll see hundreds and hundreds of studying people in clinics are doing this all over the place, but it’s the same thing. It’s basically utilizing the light stimulates those cells, it changes the molecular structure of, of the fatty the fatty acids, like we had mentioned, and it creates a slimming effect within within weeks, what people will see major results if they just apply this with. And again, you can’t do it and not have added things like diet and nutrition and things of that nature. But at the end of the day, when you apply this, people see significant results results, which is amazing. You know, it’s it’s It took four weeks, and people notice significant changes already. So it’s a it’s an amazing thing that can be applied to almost anybody who’s looking for improvements in that area.

Awesome. Well, I for one, I’m excited to start using Lux therapy, and I’m excited to start using a red light, I’m going to incorporate it into my morning. Today, we were just we were just talking about the fact that it is three degrees where I am right now. And so as much as I would like to go stand outside and look at the sun for 10 minutes this morning, I did make it to my front window, which I’m sure is nowhere near the same. But I was like, No way. So the rest of the red lights gonna come in especially helpful in the winter season. But I want I want you to tell people, you know what’s on the horizon for Lux Therapy, like what is in your, what is the outlook for this year for you. And also tell us where we can find you. And where people can where people can invest in a red light.

Yeah, you can follow us at we’re on both socials, red light therapy, lux therapy, red lights on both Facebook and Instagram. And again,, you can reach out to us if you have questions specific to any of the topics that we covered today, we have all of our studies listed on our Learn page. So lots of great information there. This year is going to be great for Lux therapy, we’ve we’ve brought on a lot of affiliates, and we have a lot of medical practitioners that are bringing our devices into play. So we are we’re starting to get traction all over the United States. And we’re doing doing great work with explaining having and conversations like this, really bringing it to the general population to the general public is really our goal for 2022. And really just, you know, giving people the knowledge to whether it is through buying one of our devices, or just through the process of getting out in the natural sunlight. You know, we really want people to just, you know, we didn’t really touch on it with a pandemic. But, you know, I really wish that we had the opportunity to increase our wellness. And I think you’re doing that with your group and the people that follow you. And we’re doing that as well. And I think we have the opportunity of increasing the wellness of our population, you know, whether that’s the people that were directly connected with, or just the general population through conversations like this. So appreciate you and your audience and bringing this to the table.

Well, I appreciate you being here and I appreciate your endeavor. With with Lux Therapy. I think you guys are headed to great places. I’ve I’m so glad we’ve connected for those of you who are interested, all of the links will be up in our show notes. So it is that is L u x therapy. There’s no E. So I’ll have all that linked up in the show notes. But Tony, thank you so much for being on here and for sharing your wisdom. I’m hoping that if I can start using this red light, maybe we can even have a follow up episode where we can dig into more questions in the near future so

can’t wait for for so appreciate it again.

Perfect. All right you guys until next time.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the SYNC Your Life podcast. I hope you found value from today’s episode. If you did, please share it out to your friends or leave a review. Remember your cycles are your superpower and by aligning with them, you can live your life with all the energy you need to be a mom, Wife, Daughter and friend to those you love. Until next time.

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